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Boabd Mbbtxkg-S.—The Drainage Board and the Local Board of Health met yesterday afternoon. Reports of the proceedings appear elsewhere. A_»pbi_mcß»T. —The City Connoil hare appointed Mr Adam Beck inspector of hackney carriages and borough stage carriages, in the place of Mr Frank Hobbs. Intbctious Dibbasbs.-—The following cases of infectious diseases are reported as having occurred since March 81:—Typhoid fever, 83; diphtheria, 9 ; total, 42. ' GfAiBTT Thbatbb.—Bainer's diorama of the Busso-Turkish war drew a crowded house last night at tbe Gaiety Theatre. It will be exhibited again this evening. Thb liiUBiOHiSTB.—The benefit of Mr Thorn took place last evening at the Theatre ; Boyal, when there was a very good house. To night will be the last appearance of the : company here, and to-morrow they appear in Lyttelton. Sib Bbyan O'Log hxkh'b Sbat fob Cbabb. —A corrected message in reference to the above matter states that the House of Commons agreed to the motion unseating Sir ■ Bryan O'Loghlen by 180 to .11, not by a mere majority of 11, as stated fa yesterday's cable *d; Si__-on__niß:_ NuiSAseß.—Typhoid fever has been reported from two houses which are drained by the side-channel in Allen street, , and in both oases the.tenants attribute the . sickness to the condition of that channel, which is described as being very bad indeed.: l The Board of Health have taken the matter in hand. Robbing an Obsbbtatqby. —Some > meteorological instruments have been stolen from the observatory in the domain. They were missed on the 24th inst. Some boys are suspected of having committed the robbery. The police will no doubt hare been made acquainted with the circumstance, and it is to be hoped the rascals will be brought to justice. The instruments stolen are said to be worth about £5. Orrr Couhoh..—Last night the City Council, having, some special business to transact before the ordinary business came on, met shortly after half-past six o'clock, and remained sitting until half-past eleven, during which time a good deal of business was got through. A long debate took place on the motion of Or. Cass, to return to the fortnightly meetings. Ultimately the motion was lost. Thb Goybbhob *s Visit. —His Excellenoy the Governor is expected to arrive in Christchurch at four o'clock on Saturday afternoon, when addresses will be presented to him by by the City and Selwyn County Councils. In all probability two or three triumphal arches will be erected along the line of route taken by his Excellenoy. On Tuesday there will be a citizens' ball, and on Wednesday a banquet. A meeting of persons interested in the matter will take place at three o'clock this afternoon in the City Council Chambers. Thbatbb Boyaii.—Messrs Hisoocks, Hayman and Co. will inaugurate their dramatic season next Saturday evening, when they will introduce an entirely new dramatic company, selected from the leading Melbourne theatres. Amongst other well-known names are included those of Miss Beatrice, Miss Fitzwilliam, and Messrs Theodore Hamilton, D'Orsay Ogden, J. G. Joyce, Harry Daniels, &c. Their repertoire includes a number of pieces which have never been performed here, and which have drawn good houses in Dunedin, where the company are at present performing. Zbaiahdia.—The first exhibition of the panoramic and dioramic which which, under the title of Zealandia, has been painted by the well-known scenic artist Mr J. 8. Willis, will take place this evening at the Oddfellows' Hall. The exhibition is divided into three parts, the first of which gives pictorially what may be called the eaily history of New Zealand contrasted with the present. The next comprises scenes in the Maori war, views of the North Island cities, and West Coast scenes, whilst the third is devoted to views of Christchurch and Dunedin. The illustrative lecture will be delivered by Mr J. M. Perrier, whose abilities in this direction are well known. Thb Pbopob__> Babbadoeb Stbbbt Bbtd-B.—Previous to the business of the City Council, commencing last evening, some discussion took place on the question of the confirmation, of tho minutes, as it appeared that the Town Clerk had omitted, with respect to the money paid in for the construction of the Barbadoes street bridge, to note that the Council had expressed to Mr Toovey its intention not to pay the money into the Bank, but to keep it locked up in their safe for the space of one month. The omission was "rectified, and the minutes cenfirmed. The Mayor then stated that he had that afternoon been waited upon by Mr Toovey, who had, on going to the Bank to draw out a certain sum of money, learned with great surprise that, notwithstanding the promise or the Council, his cheque bad been presented. Native I__n>s 00-tsnßßlbKr-The sitting of the Natives Lands Commission opened at the Oddfellows' Hall yesterday. On the commissioners reaching the hall a dance of welcome was performed by a number of Maoris. Mr T. Young, who is acting as secretary and interpreter to the commission, had considerable difficulty in calming the Maori contingent, especially the ladies, sufficiently to allow of the ec-omission being opened in due form. When silence was obtained Mr Izard, on behalf of the Native claimants, applied for an adjournment, as there ware several 'witnesses, notably Mr Commissioner Kemp and the Hon. W. B. MantelC whom the Natives wished to be called. They also required the original deed of cession, known as the Treaty of Waitangi, to be produced, which will, no doubt, be i brought down- in charge of a Native office official. The commission was then adjourned, ' to meet at Kaiapoi on Monday next*

Waikabi.—Mr E. Strange, of Christ- t church, has been duly elected svnodsman for i the parochial district of Waikari. j Caswell Sotrnu Marble.—lt has been i resolved ia Hokitika to float a company for 1 the purpose of working the marble quarries ' at Caswell Sound. i N.Z. Gbahd Naxtoval Stebp-Echa-h.—f/ The name of Mr Calling's nomination* Noomai was omitted from the list of nominations for the Maiden Plate published yesterday. D-VBCnvx A_T__iA_r Wh__s.—The Inspector of Nuisances to the Board of Health has been giving this matter some attention of late, as in many case, flagrant nuisances are caused solely by waste' artesian water, which is permitted to stagnate. In connection with a complaint as to one of these, the Inspector has obtained authority to serve notice under clause 59 of the Act. Dbaisagb Pipe-.—The barque Coromandel, now lying in the Lyttelton harbor, has oh board a quantity of nine-inch drainage pipes for Ohristchnrch, and on the suggestion of Mr S- J. S. Harman, it has been resolved to take steps towards having the pipes landed and forwarded as soon as possible in view of works in progress, or contemplated, for which the material is necessary. ' ____ AT WiKCHBaTBB.—A fire occurred at this township yesterday morning by whioh a combine threshing maohine and straw elevator were completely destroyed, the engine having a narrow escape. The fire was first discovered by two of the railway hands, who gave the alarm to Mr Moir, the station master. The inhabitants were soon on the ■pot, but nothing could be done except look on whilst the fire completed its work, as there were no appliances. The implements destroyed were standing on a vacant piece of land close to the railway station, and undoubtedly the fire must have been the work of an incendiary, as the machine had not been at work for at least a week previously, and waa far. away from any house. The machine was the property of Mr Mem of the Kakakn. It wasnot ascertainable whether it was insured or not. £____TO_r.—The annual church meeting was held on Thursday evening. The Bey. F. R. Inwood, incumbent, occupied the chair. Mr E' Mulcook, churchwarden, read a report and statement of accounts, showing the receipts to have been £124 14s lid, and the amount due above this sum to meet all expenses, £7 2s 3d. The officers elected were— Mr E. Mulcock, minister's warden ; Mr H. E. Good eve, people's warden ; Messrs White - foord, Threlkeld, (Sundry, Bowling, Harris, Kelcher, Waiting, and Connor, vestrymen. Votes of thanks were passed to the rotiring officers, also to the choir, the Misses Duffell and Miss Mulcock, who preside at the harmonium from time to time. A vote of thanks to the rev. chairman concluded the proceedings. Mr C. Whitefoord has been duly returned as Synodsman for this.parish. SrDßK_rA_t BoßOtroH Oottnoil.—The usual fortnighly meeting of the Sydenham Borough Council was held last night, and a considerable amount of business was got through. When the reports of the various recently amalgamated committees were brought forward, an unexpected stumbling block suddenly cropped up. Councillor Charters objected to the adoption of the report of tho '. lighting committee, on the ground that there was no such committee in existence, its funotions being absorbed in the works committee. He suggested that the report should have been incorporated under a special heading of the works committee report and the latter adopted as a whole, and moved as an amend - | ; ment, contrary to the ruling of the Mayor, "That the report be referred back to the works committee," which was.carried. The consequence was that the by-law and sanitary committees having drawn up their reports as , distinct documents declined to bring .them ( forward, on the ground that they would meet with the same fate as the lighting com- , mittee _ report. The Mayor pointed out that : Councillor Charters' objeotion was a distinction without a difference, but the latter , failed to see it, and the consequence will be that a definite arrangement will have to be made as to the maimer in whioh the various reports will have to be submitted to the | Council for the future. Ellbsmhbb Bacos Cubing Company.—A , meeting of shareholders in the fiilesmere | . Bacon CuriDg Company was held at Spring's , Leeston Hotel on Thursday evening. Present —Messrs W. J. Gv Bluett (in the chair), , _*. J. Loe, J. McLachlan, J. Bennie, A. , McLachlan, D. Scott, Job Osborne, D. : McDonald, W. Lambie. Parkin, Harris, , McClore, Cf. McOlure, T.|*and P. Hogg, 8. Lemon, P. O'Boyle, E. Lockhead, Alexander ' McConkey, and several others. The chair- \. man after read—ig the report stated that the principal object of the meetings was to decide as to the advisability sf the company buying pigs this year. The company was not in such . a sound position as he should have wished, but this was owing chiefly to their having had to pay such a high price for pigs last year (4d per lb), and to a large number of residents in the district having put down their names for shares and failed to pay up for same. _ The , balance sheet produced would speak for itself, no less than £680 being.due to the company for shares unpaid to date. He expreseed his; . opinion that it would be a great loss to the; ; company if they should determine to let the undertaking fall through, but at the same time desired to have the opinion of the num- ; ber of shareholders present. Mr McLachlan. proposed that the report ;be adopted, which was unanimously carried. Messrs McLachlan and ; Bennie spoke at great length on the affairs of the company, and expressed their opinion that it would be undesirable not to start killing at once, and thought that the shareholders could be induced to take up a further allotment of 300 new shares. After considerable discussion it was decided to adjourn the meeting to Monday, 28th April. The following gentlemen were elected officers for the ensuing year:—Directors, Messrs Blaetb, Loe, Sandry, Bennie, and McLachlan; treasurer, B. Lockhead ; secretary, A. Grlasson; auditors, F. Jameson and D. Scott. A vote of thanks was unanimously voted to the chairman, and the meeting closed. Thb Futttbb of Atjstbaliak Wihb_.— "Le Moniteur Vinicole," a journal published at Paris in the interests of the winegrowing and winemaking industry, remarks in an article published on February Bth:—" We thoroughly believe that at no distant date Australia will be able to compete with the wines of Europe. Australian wines are as pleasant to drink as ours. They are clear, clean on the palate, fine flavored j and they have, besides, a delicacy and richness far in advance of the wines of America, not excluding the choicest vintages of California. Can it be that some day Australia will vie with France in her exportation of this staple ? "

Cantebbttby Jockey Cltjb.—The Canterbury Jockey Club will hold their half-yearly general meeting at the Commercial Hotel, at 4 p.m., on Saturday, May 10th. Pbuhitive Methodist Chttbch. —A tea and public meeting in connection with the above _#1 be held this evening at the church, Cambridge terrace. Pabish Entkbtainment.—The first winter evening parish entertainment in connection with St. Mary's, Merivale, is postponed until farther notice. Thb Blackbibds. —Under this title several prominent members of the Georgia', notably Messrs Crusoe, Wilson, and Easton, have formed a company, and will appear at Lyttelton this evening. In addition to the members of the Georgia troupe, Mr J. W. Marshall will appear. Hoeticwltubal Society.—The monthly meeting of, the above will be held to-night, at which there will be a show of chrysanthemums and ont door grown grapes, for which prizes will be awarded.

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Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4289, 29 April 1879, Page 2

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4289, 29 April 1879, Page 2

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4289, 29 April 1879, Page 2