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Public Notices. ASHLEY BA-N-BL •B. HAN N~A & C 0., \ GENEBAL *STOEEKEEPEES, £ AT RANGIORA AND ASHLEY BANK, BEG to announce to their Customers and the Public generally that they bave SOLD their i ASHLEY STORE, and, according to agreemont, GIVE UP POSSKSSIONon or about l MAY Ist NEXT, and, in order to effect a CLEARANCE of their EXTENSIVE STOOL of GENER-L GROCERY SIOItES, DRAPERY, MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. BOOTS, SHOES, &c, they are determined to SELL'everv article at OREATLY REDUCED PRICfaS, FOR CASH. Further, 'in consequence of the change in our Business now contemplated, we beg to request that all ACCOUNT due be PALD on or before MAY Ist NEK T- _. « 3-12 8929 B. ELANNA & CO. CASHEL HOUSE BOOT DEPOT ; HIGH STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. BOOTS AND SHOES UNUSUALLY CHEAP. ! E/NEOEGE bto call the attention of hia Nnmeroua Customers and the Publio in , • VJT general, to his Immense Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, both Colonial and , Imported. AS HE IS OVERSTOCKED he ia determined to effect a Speedy Clearance, to facilitate whioh he .has Re-marked every article at the LOWEST PRICE POSSIBLE to any trader who intends paying for his goods. Recent arrivals ex Lutterworth, Pal-la, and Langstoue 63 TRUNKS. " from to 1 from to Children'a patent lace-ups, reduced 2s Is 3d | Children's copper toes, 4's to 6'a 4s 3a Children's elastic-Bides, 7'b to 9'a 6a 4s . Women's Cashmere boots ... 5s 6d 3a Children's elastic-sides. 10's to 13's 7s 6d 5a 6d I Men's watertights 18s 6d 16s ChUdren's levant lace-tips ... 5b 6d 4s I Men's calf Emperors ... ... 14a 10s Children'a copper toes, 10's to 13's 7a 6d 5a 6d I Men's calf goloshea 12a 6d 10? Children's copper toes, 7's to 9's 6a 4b | Lot job ladies'kid boots ... 10s 6s ALL OTHER LINES EQUALLY CHEAP. TERMS CASH. As he Manufactures all Colonial Goods at hi* actory, Hereford street, undor hia own super vision, he can give every guarantee aa to quality. ranch—South road, Timaru. 9-21 9942 E. GEORGE, High street. JAMES BOOTH'S STEAM SAW, MOULDING, AND PLANING MILLS: SASHES AND DOORS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Flooring, Match Lining, Mouldings, Architraves, Skirting, IBuilding Timber, Red, White, and Black Pine, 11 and 9x3 Baltic, Rusticated Weather Boards, Van Dioman'a Land Palings, Shingles and Timber, Hurdles, and Galvanised Iron and Spouting, C G. and half round. Turning in all ita branches. Circles to five feet diameter. Country orders punctually attended to. ; JAME9 BOOTH, Lichfield and Tuam streets. COLOMBO STREET BOOT AND' SHOE DEPOT ESTABLISHED 1860. JOHN OTOO DM A N HAS just opened 14 TRUNKS of German and French LASTING BOOTS, whioh, in consequence of other shipments to follow, are marked at such PRICES as te effect a SPEEDY SALE. . o "■ I German and French Lasting rednced from lis to 8a Ladies' Kid Boots, from 10a 6d to 7a 6d Do Kid Shoes, from 12a 6d to 10a 6d Child's Levant Balmorals, from 2s 6d to 1b 6d . Do Kid Boots, side spring, from 3a 6d to 2b 6d ALL OTHER LINES EQUALLY CHEAP FOR CASH. Sewed, Peg, and Rivettod Boots made to Order. i NOTE THE ADDRESS— 12-5 3903 | GOODMAN'S CHEAP BOOT DEPOT. ; GL .P. DATE, f f*AS FITTER, BELLHANGEB, LOCKSMITH, AND LAMP MAKEB. Gas Engines '• vX" and Electric Bella fitted up by experienced workmen. Hot and Cold Water Apparatus of ' every description made and fixed on the most approved principle. Hydraulic Rams, Pumps, and » Beer Engines fitted np and repaired. Gas Ovens, Gas Steves, and Gas .Fittings in great variety ' always in stock. All work guaranteed.' A LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. OPPOSITE CITY HOTEL/COLOMBO STREET, 1-8 • Manufactory-—Oppoaite Mason, Strathers and Co., Colombo street. 256 B O O T. JEC'S I HYBBOPITHie S "ESTABLISHMENT, i (Not Co_d Wateb), :■ LINCOLN BOAD, 0 HEISTO HTJBO H. t Pbospbctus Fees by Pest. i Mr Booth may be consulted daily, from 11 to 3, at Messrs Cobb & Co.'s Office, High stree 1 --■■■ '■■■■■ ''■ ■ :■- '■ -• ' ; . 8-29 874 ; B. HALE & CO., | BAIL, TENT, TABPATJIIN, FLAG, HORSE CLOTH, AND OILSKIN CLOTHING MANUFAOTUBERS AND BOPE MAKERS, » ; - OAS HE L B£BB ET, C H BIB.CHUBOH, ■ T IST OF 80MB OF OUB IMPORTATIONS ALWAYS IN STOCK j- ' Navy and Tarpaulin Canvas, 2__t. and 36in. > Linen and Cotton Ducks,. American Drill, Calico, Bunting, Europe and Manilla Rope, i Plough and Lead Lines, Marline, Spunyarn. I Seaming, Roping, Net and Shop Twines. Palms and Needles. ) Common, Patent, and Iron Blocks, Pitch and Tar. 1 ; India-rubber Hose and Fittings, Fishing, Cricket, and Horse Nets. , Linseed, Colza, Castor and Neatsf oot Oils, Tilt Hoops, Felt Drnggetting, &0., &c, &o. LIST-OF OUR MANUFACTURES, ALWAYS TN STOCK, OR MADE TO ORDEBj- . Sails, Rick and Threshing Cloths, Tarpaulin Waggon and Cart Tilts. . Patent Engine and Combine Covers. Reaping and Binding Machine Covers, Canvas, Duck, Drill and Calico Tents and Flya. > Canvas, Hose, Oilskin Coats and Leggings and Trousers. | Flax Rope, Halters, arid Clotheß Lines, Flags, &c., &0., ,&o. , | IrVBOiiESA.3--E} A-N-P RETAIL. 8-21 PbioM Lists on Aj?pi_c_.tion. 8354

DEAFNESS ! Send stamped envelope, and I will forward particulars of an Infallible Remedy, and copies of testimonials re- ! ceived from all parts of the Colony .—T. B. i B-mK-TORP, Anckland. ' 4-4 155 ' <-£350 JIVEWABD, viz.':— . OI f\f\ given by Mr H. Fuhrmann ORA given by the Transatlantic IndVtFvF surance Company given by the Insurance AssociaWILL be PAID for any. information that will lead to the conviction of the person 1 or persona who maliciously Bet fire to my business premises on tbe night of April 16th. H.FUBRMANN, Colombo street. ' 4-22 951 :.,-- '< A HEALTHY SKIN AND CLEAB COMPLEXION. ALL who suffer from Irritability of the Skin should use SALICYLIC SOAP. This Soap (prepared by TIDMAN and SON, Losdon) is certified by •' eridnent • Analytical Chemists to contain Salicylio Acid, the new Antiseptic and Deodoriser. "This Soap is very pleasant in use; it horoughly cleanses the skin, whilst it posseses', emollient and antiseptic qualities in a high de- : gree."—Medical Examiner. : *'The Soap is free from any pnrigent or unpleasant odour, and will on this account be preferred by moat people to Carbolic Acid Soap, or that in which tar is present, and it is, therefore, superior to them in its' freedom from any tendency to irritate the skin."—Public Health. SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS .-", (In Tablets and Boies.) The Trade Mark (a lily) is impressed en ever Tablet 1-9 667 Election IVotices. • SELWYN COUNTY COUNCIL. "\TOTICE is hereby given that Copies of the J3I ELECTORS BOLLS for the several Hidings in the County of Selwyn are OPEN FOB INSPECTION at the Office of the County County, in the city of- Christchurch. A Copy of the 801 l for each Biding is also Open for Inspection at the place within such Biding mentioned in the subjoined list:— , Avon Biding—AA the Biccarton Bead Board !','.Upper Biccarton. , Heathcote Riding—At the Heathcote Boad . Board offioe, Ferry road. : -Lincoln Biding—At the Lincoln Road Board office, Prebbleten. : EUesmere Biding—At the EUesmere Road Board office, Leeston.' Courtenay Biding—At the Courtenay Boad Board office, Kirwce. Malvern Biding—At the Road Board office, Kowai Pass. Coleridge Biding—At the Bakaia Boad Board office, Hororata. Upper Waimakariri Biding—At the Upper Waimakariri Road Board office, Cass Hotel. The Bolls will remain Open for Inspection until the 15th day of May next. I W. JAMkSON, Clerk to the Council- i Christchurch, April 18th. 1879. 4-lfr 804 GENEBAL ELECTION. ' - DIOCESAITsYNOD. , DISTBICT OF MALVERN. I WALTER JOHN TAYLOB, duly apa, pointed Beturning Officer for ihe ' Elec'oral District' of Mai 'era, for the purpose of ELECTING ONE SYNODSMAN for tho said District, do hereby appoint FBIDAY, tbe 9th day of May, 1879, at the East Malvern Library, at 7.30 pm , as the time an_ place of f meeting for the purpose of receiving nominations, if no such nominations have been delivered a to mc or left at my House, Malvern, before 4 ] o'clock p.m. on that day. « W. J. TAYLOB, Malvern. 23rd April, 1878. 4-361111 ;

Board and Residence. : EKANK BROWNE'S i TJRINCE ALBERT PRIVATE HOTEL, XT ASHBUBTON. BOABD AND RESIDENCE, 25b., 205., and 17s. per week. .* Meals at all Hours. Free Registry Office. 3-3 8432 I Central Temperance Hotel, HAVELOCK STREET, ASHBURTON. THIS well-situated and Commodious Hotel IS NOW OPEN. Boardersiand the travelling pnblic will find the Best of Accommodation, combined with Liberal Charges, strict civility, and the best attention, i Refreshments at all hours, and Breakfast for ■ early trains. ■■ 8-3 8435 i 1.0. G.T. Ijodge'b Temperance Hotel High street. i: TO MEET THE TIMES 1 ' Board and Lodging Reduced to 17s, 18*, ah £1 per week. Beds and Meats, la each. Stebiing Free. | BLIGH'S BESTADRAUT, Papanui road, near Port-office. JCEAIB AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAT FOABD AND LODGINGS ;i7s, 18a, and £1 par wee*. : t' yittA* an A Mnala. laf_*b. Conveyances. —! — ; - ■ . ROYAL MAIL. COALGATE TO HORORATA DAILY. A CON VEYANCE will leave Ccaigate Raflway Station DAILY, on arrival of first train from Christohurch,- returning in time for last train for C_riste_urc_. To suit the convenience of the public, passengers w-l also be conveyed te and from first and la t trains on Saturdays, and from last tram on Mondays. Parcels, telegrams, and orders punctually attended to. Good accommodation for travellers. ~„„ THOMAS NAPIER, 4-19 865 Hororata Hotel. Proprietor. ASHBURTON AND LONGBEACH. aEOBGE E. FTKsFs Boyal Mail Ooaeh leaves Ikmgbeaoh for Ashburton (vis Ashton, Waterton, and Wheatetono), daily «4 7 a.m., retntTimg by tba eamo route mi arrival of 3.20 p.m. train from Christchurch. Booking office and stablee. Western Beposi. tery, Tancred street, next Episcopalian Church, Ashburton. Drags, American waggons buggies, and saddls horses well appointed. GEORGE E. PIKE, -32395 Proprietor. t —.—. — ■~—: —. —»■ - 0088 4 CO.'S LINE OF ROYAL MAT! TO AKABOA. TE-3- UOAC_t_S leaTe the Booking Offioe C_riatehurcb, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 8 A.m., returning froor Beecher's Hotel, Akaroa, every Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday, al 8.25 a.m. BAMUEL LEE, Proprietors ; 9idi Cobb'sOi-ce.

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Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4287, 26 April 1879, Page 2 (Supplement)

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4287, 26 April 1879, Page 2 (Supplement)

Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4287, 26 April 1879, Page 2 (Supplement)