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Guy Cotriron; Bbbkbtbß Cohmitxbb.— The reserves committee paid a Tieit of inspection to the SaEdhille reeeanres yesterday with a view to ieeing whether they coold not be better ntilißed than ,

A Waif.—A small boy, who gave his name as Albert Edward Green, and who stated that he had "lost bis way," was taken to the Addington Police Depot by a constable yesterday afternoon, and he had not been called for op to last evening. Gbain Tbaffic.—On the Christchurch section of railway on Tuesday, 4963 begs of grain were forwarded, and 6632 bags were on hand at the various stations. As will be Been by these figures,' compared with former returns, the grain season is drawing to a close.

East Chbistchttboh: Pigeon Feyih& Club.—The race from Oamaru to Christohuroh for second and third prizes was flown yesterday, with the following result:—Mr Taylor's Land Agent, 4h 29m, Mr Taylor's Governor, 4h 32m, Mr Ashby's Waif coming next in 4h 37m. It will be remembered that Mr Hioks won the first prize with First King on the 26th of last month. Fibb. —A fire took place at Longbeach last Saturday, which destroyed the boiling-down establishment connected with the station there. The details connected with the fire and its origin have not reached us, but it is understood that considerable damage has been done. Five hundred pigs were with some difficulty rescued. Ashbubton Voluntbbbs. —At a meeting of the above corps, held last Tuesday evening, Captain Bullock intimated that he had reooived £93 capitation money from the Government, and it was resolved that 10s out of every £1 of the capitation grant qualified for be refunded to members who hid purchased a uniform. Abhbubton School Committee. —At a meeting of the above committee, held last Tuesday evening, a sub-committee was appointed to enquire into the charges of unduly punishing a pupil, preferred by Mr Underill against the master. The master's report showed that the average attendance had been Boys, 177 }-giri*i:l7l ; total, 348, Master Bertie Stewart was appointed pupil teacher, and Mr Wake resigned his position as pupil teacher to fill another engagement in the Geraldine school. . The Bbbb Dun.—Yesterday morning the Customs officers visited the different-breweries in town for the purpose of taking stock.. There has "been a -good deal of talk among the "fraternity" anent this matter. It will make a large difference to the manufacturers ; it ie stated, indeed, that the duty imposed, namely, 6d per gallon, will cost the brewers in Christchurch between £5500 and £6080 per year. A [meeting of brewers was held at the Custom House in the afternoon, when the question was discussed, but no definite conclusion arrived at. Poultbt Abbooiatios , . —A meeting of the managing committee of the Ohristchuroh Poultry, Pigeon, and Canary Society was held at the Shades last evening. Preeent — Messrs E. Strange (chairman), G-. A. Beade, W. O. Hill, T. Stanleton, P. Taylor, E. Bees, J. Nanoarrow, W. E. Earnshaw, J. J. Parker, O. Adkin, and the hon. see. The question of private prizes was discussed, and the members of the committee' were requested to see the various donors. The question of altering the conditions of the flying race was deferred till the next meeting. The secretary was instructed to get the art union tickets printed, and advertise for persons willing to act as judges. A Buhawat. —Aβ Mr Griffiths, accompanied by Mr W. P. Townend, was driving in a small break down Colombo Btreet yesterday, the horse took fright at the tram, and bolted. It immediately came into collision with a cab, and the oocupants above named were thrown out, Mr Griffiths hurting one of his hands, and Mr Townend escaping uninjured, beyond the shaking consequent on his fall. The horse then galloped along the road, and was soon lost sight of by those on the site of the aooident. From information subsequently obtained, it appears that the horse must have turned into the New Brighton road, on whicaitwas found, with the brake smashed to pieces. Association ros Fostbbing Local Indusxbies. —A meeting of the Exhibition committee was held last evening, at the offices of Messrs Draper, Charters and Co. The hon. secretary, Mr Charters, reported that over forty applications for space had been made by intending exhibitors. It was resolved to hold the exhibition in July, instead of as previously .fixed, in order that the Melbourne exhibits may be shown. The Kaiapoi Woollen Company, Messrs Lightband, Allan and Co., Austin, Kirk and Co., Montgomery and Co., and other firms, will have machinery in motion used in their various manufactories, and there is no doubt that the exhibition will be highly interesting and successful. It was resolved to make a uniform charge of Iβ for each adult for admission; children, half-price; trablio school children, 3d. The children at the Orphanage and Industrial School will be admitted free. It is intended to keep the exhibition open at least three days. Longbbaoh Boad Boabd. —The ; usual monthly meeting of the above Board waa held on Monday, 7th inst. ■ The following works were, on the recommendation of the surveyor, authorised to be carried oat:— Shingling -about 40 chains of Isleswo'rth road; drainage of the same road for about 60 chains, from Lowcliff to Dobson's road; a bridge over the creek on the - Lower Beaoh roai; a concrete oulvert with an outfall drain of 20 chains ; regrading of side ditches on Boundary road at Maneon'a; a foot-bridge over a oreek at Tinwald; a ISin. pipe culvert at the next ford south of Tinwald 5 the regrading of the side channels of the Great South road to Longbeach road; a concrete culvert ait the junction of-Osborne's with the Fords roads; a double oulvert, with an outfall drain, at Williams' corner on Lower Beaoh road, and a fence siding cutting into the Rangitata river on the same road. In reply to a letter from the Aehburton County Council, it was resolved not to clear out the drain complained of by Mr William Stoddart, ac the creek oomplained of by Mr Stoddart was not the outfall of the Boundary road- drainage. The resolution dividing the road district into wards was confirmed. The sum of £320 lie 4d was passed for payment, and the Board adjourned. Pbbsbtxebiak Chuboh, Ran&ioba.—A congregational meeting of this ohuroh was held on Tuesday evening last, when a large number of members attended. Mr J. Johnston oeoupied the chair. The treasurer, Mr J. Fulton, read his statement, which showed receipts to 31st December, 1879, to have been £237 19s Id, and expenditure £233 9s 4d, leaving a balance in bank of £4 9s 9d. The report was adopted. Mr Mclntyre propoeed, and Mr J. Johnston seconded—" That in view of the approaching termination of Mr McGregor's appointment as Moderator, Mr M. MoFarlane and Mr J. Johnston be appointed a deputation to see the necessary steps taken at next meeting of the Presbytery, also to obtain sanction of Presbytery to termination of arrangement with the Kaiapoi congregation." , Carried. Mr M. McFarlane stated a telegram from: the Rev. D. Bruce to Mr Munro had been reoeived, informing him that he must be prepared to leave Bangiora within a fortnight from date. It was resolved to protect against the step proposed to be taken. The ohuroh committee were re-elected for the ensning year. Votes of thanks were accorded to the treasurer and to the other members of the committee. A subscriptionlist having been handed round nearly £30 was obtained towards defraying the expenses due to stipend, and ordinary expenses. Rangioba LriBBABT Institute. — The annual meeting of members was held on •Tuesday evening. MrH. A. Cunningham, who occupied the chair, stated the meeting was held for the election of officers and committee of management. Mr G. Buokham, treasurer, reported that' the total receipts for the year had been £14814s 10d, whioh cleared off a debt of £62 from the previoue year, and left a small balance in hand. Mr T. Boyd, hon. sec.,.read the annual report, which stated that the reading room had been opened to the public free of charge. The duties of the attendant had been increased, and his salary was now £40. The hall had been frequently let during the year, and one room was regularly rented by the Borough Council. The question of effecting the sale or exchange of old books had been deferred. The report concluded by stating that vn. entertainment was to be given by the brass bond in aid of the fond. The statement and report were adopted. A committee of Messrs H. Boyd, E. B. Good, J. Fulton, G. Buckham, T. Keir, B. Ellis, T. Boyd, A. H. Cunningham, and O. MertoD, was then elected. The committee subsequently met, when Mr Merton was re-elected president, Mr Buokham treasurer, and Mr T. Boyd hon. secretary. Sundry accounts were passed for payment, and the meeting then adjourned.

Cheap Oats.—Over 2000 bmhele of oate were *>ld last Taeeday, on a farm near MethveD

tnricrpAii: Election.—The polling ,for the vacant North-east-" wd jrßj take to-day ittheOiipee Hall, between tibief hows of 9 a.m. and % The c* n ' didetee are Meeera H. Ihoauon and J. W. : - ' ■

~~ JfOBKAL The occaiion of Mr Thornton taking bis 8.A., and Mr W. Watkins the first section of his 8.A., was celebrated by a holiday, granted by Mr Malcolm, principal, at the recommendation of Mr ResteD, inspector of schools. The Fboxiqubs.—This company conoluded their Mason here last night, when there was a capital house in all parts. The programme of the preceding evening was repeated, and went excellently in erery item. The company leave to-day perTeAnau for Wellington.

Chbistchttboh Hospital—Dr. Prine on Wednesday successfully performed the somewhat rare and difficult operation of removing the tongue, the whole of the floor of the mouth, and the fore part of the bottom jaw of one of the inmates of the Hospital. The patient, whose complaint waa canoer, is progressing favorably. Oust and Mandbvtlle Dibtbict Boundaby : Boad.—On Wednesday, Mr Diokeneon, chairman of the Oust Boad Board, accompanied with three members, met Capt. Parsons, chairman of the Mandeville and 'Bangiora Board and three of the members, to discuss the question of forming the boundary road. After inspecting the line of road it was agreed that if Matheson's Agency and Mr Hey wood gave the land in the line chosen the Boards would form the road as soon as possible.

Mc G. D. Chaphn.—The many friends in Chrutohureh of this gentleman will learn with regret of hie serious illness, news of which was received by the last San Francieco mail. Mr Chaplin had been playing with a company in Portland, Oregon, and he is now in the hospital in that city. Mr Ohaplin, not only from his rare talents as an actor but by hie geniality and courtesy in private life, had won for himself hosts of friend*, not only in Ohristchnrch but in all parts of New Zealand, and they will join in the hope that next mail news may be received of an improvement in the state of hie health. Akaboa.—The Resident Magistrate held an inquiry under the Regulation of Local Elections Act 1876 in connection with the reoent election' of auditors for the borough of Akaroa. Messrs Sims and Gerwbod, ati'd one of the defeated candidates, Mr S. Watkine, were the petitioners against the validity of the election; Mr James M. Wood, the Returning Offloer of the borough, being the defendant. The cantention was that certain voters had given more votes than they were entitled to. The Returning Officer admitted suoh to be the case, and tho Magistrate quashed the election, with costs 15s.

Lbestoh Towk Haed.—The annual meeting of shareholders of the above company was held in the Town Hall on Monday, the 7th met., Mr Q-. Sandry in the chair. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year:—Secretary, Mr T. S. Lewiej treasurer, Mr F. Ennie; direotors, Messrs. Gh Sandry, Lookhead, Palmer, Lunn, Longstaff, Douglas, and Durant; auditors, Messrs. F. Jameson and Smithson. With a vote of thanks to the outgoing officers and chairman, the meeting closed.

Licensing Coubt, Oitobd.—The quarterly licensing meeting wee held on Wednesday. Commissioners present —0. Whifcefoord, Esq., 8.M., Messrs Higgins, Gorton, and Fisher. The polioe report on the hotels of the district was favorable to the renewal of the licenses. The lioensea of S. Love, W. Paget, J. Mullin, and W. Barker, .Oxford, were granted. In the case of the application of J. Kettalick, for renewal of the license of the Halfway House Hotel, Oust, complaint was made by E. Thompson that drinking to excess was encouraged and permitted at_ the hotel. After hearing evidence it was decided to adjourn the application for a fortnight. Ceioket.—A meeting of persons interested in cricketing was held last Tuesday night in the Ashburton County Council chamber, to consider what stopa should be taken for forming a orioket club. There was a large attendance, and Mr F. Guineas occupied the chair. Mr Andrews moved—"That all who wish to remain members of the club be requested to pay 55," to wJbioh Mr Branson moved an amendment, to the effect that a new club be formed. The amendment was carried. Messrs Amos, Grant, Strangmat), Kelson, Marsh, Andrews, Mannering, and the mover were appointed a committee, to recommend to the Domain Board the best method of spending the money voted to .them by the County Council. The meeting then adjourned to the 22nd inst., when the treasurer will submit a report

Accidbhts.—On Tuesday a German named J£rast, engaged in attending a threshing maohine at Mr MoFarlane'e farm, Ashley, met with a eeribna accident. The machine was running free, and he tried to stop it, when he waa struck on the. head with a bolt. The piece of iron inflicted a severe wound, and Ernst lost a large quantity of blood from the severance of an artery before Dγ MaoGarthy could be brought from Eangiora. The wound was then sewn up, and the man is recovering. On returning to Bangiora Dr. MaoOarthy met with an accident while crossing the Ashley Hirer bed, in being thrown from his horse on to the shingle. Fortunately hie injuries did not extend beyond a few brnisee.

Tbamwat Company.—ln order to meet the desire expressed by residents in the North road for increased facilities for communication with the city, the Tramway Company have put on two extra trains to those already in the time table, one leaving in the morning and one in the afternoon. That in the morning is so timed as to enable business men to reaoh the city by 10 a.m. The traffic on the tramway in this direction is daily increasing, the cars being exceedingly, well patronised on all trips. The rails on the Colombo street line are now in poeition as far as the Agricultural Show grounds, and so soon as the necessary alterations to the level of Colombo street south of the railway are completed, which will be in about a fortnight hence, the tramoars will run to and from that terminus.

Inqitbst.—-An inqueet was held at the Railway Hotel, Pleaeanfc Point, on Tuesday, Bfch instant, before E. Beetham, Esq., coroner, and a jury of fourteen, of whom Mr W. Halstead was chosen foreman, on the body ;of Eliza Anne Morris. It was proved that deceased and her hnsband had quarrelled on Sunday, 30th nit., he being then so under the influence of liquor that he has no recollection whatever.of the particulars of hie wife's leaving home. Towards evening of the same day she went to the house of Mr John Grant, near Pleasant Point, and remained till the. afternoon of Tuesday, when she started, hoping to find a dray crossing the river homewards, and saying that if she did not she would return. During the ensuing week her hnsband and others searched for her, but nothing was seen of her till Mr Charles Nicholas, of Temuka, in crossing the river, saw, the body upon a spit about 100 yards below the crossing-place. Constable Stanley at once had the body removed "to, the township, about a mile from where it'was found. Th'e jury at once found a verdict—"That the.deceased was accidentally drowned while fording the Opihi." BbPOBTBD CAPTTTBK O*. THE NIHIHST Head.—A report has somehow got current in St. Petersburg that an apartment is just now being furnished very comfortably in the fortress of Sohlaeselburg, which has always been appropriated as the residence of Buesian political prisoners of high rank. It is believed that the real chief of the Nihilist conspiracy has at last been discovered, and that this apartment is destined for him. - The belief (for the report of which the " Cologne Gazette's" correspondent is responsible) shows at any rate what people think aboun the social position of the Nihilist chief, if the conspiracy can be supposed to have a single head. EXTBAOBDINABY DBAU&HTS - BLAXIKG Fbat.—Mr William Sirickland, of Leeds, th> champion blindfold draughts-player, lately accomplished a great feat in draughts-playing at the Central Club, Trongate, Glasgow. He undertook to play ten games eimultaneoutly against as many opponents, and that, too, .without seeing either boards or men. Play began about seven, and concluded at eleven. After playing a couple of hours Mr Strickland said he would call out the position of the pieces if it would prove of interest to tl« spectators, and this he did without a mistake showing that as good a view in hie " mind'e eye " of the respective pieces as the .players who had their boards before them. More surprising still, on the games being finished he repeated all the movee made in the ten games (a total of nearly 450 moves) ; and then, the crowning feat of all, he gave every move backwards. The score—four wins to Striokland, three wins for his opponents, and three games drawn—is surprising when the skill of bis antagonists is taken into account.

Shipping Oats to England. — The "Otago Daily Times" says: — "About 10,000 bushels of oats, known as ' Sparrow Bills, , and grown on Edendale, Southland, iwere shipped Home last season by the IT. Z. and A. L Company, and realised the satis■factory price of 2a 4Jd at Port Chalmers, the freight being 40s. The Company's manager taV Home writes to the Company here with reference to these oats as follows:—'The Edendale shipments have been sold at 29) to 28s per quarter of 3361b, and at these prices, with freight at 40i, they have netted over 2s 4d per bushel in New Zealand. At 28s per quarter they just net 2s 4d. The oats are very much admired, notwithstanding their being somewhat thick in the skin. If you can send mc bright oats, such as are grown in Canterbury, and free from wild seed, to be landed here in .November, December, and January, I think there is every chance of getting 28s for them, especially if fib for seed. With freight at 703 per ton, and primage 5 per cent., such shipments sold at 28s will net Is 9d per bushel of 40lb, in a New Zealand port; with freight at 603, they will net Is lHd, and with freight at 50s, 2a ljd per bushel." This is indeed good news for our farmers in the present position of the oat market."

Lyttelton Dbamatic Entertainment.— The entertainment announced by the Albion Amateur Dramatic Club will take place in the Oddfellows' Hall tbi3 evening. Acclimatisation Society. — A special meeting of the Council of the above Society will be held at the Commercial Hotel at 3.30 p.m., to-day, to consider the new Fisheries Act. Concbbt. —The concert given by the Misses A. S. ana L. Taylor, takes place this evening at the Oddfellows' Hall, and promises to he a success. A very excellent programme has been prepared for the occasion, including both vocal and instrumental items. Ploughing Match.—A general meeting of the committee, members, and all others enterested in the Papanui Ploughing Match, will he held at the Sawyer's Arms Hotel, Papanui, on Monday evening next, June 14th, at 7.30 o'clock.

Ashley Boad Boabd.—Notice is given ley District, will be held at the Hoad Board Office/ at noon of Friday, 25th inst., to elect a member to serve in the place of Mr Samuel Barwell, resigned. Chttbch Wobk Society.—A devotional meeting of this Society will be held in St Michael' a Church to morrow. Particulars may be seen in an advertisement which appears elsewhere.

Academy of Music—The stock company recently playing at the Theatre Eoyal intend opening the Academy of Music on Saturday night, -with a very attractive bill. During the season, should the pnblic patronise the venture, it is intended to produce several novelties in the shape of dramas on colonial subjects, Ac" Football.—The following -will play for the C.F.C. againet the College next Saturday, on the College ground:—W. Milton, Boys, liewin, Field, W. H. Atack, Baker, Bolton, Beswiok, Harmon, O. Mathias, W. Potts, F. N. Eobinson, Sheath, Williamß,H.Brown; emergencies, W. Cotterill, C. Dobaon, L. Hawkes, and Lawson. There will be a Eugby Union game on Cranmer square, in which it has been arranged for the Eastern Club to join. The sides will be A to L v the rest. The former will play in red and yellow and black, and be captained by B. G. Hawkes; the rest will play in blue and white, with L. M. Ollivier as their skipper. The College match will be started at 2.30 p.m., and the other game at 3. The following will play for the Southern Football Club against the Bingsland F.C. on Saturday next, play to commence at-2.30 p.m. sharp, on the ground of the latter .—Messrs J. L. Fleming, E. Williams, W. Ogier, J. Owens (captain), H. Ogier, T. Wilson, H. McAdams, T. Seattle, A. Laurence, J. Shierlaw, J. Atkinson, A. McFarlane, G. Cook, J. Perceval, and W. White; emergencies, G. Oaborne, A. Anderson, and G. Fleming.

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Press, Volume XXXIII, Issue 4636, 10 June 1880, Page 2

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XXXIII, Issue 4636, 10 June 1880, Page 2

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XXXIII, Issue 4636, 10 June 1880, Page 2