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" ~ ■■--■"■• " P-blie Notices, "^^^^^^ ~~ r. b. H_-J-E & co.r^^^^ SAIL. TBSfT, TA3_?A-_IN, -LAG, HOBSB OLOTH, AND OILSKIN CLOTSbm MANIWACTD-EBS AND ROPE MAKERS, CA'SBBL "BEET, CHRIST CHUBOI, T TST of someotenr I_a?G_T_TIONS ALWAYS IN STOCK i-Navy end t_pa B _. '" _L mJ/S? «sn-, ««?,«-»«**<? ducks, American drill, oajis* _-i--l_ rope, Pkmgh aad i«dhnM, m|r_ie, spiuiyara, seammg, net _,_ sfcJTgL** Pa__-Ki p-ent.aud iron blocta, pitch and hasa _3 «E5 es-*, outer and ueatafoot ofla, tilt get—wf, *c.,.-0., &c " ' . LIST of __• K-NOTAOTHB-S, ALWAYS IN STOCK, ani MADE TO OBDlg, Sails, rick and thresh-* clefts, ksrpaabn wags*n nd oirt Ml*, patent engine «*H2fc_ nam* w_mr_ and b_~—« mad—s» oa—srs, canvas, duck, drill and o_ee teaca sua g-^r ßl9 «d trousers, fi« rope, halters, ana oVAbSIStTS** *C„ *»., *0. . __________ :. W__COll_ES_k____ AJSTD RETAHj, g.aj PaiOß LIBTS OW A-'gUOA— tOW. gjg^ ~~~~ Gr. _?. JJA.YJ-, ~~~ _-NAS STrTER, B-LLHANQ-R, LAMP MACTfi. G_ lX and Kteetric Bella fitted up by wpenOTioed workmen. Hot and Cold Wafca AwwHuJ erery d«~rip-on made and fixed on tha most approved pnneiplo. Hydrauha Rwsf fitted up and Gas Ovens. Gas Stovee, and Gas Kttmgs in always in stock. All work guaranteed. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. OPPOSITE CITY HOTEL, COLOMBO STREET, l_B Manufactory—Oppoaite M—on, Strainers and Co., Colombo strest, _g . COLOMBO STREET ~""' BOOT AND SHOE DEPOT ESTABLISHED 1830. IN CONSEQUENCE OF BEING LARGELY OVERSTOCKED AND TO MHM "•■ THE TIMES, JO H N GOODMAN BEGS to inform his numerous Customers that he has determ—ed to make a stall ftgO_ REDUCTION IN PRICES -- Men's Lace Boota (own make), reduced from 18s 6d to 16s 6d Do Kip Bluchers „ „ 12s 6d to lis Do —id elastic side springs „ 16s6dtol2a6d Women's Kid Boota „ 9a 6d to 5s Do Cashmere House Boots, from Ss Gd Children's ~-t Boots, from Is _ICT— 1 -* 1 ' _?__32 ; ______}__ESS—■* BOOTS! * ; -. SHOES:! Great Clearing Sale of Boots aid Shoes at C__-S__:___- HOUSE BOOT DEPOT HIGH STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. T_f R GEORGE bavin _ just returned from Melbourne, where he was induced to make I—___ JJjL PURCHASES of Boots and Shoes at SO per cent, under Enfiruah prices, pHmoaafes Off— all those Goods, in all 84 Cases, at 30 per cent, discount, and 2s os Every Pound Cask, The SALE commences THIS DAY, Saturday, 14th June, and will continue for Two Keats* vis., until 4th August, on which day I will be dosed £or stock-taking. Goods conaiat «f .— Children's l»oe boots, Is, worth 2s. Women's Cashmere hoots, fcasa Safe&gJ „ lace-ups, 7'b to 9's, 4s, worth 6s worth as 6d to 7s „ „ lO'stolS's, worth7sGd Every description of slippers, from 3gfc> „ coppertoea,lo'stol3'B,s^,worth7s6d Mcn r s dastic-sides, at 10s, worthl4«W „ „ 7's to 9'B„ 4s, Worth 6s „ Ba6d, woriu—3 Women's Hd boots, from 6s to 14s, worth 10a to Men's Emperors, own mako, at 1&, w& 20s ' « waterfcights; at 15b, vrartia 22s Women's Emperors, from Ss 6dto 10s 6d, worth j, lace-ups, at 10s 6d, worth 1_ 8& • 12a6dtol_6d „ Bluchers, at 8a 6d, worth 12a 6, ' The stock being toe large to particularise, all ether Lin— will be Reduced in propaztiea. Obse —c th c addresa— .■ : -..'. V,:.'.: sG-BORO-B,^ OASHEL HOUSE BOOT, DEPOT, HIGH STBEET, OHSIBTOHCROg N—,- Ma- anft tin. 'Dranran•. Thfi H_tl. ft.9l (KMtS

, —rapers, -ne _—i. .;. »<_ a>§3 Con veyaescee. ( ~~ sumnee; ™~~" ALTERATION OF TIME, MES3RS MILLETT & GRIFFITH te. to inform tha Public that th—r o—_« bis ALBION will RUN twico daily bct„— Sumner aud ChriEtchurch. Tho Omnibus leaves Sumner at 8.80 b._, as. 3.45 p.m., and leaves Morton's Hotel, oh_t* 1 churchy at 10 20 a.m., aud 5.15 p.m. Particular attention paid to parties cf La_ks and Children. Orders received, and places boohed at MILLETT & GRIFFITH'S STABLES, Market Place and High street, 9-5 7883 COBB & OO.'S LINE Off ROYAL HAH, OOAOH—B—CH_ISTO-Ui-QH TO AKAROA. fß_i_-_ COACHES le*?e tha 3oo_DfCiffi es JL O——.church, every Teesday, Thot—i <S and Saturday, 'at B a.m., refct—kg' &es Beach—'« Hotel, A_irca, e*_y Head-J, "W—*, need _vr, and Jftrid&y, at 8.25 a.m. SAMUEL I—_, Prejafotesl-, 9 885 . Ct&b'aO—ss. ; WINCHEBTEB FOR GI-L-uDIH- - • THE CHEAPEST AND MOST ROUTE TO GEBALDINCIOAOHES WT_L"l_"rat_e __~T SX& ✓ . TRAINS at tho Winchsster E— ~$ Stations for Conveyance of Pfi—sng_9 ess Paresis to and from Qi—aldino. FA—SO-— SißgloJourney, 2a; Set—Q 3 Sa ' In <—_teo__ wi— the above, —If _-T STABLES have bean o_w—xl. Bad-is bm® and buggies on hire. Ordani tovwssM It Commet__ T~irelL—s tyjll ho Ss* tended to. 3. A. YOUNO, ■21 870 Propri-tor. Wiaffl—!tte. , TELEGRAPH LINE OF ROYAL H_COACHES. COACHES will Leave Amberley for H-~—oi every Morning, and forWausu overyj—]s&y and Thmrsdigr, returning —- Huron— <My, and firdm Waiah every Tuesday and ITr—ay j Wtdan Ferry 'on Saturday, —tumLng ■ ess Monday. FRANCIS HOLDER, Prs-pri—a\ 7-19 5948 _ COBB & CO.'S T__3GR_-__X_~S QYt ROYAL MAIL COACH--. CH__BTC!_UROH AND A-A&OA. _aim_e in ooaJtuicMon with the c.a. A__M/*TO_o__sTeava Beeoher'a Hotel. A__(» %J oa Monday, W-dnesdlay, -_ S— is?, — 8.25 a—a. j and Pigeon Bay ah. &&ss&& —ral cf ua -tea—-, S__—los each way. - --. SAMUEL L__ Pr-s*fcft M3WBB Cobb's O-os. C_iai-ige%_ ASHBURTON AND LONG-SACS* /"tEOEGB E. PIKE'S Royal _-3 &»§[< VJT leaves L«flghoa—i for Aahi_toa {» Ashton, Waierton, and Whestatcne), -ffi«. f a.m., ret—nilis; by the asm rea» « airiv- of 8.20 p._. tram _©_ Ctekfen-rca. Booking office an.i stabks, Wcstofts tary, Ta__e_ street, nest Episcopal—a A—Jbtartoc, «_, D—gs,A_erioaji wag_o_i lmgjrfe-,C3te«s»' ho—„ w_lappo—ied. _ _,„_ GEORGE-.?--, ' .22365 __3£—_-. HOT SPRINGS. H-NMER PLAINS, AMUM. ■ NELSON PROVINCE. . •_ * DIRECT COMMUNICATIOif &Z f*| Coach every Saturday, oa «<*_*•" first train from C-istchurch, rotursmsf ««5[ Monday mornin_ in time io catch las* .~*•*. for o_latch-—h. ._-_■_" The Coach arrives at Upper War- at« £*» andis met by Mr Fry's trap st the aer-nßa-* of the river for paaseage— and mail. . ~ __-JciS HOLDER, - X*2—! M-—----FEEL FOREST. JHEN E V Worn tta j gg » that his COAGH wiSlleave J.^ F S for the South Raogitata -_h-»y ««rt "W Tuesday, Thursday, and S-urd&y, f WJ to meet the firab fe_n from Chm Ufa*® » ifho second frt_• Tiu-irn, and return M s>iporestat 5 p.m. on the same. days. a-s.-ls. ______tfS5---*«' __~«_ ..---.j-jj^ 1-156611 _____-t2_-^-GREENPARK AND *. ROYAL MAIL flO-CBBS. CKIHB_B begslTanuounce *ffi • SOLD -is Line of Wilsca, who will continue *» S» ~~* to fr , regu-rity and despatch, and favoaed with a continuftnee of «»» P* 3 ** 3 bestowed on his preaecesaor- «_*_£-& CJcaches sf the abeve Lina •» w __os*> end Faaroela feoo&» fel **,

-ear may ana,uo., stamped envelope, and , I will forward particulars of an infalUbla Remedy, and copies of testimonials received from all parts of tho colony. T. H. Hannabobp, Auckland. 7-15-5764 In the matter of ta Bill intituled ou Act to authorise the Lyttelton Harbor Board and tbe Lyttelton Borough Council to exchange ecrtai_ lands within the Borough of Lyttelton. TKTOTICE in hereby given that application is JLvi intended to be made at this session, of the General Assembly of New Zealand to introduce a Bill to authorise the Lyttelton Harbor Board aud tho Lyttelton Borough Council to exchange certain lands within the Borough of Lyttelton, and that Buch Bill provides : That it shall be lawful for tho Corporation of • the Borough of Lyttelton to convey and . transfer to the Lvttelton Harbor Board their successors aud assigns certain paareels, of land specified and Bet out in the first sohsdule thereto in exchange for certain parcels of land specified aud set out in tho second schsdule thereto and immediately on the execution of such conveyance.and transfer the said lands shall vest in and may be _«d and enjoyed by the said Lvttelton Harbor Board their' sucsesfors and nsßigrns in fee Binspie for the purposes of harbor works as described in the Harbsra Act 1873 freed from all rights of roadway or otherwise whatsoever . i That it shall be lawful for the said Lyttelton Harbor Board to convoy and transfer to the said Corporation of the Borough of Lvttel- - ton their successors aud assigns the said parcels of land specified and set out in the said second schedule thereto in exchange for the said parcels of land specified and set out in the'said first schedule thereto and immediately on the execution of such conveyance and transfer the said lands shell vest -ia the eaid Corporation and their successors for the purposes of roads or streets That should any claim for compensation be made by any private person having property to the westward of section number 234 of the town of Lyttelton injuriously affected by the said convey—ice to the said Board the same shall be made and determined in the manner provided by tho third part of ,the Public Works Act 1876 and in any such proceeding the Board shall be deemed to be the respondent within the meaning of the said Public Works Act. Notice is hereby further given that copies of the proposed Bill may be obtained at the office of Henry N. Nalder, solicitor,. Oxford street, Lyttelton, and at the respective offices of the Lyttelton Borough Council and tho Ljttalton Harbor Board at Lyttelton. Dated t_s>.23rd day of September, 1879. H. ALLWRIGHT, Mayor of the Borough of Lyttelton. H. J. V. ROGERS, Town Clerk. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary of Lyttelton Harbor Board. HSKBY N. Naj —»~e, - Solicitor for the said Bill. 9-26 8744 ' Conveyances. None—. -A-AIA AND -_VOB£> ffOSBST ON and aftor this date,* COACH win lasve the RAKATA on arrival of Ifert Tea—. For Alf ord Forest, via Lavingtoa and inter mediate places, on Monday, Wednaed&y, Friday, retorning Tuesday, Thursday, aad Saturday meeting Train for C_iotohar—_ AJfcKd-fsre—_a~_ M _ 10a. F—«_gen and same- boohed at Cobb't Office, Tatters—Ts. Telegrams and orderop—*ei__y attamiedto, Buggko and Saddle Horses —ways as hire. CHAg. LAKE, Prop—star, Smith _altaaa. oggo—te Rail—ay gt&feio— ROYAL MAIL. COAL-ATE TO HORORATA DAILY. ACK>-Y_YANC_ will leave Coalgate Ranway Station DAILY, on arrival of first train from Christchurch, returning in time fc~ _sttraiin for Chiisfc—nreh. To suit the aouveaieneeof the public, passengers wul also be conveyed to ana from first and last trains on Saturdays, and from last train on Mondays, i——lb, te—g—_is, aad orders punctually attended to. Good aecoxa_od&iicn for traVf—S— . THOMAS NAPIES. 4-19 886 Hor—ata Hotel. Proprietor. -S-BU-TON. EOOOB-ON tw_s to i—tern the Fnhßt • that he r_a v COACH every Tnesdaj andlh—_y_ <—t Ashb—ton omc _o—tt—l-5 the first Train from Chiistch——i to Haed'i _coommo—ison Home, Mount S.— —» aa_ A_ord Fazset, retoiniiw every Wet—asdaf and Sat—day is uae for the last train s&Cbrisi. eh_reh, nameiy, S_S p.m. Bnggka and Saddle Hi—es alwayß ca Mra. Te_gias—a, Faroe—! and Order-- pes ict—_j at-_deitc S. COOKSON, FMf—ate, Aahb-3—a Uama S_iMas, 81 Oppcsit e Rr—fway Bi 'aime* . BALCAIRN TO -rSTHSTEIJO. A COACH -_1 *_*»«_) C% Hoid, LcJib field In t__«4a_ _——aur * I * CB for Ohrisfe-mrob.. sad" _v_ing s—si Moiinssf •■ i——- fisan Cl_Sy__sc_. - j 148 6889 Bi STAQg. i^ciet„,

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Press, Volume XXXII, Issue 4422, 2 October 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume XXXII, Issue 4422, 2 October 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume XXXII, Issue 4422, 2 October 1879, Page 4