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R. 's: A IST JT A & 00, ; GBNEEAL STOEEKEEPEES, AT BAN6IOBA AND ASHLEY BANK, BEG to announce to their Caetomera and the Public generally that they hare SOLD their ASHLEY STOKE, and, according to agreement. GIVE tJP POSSESSION on or about MAY Ist NEXT, and, in order to effect a CLEAEAN :fi of their EXTENSIVE STOCK of GENERAL GBOCBRY STOSES. DRAPEBY, MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. BOftTS, : SHOES, Ac, they are determined to SELL every article at GBSATLY SEDUCED PRICES, FOB CASH. , ■ Farther, in consequence of the change in oar Business now contemplated, we beg to request ; that all ACCOUNTS due be PAID on or before MAY Ist NEXT. ; 3-128929 B. HJLNNA & CO. i GASHEIi HOUSE BOOT DEPOT ; HIGH STREET, CHBISTCHTJBCH. i BOOTS AUD SHOES ITNUSUALLY CHEAP. Efi EOEGE eto call the attention of his Nnmerons Costomers and the Publio in • \JT goneral, to his Immense Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, both Colonial aad Imported. AS HE IS OVBESTOCKED he is determined to e2est a Speedy Clearance, to ' facilitate which he has Re-marked every artiole at the LOWEST PEICE POSSIBLE to any trader who intends paying for his gooda. Becent arrivals ex Lutterworth, Palais, and Langstone 63 TSTJNKS. y • ■ from to from to ' Children's patentlaee-npa, reduced 2a Is 3d OhQdren'e copper iocs, 4'b to 6'e 4a Sβ * Children's elastic-eidee, Vβ to 9's 6s 4s Women's Cashmere boots ... 5s Gd Sβ \ Children's elastio-aides. 10'stol3'a 7s 6d 5s 6d Men's watertights 18s 6d 16s , Children's levant lace-aps ... 5e 6d 4s Men's calf Emperors 14a 10s £ Children'scoppertoea.lO's tol3's 7s 6d 5s 6d Men's calf goloahee 12b 6d 10a Children's copper toea, 7's to 9'a 6s 4a Lot job ladies' kid boots ... 10a 6b r ATT. OTHEB LINES EQU-ATiY CHEAP. TEEMS CASH. ? As he Mannfactnres all Colonial Goods at his actory, Hereford street, under bis own rapes „ vision, he can give every guarantee as to quality. ranch—South road, Timarn. * 9-21 9942 E. GEOBGE, High street. J-AMTHS BOOTH'S STEAM SAW, MOULDING, AND PLANING MILLS. SASHES AND DOOBS WHOLESALE AND BETAIL. Flooring, Match Inning, Mouldings, Architraves, Skirting, (Building Timber, Bed, White, and Black Pine, 11 and 9 x 3 Baltic, Ensticated Weather Boards, Van Pieman's Land Palings, >r Shingles and Timber, Hurdles, and Galvanised Iron and Spouting, C G. and half round. Turning I in all its branches. Circles to five feet diameter. I Country orders punctually attended to. I | JAMES BOOTH, liehfield and Tuam streets. S COLOMBO STREET • BOOT AND SHOE DEPOT it ESTABLISHED 1860. : JOHN oFODMAN t TT^ 8 J oß * OP 14 TBUNKB of German and French LASTING BOOTS, which, in 1 JjL consequence of other shipments to follow, are marked at such PRICES as to effect a SPEEDY SALE. : '. 0 ■ German and French Lasting reduced from lie to 8a Ladies' Kid Boots, from 10s 6d to 7e 6d Do Kid Shoes, from 12a 6d to 10a 6d Child's Levant Balmorals, from 2s 6d to Iβ 6d b * Do Kid Boots, side spring, from 3s 6d to 2s 6d » ALL OTHEB LINES EQUALLY CHEAP FOB CASH. * Sewed, Peg, and Biretted Boots made to Order. * NOTE THE ADDRESS— 12-5 3903 i GOODMAN'S CHEAP BOOT DEPOT. S B. HALE & CO., t. BAIL, TENT, TABPAULIN, FLAG, HORSE CLOTH, AND OILSKIN CLOTHING a MANUFACTUEEES AND HOPE MAEEBS, £ OASHBLBTB BET, OH BIBTOHUBOE £ T.IST OB SOME OP OUB IMPOBTATIONS ALWAYS IN STOCKj— Jl Navy and Tarpaulin Canvas, 24in. and 36in. * Linen and Cotton Ducks, American Drill, Calico, Banting, Europe and M&niH&Bope, Plough and Lead lines, Marline, Spunyam. * Seaming, Boping, Net and Shop Twines, Palms and Needles. " Common, Patent, and Iron Blocks, Pitch and Tar. i India-rubber Hose and Fittings, Fishing, Cricket, and Horse Nets. £ Linseed, Colsa, Castor and Neatefoot Oils, Tilt Hoops, Fett Drnggetting, &0., Aβ., Aβ. , LIST OF OUB MANUFAOTUBES, ALWAYS IN STOCK, OR MADE TO OEDESA- > Sails, Biok and Threshing Cleths, Tarpaulin Waggon and Cart Tilta. Patent Engine and Combine Covers. ■ , . ■ . , Beaping and Binding Machine Covers, Canvas, Duck, Drill and CaHoo Tents and Flys. Canvas, Hose, Oilskin Coats and Leggings and Trousers. Flax Eope, Halters, and Clothes Lines, Flags, Ac., &c., &o. , ! TVTBEOIiESAIZEi AIsTD BETAIL. i 8-21 Pbicm lilbts ok Appucatioh. , 8354 I Brown's Wholesale Timber and Coal Depot 0 T T. BROWN has great pleasure in announcing to his customers and the publio generally f tf • that he has OPENED his Extensive Premises adjoining the GASWOBKS, and being c connected with the Railway by Siding, he has now facilities for carrying on his business whioß 1 will enable him to give to his customers the utmost satisfaction. > CAEGOES BECETVED DIEECT INTO THE DEPOT BY BAIL. t Large Supplies always on hand. Orders per nil despatched promptly. , To ensure constant supplies arrangements have been made for the arrival of Cargoes at regales interval during the next twelve months. EETAIL YABDS, TUAM STEEE.T. A large and assorted stock of all the trade requireJDoors, plain or glass, menta, including—Seasoned timber of all kinds, a&d Mouldings, all all patterns; Sashes BEST COAL and FIBE WOOD delivered in any patterns; Nails, Cβand Casements, in quantities. ment, Fenoinjr Wire, variety; Kauri, Bed, Just Landed, ez CLEOPATBA-" BidgW, Iron.Tjricka. t White, and Clear A SHIPMENT of CEDAR. Shinl Pine, Matai, Totara, T-tnidiTig, ex Wanganui— glas. Baltio, Van Dieman'a OCL ons Fencing Wire — i Land, and Australian 4m9 To land, ez Lurline— And all othe Knee . Timbers; Dressed T. Oi"fc Tena GO and Orb Iron connected with the and G., Busticated ££\9 trade in great Tβ" and Plain Shelving; Casks CJement. rfety. Skirting, Architraves, OW 8-2 9142 J. T. BBOWN, Q&im. Tusm street.

Gk l>. DATE, GAS BTTTEE, BELLHANGEB, LOCKSMITH, AND LAMP MAKER. Gaa Engines and Electric Bells fitted np by experienced workmen. Hot and Cold Water Apparatus of every description made and fixed on the most approved principle. Hydranlio and Beer Engines fitted np and repaired. Qaa Ovens, Gas Stoves, and Gas fittings is great variety always in stock. All work guaranteed. A LIBEBAL DISCOUNT TO THE TBADE. OPPOSITE CITY HOTEL, COLOMBO STREET, 1-8 Manufactory—Opposite Mason, Strnthara and Co., Colombo street. 256 hydroplthic b Establishment, (Not Cold Watkb), LINCOLN aOAD, OHBISTOHFBOH. PBOBFBCTirS FBKK BT PCBT. ; Mr Booth may be consulted daily, from 11 to 3, at Messrs Oobb ft Co.'s Office, High stree

4?O(\f% EEWARD.—The above Beward ayAUU will be paid for such evidence as will lead to the conviction of any Person 01 Persons wilfully Betting Fire to Premises in any part of the provincial district of Canterbury. JAMES A. BEBD, 3-15 9099 Chairman. MPBS I A L SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS, A Pare Aromatio Spirit, Distilled and Prepared in Holland from aa Original Receipt, And possessing Bore Medicinal Qualities in all Diseases cf the Sidneys, Bladder, and Urinary Organs. Aa a_ Tonic, Diuretics and anti-Dyspeptio Cordial it has the recommendation of the leading Continental Physicians, and is now acknowledged aa the latest and moet valuable remedy for Gravel, Gout, and Chronic Rheumatism* DB. HASSALL'S EEPOBT. The Analytical and Sanitary Institution, 54, Holborn Viaduct, E.G. London, 9th May, 1877. Report on a Sample of Imperial Schiedam Schnapps received from Mr H. J. Hart. We have subjected a sample of the above named article to a very careful chemical anaJysifi and examination. The results of the analysis, which an set forth j in a separate report, chow thai this spirit is of good strength, practically free from acidity, and that it contains but traces of solid manor in solution. It possesses a delicate and agreeable aroma, and a pure and mild taste. Mr Harfs Schiedam Schnapps is avery superior article oi its class, is well purified, and quite genuine, (Signed) ABTHtTB H. T7Aan»T.T t> M.D., Author of " Food and its Adulteration." Otto Hxhkbb, F. 5.0., Public Analyst. WM. JOHNSOITS Government Analytical Laboratory, Melbourne, 2&d July. 1877, Henn J. Hart, Esq. Sir,—l have the honor to report for your information that the sample of Imperial Schiedam Schnapps forwarded by you to mc has been sob mltted to a searching chemical analysis and critical examination, the result of which enables mc to state that it is the finest sample of schnapps that has as yet come under my notice. It has a pure fragrant odor, and is absolutely Erse from any trace of fusil oO or other injurious imparity, and has evidently been disaSed from superior rye grain, always used instead >f malt in the production of the choicest luaEtiei. 9 schnapps. It is very smooth to the palate, in this respect compares favorably rrith other amplea offered for sate. It may be sdviaed as equally suitable for medical or MQsomio purposes.—l have the heaor to be, &c, (Signed) Wμ. Johhson, Analytical Chemist to the Government of Victoria. THb pure medical spirit, enpericr to aay m ihe market, and lower m price, is offered to the rablic under the fuQ conviction thai it wiO lapersede all others new in use. A TbIAL IB EAfiHBSTIiT SOLICITED. WLLfcOK, aAWTBuT * GO« Maefamfe,

8-29 874 : J|~O AYNHAM'S ENTEBieON. . a I J\> THE NEW SFECUTO y Gives immediate relief and speedy cure in Nervousness, Indigestion. Flatulence, Palpitation, Lownees of Seirite, Ac. | Gives speedy relief and a permanent onre in . nervous debility, weakness, and all functional [i derangements of either sex. 1 Bapidly renovates the nervous end muscular J system, and is on infallible remedy for liver , i complainte, female complaints, loss of appetite, \ 1 A specific for all impurities of the blood, ; offensive breath, pimples, eruptions, the banefn effects of mercury, &o. 1 A short trial will eatiafactorily prove the I efficacy of this extraordinary medicine. Sold by - ■ all respectable Chemiete and Storekeepers. 9 i Pnce, 6e. Wholesale Agents — Kempthorne, " i Proeser and Co., Dnnedin. 10-24 1734 Board and Residence. r FRANK BROWmS'S P BINGE ALBERT JPEiyATE HOTEL, , ASHBUBTOM. " 1 BOAED 255., aOa., and 17a. per week: Meals at an Hours. Free Registry Office. f 3-3 8432 Central Temperance Hotel, J HAVELOOE STBEET, ASHBUETON. * ef THIS well-situated and Commodious Hotel ~ IS NOW OPEN. Boarders and the travelling public win find the Best of Accommodation, combined with Liberal n Charges, etrict civility, and the best attention. J Befreshments at all hours, and Breakfast for early trains. 3-3 8435 1.0. G.T. I IIODOEV XsMPEEANOB HoTBI Z TO MEET THE UMBBI B«rd and Lodgfißjr Bedoeea l» 17s, ISs, as BtibSaaWtei, BLIGH'S A CAHTEKBITEY BESTA'DEASIT, HEALfi AT ALL HOUBS Off TES DAI m TBOAED AHD 3LQDSIHSB S

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Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4264, 29 March 1879, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4264, 29 March 1879, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4264, 29 March 1879, Page 6