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Cathedral Banns.—The bells of the Cathedral rang a muffled peal last night as a tribute of respect to_Jjh£ igempry of_ the "^T__ i _!_____r Street Bbidoh.—The new bridge over the Avon at Armagh street will be formerly opened by Hia Worship the Mayor i^_B_3H_|&*fe-_-^__^^ow.—The spring show of the Rangiora Society takes -place to-day as announced in oijr columns. :j Cathbdbai. Mission Services.—The service last., night at the Cathedral was conducted by the Very Rev. the Dean of Christchurch and Rsv. H. B Cooks. Tonight it wUI be by Rev. H. C.. M. Watson and Rev. T. Jasper Smyth. Salvation at Bahqiora.--On Wednesday last "Happy Tom" (Mr ProuJe) held a large meeting here, and it is thought that this new reUgious movement wiU take hold in this town also. Mb Hamh/toi. s Funebai,—The funeral of the late Mr W. J. W. HamUton wiU take place at half-past two to-day, at the Cemetery. His Lordship the Primate desires us to intimate his wish that members of the Synod wiU attend the ceremony. Th-atrb Royal.—The Court Minstrels appeared again at the Theatre Royal last night. This evening is the last of the present programme, a change being announced for Saturday evening. A matinee performance wiU be given on Saturday afternoon, when every chUd attending wUI recive a present. Rangiora Lichnsing Cohkitths.—At this Court on Wednesday, present, Messrs Johnston, Keir, Wallace and. Leach, a transfer of license of the Club Hotel from C. Stubbs to H. Archer was agreed to. Attention of the poUoe was directed to the question of Sunday drinking. Aquatics.—Should the weather prove fine, to-morrow wiU be a busy day on. the Avon in connection with the various clubs. The Canterbury Club wiU row off their Maiden Fours over a course of a mUe and a half, and the Union wUI r.w their Trial Fours over the same distance' for the prize, presented by Mr Henry Thomson. A Hard Case.—Late last night an old man was taken to the Hospital in a dying state. He was too exhausted to give his name. The police found him lying in a fowlbouse at Sydenham. He had been there for some days with no one to attend to him, though it is said that he has two , sons in the district. "Patdwcb." — To-night at the OddfeUowa' HaU the la-lies and gentlemen who have been so successful at Kaiapoi in the representation of "Patience," wiU give a performance of that opera. No doubt as this is not only the first time the opera has been played in Christchurch by amateurß,but also on account of the success elsewhere, there wUI be a large audience on the occasion. Thb Ly-TJKlton R_kutta.—lt is said that the Dunedin yacht Winnefred will be a competitor in the yacht race at the regatta here, on New Year's Day, and if satisfactory arrangements can be made with the union Steamship Company, possibly Otago wUI be repesented in that race by two other Dunedin yachts. The Drainaqb Rate.—A meeting of the ratepayers of the Drainage District interested in opposing the levying of the drain _ge rate for the year by the Board wiU be held to-morrow afternoon at 3 p.m. at the Commercial Hotel. A meeting, which was largely attended, was recently held on the same subject at Woolston, when it was unanimously agreed to forward resolutions against the levying of the rate to f_-W__l__HHK^-S? tjFire Brigade display of fireworks this year_. ijon the night of December 17th promises to] |be on a grand scale. No less than twenty-; i&ve different descriptions of fireworks,' [some of them very elaborate set pieces, |wUI be displayed. There wiU also be {Colored fires of various descriptions. The jteolore- fires have been manufactured by IMesars Rose and Whitmore, and the fire||rork3, Ac., supplied by Brock and Son, of _e__ay evening a most successful entertainment, was given in the haU of the Literary Institute in aid of the prize fund. Mr A. H. Cunningham presided. The management of the affair devolved upon MrH. E. Goodeve, the master. The chorus and glee ringing of;the <__ldz_i was capital. They were assisted by several ladies end gentlemen, who also gave musical selections. Some of the children aa a finale performed a charade, which contributed no Uttle to the fun on closing the meeting. - '

. Booth Maltxrk.—The anniversary at |ti« , B_l__st Church was celebrated on Sun■W .**» the sermons were preached by Bar. "J. D. GUmour; the coUectiono amounting to about _J5, On Monday there was _tVs_- meeting, foUowed by a public meetjbai, when Mr MoLennan took the .*_&?£ tt encouraging report was given ___ Ee7B, 'J-MaxweU and GO-mour-deUvered addresses. Several pieceswere sung, Mr Grindrod being organist. The proceeds of Sunday and Monday amount to iU7. Ashburton School Co___t___.—At a. special meeting of tho above Committee held on Wednesday evening, a letter was read from Mr E. G. Wright, M.H.8., kindly offering to 'provide a special' train to convey the borough school obildren to Windermere for their annual treat, and to give the use of hia grounds for the occasion. The date of the picnic was fixed for the 14th inst. On the motion of Mr St. HUI, seconded by Mr A. Orr, it was decided to recommend the Board of Education to appoint Misa Clark as mistress to the infant school. L __?____ Union.—A meeting of the Lyttelton Lumpers' Union was held in the Presbyterian schoolroom, Winchester Btreet, on Wednesday night. H. AUwright, Esq., M.H.R., presided, and from 100 to 150 members werepresent. Twenty-five new members joined during the evening. The Society is newly organised, and as a first step towards permanency it has be*.-n registered under the Trades Union Act, 1878. The Mayor of Lyttelton was present, and became a member of the Society. The membership at present exceeds 200, and the Society,, which is estabUshed for mutual aid and protection, promises to be moat successful. Chertsey Library.—The annual meeting of the Chertsey Library, held on Tuesday evening, was weU attended, and the Committee presented a very favorable re-, port. The election of a Committee for the ensuing year resulted as follows:— Messrs ChUdß, Downie, Gray, Mangham, Todd, Patterson, McDoweU, and Wilkinson. Subsequently Mr Mangham was elected chairman, Mr Todd secretary, and Mr Patterson treasurer. The question of celling the present buUding and erecting a new one on. the Bite granted by Government was die-' cussed, but fidaUy held over for future consideration. A.O.F.—The Court Thißtleof the Forest, Sydenham, held its quarterly summoned meeting in St. Saviour's Schoolroom.. There was a very good attendance of members and of officers, The nominations for the ensuing term took place with the following result:—C.R., Bro. Nicolls j S.O-S., Bro. Luce ; Tre., Bro. Tacon; Sec., Bro. Markis; M.S., Bro. Foster; J.W., Bro. Robertson; J. 8., Bro. Deny; 5.8., BroJ. i Trengrove; medicalofficerSjDrs.Guthrie and ; Thomas. An official visit was paid from the Court Papanui, and the District CR. was also present. After transacting the business of the Court they adjourned to the Club Hotel, where a lunoh was par- , taken Of by the visiting brethren, P.C.R. , Bro. Hoddenott in the chair. Lincoln Sports.—An adjourned mceti ing of the Sports Committee was held at tbe Lincoln Hotel on Monday, December 1 3rd, 1883, Mr J. Doherty in the chair. It 1 was derided to hold the Sports in Mr John i Tod's paddock. The foUowing officers were . appointed:—Handicappers, Messrs J. Muir,.. W. HoUey, P. Tod,. R. McCredy, H. ■ White, J. Hunt, A_ C. Bartram; starter, > C. McPherson; assistant starter, Mr J. ! Muir; clerk of the course, Mr P. Tod; , Clerk of the Scales, Mr J. Judge. It was i resolved to hold a ball on January Ist, 1884, in aid of the -porta, and D. Broome,-------1 J. Dalton, J. Hioks,H. White, H. McCredy, were appointed a Committee to carry it out. After a vote of thanks to the Chair-. < man, the meeting adjourned. Lyttk-toh Colonists' Society. ~- A meeting of the Lyttelton Borough CounciUors, comprising the Management Committee of the Lyttelton Colonists* -Society, was held on Wednesday night, Mr f . eAdam Chalmers presiding. The Librarian _ , Report was read, and some preliminary . pteps were taken with a view' to opening ' She coffee room in the institution. The !~ Chairman, in a few weU chosen words, pre* f- Rented to the Library a handsomely ilhu*- ' trated bound volume of " Sheldon's Dairy .. 1 Farming," and v intimated that he-buiped other useful works would foUow. ">' , E___s__a_ Regatta.—At a meeting of »■ the subscribers to the Lake ISlleßmere \ annual regatta fund, held at the residence - ' of the Hon. H. K. Taiaroa. the foUowing - gentl-men attended: — Messrs Arundel,. Aleck, Bubs, Doyle, Prankish, Goraey, Guthbridge, Huston, Megaldo, Overton, Stretz, Taiaroa, Ac. Mr R. F. Prankish was ; voted to the chair. A Working Committee was appointed with power to add to theiri number. The Hon. H. K. Taiaroa'was [ ek-oted President; Mr F. Overton, Trea- ] surer; Mr Gurney, Secretary. The Secre- , tary was directed to advertise the first' . meeting of the Committee. A vote of . thanks to the Chairman closed the meeting, Ashbubton Orchestral Society.—The > above Society gave their second concert at > the Town HaU on Wednesday evening,: > when the somewhat limited audience who - braved the inclement weather were afforded i a decided musical treat, the concert a_ a ' whole being equal to anything of the kind . that has been heard in Ashburton.- Tap Society has only been in existence a little > over twelve months, and their peHorra- > ance on Wednesday evening afforded, abundant proof that the members have bestowed a great deal of time and study, to their practices, and overcome- in a very praiseworthy manner many of the dis* ' advantages under which an orcheetral > band in a smaU inland town must agpe. . sarily labor. As an additional attraction the Society had. engaged Mr and Mw ' Corrick from Christehurch, and in the absence of Mr .Geo. Jameson, who was unavoidably absent through Ulness, Mr H. Poore had also been engaged from Christohureh.. The concert opined with the overture "Invocation, a Ste Cecile," by the fuU orchestra, and was rendered in such a manner as to eUcit loud and genuine applause. Mr G. D. Branson, whose appearance on the Ashburton stage is always received with hearty appreciation, was in excellent voice. He Bang "Alice, where, art thou," and had to respond to an unmistakable encore. A duet (cornets) " WUI o* the Wisp," given by Messrs G. Hoskins and F. McDonald, was also well received, and had to be re- •. peated. Mn Corrick sang "Vaehti," and was loudly, applauded. In response to a persistent encore she sang "The Woods.'" A quartette (flute, violin, violoncello and piano) by Messrs H. Poore, Corrick, BeU and Miss . Gates was excellently rendered, and was received with loud and weU-merited applause. A flute solo by Mr Poore waa also well received. MisaSmart sang f When the Tide '- comes in," and an overture, 'Cleopatra, given by the orchestra, concluded the first - part of the programme. The second part , commenced with an overture, "Attest Dark," and was rendered so weU and received with such loud applause that the orchestra had to repeat i_ Mr E. G. Crispsang " Close to tbe Threshold," with violin. obUgato by Mr' Corrick. A quartette '- (cornets, euphonium, and tenor horn). ..- ------" Reapers' Chorus," was the next item, and the performers, Messrs G. Hoskins, 3. McDonald, B. Jenkins and C. Vincent, were heartily encored. Mrs Corrick sang - i**_y_s, those Chimes," which was received - with loud and weU deserved applause. The . audience were then afforded a treat by Mr '] Corrick, who gave a solo on the vioUn in ' such an excellent manner as to eUcit the most hearty applause. Mr Corrick had togive a repetition of the item, which was--again received with loud and genuine applause. Mr Branson sang " Come into the pa-den, Maud," and the audience in-iste-_n ite repetition. The overture," La Fee 39* Potsdam," followed by the "National Anthem," brought to a close one of the nest concerts that has been given in th* Town HaU for a very Ion? time past. Mrs Branson and Mr BeU played the acoa_>~ ,_ paniments, and the singing of Mrs Corrick ..' and the violin playing ot Mr Corrick wer_ --' a great treat, and added greatly to the., musical succes. of the concert, Mr Corrtdpr leading having a marked effect on the items given by the orchestra. Mr Poo» also rendered good service by his flute ana f piccolo playing. Just befor. the eh se Mr A. Harrison, the conductor, announced i that the concert would be repeated on toe ' foUowing evening. - w - ■ __-_

'*_£- j. I'ißH iT B__e___—Mrs Brookes, .-. gfcHßgs*-* eonne-tian with some - . institutions in this y- i i_hr sod G_ » r - ''ritain ha. been ?v _ ________■ notJ-ed, arrived in WelUnjgton '~ J^ffrt-i-rbvthe Manapouri. Bhe inter-'--SSd-he Colonial Secretary, the Be_l£___ Officer (3-r Johnson), and the ~ delay, but without snocoa. -__r___oe_ly objects to be .ailed "the ' 2S__-_-begß« °* *»» world." and has **TrZ£jr __ letter to the "Post" which *Sssfes thus.—" What have I had from charity of WeUington? I ZZ&vai _« three weeks tiiree shillings 2SweJ_»,tt-_t iß aU; and yet that man dare tocaU mc a beggar. I iwninot afe* kind ladies and gentlemen; «_*L I ssy gent_J_aen, for they could enter ; _£?__. distress of mind in losing a kind ] ___M_id and two fine boys. AH three left ' __r__-_-S. their usual health, and I never again. Little wonder I should , S_»whe-eltho_ghtlmighthearsome-Sarof the lost ones. It was not to beg I *3ared about, but to satisfy that longing M~enrrboys which would not be satisfied. I !~aibe-- Johnson . father's tin-shop on S-tosc-i, and himself a boy in it, and yet tTdaiedinsult mc in this manner; but I ___Mse the old saying is the true one— Ztt&anot expect anything from a pig but *___1-_T_- A-CTDSHT AT St___T*S - Saux. — Testerday a volunteer boat'B - ««r of six with a wha! c boat, and another hat with members of the poUce and «»_--> se-rcb-d the channel known as Stewart- Golly, an overflow branch of the ■gogi Waimak-riri, which crosses the Jart-t-rn raUway, for the body of the late Ms Joseph Fantham, who was drowned Ant seven p-m. on the evening previons. yjii, channel, which was at first merely of m_ of a smaU drain, is now the wallet for about half the volume of water .j&jch ordinarily comes from the river ' stffied, and the current, in somewhat ' m_-w Emits, is very rapid. The work of - was of a most laborious cba- . jsetei-Beyond recovering the spring cart "_ad J_» horse, which, as stated in our ewHbv_i report, was capsized, no trace " : et 'tt-Tdeoeased was found. There was a alight freshet in on Wedneaday evenly |wr. and the body might have in a short * loss floated half-a-mUe down before i__C-_r oa sn . °* the spits. The horse 7_B____t were, found cix chains below the ■' jo__ of tbe disaster. Lower down men a» employed filling iv stone at the -i_way bridge, who wUI keep a watch _r tfr" body, and during the next irtdc search wUI be made i.r the corpse ___to* the. outlet and in the main river. - tnFanthasn is left a widow with a fanuly '-____ .-»____»- During the last two ""JjHBS greet difficulty haa attended tbe ''___W of this cut,wli__ »ec-out. te-for the . hot that one of deceasedV sons and the -OSS, knowing the river was aUghtly in - ffiod. wore on tiie look out to give help.

_Hre_-H-_N Socibtt.—Members are re- - beaded that a summoned meeting of St. _£*-___- Branch No. 82 of the above , -' Society wiU be held this evening at 7.30 ■ .?C_a__P-.—A match is to be played on , _-»" 1 »y afternoon at -Rangiora between 'Se local club and the Normal School _____8. The Rangiora Bide includes— ■'-R4«_rgne,Good, Pickard, Smith, Thomp- ; «n_ Croft, Hodgson \2), and WUson. - Ao_ic_t_ai. akd. Pabtobal ASSO-lA-__w.—A meeting of the Committee of the -tote-bury Agricultural and Pastoral AsMention wiU be held at the rooms of the I \tao___on at 2 p.m. to-day. - ,-• :" >Ss__ar Debating. Soc__tt. —Ameeting at the above Society wiU be held this even- _ _g£g. w hen the subject of "Protection y IfteoTrade" wUI be discussed. _ ] <.-<tew---_.CoiicnaT.—TheStanmore Brass i f ___A wiU hold ite second concert, under Mr . at the footbridge near- Ward's _ "Brewery on FriJay evening, when, th© 1 if-fiawins programmee rill be gone \ StaShf-Gra-d march, "Our Jack's -WW__me to-day;" schottische, "Daffo- 1 Ifes. Church caU, ** BeUs;" quadrille, ' :*__-B_a_ion." polka, < "_.!_____ mine; quick step, 'Primrose ' "aeSht"galop,"Flossie;" march,"Dainty ] Save the Queen." ' Lab. BaA_-_ra_s.—Lady, you cannot nuke fair skin, rosy cheeks, and sparkling eyes with aU the cosmetics of France, or < besutiaersr of the world, whUe in poor . and nothing wiU give you such rich ' ' blood, good health, strength, and beauty as Hep Bitters. A trial is certain proof. 80s. fAnvr.l ■ ~ _ ASoctt-oiHa Woman.—The barbarities of 1 ttst.duc__ng stool for the cure of scolding 1 jMB-ten, though abolished by law, are now oftentimes practiced by a kind of social tethu-ty none tiie less reprehensible, j -Women scold only when they are ill. In* • stead of blaming them we should prescribe I S» Bitters- The entire system wUI 1 -Bd-tgo a genial,* pleasant change. The < neares wUI be quieted and acerbity of word &A thought wiU give place to amiabiUty j aad affectum. Healthy women do not scold ' erJ-et. Read. rAnvT.] <

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Press, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5685, 7 December 1883, Page 2

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5685, 7 December 1883, Page 2

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5685, 7 December 1883, Page 2