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, Public Notices ~ . .'^"i ~THE P__j__fHEONP & HUDSON are BtiU OFFERING, at CLEARING PRI CE 3tv BALANCE OP IRONMONGERY STOCK Of J. H. Spencer A Co. Also the Remaining Portion of FANCY GOODS, bought for Cash. x. *£ 1? ■& a »? n ? w receiving, ex Rakaia, a Special Parcel of BOOTS and CLOTm»,. 1 bought by Mr Mortlock (previous to leaving England) under special advantages fb?s& I 4-17 215 COLO MB O S TBBET l_i_ 1 B. HALE & CO.. *' I CASHEL STREET, | horse covessThobse COVEES From 17s 6d. +W} | WE have now on hand a very large stock of HORSE COVERS in various at»w 1 including one of a new description, and in recommending to the public nn7__& i known exceUent make, invite an inspection, especially by those who Uke a thoronoS Z?£ 1 article at a moderate cost. vug * s°o» 1 OILSKIN CLOTHING in great variety, which we Guarantee Waternmnf I TARPAULINS of all Sites kept in stock. MARQUEES ON HIRE, _a__4to 2S *on I Orders received for Manilla, Hemp, and Flax Binding Twine for next season * 1 Orders by Post or Telegram forwarded per first train or steamer 1 WHOLESALE ,waam «- 1 COLOMBO S fREET CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE"s___Sf I [ESTABLISHED 1860.] | -~*v*. . 131 COLOMBO STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. JOHN GOODMAN 1 STILL desirous of maintaining the preßtige which he has held for so many yea*. _. 1 the Cheapest Shop in Christchurch, has made further reductions in the »>£____ i his goods, in consequence of the Universal DuU Times— I Child's Lace Boots, from ... ... ... ... ... Os 9d ncr •_;» 1 Strap Shoes and Kid E.S. Boots, from _ B 6_ pwpaut 1 Lasting Goloshed Boots, from ... ... ... ... 6s 6d " I German Lasting Boots, from ... ... ... ... 6s 6d " 1 House Boots, rivetted, from ... ... ... ... 4s Od " 1 Watertights, factory make, from ... ... ... ... 16s 6d I Shooting Boots, from ._ ... ... ... ... 12a 6d " Canvas Shoes, from ... ... ... 6b 6a " Note the Address— JOHN GOODM AN, COLOMBO STREET CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE DEPOT 131 COLOMBO STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. II_fl» THfilEl^^ GOLD MEDAL WAS AWARDED TO THE EXHIBITS OF T. J. WATT EB S COOKING RANGE MANUFACTURER, WHITE AND BILACKS-UTa, fe CASHEL STREET, CHRISTCHURCH, Next Bank of Australasia. rfTHIS was the only Gold Medal awarded to any Cooking Range Manufacturer is t_a X Australasian Colonies, and was given for " Design," 1c Workmanship " aad " Cheapness." Ranges from 2ft 6in to 12ft fitted up with Grills, CSreulatug and !___. pressure Boilers. Hot water apparatus fitted up for baths and other purposes at alow price. Baths suppUed. Portable Ranges made from 3ft up to sft, fitted up wi_l____? Covings and Plate Racks, with Grills attached. The Trade suppUed. 11-23 2324 I

Hotels. ■ I PERTHSHIRE ARMS HOTBL*. I LINCOLN. I Sa IwLaNNING A CoMPANI'Si I SPARKLING PALE AX& I CAN BE OBTAINED I IN 1 5, 10, and 18-GALLON CASES AND- i UPWARDS, I AT '" I CHRISTCHURCH PRICES. 1 D. W. BARTRAM, I 2-4 6053 Pbofbibtob, ' B LANCASTER PARK HOTEI! " I FERRY ROAD. CHMSTCB.UKCH. I J. E. BASHFORD, Proprietor. , i TEE Proprietor having just erected the §j above Hotel, is nowprooared to reoeha' g guests and the travelling public. .The Btkh m „ second to none in the colony for aUtfct m requirements ef traveUere. Tramapsflßfe-. m door, and guests .ban be taken to any nan* m the city in a tow minutes. The cvasaa'm* fif partment wiU be under the direction ef a II thoroughly experienced ohef. Wines u4 m spirits of the finest qualities. §§ J. E. BASHFOBD. 1 N.B.—From it 3 close proximity to tti m Lancaster Park, it is very convenient fol ffi FootbaU, Cricket, and other Clubs fif 7-8 7222 S Election Notices* if . ' - CHRISTCHURCH DISTBICT DRAINAGE BOARD. AVON SUB3ISTEICT. THE following were the VOTES pdtoi This Day :— St. Albans, mond. TotsL. Mr WUliam Flesher 63 58 1« „S. B. Seymour... 83 14 W „ Geo. Swarm ... 9 2J S And 1 informal. ___, TTi _ I therefre declare Mr WILLIAM FLESHER Duly ELECTED.. ,_, GEO. LESLIE LEE, IReturnintr Officer. St. Albans, 16th April, 1884; 4-17 8W f i i - ASHLEY ROAD BOAKD. r ELECTION OF MEMBEM. * IN pursuance of the provisions of tfoRoad Boards Act, 1883, section a,I hereby give notice that an ELECTION * TWO PERSONS to serve on the Board* i place of Messrs D. Dick andß.F.Cr£ | (who retire by lot, but are eligible for rs; H election), wiU be held attheßead»>awi Office. Lobum. on WEDNESDAY, the 7ta day of May, 1884. , »„_-__». Nominations of Candidates must he mattein the form set forth in thesewndscheduie of the Regulation of Local __l**"ff_E_: 1876, must be addressed to Officer/and delivered at the .Road BMW Office, Loburn, before noon on SatWW* the 26th day of April, 1884. JAS. DUTHD3,. __. - Returning o£f*fc April 14th, 1884. ____t!i-^ OUST ROAD BOARD ELECTION I IN Pursuance of the I Boad Boards Act, g lation of Local ElectaoßßjtoUß76,ii>s«ML, fg give notice that an ELECTION I MEMBERS, to till the vacancy £$«£ g the retirement of Messrs J/, § and Jaa. Charles, wiU be held »L*MPf | Board Office, Cust, on FBIDAI, «*»* g dar of May, 1881. ~ ~_,_»» 8 Nominations must be in the tormVX | scribed by the R^* 10 ? £*»$£ V | Officer, and delivered at thalg*^J3_, B Office. Cust, before g 25th day of April, 1884. § tion may be obtained from the uw** , ; g Bi^e^OHNHEAD,Retur_i I I 1 ELECTION OF MEMBERS. r 1 TN pursuance-of"S V^% f X Road Boards Act, Of gfe ft Begulationof J^. I 2 a M hereby give notice that aaL**^£_«||r_s 1 TWO PERSONS to 1 4e Board fertile above | the retirement of M«wrsFraM te& £«-. | and John Cameron, who W i Saturday, the | J, BIAS- ■ &Balcairn, 16th mihUi""- ; iTir ' 1

NERVOUS DEBILITY. A CURE GUARANTEED BE. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT, A guaranteed specifio for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain resulting in Insanity and loading to misery, decay, and death. Premature Old Ago, Barrenesß, Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Spermatorrhoea caused by over exertion off the brain or overindulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. 5s a box, or six boxes for 258, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with 255, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by G. BONNINGTON, Chemist, Sole Agent, Christohurch, New Zealand. . 8-17 8890 HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAY'SPILLSANDOniTMENT. THE PILLS Purify the blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to females. The OINTMENT is the only ieUable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores, and Ulcers. For Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases, it has no equal. Sold by the Proprietor, Thomas Holloway, 78 New Oxford street London, and by aU medicine vendors throughout the world 7-3 76!> Hotels. ROTHEEFIELD HOTEL. HAVING a LARGE STOCK of some of the FINEST LIQUORS in Chnstchurch, I wUI be pleased to receive and executeaUorders._ __ NBABj 12-15 3498 Proprietor. ICT O R I.A N_ HOT EL, Colombo street, Christchurch. Having again taken possession of the above well-known old-established and favorite Hotel, having been thoroughly renovated and refitted, wUI now be found replete with every convenience, no expense having been spared to ensure the comfort of visiters. The reputation of my management needno comment. _ __.__,— P. BURKE, I Late ef the Southern Cross Hotel, 3-20 7800 Addington. SOUTHERN CROSS HOTEL, ADDINGTON. THE PROPRIETOR having taken the above new Hotel, has much pleasure to inform his many friends and the general pubUc that they will find every comfort and attention at the above well buUt and- elegantly furnished Hotel. The Hotel is only a few chains from the Addington Railway Station and Sale Yards. Therefore those attending to the sales, or coming in with late trains, or wanting te fet away by the early trains, will find the [otel a great convenience.

Trams pass the door every half hour. ROBERT RUSSELL, Late of the White Swan Hotel, Tuam street, Christchurch. 3-20 7799 CANTERBURY HOTEL, METHVEN. W ROUSE begs to inform the public • and tl.e inhabitants of Methven and surrounding districts that he is prepared to offer first-class accommodation, with every convenience and comfort, at the above newly erected and commodious hotel. All the rooms are Ught, airy, and furnished in a superior and the Proprietor Bpares no pains or expense to make the CANTERBURY HOTEL the best hotel in the district. There is a first-class BILLIARD ROOM, with one of Alcock's best tables. AH wines and beers suppUed are of the best brands. Good stabling, and horses and buggies on hire. 3-12 7445 W. ROUSE, Proprietor. CeNTEAL JIX OT BL ASHBURTON. J. BEECHER begs to inform bis many Friends and the General PubUc that they wiU find every comfort and attention at the above weU appointed and centrally situated Hotel. Elegantly Furnished. Private Apartments. Large Commercial and Sample Rooms. Good Billiard Saloon. AU Liquors guaranteed to be of the best brands. Good Stabling. 8-3 8367 J. BEECHER, Proprietor. QUILL'S HOTEL, ASHBURTON, Opposite the Railway Station. fTTHE Proprietordesirea to notify to ComJL mercial •TraveUera, Families and Visitors that the above Establishment mnot tobe excelled in the colony. The Private Apartments are speciaUy designed for the comfort and privacy of families. Splendid Commercial Room and an excellent Library, large Sample Room, Billiard Room, Rathrooms, Ac. AU Wines and Beers supplied are of the best brands. The Railway Refreshment Rooms, Ashburton, are also under the management of the Proprietor of Quill's Hotel. . . THOMAS QUILL Proprietor. -6 6143

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Press, Volume XL, Issue 5801, 17 April 1884, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume XL, Issue 5801, 17 April 1884, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume XL, Issue 5801, 17 April 1884, Page 4