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OASHEIi HOTTSE BOOT DEPORT SIGH STREET, CHBISTGJaiJRqH:. BOOTS AKP SHOES IJ]Vr^^ Ej~n?mmv ato call the attention of his Customers and the Publio in . -G Si, to his Mmense Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES both Colonial and rmnnrfciv? AS HE IS OVEESTOCKED he is determined to effect a Speedy Clearance, to teadeTwho Stends paving for bis goods. Becent amvab ex Lutterworth, Palala, and Laugstone 63TBUNKB. . , *. ■ rrom to * ■ trona to Chndren'Bpatentlace-ups,reduced 2s la 3d Chfldren'sTOpper toes, 4-sto6'e 4e Sβ 6s 4s Women's Oariunere boota ... 5b 6d Sβ tH ff« P^^Si : •" f 65 « * As he Manmfactureß all Colonial Goods at )m actory, Hereford street, under hia own roper quality. BOOTH'S ~~" STEAM BA"W, MOULDING, AND PLAKING QASHBS AND DOOBS WHOLESALE ,ANB.. BETAIL. © Flooring, Match Lining, Mouldings, Architraves, Skirting, Timber, Bed, White, and Black Kne,lland9x 3 Baltijß.Busticatod Weather Boards, Tan Diemans Larf PaEngs, Shingles and Timber, Hurdles, and Galvanised Iron aßd Spouting, O G. and half round. Turning in all ite branches. Circles to five feet diameter. '",'..' Country orders punchy md .^ COLOMBO STRBEII , BOOT AND SHOE DEPOT SSTABLISBLED 1860. JO H N GOODMAI HAS juat opened 14 TBUNKB of German and French JESTING, consequence of other shipments to follow, are marked at such PfilOßS as to effect a SPEEDY SALE. ■■■■/• ■ . ■ • ''■■ ■■ : < .■-- ■.-.■ •/ - ■■.-.■■'■■■ - - • ••-■ ■■ German and French Lasting reduced from lla to 8b Ladies'KM Boots, from lOsSd to 7s 6d . Do Bad Shoes, from 12s 6d to 10s 6d Child's Levant Balmorals, from 2s 6d tola 6d . , Do Kid Boots, side spring, from 3a 6d to 2a $d ' • ALL OTHEE LINES EQUALLY CHEAP FOB CASH. v Sewed; Peg, and Bivettod Boots made to Order. : : : 1 NOTE THE ADDBESS— 12^8808 GOODMAN'S CHEAP BOOT lEEFOT. GAS FITTEB, BELLHANGEB, LOCKSMITH, AND LAMP MAKES. CM Engine ' and Electric Bells fitted up.'by experienced wortaaen. Ho*.and Oold Water Apparatui|/ol every description made and fixed on the most approved principle. Hydraulic E*ms,J?umpei anc Beer Engines fitted up and repaired. Gas Ovens, Gas Stoves, and Gas Fittings in great variety always in stock.- All work guaranteed. ' A LIBKBAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. OPPOSITE CITY HOTEL, COLOMBO STREET, I-β Manufactory--Opposite Mason, Strnthera and Co., Colombo street. ■ 256 B O P T H'S hyjdrppltkk! b "establishment, (Not Cold Watkb), LINCOLN BOAD, O HEISTO HITBO H» Pamphlets on Water Cure, gratis on application. Send stamped envelope. He BeoTH may be oonaulted daily, from 11 to 3, at Messrs Cobb A Co.'s Office, High stree ■■ .. .■ :■■■■■ ■ ■-■ '■■ ■■-■ '■ ■ ■■■ 8-29 874 b. mam & co., SAIL, TENT, TABPATJLIN, FLAG, HOBSS CLOTH, AND ODLSB3N CLOTHINC . MANUFACTUBEES AND BOPE, MAKEBS, • : OAS HE L STBB BT, OHBIBTOHUROS. TisT op mm ov quw\ mpoBTATiaNS always m ; btook^ Navy and Tarpanlin Canyas, 24m. and 36in. < Linen and Cotton Ducks, American Drill, CaEco, Bunting, Europe aod lf^ n ff I ft Bope, Plough and Lead Linea, Marline, Spunyam. Seaming, Boping, Net and Shop Twines,- Palms and Needlee. Common/Patent, and Iron Blocks; Pitch'and Tar. India-rubber Hose and Fittings, Fishing, Cricket, and Horse Nets. Linseed, Coka, Castor and Neataf oot Oite, Tilt Hoops, Felt Druggetting, Aα., fto., fto. LIST OF OTJB MANUFACTUBES, ALWAYS IN STOCK, OR MADE TO OBDSitSails, Bick and Threshing Goths, Tarpaulin Waggon and Cart Tilts. ' '-' ' Patent Engine and Combine Covers. , -, Heaping and Binding Machine Covers, Canvas, Duck, Drill and Calioo Tentarand Flya. Canvas, Hose, Oilskin Coats and Leggings and Trousers. Flax Bope, Halters, uad doihes Lines, Flags, &0., &a. t 40. '. . ' WHOIiESALE A.JTP "R.ißrrATr^ 8-21 _ Pbicb LlflTff on Applicutiow. ' 8394

DEAFNESS I Send stamped envelope, and I will forward particulars of an Infallible Bemedy, and copies of testimonials received from all parts of the Colony.—T. B. Havnatobd, m _ 4-4 155 GAME * NOHOE.' " PEBSONS TBESPASSING on the FABM of the undersigned with.Dog or Gun in pursuit of game will be PEOSECU i'JED, ELDEB BEOS. - Elderdee, Eyreton, April 28tL 4-29 1333 NOTICE. LICENSE FEES. LICENSES for SHOOTING COCK PHEASANTS during *he month of May can now be obtained at my office. £cc, £2 103. Also, Licenses for COURSING, fee for each dog to be paid by the owner, fee 10s,from the let day of May to the Slut day of July, 1879; ' 8. C. FAEB.Hon. Sec. Cookham House Chambers, , , 4-28 April 26th, 1879. 1272 [ESTABUCSHID 1801.J BaBBY'S A BICOPHEBbUS FOBTHEHAIB, W/ aLL positively restore hair to bald* heads T V where the roots are not entirely dead, which is seldom the case. Will positively make weak, thin aud falling hair grow soft, glossy and long. Will positively remove dandruff, and make the scalp white, smooth and clean. Aβ an elegant dressing there is nothing in the -world equal to it. Patronised for over fifty years by the nobility of England, France, Germany and Spain, and all the first families of America. " Beauty Within the Beach of All." BABBY'S PEARL CBEAM gives a beautiful complexion, removes every blemish, and enables ladiee of forty to pass easily for twenty. Tryit. L. E. NATHAN & CO., Christchuroh, 9-26 45 Aeenta. A VALUABLE MEDICAL DISCOVEBY TJEUTEB'S T IFE QYBUP Is a medicine that was discovered by old Nurse Bertrand, who had been occupied in sick rooms and with the care of sick people for over fifty years. Iβ is made purely and entirely of ; * PLANTS, HEEBS, AND BOOTS, And is exceedingly agreeable and pleasant to both the taste and smell, being warm, aromatic, and spicy. It is a most thorough purge, cleaning out the bowels without pain, and without nausea or sickening. It'does not weaken, aad leaves the system open and free, never drying up the bowels afterwards, as every other'purge chat we know of does. It can be given to infants and invalids -with safety, and in every case of old or young, it is guaranteed to cure the worst cases of constipation, indigestion, and all diseases that affect the stomach and bowels. It ia* moreover, a powerful stimulator and INVIGOBATOB OF THE LIVES. Its effects upon the blood and humors is something really astonishing, and is much more immediate and thorough than that of any other purifier yet discovered, having this great advantage, that when it has, by its depurating powers, Bet free in the system the poisons of Scrofula, Salt Bheum, Malignant Ulcerous Sores, and Cancerous gatherings or lumps, it instantly carries them out of the body by purging the bowels. No other purifier does this; with all of them the patient must take pills, or some other equally nauseous dose of physic, or. if they do not, the poison remains in the system, and goes back into the blood. ; BEUTEB'S LIFE SYBTJP Is exceedingly pleasant to take, needs no second dose to purge the bowels, and does all the work required to effect a perfect core. BABBY'S PAIN BELIEF, : Purely vegetable; for use internally or externally. Cures in one minute. Tryit! Try L. E. NATHAK& CO., Christchnrch, -26 44 Agents. HEALTH FOB ALL. HOLLOWAY'S PiLLS AND OINTMENT. THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correefc all disorders of the liver, Stomach, Kidneys, and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. - .... - , THE OINTMENT is the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wennds, Sores, and TJkers. For Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Cougba, Cold*. Gout, Bheumatism, and aU Skin Diseases, it has no equaL • • . ■ Sold by the Proprietor, Thomus Hollowat, 533, Oxford street, London, and by aQ Tnedjrfrie vendon throughout tha world. 7-3 7798

Hotels. J ': '' MABINE HOTEL, NEW BEIGHTON, Danihli McGtntNKßss; Proprietor. THIS Hotel having .fceen thoroughly nmo» yated, is now prepared for the reception of Visitors foe the Summer Season. Every accommodation fee Ficnio and Dismex Parties. A Coach leaves New Brighton daily at 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., and leaves Britannia Hotel, CJhrisfcehurcb, daily at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. JAMES FOEBES MACKENDBICK, Manager. 11-21 3280 WAGSTAFF'S FAMILY HOTEL, AKABOA. KITES. CHAMBEBLA.IN havintr taken the TT i above Well-known Hotel (which he has completely refurnished), bags to solicit.' the patronage of visitors to Akaroa, and the public generally. Private apartments for Families or Invalids. Wines, Ales, and Spirits of the very beat quality. 4-4 183 CROWN HOTEL, TEMUKA. Pbopbietob—LEONAßD TOMBS..- : THE above Hotil is conveniently eitnated , for Commercial Travellers, large sample rooms being attached. Table d'Hete daily from Ito 2 p.m. Wines, beer, and spirits of the best brands only. Private apartments for families. Every precaution taken to ensure the comfort of visitors. 4-28 1268 ROYAL HOTEL, Moore street, Ashbnrton.—Having completed the improvements to his house, W. Power desires to inform his friends and the publio that he can OFFER them the very BEST ACCOMMODATION, and trusts that hu knowledge of the bnsiness, and the superiority of the establishment, -will enable him to receive '■ an ample share of their custom, j Private suites of apartments. Wines, beere, and spirits only of the best brands. W. Powbb, Proprietor. 3-10 8805 nH*M'p poMTgRHTgr ffctvnrmujtAX. awtq i gAMUJY HOTEL, Under the patronage of Sir Cteorge Grey, K.C.B. Premier of New Zealand, Sir James Ferguson, Bast.* late Governor of New Zealand, and Sir Charles Dncano, late Governor of Tasmania. THTfI centrally situated hotel is pronounoed to be one of the finest in the Southern Hemisphere. The CniaiEe Iβ under the snparvision Of &a eminent Chef, and the Proprietor hopes that hia longexperienee in the trade is a mnloieai gse» nateeos to lbs quality el Stacontanta of the odkr. B. W. BHEARMAN, Propreios. 10u23 2290 . V

JOSEPH BALDWIN bega to inform his friends and the pubUc that he will OPEN THE CENTRAL HOTEL, WAKAHUI STBBET. AeHBUBTOH, ON THURSDAY, MAEGH 20th, 1879.

Thie Cbmnxodious Hotel ia rituated within three minntea' walk of the Baihrey Station. Table d'Hote daily at 6 p.m. Luncheon on the table from 12 to 2 p.m. The Jog and Bottle Department will be made a special feature, angle bottles and small quantities being supplied at the lowest remunerative rates. Only the beet quality of wines, beers, and spirits procurable will be kept. 3.S 8553 J. BALDWIN, Proprietor. ALBERT itimSj, QUEEN STBBET, AUOKLAKD. SO. CATOTON, Proprietor (Iftte of • Masonic Hotel, Nepiar B aad Maeonio Hotel, Giaborne). gfST " Town aad Country," which pubEshea a view of this magnificent hotel, after describing the plan of the Eouee and general accommodation in eulogistic terms, remarinss— " 'Vlaiiora from aU parts of the colonies and America are to be met with here, and aU seem highly satisfied with the good tHngs provided and the general management of thia fine hotel." 2-13 7527 BALCAISN TO LETTHFIELD. A COACH will leavTtha City Hotel, Leth field in tune to meet the |ff<«7>F"g train for Christchorch, and Evtoing and Morning taeina from Chriftchureh. 1-12 6833 B. ffTAOB, Pteprietor.

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Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4291, 1 May 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4291, 1 May 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4291, 1 May 1879, Page 4