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Fbxday, A?_x_ 25. The usual monthly meeting was held at the offices of the Council Chambers, Manchester street, at half-past ten o'clock. Present— The Hon. John Hall (ohairman), and Messrs McMillan, Enya, H. J. Mathias, Peryman, J. L. Wilson, Lee, and Dr. Turnbull. THB CHATBMArT'B STATEMENT. The Chairman made the following statement :—An official intimation has been forwarded to mc that the Governor will reach the county on May 3rd. Probably the Council will think it right on this, the first visit of bis Excellency to this part of the colony, to pressnt to him an address expressing the loyal sentiments of the inhabitants of the county. Since our last meeting I have received a telegram from the Mayor of Christchurch inviting the co-operation of this Council in urging the Government to have the next sitting of Parliament in Christchurch. The electors rolls for the county for the ensuing year have been completed, and were deposited for inspection in the various ridings within the time prescribed by law. The chairman of the Provincial Plantation Board has forwarded a resolution, suggesting that as the Board will not he in a position to commence planting by means of its-own funds for a considerable time, it should be temporarily assisted by the counties within whioh this work is to be carried out. The suggestion appears to mc a very valuable one, and I trust you wfll favorably consider it. Beports from Messrs Dobson and Son upon the condition of the Bluff and Lower Selwyn bridges have been received. They point out certain repairs as necessary, which although not extensive should bs undertaken without delay. In reply to the letter whioh by your direction I forwarded on this subject, I have received from the following bodies an intimation of their willingness to take upon themselves the expenditure of these grants—viz , Trustees of Prebbleton recreation ground, do Prebbleton cemetery, do Templeton recreation ground, do Templeton cemetery, trustees of Dunsandel cemetery, do Hororata cemetery, trustees of Courtenay recreation ground, do Kirwee do, do Kimberley do, do Kimberley cemetery. In accordance with your resolution I will request the treasurer to make payments accordingly. The report of the committee of distribution of £2000 for cemeteries and recreation grounds will be presented. Since it was prepared a suggestion has been received from Mr Per) man, for an increased grant to the trustees of the Prebbleton recreation ground by purchase of adjoining land. As expenditure for this object, however desirable in itself, appears to mc hardly to oome within the purposes for which the £2000 was set apart, I would suggest that it be dealt with by a separate resolution. The application from the Lyttelton Domain Board, for reasons fiven in the report, should also, I think, be ealt with separately. An application from the East Malvern Road Board has stood over since our last meeting, for the dedication of certain reserves in that district to planting purposes, the Board undertaking to effect such planting. I trust you will concur in the desirability of this proceeding, and recommend the Government to grant the use of these reserves for the purpose stated. A letter has been sent to the Canterbury Saleyards Company, asking whether the Council will hand over to them the fees which may be collected at a publio pound to be erected by them at their own cost. We have in some instances agreed to such an arrangement with Road Boards, but not with private individuals. An application has been received from the Avon Road Board for a grant out of the fund allocated for special works for clearing the Styx and Eapitone Creek. The following letters have been reoeived —From Christchurch Public Cemetery Board, respecting provision for a cemetery to the westward of Christchureb. From Mr Heating, asking for assistance to the repair of the hotel at the Upper Waimakariri Ferry. From ths Colonial Secretary, announcing the setting aside of certain reserves for the North Rakaia protection works. From the same, announcing the making of certain reserves for gravel pits. From the same, appointing a registrar of dogs at Lincoln. From the Springs Road Board, in reply to the letter of Mr Wile, on the clearing of certain drains in that district. He had seen Mr Webster's report, but it was impossible for him to make himself master of it unless he wan placed in possession of it on the day previous to the sitting. He could not recommend its adoption, therefore, with the exception cf tbe one clause recommending the payment of the accounts due to Mr Fraser, the contractor. BX-X-HTKB ISBPBOTOB'B ERPOBT. The report of the slaughter inspector was read and agreed to. THB OOY-BNO-'S VISIT. The Chairman read to the Council the communication which he had received from the Government with regard to the visit of the Governor to the South Island. It would be advisable to present His Excellency with an address on the occasion of his arrival. A committee, consisting of the chairman, Dr. Turnbull, and Mr Wilson, was appointed to draw up an address, and present the same to the Governor.

THS PA-lIAICKHT IK CB-ÜBTUU V KCH. The Chairman read the telegram he had received from the Mayor on this subject. Mr Enys moved—"That the Council do not think it desirable to take any steps in the matter." Seconded by Dr. Turnbull and agreed to unanimously. THB B-SCXOBJ-- SOUS. Thaw rolls forthe county were laid upon the table. The Cmairman said their cost waa about £80, and they appeared to be well done, PTJCSTAXION' BOABD. A letter was read from this Board asking I for the co-operation of the Council in the plantine of the various reservesduringthe coming season. Messrs Lee and M'Millan • represented that Council on the Board.

I Mr Lee explained that at present the Board wis utterly without funds, but they expected the .sum of £100 from pastoral rents on the lst of May, Mr Mat-ras said the Courtenay riding had the largest reserves in the county, numbering altogether some 2800 acres. His own opinion was that a portion of their reserves should be sold to plant the balance. The Chairman, as a member of Parliament, might say that he thought it was unlikely that the House would give permission to sell any of the reserves in question. iSx Lee said a very exhaustive report on the reserves would probably be brought up at the next meeting of the Board. If they could get £500 that would enable them to make a start in planting. Mr Lee moved-p-" That the sum of £500 be granted to the Plantation Board from this Council, to be charged against those Road Districts in which it may be expended."


A report on the state of these bridges, that had been drawn up by Messrs Dobson and Son, was read. It recommended that the bridges be strengthened and improved before the winter came on.

Mr Lee moved—"That the Road Boards be communicated with, and asked whether they were willing to undertake the work, and that Messrs Dobson and Son be requested to carry out the work in accordance with the recommendations contained in their report. The motion was seconded by Mr Enys, and agreed to. CEMETERIES AND BEOBEATIOK GBOTTNDS. Applications were made from the following Cemetery and Recreation Boards for grants for planting:—Prebbleton, Templeton, Horarata, Courtenay and Dunsandel, Kirwee and Kimberley. Mr Mathias mo^ed—" That the first grants for cemeteries and recreation grounds in the Courtenay district be paid over to the Road Boards for distribution, such distribution to be reported to this CounoiL" The motion was agreed to. THS BNGINBHB'S BEPOBT.

This report was read. It stated that the third contract for the Malvern race had been concluded. It was done in a satisfactory manner, and the Engineer recommended the payment in full of the contractor, although he had exceeded the extended time by two days. The report dealt with other matters affecting the Council's works. Certain portions of the report were adopted, and the balance was ordered to stand over until the next meeting. PBBBY BCILDINGB. A letter was read from Mr Heating, who keeps the Glacier Hotel and ferry at the Bealey, asking the Council to communicate with the Government with a view of having the buildings improved, or of giving him a longer lease than he held at the present time. Mr Heating was present, and explained the circumstances under which he held the hotel and the ferry. The Council promised to make an application to the Government to give a lease of the reserve to the ferryman, on conditions calculated! to seoure the efficient working of the ferry. OBMBTBBX AND BBC-B-TTON OBOVN-S. _ The report of the committees on cemeteries and recreation grounds, was read as follows :— Your committee, in considering the proposals to be made by them, have had to bear in mind that the grant proposed for any cemetery or recreation ground is to be charged against the sum allocated for special works in the district in which it is situated, and should, therefore, as a rule not exceed that sum.

. Snbject to the above limitation, your committee have been guided iv their recommendations, to a great extent, by the local knowledge of the representatives of the several ridings. _ For some of the districts immediately adjoining Christchurch no grant is proposed, as they contain no public cemetery er recreation ground, their requirements in thia respect being met by grounds appropriated for the purpose in the mmediate neighbourhood of Christchurch, and for which large grants have already been made. The recommendations of your committee are contained in the subjoined table, which it will be seen does not entirely exhaust the sum of £2000.

An application has been laid before the committee from the Lyttelton Domain Board which they have not beon able to deal with, as this domain is not within the boundaries of the county. It will probably be dealt with by the Council specially, as was the case last year. J. Hall, Chairman.

Mr MoMillan moved—" That the report be adopted, except that the amounts be altered in the case of the votes for East and South Malvern to £40 for cemeteries and £70 to recreation grounds." Seconded by Mr Mathias. Mr Wilson moved as an amondment — " That the report be adopted as drawn up by the committee." The amendment was lost and the original motion agreed to. LYTTBLTON DOMAIN. It was resolved to ask the Government to make a grant of £50 to the Lyttelton Domain Board. BAST -CALVKBN. An application was made by the East Malvern Road Board, asking that certain reserves should be made. The Council resolved to recommend to make the reserves applied for. SAXBTABSS OOMPAIrY. An application from thia company to erect a certain pound and retain the fees taken was referred to the Riccarton Road Board. STYX AND KAPITONB OBBBE. The consideration of the question of the clearing of these creeks was postponed until the next meeting. ACCOUNTS. A number of accounts were passed for payment. SPBIKGS BOAD BOABD. ' A letter was received from this Board on the subject of keeping clean certain drains in that district. After some discussion the Council declined to grant the application. ALTBBATION OF BOTJNDABIBS. Mr Peryman moved—" That the Government be asked to make the alteration of the boundaries of rivers from the banks to the centres of the streams." Seconded by Mr Wilson, and agreed to. TBAVBLLING ALLOWANCE. The Chairman brought forward the question of travelling expenses, and a scale was agreed upon for the payment of members according to the distance they travelled and the time occupied by the same. LINCOLN. Mr Peryman moved—"That out of the funds allocated for special works in tbe Lincoln district, a sum of £30 be granted to the Lincoln Board Board towards the cost of clearing the River Haiswell." Seconded by Dr. Turnbuil and agreed to. NOTIOBS OP MOTION. Notices of motion having been given for the next meeting, the proceedings terminated at two o'olock.

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Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4287, 26 April 1879, Page 3

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COUNTY COUNCILS. Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4287, 26 April 1879, Page 3

COUNTY COUNCILS. Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4287, 26 April 1879, Page 3