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Eaobhobses.—The racehorses Miiroro and Puriri were shipped .by the. s.s.Arawata yesterday to Picton. . ■.. i-.. The Gaiety.—Thepanorama of theßuseoTurtiek war was again largely attended laat eveniifg.' The venal gift diatribution followed the exhibition. To-night it will again beshown. -"'-■ .. ■■:■ liitEGAiiY ojt Pebmisbs.—Two ; men were arrested yesterday evening for being illegally <m r the premises of Dr. Patrick. It appears they were accidentally dieobvered by some of the inmates of the house, by whom they were given in charge. ' r . IHB; West Coast Coach.—The Chief Postmaster received "a telegram last night to the effect that the coach from Hokitika had broken down at Oraigiebuxn. The mails will not, therefore, reach town until this morning.-''..''. ' ■■:■•■■ ■•, ■■ : KiiiwAYWAGGOHS.—Nearly every Tessel from. London ariiving at Eort Lyttelton brings with it railway iron for additional railway trucks, and their erection goes' on immediately the iron work is landed, both in Ohristohnrph and. Dunedin. It is expected that by next season there, will be over a thou:sand waggons in .readiness, over, and above -those now ia existence. :

Oxiohd.—At a large public meeting held on Tuesday night, resolutions urging the importance, of making; the district road to Wharfdale, and the prosecution of the Oxford and Malvern extension of the railway, were carried unanimously, and memorials -embodying the wish-of the .meeting will be at once forwarded to the proper authorities. '•■

Citizehs , working committee appointed to make arrangements for the citizens' ball, to be given fn honor of the Governor's arrival in Ohrittchurch, met yesterday afternoon, and took the necesearyslcps towards the end in view. In further reference to this subject the Mayor received a telegram at noon yesterday from the Hon. 3. T. Fisher,; to the effect that his Excellency acceptejthe invitation to a public ball, . '

A Lost Mikttte Book.—A discussion took place yesterday, at the Charitable Aid Board meeting, concerning the minute book of the hospital, staff,, which the present staff com--plaia has not bees handed-to them. The qaeetion has been referred to the hospital committee, and no doubt some light will bo thrown ,on the subject when they bring up their report. ;.,..,.. ~ ■■:.;■■■', ,/ ■ ? -;:-■•■; ; v- ! Pboduob Tbappic—The bulk of the grain from: all stations north of Aihburton, and the various branches, has now been conveyed by rail to Chrietchurch or Lytteltcn for storage or Bbipment, and there is no fear of any future block at any of the stations. The potato traffic has just commenced, but as it is confined to only a few stations within a short distance of Chrietchurch, it will not cause the department much trouble. That portion of the country between Eangitata and Oamaru, where the crops are yery heary, j still keep the grain traioe busily employed. In Otago and Southland the rail-, ways are carrying, at: ihe present time, tery ! consideraHlfl qiwntitieS; of grain,. and cc the crops tibere are so much later than in Cknterbury, , this being* in fact about the middle of tie season with them; the department do 2 of anticipate any dimculty in' aealfeg-witS'the traffic on hand orTifely to take j)lace this year,- The traffic in Otsgb and/Sputliland is in Ctoferbury, arid ttierebla portion "of the coTbriy,"beenthe same oomplalnts of want of trucks as in this proTioce.

Diocsbah Stsod.—Mr Beginald Foeter has been duly elected synodsman for the Amberley-cumLeithfield district. Thb Public Libbabt.—Mγ Newton, the late librarian »t the Public Library, leaves for England by the Stad Haarlem. Hμ successor £ Mr Alfred J. Siardex, who lately armed An> BOABD.-There was a eomewhat protracted sitting of the Hospital and Charitable Aid Board yesterday, when a good deal of boiinew was transacted. It was Sesolved to hold a special meeting next Wednesday, to deal with a number of matter* unavoidably left over yesterday. ADMIBBION TO THB HOSPITAX. —At the meeting of the Charitable Aid Board jesterday a discussion arose on the power of Besii dent MegJetratea-te grant-ordeia of, admission, to the Hospital. Tt was ultimately resolved t4 forward to? the Magistrate a copy of the rules of the Hospital, which provide that no admietioa can take place except byfche housesurgeon, who » responsible - for; .thejgame to the Board. -. Educatiok Bbttoh. —X?n March 31st there were 14,127 children in attendance at the North • Canterbury schools. ginning of the ' quartet the was 12,126. Thestrict avenge attendaiHjerduangj the March ; quarter wm, 9854. P.°ri»g the] year etded December. 31st tt»e) **«*«£« *?1 9641. There are now 115 schools, open inthe , district, in which ,161 male, and teachers are employed, besides 30 eewing misj tresEes. During, the quarter 5 new schools were opened. :■■.■. : ; , ■: Vital StahsucS---The follawing; is the return of births, marriages, arid deaths in Ohrietchuroh "?& disforiot.'for the:month o,£ April: —Births —"Oityn 59;a-district* 182? MarKeßes,— City*, 28j district,ll.-Deaths— aity, 28 ! ; district, 39. The s fol]6#it)f is, the* return of deaths in the bined, for each month einc|the beginning of the y eftr : _J a nuary, 104; Feburary, 91; March, 7*4 j April; 67* fThe-birthf asm% period nave been aa follows : —January, 188 ; February, 159 ; March,: 1614 April, 191.

i Thb HoBEiTAi l SxAFjr.TT : At the usual meeting of the Charitable Aid Board yesterday the resignation of Dr.,M- fM.ark, was receiyed. The letter- containing "the resignation also stated that the house surgeon had opposed Dr. Mark from the first. The houee eurgeon n !wffi wae preeeat tfhenQthefletter *pc gad,j denied any opposition, and' after some discussion, it wft» resolred tolaak.-Djc.Marifif he desired an enquiry,, would be quite willing §0 grantifc* i:fi '■' V-> i: '<> : -'> **-*■ i Aocidbnt at Rakaia. —A man, named ChaTlßß-HBzard,-working- for Mr |Gleaiy r *tRakaia, met with aa accident; last, when he was' in charge of a harae and dray/'aind, -by sSine ground, the dart wheels passed Aver one of his ffcgs. He thought nothingmnoa-of the matter then, tit tSe/legf gradMly got worse, tUI at,last Be cotdd not move about, Tuesday, he was admitted to the Hoepitri. As; the limb is Tery/much ewollenj it known whetharany b'ohee are broken.

CBNrrBAt Sf -j-At,tbe.cloij».of Qxfprd on TuefldiyVit"wa»^ ro Mr Qffinriic that a 'memorial,bf* tent to the-MinisterM? Works, prayinfenim ! toabblieh'-th r a stations**EaetjtuodiWeet; Pxford .central., station. The proposition wiU'ohly seconded" pr<i forma,-&n& an • being pat to the meeting, only two hands were held tipin; : . faxovol'. it. ; The btairman; hi repdrting tKafe:ttlmbtjonc waVnegatiyedj', rightly - jshaervecl" "thssfc; he did not see there 'wai'atiyre^onvW^JKbroTr^sa , apple of discord between the Bast and West Of Oxford.-, ill Xj'..,■•■'.' i'~v-*]-,'£■:'■'>* v.-~-r>j ' Fobebtby.—A epecial ejiiaaionea meeting of Court Star of Canterbury, No. 2309, i..O.F<, wee:heM=in riighfe.' THere wae a good mueterrCff Jnembef».: presentrTE wae~"una|MDroifßly~reß(>lved t the Foftstere Join %W froceeewn to welif me mueter at tbe hall at 2.30 p.m. punt*nally. Judging from the intereafc takenby the memberfl, it Wantioipatia '&ftt there-wiltbeifcgtod mutter oi tie order; - It wa« aleo Teeblved io|o vr jom'fli* Court. T- »■ it i -?-. i'l «. £1 ■■ iil jj. C : Destitttte EAjUßKxe'.Fipqs.-rlt T" 11 he cert wm got up by the • turgeon of the Hospital tgr-iprm afundifbrßopplyingdeetitut» patients....|n> the neceeeariee in tbe irey of.lnyalift A portion of the gnm tHue fealieecl haebeen Mx Chilton in. thf( T of tneie articles,,, whioii .nave fast lieen completed. They coqipnee articles for both female; and;mele Tor: the fprmej there are «S 4>wnng^gowMi r irirenty/fou| pairs of slippers, three Amerioan rocking' chairs, and eighteen Nightingale jackets. For the maleii there are eighteen dreming-gowns, tM>tyißiX': pflirf |of; ■Kppere,-eighteeajjttight shirts, and six easy chairs. The sum of £20 has also been granted'ttf the patients' library from this fund for the purpose.of binding the books therein. The articles of xlothing comprised in the above list "have been inanufac'tured by the Colonial'liadies' Employment ;Soeiety,"ulnder thejdiree*ion W^kieir|• ; TZEALA»Diit, ;^-Messr? Wilfisand"SeyAour's panoramla Was again exhibited last evening tke Oddfellowß , Hall. little defeofe in-' sepawWe from the; first night ,o£ working of a large panorama.etich as thie .Is, have'now ;disappeared, an 3" it " f 6es very smoothly throughout. - ;Wpf lecture; has iJtie merit i of. variety, inasmuch as he does not entirely "confine himself to Trieie repetition' eachevening, butFgives the factr and inform matiorihe'has to convey to his audience in a newform, on each, occasion. Last night Jbe was eepecially happy/ in some of] ids quiet bite of hu,inour. JMjaa Enby D'Arcy, who was in excellent Voice,"lang : two ballade very nicely, and received one acknowledgment from the audience. It may be" mentioned Jihat.a very efficient orchestra gives the to the scenes, thef melodies haying evidently been leletstedwitK- iview to* appropriateness so far as the acene's intended to be illufl'trated are concerned. The panorama will be exhibited again thieeyening. ; .

Sxdnbx jmeeting ' of. ,the, Canterbury' committee in connection . with the Sydney Exhibition was held at the. Chamber of Commerce, st half- pact two o'clook yesterday afternoon. 'Present, Messrs Turner (in the chair)," Wood, end r Oiinningbam: The hoi. ccc., Mr Bird, reported that Tie had cent put, about fon*ty formij of applications f6r space at the Sydney Exhibition; and had received the following applications in addition to those already noticed :—Ffom Mr W. Tombs, who would exhibit wheat j from; Mr Shayle, who intended to forward specimens of phonography f from the Kaiapoi Spinning Company, - who would -forward specimens of tweeds, flannels, and blankets; from Messrs P.: Cunningham and Co;, ~whd would .exhibit grain and flour; and from'Mr Wood, who intended to exhibit flour, bran, and' pollard. He (the hon. sec), had at former meetings reported two. applications for exhibits', of a similar character. Correspondence was read from. Mr Thornton on the eubject of Lyttelton harbor models, and from Mr Napier Sell on the subject of & dry dock. - The chairman reported that he "had eeen the representative of the New Zealand Shipping Company abont models and photographs of their vessels. He: believed that several photographs of incidents of the early History of Canterbury would be exhibited at the Sydney Exhibition. ■ The meeting theiS";cloßed.,;; v ' Txh r adv?BSbs.'B BBCHPTiraf.—Arrange-' mente are being made in different quarters of the .city to give his Exbellency the Governor a suitable reception on hie arrival in OhßMt-: church. Mr Leahy, of the- Oddfellowe^has; been active among; the members of hie own: and kindred societies, with the objec* of securing their attendance on the occasion, and the Volunteers, of > course,! will turn out in honor of : the event. The city authorities have made application to the East and West Chrietchurch ajad i Normal schools. ito' supply a number off children to eing the national anthem on arrival of the 'governor and suite at: Cathedral Square, where a jplatform forthe children is to be erected^- '■ opposite the; tank. The railway authorities hare made arrangements by which his Excellency will: leave Timaru by special tram, arriving: inChristchurch 1 at half-past three o'clock on Saturday' afternoon. The City Ousrds; will form a guard of honor, and a salute will be fired by the Chratchurch battery of ! artillery when the tram with hie Excellency? ■ arrivee. For the purpose of taKng charge, Jof the jpecial train the tJhnstchnrchf eectaon, Mi Sack, -the General Manager off EaQwjjp»i will '] proceed ~to Oamaru this: morning, end an effort will be made to arrive in Chrietchurch writh the special pa Saturday \ between half-past three sad four o'clock. The procession.from, the station will make a< halt at the triumphal arch in Cathedral aqnare, whicn w&i be"'iHenS&iated during the: 'his ISseelfeiicy W ttmSiiigßtsjSo-f ceiafoli'from the residence of the Hea. Mr Eobinaon to the ball.

Hospiiai Libbabt.—The house steward desiree to acknowledge, with tt&mkii, &c receipt of a numberof Tolnmeo of boose for Hie library at the hospital, presented by the Fire Brigade. .' '- ■ AZLBQBD CtoBBIKS HOTOHEBIDeB ScHOOL—Aii inqiiisnr hw been held at the schoolroom, Southbndge, before the Eer. C. Fraser and J. Colborne Veel, Esq., commisiioners, appointed by the Boi»rd\ of Education, touching the enppoeed cobbirig cases at the dietriot schooL fhe commission will report in due coune to the Board of Education. The inquiry wai a public one, and the attendance of parents, members of school committee, and others waa very numerous. The evidence of Messrs 0. Bourn (chairman of committee), J. El win (schoolmaster), H. Paddy, Gk O. Waby, W. Spring, wooSbury,-'Sergeant and Mrs Barlow, Mrs Penfold, Master Penfold, two Masters Andrews (pupil teachers), and several boys ~helpijginjU».tbeji.qUool,w" .**ken. The "Patea Mafl" of a recent date Atkinson, our member, arrived in. Oarlyle on Wednesday last, 1 having paid a vieifc to the district to ascertain the ,'ietttera on the present Native difficulty. . The Major does not like the look of but having put himself in 1 communication with* Government, feels confident ifi they cany out their assurances to him, that nothing trill, be done to =provoke a war till they are prepared. Jt is evident that the ■Maoris wffleot take the fiat atep JS Befc, Uipy 'are pretty sure to resist any attempt part of Government to re-ocenpy the Plains. Wβ are gkd -to see Mftjox Atkiison amongst iip,,ft».itehowa;that"he.iß»,itadying the interests of his constituent*, and if Government tfombt cawy oiit their promise, he will be prepared to call meetings ell'through the joounty to disouss the matter with the settlers. ; Thb HAlBKriKe o>? BABUAMBajT. — The "iNeVj&aland.Henddi" of April 22nd saye : 4-1* is" the duty of She Government to ©all together lie 5 Home. YeaT after year the treffltittr "telle ouY how much aote 1 «bnVenient it woold *c if the finance of the colony was sooner considered, and we believe this wasi never inbre trne than ititin the present jeaiy,, It is proverbial that Qwvernlimfe" never are willing} to meet the Parliament a day eooner tnan" i« neoessary, and no doubt there is much, e»use t foe the feeling to bef&md'wtfie terrible exertion demanded of Ministers while Parliament is in session. This, however, is a small consideration compared *Hth wellibeing of the country, and-irelibpe it Mil he §0 recognised by the Goyirtment: 'Sfcepi moot be taken to place otai*''finaiuie' 'on' » soundw basis thanit'now "rfests upon, and only the Assembly can da this/ Steps must he taken to Becure the means of j carrying on proper and' remtaneratrre publio ' Wcris, and this also can onlj s be,done by the Asse'mblyV Surely,the,Executiv| will sea that ifci»neither wise,nor pateiotio longer fopoetof .the peopleTt£.?epM-; ■-.■■." ?,-. : . ■-■ ' : - ■- ' iX'.T'.'

SVi>NET ExirißiTidN.—Pßraonßf iatending to eendLexJfibUaof New factures, iaaabineryi'minerale, Ao.,are reininded By adVertisement tliat applicatione for spaed 1)0" sent wittont delay to the secretary," \vhomll furnish any information, Mat be AH exhibits trill: Bβ iorvrarded free of OOSt.ji ;- '' ' ' ■- ■ ■ ■■ i Eddcaiion^—The tiraal meeting of the Board of Education for North Canterbury will take place at 3~p.m. to-day. i FobTBAM..—-The following will represent the pastern Club in their-match against Southbridge SBEatur'aay next, May Srd •—Measrs-H, gtrißgfer.f Crowe,-' -Kjnvitr, Boßteson, T. Smith/ Shackleton, Paul, Allnm, ShfrriffiW. Blakeley, Martin. Boulton,'B«i«;: emergaSciee, G. Fiahta-, E. aionnfcfort, H. Tamer. Train leaves et 7.25 a.m. All the above m&nbfirtf (M66j requested to wear Ihe new u»iform> amber and black, wbioh can be bad from tbeßecretary.'-- ■■: r.j hanr- .- ••,- ■■■-■ •'■.-.-

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Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4291, 1 May 1879, Page 2

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4291, 1 May 1879, Page 2

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4291, 1 May 1879, Page 2