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Public Notices- ~ "-*-- I COLOMBO STREET BOOT AND SHOE DEPOT ESTABLISHED 1860. ' 1 o I IN CONSEQUENCE OF BEING LARGELY OVERSTOCKED AND TO MBw I JOHN GOODMAN BEGS to inform his numerous Customers that ho has determined to make a >>...t «... I REDUCTION IN PRICEB:— urn **&* I Men's Lace Boots (own make), reduced from 18s 6d to 16s 6d I Do Kip Bluchers ~ „ 12s 6d to lis 1 Do Kid elastic side springs „ 16s 6d to 12s 6d 1 Women's Kid Boots ~ 9s 6d to 5s I Do Cashmere House Boots, from 2s 6d 1 Children's Felt Boots, from ls ! NOTE THE ADDRESS— ___ __ „ ,^_ GOOPMAJTS SHOE DBPpg, — . —— —-__i__s 390. B. HALE & CO., SAIL. TENT, TABPAULIN, FLAG, HOESE CLOTH, AND OILSKIN CLOTRIw MANUFACTURERS AND ROPE MAKERS, S CASHEL ST BE ET, CB RISTCHURCH. X IST of some of our IMPORTATIONS ALWAYS IN STOCK.—Navy acd tarwwHa « Aj 24in. and 36in., linen and cotton ducks, American drill, calii?o, bnntins Jw. ""i Manilla rope, plough and lead lines, marline, spnnyarn, seaming, roping, net and '.hoe tH.* 3 * palms and needle?, common, patent, and iron blocks, pitch and tar, india-rubber hose and f t+f**' fishing, crioket, and horse nets, linseed, colaa, castor and neatsfoot oils, tilt hoops, felj- ags *' getting, Ac., Ac, Ac. ' LETT of our MANUFACTURES, ALWAYS IN STOCK, and B_4DE TO OEDB_ Sails, rick and threshing cloths, tarpaulin waggon and oirt tilts, patent engine and cant,'-"" covers, reaping and binding maohine covers, canvas, duck, drill and calico tow. and & hose, oilskin coats and leggings and trousers, flax ropo, halters, and olothaa-lhua" fiT* 2 Ac, Ac, Ao. ' WS! > WHO-C-ESAIiEATO EETADU 8-21 Pbiob Libtb on Application. 835* Q-. _E\ DATE, OAS FITTER, BELLHANGER, LOCKSMITH, AND LAMP MAKER. Gas Sha™, and Electric Bells fitted up by experienced workmen. Hot and Cold Water ABpara*_n.. every description made and fixed on the most approved principle. Hydraulic Bams. Pmatai «S Beer Engines fitted up and repaired. Gas Ovens, Gaa Stoves, and Ga. BMers in Cy? always in stock. All work guaranteed. ' A LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. OPPOSITE CITY HOTEL, COLOMBO STREET 1.8 Manufactory—Opposite Mason, Struthers and Co.. Colombo street. «

I AM SUMMONED TO-DAY. THEREBY give notice that everybody must PAY mc every sixpence tkey owe me._ If not I will put same in the hands of my solicitor. CHARLES HAEGBEAVE STEVENS. 12-10 1918 Produce* Ac. FOR SALE. THE CROP of OATS and BARLEY on about 350 acres of land at Birch Hill Station, Ashley. Apply to the Manager, or W. N. MILLTON, Christchurch ; Or tenders will be received for harvesting. 128 1847 WOOL AND OTHER PRODUCE. TTOHN TNGLIS, CHRISTCHURCH. Is prepared to make liberal CASH ADY ANCES on WOOL and other PRODUCE consigned to his friends, Messrs Matheson and Co., 3, Lombard street, London. 12-5 1739 WOOL. THE Undersigned are CASH PURCHASERS of Farmers' Clips, or will ADVANCE on same, and ship to Londcn on owners' account. Sales will be held at our Stores during the season. Woolpacks supplied. MATBON, BUSS A CO. Bangiora, October 25th. 10-28 98 THE NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MEBCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY, LTMTTED. Oapit__>--83,000,000. THIS Company having large and commodious warehouses at Lyttelton and Timaru, h prepared to receive Produce of all kinds for storage upon reasonable terms, and make LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES against same if entrusted to their care for sale in either th. London or Colonial markets. ■ For further particulars, apply at the Office of the Company, Cathedral square. Qhri-t-har-h. ■ Conveyances. TTTAYWABD'S 'BUSSES. Leave St. Albans for Railway at 8.30 a.m., 10.45 a.m., 2 p.m., 4 p m., and 5.55 p.m. : Leaves Cook and Ross's Corn erf or St. Albans, 10 a.m., 1130 am, 3.30 p.m., and 5.15 p.m.. and 6.30 p.m. Leaves St. Albans for Sumner daily at 9.30 a.m. and 4.45 p m. Leaves Sumner for St. Albans at 8 a.m, and 4 p.m. -'■•■■■.- Morning 'buss to Sumner—No. 3 Empress, from Morton's Hotel at 10 a.m. Afternoon "buss to Sumner—No 17 Atlas, from Morton's Hotel, at 5.15 p.m. 'Busses, Carriages, or Baggies for private hire. WILLIAM HAYWARD, 125 1733 St. Albans. '-P.A.-I?_A 1 -Nr TJI. ohbistcsubch and papanui. n.otTce. ON aad AFTER WEDNESDAY, November 26th, the Albion Omnibus Will leave Cobb's .Office at 7.15 a.m., 11.45 a.m., and 4.35 p.m.' for Papanui. returning on arrival of train at Papanui from North. MILLETT A GRIFFITH, 11-26 1342 Proprietors. NOTICE. HAVING received a numerously signed requisition from the residents of Geraldine, Winchester, and intervening districts, asking us to resume running our line of Coaches as heretofore, and promising their support, we intend in the interest of the public to accede to their wish, and will RUN COACHES, as formerly, from Winchester to Geraldine, to MEET ALL TRAINS from Christchurob and Bmarn. 12-9 1897 DENOQN & McILRAITH. moiiev. MONET TO LEND, fa nuai of MQ and upward oa Approved FREEHOLD 8E0UBIT"? BICH. WM. FEREDAI, Solicitor, I-0111 Colombo street, Christehmwb OI KifHY TO LEND, in Sums of .£3OO oW-Lt-fW and upwards. IZARD & LOUGHNAN. 12-6 1796 Solicitors, Christohurch. MONEY 1 to LEND in various sums on free, hold securities. T. W. STBINGEB, 10-22 9798 Solicitor, Hereford street. pvIOjOOO TO LEND '-.'.'■ ..ON j FBEEBiOLD SECURITIES ! ■■■■ • ■ ' IN SUMB TO SUIT BORROWERS, j Apply to GENEBAL MANAGER Union Fire and Marine Insurance Company. Hereford street, Christchurch, 3rd December, 1879. 12-5 1675 VICTORIAN LOAN AKD DISCOUNT AGENCY, MANCHESTE.B STBEET. THE above Agency is prepared to ADV ANO> Sums of MONEY, from JB2O to £500 upon Farm Stock, Merchandise, Goods, Per Boaal, or other security. Loans can be mad> repayable by weekly, monthly, or quarterly instalments. Renewals effected. Bills discounted daily. All applications, personally cir by letter strictly confideatial. 1-31 682< LOAX. AND DISCOUNT OOMi'-_!_ I. Offlco—Lichfleld street. THE above Socdeiy DISCOUNTS BILLi daily. Loans from _fi!o _JSOoOoopersonalseouritj deeds of property, shares ia public companies and other securities, at current rate*. Entire charge for £10, repayable at ten shii lisgßpwweek, JSI. Entire charge for £20, repayable at £1 pm weak,-£2-Adranos* made oa Furniture, Btook4n.Tmd€ Sana Stock, 4c, '. All appliraitkma, personal os by letter* stricil) cjufideatial. 8-23 468S '

Motels. * UNDER DISTINGUISHED PATE ONAQE QUILL'S HOTEL, ASHBUBTON . (Opposite Railway Station, and adjoini™ P_.t : and Telegraph Departments. * THE Proprietor of the above masraiSoeai Hotel begs to announce te &mm<sm& Travellers, Families, and Viaitwa to this proa. i perous district that this establiflhment 13 ac--1 linowledged to be the finest in New Zaaiaal both as regards its extent of aecommoiJ-Bto and the general perfection of its appoibtaont. The privcto Buites of apartments aw BwcMfe 1 • designed to suit tho convenience and prrracyjf families. The sitting rooms aro cheerful sad pleasant. Splendid commercial room, and % reading room with one of tha best libisriraii, ' the colony. Large sample rooms to mest % requirements of commercial travellers. Bath 5 rooms, billiard saloon, and wines, and spirits cf * the choicest brands. , 6-24 3966 THOMAS QUILL, Propriete, " ORAH'S SOMERSET COMZCBSOIAL AND FAMILY HOTEL, Ashbtirtcn, j Under the patronage of ! Sir George Grey, K.C.B. Premier ef Ksb Zealand, 3 Sir James Ferguson, Bart,, lata Goterao! cf New Zealand, and Sir Charles Ducano. late Governor of j nnHIS centrally sitoatod hotel it pioncmnct. - JL to be one of the finest n the Btratkaj Hemisphere. The Cuisine is under the onpffriilea ef is eminent Chef, and the Proprietor hopes tlai bit' long experience in the trade is a suffic-cat gm,, nntea as to the quality cf tlie oaniaata rf & oelLsr. i B. W. SHEARMAN, Propria^. 2 16-23 2290 .- r ; —' JOSEPH BALDWIN begs to in&ra Ma friends and the publio that hahasOPEKEDTHE CENTRAL HOTEL , Wakanu 1 Stheet, Ashbubtm., This Commodious Hotel is situated m'SMs , three minutes' walk of tha Railway Siatisa, ' Table d'Hote daily at 6 p.m. Luacboaßoatie table from 12 to 2 p.m. The Jug and Bottle Department will bemads a Bpecial feature, single bottle, and Basil quantities being supplied at tho lowesi Kmunerative rates. Only the best traality '&> ' wines, beers, and spirits procura.' c will be kej _... * 3.5 8559 J. BALDWIN. Propriete. ' WAGSTAFF'S FAMILY HOTEL, } AKAROA. 1 TTKTES. CHAMBERLAIN having takaiUa W V above well-known Hotel (wmc _ he ha _ completely refurnished), begs to aoUeit .-»• patronago of visitors to Akaroa, and the p-blk* generally. Private apartments for Families orlnnitat. Ales, Wines, and Spirits of the very beat 5-8-1% I»OYAL HOTEL, Moore street, Ash..* \i ton.—Having completed the improve--™ * to his house, W. Power desires to lnfom bis friends and the publio that he can OfIE& to* the very BEST ACCOMMODATION, an- fcrasfcs that his knowledge of tho, &M *» superiority of the establishment, wUsnaWomsa to receive an ample share of tha* d* o *?* . Private suites of apartments. Wmes, neeas, and spirits only of the best brands. W. *w«b Proprietor. .«»«* . ALBERT HOfffl-, QUEEN BTBEET, AVGEIABII ' Cj C. CAULTON, Proprietor {Late d x ts9 Masonic Hotel, Napier, and MaseM \ Hotel, Gisborne). .... _, B *3_T " Town and Country." which puM»Ma 9 a view of this magnificent hotel, after deam-M 8 the plan of the house and general accomE-M*- \ tion in eulogistic terms, remarks .—" v__tt» 1 from all parts of the colonies and Ame?-oaaMt|' ba met with here, aad aH seem highly »__»» with the good things provided and u»gm<j™. " management of this fine hotel.*' 2-13 7587 Road Boards. HEATHCOTE ROAD BOABDNOTICE is hereby given tbat the HeathsRoad Board intend to LEVY uriß«» a SPECIAL RATE of Is in the £ on fi-slst- ■ day of January, 1880, on oil rateable property I in tho foUowing localities, vis.: —Both sides «| Hanmer street, Avonville, the north side « Hereford etreet, and both si3cß of W.Asaph street and Creek road, PhiUuWovm. . for the purpose of defraying part of tract** «* making concrete side channels in tho sr.idfiareew* Tha said rate to bo payable in two eqnalsnsw* raenta, the first to bo duo and payablel on WW. Ist day of January, and tho 2nd on tha lst<"a. of July, 1880. , _ The Special Bato Book is Open for Inspect!aa at the Office of the Board, Ferry road. By order. _ _ W. T. C. MILLS,, 12-1 1552 Clerk to thejtegu 31ieari_agr> _•■ SHEARING. SHEARING will cornea at RISC'* BlWi on MONDAY, 15th December. Pnce, 1* per 100 and found. 12-5 1731 E. B. MILLTONjMMfgg^ SHEARING wiU COMMENCEI aliUj COLEBIDGE STATION on TUESDAY. the 16th December. Messrs Mnrcluaon emCartmel'e shed to follow. Price, 15s vf* »•■ B.U.Cottok. 1-.1085,, Board and -Residence. B X. I G- H'S CANTERBURY BESTAUBAKT, Victoria Btreet and Market plsae, over Vi-tori*' Bridge. MEALS AT ALL HOURS OF Tffl-DA* BOABD AND LODGINGS, lGs, 18s, and £1 per weak. Beds and Meals. Is. Good Accommodation for Famiuas. 94) Stabling Free. .._ L-.

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Press, Volume XXXII, Issue 4481, 10 December 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume XXXII, Issue 4481, 10 December 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume XXXII, Issue 4481, 10 December 1879, Page 4