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Pttblie Hotter ~~~ * COLOMBO • STBEET BOOT AOT) SHOE DEPOT ESTABLISHED 1860. IN CONSEQUENCE OF BEING OVEBSTOCKED AND TO MEB JOHN GOODMAN Men's Lace Boots (own make) reduced from 18a 6d to 16a Gd Do Kip Bluchers „ ~ 12a 6d to 11s Do KipElaetic Side Springs „ 16s 6d to 12a 6d Women's Kid Boots „ 9a 6d to 5a I Do Cashmere House Boots, from 2s 6d Children's Felt Boots, from Is NOTE THE ADDRESS— GOODMAN'S CHkaP BOOT AND SHOE DEPOT COLOMBO STEEET. * B. HAKE AND COT SAIL, TENT, TAKPAULIN, FLAG, HOBSE COVEB AKD OTmTrrff MANTJFACTUBEES AND BOPE AND TWINE MAKERS KRf CASHPL STBEBT, CHKIBTCHUBOH. -fl/E are now making a Large Stock of BEAPEB AND BINDEB TWINE, and shall' YY be glad of order for delivery at next harvest time. We are also making Beaper and Binder Aprons and Elevators of a quality much. superior to the imported. BOPE LADDEBS MADE FOB USE AT HOTELS IN CASE OF FIRE. MAEQUEES OF ALL SIZES ON HIEE. Cash paid for Bullocks ana Cows' Tails or Horsehair in any quantities, dolivered cleaned , or uncleaned, at our Bope and Twine Factory in Madras street South. WHOLESALE~AND BETAIL. . &-23 451

HEALTH FOE ALL. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to females. The OINTMENT ia the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores, and Ulcers. For Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases, it has no equal. Sold by the Proprietor, THOKAe.Hpu.owat, 533 Oxford street, London, and by all medicine vendors throughout the world.' 7-3 7796 CHEISTCHURCH BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION. TIE Committee of the above Association earnestly SOLICIT SUBSCBIPTIONS from lie public, as by the annual report, published in the papers on Tuesday, the 11th inst. 1 it may be seen there are a large number of women and children to a considerable extent depending upon the support received from the associationIt may be noted that the Governmeni supplement public subscriptions by £ for Jβ collected. ~,,■,, i_ Subscriptions, which will do duly acfcnowleged, may be forwarded to the Secretary, Mr R. P. Crosbie, at the office of the association in Market place, or to_ any of the undersigned members of committee — W. Pratt (hon. treas.) W. Harris H. W. Packer J. G. Hawkes W. M. Maskell W. E. Mitchell J. T. Brown C. P. Hulbert G. Booth C. Kiver J. P. Jameson Or, to C. T. ICK, Chairman. Christchurch, July 12th, 1882. 7-18 3145 Cttrateful.— Comforting. epps&Jߣ ooa * By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and _by a careful application of the fine properties of well selectee cocoa, Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong esoush to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack whenever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." —See article in the " Civil Service Gazette." ' .„ Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in packets or tins, labelled: — v JAMES EPPB t CO., Homoeopathic Chemist, . LONDON. , SEEDS, BULBS, AND PLANTS, DIRECT FEOM THE GBOWEES. BULBOUS PLANTS. Aquilegias, Begonias, Dahlias, Delphiniums, Dog's-Tooth Violets, Gladir olus, Hellebores, Iris, Lilies, Lily oi the Valley, Pseonies, Salvias, and Snbwflakes. FLOEISTS' FLOWEE SEEDS, Calceolarias (Bull's), Cyclamen (Smith's), Cinerarias (Vertegan's), - .Mimulus (CannelTs), Pansies (Hooper , *), Polyanthus and Pansies (Dean**), Petunias (Surman's). CUTTINGS FEEE BY POST, Zonal Pelargoniums, Pinks, Picotees, Carnations, Fuchsias, Petunias, Pansies, Penstemons, Verbenas, 2s 6d per dozen. PRESENTS FOB HOME FRIENDS. "Home Collection" No. I—Seeds of the most attractive Native Plants, 12 varieties, 55.; Home Collection ", No. 2—Spores of the principal Tree'an<3 Dwarf Ferns of New Zealand, 12 varieties, in separate packets, named, 5s The New Catalogue of Flower Seeds, Bulbs, Ferns, and Succulents for 1882-3 can be had on application. AD A.MS AND OOITS' Establishment for New and Bare Bulbs, Seeds and Plants, GLOUCESTEB STEEET EAST, Christchurch. 4715 EEGISTEBED TBADE MARK. . (PYBAMID). BALDNESS CUBABIiE. mHIS Great Scientific Discovery, H. X SCOTT BABBOW'SWONDBOUS PYBAMID HAIB PBODUCEE Is a purely natural and vegetable restorer of the _ HAIR ON BALD HEADS. It is alse guaranteed w> produce the most luxuriant WHISKEBS AND MOUSTACHIOS, To soften and beautify the To Eradicate Dandruff, And, with a single application, to arreettne falling oft of the Hair In the most obstinate cases of FEBEILE DISEASE, DEBILITY, And the many other causes s» fatal to the growth and beauty of NATURE'S GEEATEST OBNAMENT. Price, in bottles (one month's use), 4e. Do do (two months' nee), 7s 6a. Eetail of F. Biggs, High etreet, Christchurch, and of all Chemists and Perfumers throughout the colonies. 12-22 3749 H. S. BAEEOW & CO. "POTTED MEATS, fIALVES' FEET JELLY, and other npiABLB DELICACIES, & BLACKWELL'S PICKLES, MALT VINEGAE, In quart and pint botflea, OIL, |~HBOSSB & BLACKWELL, Pnrveyors to the Queer AY be obtained of Storeteepers in AusteaKawd New Zealand. Every genuine article v labelled

DEAFNESS. V*/-tIY Endanger your precious organ of .7 T hearing by going to an empiric who,. m all probability, -will rum it for ever P T have an INFALLIBLE BEMEDY compounded jfor mo by a first-elaas Auckland Chemist, from tho recipe of the Aurist-in-Chiof of the London Royal Ear Infirmary < s«iA*^ tat e m ? x * Q ne g i l«e , lysubscribe* £100 to). Send stamped directed envelo n* for particulars and copies of testimonials! to T. B. Hannafobd, Auckland, N,Z. _. ■ 10-3 61?4_ Conreyances. EIGHT HOURS BY THE SEASIDE. HAYWABD'SmIE COACHES leave* Langham Hotel, Christckuftjh afr 10.15 and 5.0 Leave Wooleton on arrival of tram leaving Chrietchurch at 9.0,10,25 v& 4.10,6.15. Leave Post office, Sumaer for Woolston, 7.50,10.15,12.45,4.0, e.Leatekoet office, Sumner, for Cliristohurchy mail coach, 8.30,3.30. Parcel express loaves Post, office, Sumner, at 7.30 a.m., calling at Tramway office at 5 p.m. for parcels and orders. Busses, drags, or buggies for hire at any hour. ■■,'.■■" Sunday Time Table-» Cathedral square departure, 9.0,11,0,2.10, 4.30, 7.0; Sumner departure, 8.45,10.35, 1.45,4.45,6.45. IV. HAYWABD, 10-2 6129 Langham Hotel and Sumner. BOYAL MAIL COACH, BAKAIA TOBARE HILL, T EAVES BAKAIA at 10 a.m. forßarr I 4 Hill, returning from thence at 4 p,m THOMAS MUTTEB, - Proprietor, WAIHI BTJSH, GEEALDINE AND OSASI EOYAL MATT. COACH. mHE CHEAPEST, BEST, ANJ> JL SHOETEST BOTJTE to Goraldine-, and Waihi Bueh is from the Orari Roilway Station, where our conveyances run to and. from all trains North and South. Wβ leave the Waihi Bush every morning*"- ■■ at twenty-two minutes past six, and Geraf* , dine at twenty minutes past seven, ia to catch tho first train for Timaru and Christohurch. Parcels and Luggage to and from - Station will receive our best attention. ■ 21-1009 m , KENNEDY & CABTEB. ' A DOUBLE LINE of COACHES itftt continue to BUN between WtN~ CHESTER and GEEALDINE to meet #& ~ Trains, North, and South. -J- .'v-v - Note—This is the cheapest and plmmveqt route. >- r .Single Pare, 2s; Beturn, 3a. ' : DENOON & McE&BAITH, 12-22 2626 Proprietors. I TINWALD AND MOUNT SOMEES BAILWAY. MOUNT SOMEES AND ANAMA BOYAk , MAIL COACH. mHIS COACH LEAVES Hood's HoteU- _■_ Mount Somers, for Anama Eajlwar . Station at 7.30 am. and 5.30 p.m. BVEET TUESDAY and SATUBDAY, Eeturnmr. to Mount Somers on the arrival of eacn* V: .: train, .. - • " Parcels and luggage punctually attended to.Single Sores, 2s; Beturn, Bs. 11t7 , t| ~ ' JOHN HOOD. LONGBEACH. LONGBEACH EOYAL MAIL CO ACE-f leaves Longbeacb: for Ashburton daily '~ (Sundays excepted), at 7Ma.mJ Waiertoa*. ~ 8.10 a.m. j Ashton, 8.25 a.m. j Wheatetonv ~ 8.45 a.m., arriving in Ashburton in time for \ the 10.24 express from Christchurch td« Timaru. The coaoh leaves QuilTa Go»~' meroial Hotel, Ashburton, at 4.50 p.m.«- . arriving at Longbeach at 7.80 p.m. Parcel* or orders left at any of too above place* will receive strict attention. Through single fares, 5s j return, *»»» - & W. E. BOND, tongb^fc^ HOT SPBmeß.y , HANMEB PLAINS;;;iMgKE nelson pEoynrcE. TtfEECT COMMUNICATION b?'M»i|s : ±J Cc>ach every Tuesday, °n *™™:<* t first train from Chriatohurcli, returning , , every Thursday morning in timetocatca. 1 Proprietor., OHN HENEY bega most rospectfuUrr to acknowledge with thanks the- • patronage accorded to him for the past four-, yearsTand wishes to inform hie friends aiut - She eeneral public that on and after the Iβ*--of lEubff he will EUN hie COACH >- EVEBY DAY to meet the Express Train*, as follows: — ~ . "' .Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, w- - meet the express from Timaru at Bongitata*. leaving Peel Forest at 2 p.m., mm Jtongxtata at 4.30 p.m. ■ ' ' Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturaaye* w* . meet the express from Chrietehuroh, leftjing Peel Forest at 9.45 β-nt., and Bangitat* at 12 o'clock at noon. - «-- - All parcels and orders carefully attenoe*JOHN / 8-23 1197 PeelForeat., TELEGEAPH*LDSrE"bP"BOTAL COACHES. ;{7; , will -cave Vy Hornnui every Morning, ftfl* . Wftiau every Monday and , WJJrCHBSTBB WVEBT STABLES , Coachesmeetalltaune Jiorfe &* oonverauee of f^zZtfSaa Gersldine. Everyconvenioaceand single brake, we a^ ASHBTJBTON. ECOOKSON begs toiafcwi *J . PubliethatheronsaCOACHew«TTuesdafand Priday from Aahburten ajo» , P ;iuggi« and Saddle and Orders l«Bf?J aß3^Solfep«pri e to.. .J;:',..

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Press, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5360, 29 November 1882, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5360, 29 November 1882, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5360, 29 November 1882, Page 4