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T ° BWLDEBB ' W^aiALS, A I FOED' & Oa D O Ist i FIBEBEICK AND DEAIN PIPE J-LAisrTJPArprTjVtt. SOUTH MALVEEN AND CHBISTCHUBCH. S BES r - THE superior quality «f onr Glazed Stoneware DEAIN PIPES is now x™ii « * v,-, 1 are highly commended by engineers, architects, and contractors in alt mWi ? M t • Provincial District of Canterbury. Our tiro Bricks, Fire Tiles, Ac wa mn p>tts ««_ } equal, if not superior, to the best imported, and we are prepared to execnta ordfiS, S**?** V " less than the imported article. An mspection of our Goods is respoetftuiv im*f Ji" P* «®t. « | ; _F O_a T> & OG- D o 3_T i , CHEISTCHUECH DEPOT, OPPOSITE BAILWAY *STATIOV Orders for Messrs Soanea and Summerbays, licensees to put !iu nico pon«»«M» . t Christchurch Drainage Board, can be left at our Depot, South Belt, aud wl ? ! 5 attended to. nS* 5 I

= £10 10a REWAED. I HEREBY offer a BEWABD of TEI GUINEAS to any person who will giv snch information to the Police as will lead tthe conviction of the men who wrecked m; Garden and Orchard on the night of Sunday October 17th. CHABLES CLABE:, Thorrington, on the Heathcote, 12-3 7740 Near Christchnreh. HEALTH FOB ALL. n ; EOLLOWAY'B PILLS AND OINTMENI 01 nnHE PILLS Purify tho Blood, sorrect a JL disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Bidneyi _ and Bowels, and are invaluable in all oomplainl — incidental to Females. THE OINT-lENT is the only reliable remed — for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores, and Ulcer For Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Coughs, Cold; ' Gout, Eheumatißm, and all Skin Diseases, has no equal. Sold teethe Proprietor, Thohab Ho__owai _ 633, Oxford street, London, and by all modioli L * vendors thronsUout the war-l. 7-3 771 us — C_/OMFOETING. r, _S_P_PS'S COCOA E BEEAKFAST. "By a thorough knowledge of tho natur I laws which govern the operations of digestis and nutrition, and by a careful application < 168 the fine properties of well selected cocoa, S 168 Epps has provided our breakfast tables with — delicately flavored beverage which may save i X, many heavy, doctors' bills. It is by the judicioi use of such articles of diet that a constitute may be gradually built up until strong enouf )S t to resist every tendency to disease. Hundra ip. of Bubtle maladies are floating around us reac to attack whenever there is a weak point. V ca may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping on selves well fortified with pure blood and — properly nourished frame."—See article in tl '* Civil Service Gasette." Made simply with boiling water or milk, to Sold only in packets or tins, labelled :— JAMES EPPS & CO., Homeopathic Chemists sh, 37 LONDON. 323 us IS BALDNESS ■ CUBABLE I 10-29 61! General Bookbinding 10Ac AND A.CCOXJ-NTT 8001 MANTJFACTTJEE. T, ___ THE d, "Press" Company, Limtte of -t CASHEL STEEET, CHEISTCHUECH, ag lX " TTAVING secured the services of JAMB «c JO. MACINTOSH, Prize Medallist f cs Bookbinding at the Sydney Exhibition of 181 'ly and 1879, are now prepared to execute j by Mndsof - a PLAIN AND OBNAMENTAL BOOK- °' BINDING, so With the most complete set of modern tools ai 0, appliances yet imported to New Zealand; -!! PUBLIC SOOIETD3S AND SCHOOL J! LLBEAEIES in Wr__ BH _IBE_A_LT DBA-T WITH. Solicitors can rely on their Law Binding beh 0 j executed with carefulness and dispatch. * BOOKS FOB PBESEMATIOSr, 11 FE3N AND PHOTO ALBUMS, d, SCEAP BOOKS, MUSIC, Ac 4 J HANDEOaraiiT BOUND TO OEDSR, 01 tg Or Promptly Bepaired. ? " Special attention will be given to the Eulit and Binding of Ledgers, Journals, &c, , y And all kind- of Stationery and Account Boc 11-l? l__nufacture, 70C Sportlag. EMPIBE CONSULTATION. U N E D T"n U P 7 ** 188 1. 2000 Subscribers at 20a. First Prize ... ... ...i5450 iJecond Prize ... 250 f Third Prize ... 150 Starters (divided) 350 \. Non-starters (divided) ... 600 All Prizes Net Cash, Clients outside province will please add li s exchange on cheques (Post Office Order pre ferred) and stamps for reply. B.BICHABDSON, Treasurer, Empire Hotel, Christchurch, or Box 328, Post Office, Christchurch. a .. 12-3 771j E. BICHABDSON'S 3 EMPIBE CONSULTATION ' OH TOWEB TTIEATHCOTE /"WP, 5 To be Bun Deo. 27tb, 1880. 300 Subscribers at 20 Shillings. . Firsft Horse .£75 , Second Horse 40 Third Horse 20 Starters (divided) 60 Non-starters (divided) ... 75 .All Prizes Net Cash. • Clients outside province will please add Is , exchange on cheques (Post Office Order preferred) and stamps for reply. B. EICHABDSON, Treasurer, Empire Hotel, Christchurch, or Box 328, Post Office, Christcharch. , . ■ 12-3 7719 *l • JLI. JO L E M IN G* S GEAND CONSULTATION No. 2 ■ ■*■■■ ■ •• ■ OR THB ' i lEiOWEB HEATHCOTE CUP, T&be ma Dec. 27th, l&W. FOUETE_En PEI_ES. 1000 Subscribers at 10s each. First horse... ... ... ... Second do - 90 Third do ... ... ■« 50 Starters and non-starters (divided ".„ ... ■" \220 If cheques are exchange''m.are be added and Btamps for reply and result. J. L. FLEMING, Auciaoneer, &o. Higrh street, Triangle, Christchurch. N.B.—Note the change of address. IMB 7075 J. !_• F L EMING'S GEAND CONSULTATION No. 3 OH THB DUNEDIN CUP, 1881. THIBTY.NINE PEIZES. 3000 Subseribera at £1 each. First horse... ... ... „, -J750 Second do £00 TMrd do ... 250 Other Starters (divided) ... SOO Non-starters (divided) 1000 , If cheqioes are seat exchange must, be added and staape fur reply and result. J. L. H-EMING, Auctioneer, Ac, High street, Triangle, Christchurch. N.B.—Note the change of address. 1 IMB 707S 1

I Teiasiers, "" I N ) to rfIENDEBS are invited for th* rv«.)__ . I >y X of a KOAD ta Port W°fe** ' y, chains, more or leas. Spedlcfe at?PV» Board Office, Pert Levy* %s£?£££& f the Chairman, and accompanied btr n"i ' 3 * cheque for l per cent, of tho amount o* ts* * will be received till 2 p.m. on "< December. Ui -~ay, ,-& \ The lowest or any tender not is*,-,,.-.-, accepted. c «ss_«ih; r. A. MOBTLEMAN, Cla? 3 - • au Novomber 29th, 1880. W,^. _ TO ' fc _ RENDERS are invited for the ET*v~rTn» f £ for John Orr, Esq. Plans andap«wfL??' * *°» may bo seen at the office of the una^S t A •' or before Saturday, December _'._ _fcyu ° a ' k The lowest or any tender not nsc'scsariiV £ £• cepted. ""v** | S| THEODOEE B. JACOB-EN, Aw_i„* I ~ N.8.-Office: Hereford street, M ££_&, I JLW3 7555 TO BUILDEBS ~ | ___ SCHOOL OF AGBICULTUES,LIHCO_g I TENDERS are required by ■_«_?_ f I Governors, Canterbury Collem, fop An I _ DI'C'IONS to above Building: S ' ™** ■ 0 f Drawings and specification can be g>«_ s I _. office, where sealed tenders are to be I 2 a before noon, Satnrday, tho 4th December, I __, The lowest or any tender will no! _«__*»»» I mB be accepted. wu ' I ion FKED. STEOUTS, M.E.1.8.&., ,gh 11-H 6785 Arehite '10 BUILDEBS; ~~*~ j Ne "OLANS and Specifications for tho "®&ve I or- JL TION of a COTTAGE at Sydenham I I a be seen at our office, where Tenders n-ii! W I ;he ceived on THUBSDAY NEXT, tha Ot_^ v ' I at noon. The lowest or any tender not f sarily accepted. ""*" i S. C FAEE & SON, j -~ —, -. . Arcilfssts i Cookham Honse Chambers, | 5 December 2nd, 1880. _t.s '/]& I ~~ : ~ I TENDERS required for a Two-sin- BEircr I EESLDSNCE, by Saturday, ifiS 1 7 Conditions and information to be _*d tar 1 plying to " JV E J. SANDERS, I ion Architect and Sarreye?, I Salisbury street, between Dnikm ml I — 12-4 7821 Colombo ife«is. | TENDEBS, I TENDEBS are invited for BNLAIS'V I MENTS to the Kaiapoi Weolka Milk I _ Plans and specifications may 'be ..seen at ♦_- |. office at the Mills, where tenders will bereceif- I till noon of Saturday, 11th Deoambsv. 1 BOBEET WBIGET, Archib-t. ? 12-1 7633 * I TO BUILDEBS; \ ' rpENDEES are invited for the EEECTKW ' 50. JL of a HOUSE at Avonßidc. Plsß=~£e*, Icaa be seen at my office up till fts tift c ! !" December, on which.dato they must bo neat ia, t Tho lowest or any not necossarily ascspttj, r HS .-, - A. W. SIMPSON, AKHfc-1. ] p™ Union Insurance B_ildine3, Hereford rinst 355 11-24 7304 £ all TO BUILDEAB, " f TENDEBS are invited for tie _3l_CTlo\* - of a new HOUSE for Mr ,T. KobcL\ < North Moeraki Downs. Plans r,_d Bjßad_-fi';v : -*d ma y bo seen at my house and--tenders scares ? until THUBSDAY, the 91b. cf Becemtcr.rjS. " The lowest or any tender will _ot nocossariljla ; accepted. .--..> - v * 12-4 7791 JOHN EOBEST3, ? NOTICE TO CONTRACT PLOOaHSI"fcS \ AND FENCERS. '" : ing C[ EPABATE TENDEES v,iU be reecbsit„ f IO to Friday, December 9th, for PLOTOfi. ING 200 acres, more or IeHF, of tnrni? Im.*. r . on the Baynham Estate, near Aylesbury Ei& , way Station. Furrows not to exceed ttn iwtg ? broad, and to be four inches deep. Plosjbc; to be completed by January 12th, 1331. '. Q- Tenders will also be received up to the lii'so .; date for the erection of 2j milei of FrHCU.'G. Tenders to be endorsed " Tendor far Hflsjis- ? ing or Fencing." j JOtiN W. H. HUNT, > ' 12-4 7786 _. : Dsr OXFOED BOAD BOARD. ~""° ' ok rfIENDEBS are invited for tha FOIIOtf. ; «8 X ING WOBKS :- — 343—Stone ford, Earn Paddock 819—12 chains Buah road (Siadden'e) SSO—Claying Stiffens road ncai* drain « 851—Gutting about 5 chahrs diteb at Viw ■'■'■ hiU 352—Fencing bridge on Four Ckdn rcri l (Mahon's) i, 353—Log culvert on Naldcr'u road 354—Stone for A on Starvation road 355—Cutting 27 chains of ditch, fees* to! m •_ ?, •■'' Starvation toad _ Tenders to be sent in on or before fEWIf, ■ 10th inrji., at 2 p.m. ' Specifications may bo Ecen at tbe OSco C 3 6Hd after Tuesday next. !■■ Each Tender to be accompanied .wlft 5 ?<? cent, of the amount tendered for, ar.dctc_s« J. marked by the bank. JOHN DOBSON, 12-4 7746 Surveyor to ■ . TO BUILDERS WHOM IT HAY i CONOEBN. THE undersigned begs to notify that p \ CONTBAOT for the: SYNAGOGUE'& ! been let to Mr W. PEUDHOE, of this <% - _ T. S. LAMBEET, Architect, t j — 780g Hereford street, Chwgtete___, J POPULAIi SPOUTS. ! TENDEBS are invited for the Serrieess* ll * BEASSBAND. The same t» be serffc j mc not later than „oon of Taefdsy, fe' l -"* 5 instant. s F. T. HASiKIRS, Hoa.Beais | City Council Office, „_, December 3rd, 1880. ____ti_:i f TENDEBS FOE CUTTING VSSESX [ TENDEBS will be r«cei?ed, until the 3Cib f of December, for CnttiH?, $wW* f Setting-up, and Stacking about COO Aa" « \ WHEAT, in one or more lets. „„--« ? » Apply to WLLLIAffi THOMSON, * ■ 12-17635 Born-aiaStaboa. -. » THE CANTEBBUBY : SOCIETY (PEEMANENT;. THE Directors arT" pwff^-i?,-^?l> C LOANS at considerably - BATES of INTEEEST at sums iesuj* t*.' . rowers. _.„ __ _ 1 EDWD. J. T. FOBD, J t ll»i>U <>■'_* B©ar«S a®_i B€_M©si«e« - o__S____BU3Y r ; ?iatoria Btreet and Market p&cs, evs ? f ■ rnn wmmm, lfe,lßs,ai!dJlpßrwe*. , Beds and Meals, Is. ; Stabbnggree. _.____-— l . tOG-T i IiODGE'S TsMi'BB&NOS B-OflS. f iCgh street. f 'ix)'Ms_-T : sranMi»i j f Board H^S^* 1 * 1 * ! Beusr_udlMeala,lßeach. |_ Cb jj_t o ia_i&,Satura^l>e=^ wr

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Press, Volume XXXIV, Issue 4786, 4 December 1880, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume XXXIV, Issue 4786, 4 December 1880, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume XXXIV, Issue 4786, 4 December 1880, Page 4