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' iWr PKEBS AeEKCT.] Auckland, March 26. In. reply to. a telegram from Mayor Hamilton, Sir G.-Grey telegraphs that ie cannot notify the data tot, t»rnTOg,the first sod of tha Waikato seotion of 4oo" railway. It depends upcn ftodateof. the Native meeting, which h n-->t fixp'd. : ."' „. ~ The Opera Company is to arrive per hero, it numbers thirty artist 3, i\nl no expanse will &c spired to produce a series of popular operas. The Harbor Board adjourned tho question or^ Board roopmTaendedi; DrHalces to tho E.v>-al Hujaana f(Slaving tbrea lives. Guthrie acd Larcach's mill, at.Hine, bos gotfresh. «.- ; -:js;'/; 'Xi-^n"^^l\ ..Charles Eerrymati, a barinrra, was seatencei robbing.tliprtill ofjtheYvhangeHotsl. . . ... r- , Auckland Kepr-s-rrttHvea -will probably be sent'to the Canterbury chass touraaweatrf :•'>; ■ • Wellington,-March. 26. J The membersof tfc>" clubhand -ili'e legal prof; fession entertained Hr , J..C. ■. Crawford; la£e: K.fct, 'at ..dinner last nights :Mr- Crawford-; arriretiharqTplSS!). - Orfrabatrtvtbroe werr> present -vrhoavero hire at th-rt thri>.'" ;-• The tni!lioa..,acre3 of/laitirjußt.putphiVjeilrby fthe Government will.''be g'9k"ripjidv''to for salo at once, - rerfhied.. is -to -com- • tribute toward? tho cpsfr'ef constru'etibg -= ll.e -uriin truuk line o£ raliliray* coast of the North Tsland... Tenders for the first section, between Kuiwarra find,-. ciilfcd for before tha;end of April. - The Hanaro Matua as ■ 'heir candidate for the seat^rosderedi! '.vaeanf'by itaraitiiina'H dteisth. "'" i... ".',,". ?j Mtjor ITcaip and a number oftlifi "VYYiiig.'ipiii j chiefs bttro left vU Taupo to ettorjei lacking j . meeting,. ■~'..,» , '••: .:'.:.' :'. ...'..;. ~'.! Government-hare cpsipleted 'for., purchasing between ninety-ant] a : hu£oli'ei tHori-' B&nd-acres in,the Tanp'>district, ".. ', ~-. : ■' •'• ■■■■■■■ ' ... UoKiTiki^Mafeli^...-, lilr Blair, the engineer, arrived frbui' ,Cb.'nJsir" church by coach this .niornin*. Jle public bodies will meet 'him at the Council Chaaibors, at tight o'oiock r -3v-t]M Weet Coast Eailv,ay route. ■ -•'■ .•-*.'.•- . Forty applications have nlrestdy fpr,. a free passage per Stiei)a> ;: _" Bishop Redwood; -arrived :frotn Nelson, per Murray, this morning. t .= ■ "•: .■-.."•■ c'" ■■ J , . '' r ■. ■■'.." li/vaßCAftGii/ti March 26. ! Mr Fos's lecteo last uiprht on." America..." wa3,p-:-orly t atternled. Oi'J *.'..! - : X is Tho demonstr.itioa committfeo finally decided laet night that for : fiuaricial : an3'other reasons they cannot iavite the cadste. • ■ " ■ . March 23 Joseph Nugent..cbok atibe Telcafi'apli Hotel, and formerly cook of,ctho Government bo its St»lla:aa- Binepioa, wjis-fouud t?eed ajt tiifffoot of the stairs., ti'h . morning., about An inquest ie now being helcl. ■'"- -■'■'■-••■ ■ [fEOM OUE OWN COBRESP6NDENT.I ' ~ • ' '*..-. I- .TrsiAKtTv March 26.'" ■ The steam crane started active work to-day,-' and'laid three' blocks." It Tvill be under,.the charge of Mr Mcllroy, one of -Mr Akderson'S cngineerSj for a time. -• , > y / Tho mair'Vho was scalded at the Wasydvke' Meat Works-yesterday is, still toa precarion3 condition. He fell head foremost into a of "boiling water some two feefi deep/ and Was I hauled cut by two companidns. •' ■ ; - --' s The result : _ of the Oonnty ; Gotin<nl ineeting" yesterday was, that the fire remainirig"mGmber3 re3olyed, by three rotes to two; to the Act into. eperation. . . Tho^-' Attorney-General* howerer, .been telegraphed to to -state whether the fact of two members resigning makes three a, majority .of the whole Council/aa required by ; the Act to .adopt . ; it. .". JBn^Uc^ feeling ; in general has been raised to a ,pitch of extraordinary eicitement anent the matter. The whole, proceedings, were α-disgrace- to a'publfc body, each member trying, pni--wit the others. Messr3 . Ostler.-and Mao,, Intosh'e a'ofion* in.. resigning" is ap- v . plauded, while Mr Acton is, ijeld respouaible for the wholorof'theiob. -He promiaed hra electors to v«te against the Act, but before the Council; met yesterday he expressed his intention of voting for .it.; This led; to bisscolleague-(Mri Macintosh) resigning. Mr Acton , then turned : round and threwtke whole blame oniSTrMao*! - Intoah, and Voted nader protest against the Act. It is thought if the last-named ;member Bad remained he would hire voted-for the Act, in direct opposition to the wisbea of his> const£«. tuenta. TEe Council has succeeded in makißg Geraldine County an object of utter The Bingitata river is shewing Bigns - of breaking through on the south eideof the road bridge. Hitherto all damage has been done on the north eide. . . , .. :t ; [Press Special Wlre.l ' iaarch ! 26. - Mrs Chnrion, aged serenty;eight., widow oX the first appointed minister of St.Taul's, died yesterday. . ' .'■'','. ; ' '• ."• ,' '■'..-> . .... ; -The schooner Mar'on to-day ccnveyed two hiindred empty caskito the Taupo, to JKb nsed in floating her. The Sissy takes, chains 'and spars, which, with a number of nisks on the spot, and the cargo per Marion, will.make sufficient to lift 500 tons, and the two schooners will raise 100 more each. . '■''•■ ... .* ' ' In the Supreme Court to-day, in the case Murdoch, of the Bank of New Zealand, V: May and others, Judge Gillies dissolved the injunction to restrain defendants from proceeding with' certain works adjoining on the ground that ample provision made to prevent injury. , ..-■:, T Byers, the actor, who was miasippf since Sundiy, has turned up, having lost hie way in the bn«h. ..,. ■ Colonel Packe ia inspecting the various Volunteer companies in a uckland district this week. So far he has expressed himself pleased with their appearance arid movements. PalmeestpnNobth; March 26, Eichter, Nanneshed and Co.'s Sawmill -wa3 burned down last night. It was insured—ihe'plant and stock for namely, in the South British, about .filCO in the North British, and the balanco in the New Zealand. '1 hat amount <?oes not cover the loss, 'ihe mill was a large one, and a good number of men were employed. Several improvements were in course of iivtro--duction to increase the working machinery. Tadpo, March 26. A large meeting ie now being held, at which a great many representatives of different tribes will be present. The .object of the gathering is the opening np of land and making roadj on the southern side of LakeTaupo. Mr Mitchell is attending , on behalf of tho Government, and Mr Grace, of Wanganui, on behalf of the land speculators. WELiiNOTOii, March 26i It is stated that Ihaia Tainni, of Greymoath, a Native of high rank, will, probably be the 1 only candidate for the seat vacated by Vaiaroa. The " Chronicle" siye that two persons holding high rank in the New Zealand. Militia, and Justices of the Peace, have been fomenting discontent amongst the Natives in Wailato, and inciting-opposition to the Government, and that a forcible remonstrance will probably be ad--dreesed to them by the Government. ■ The Governor, not having arrived at 8 p.m., i 9 not expected before to-morrow. ■; " W; It is fitated that the Government have agreed, subject to ratification by Parliament, to carry ont the agreements made by the original lessees of the Murimotu block. The title will, have to be reheard by the Native Lands Court. The proposed sale of sixteen thousand acres of the Waimate Plains has been caUed to Auitralia to be advertised in the principal journals .there.-. Dr J. P. Thornley, who cam».ont in charge of; the immigrants by the Hudson,-has. been appointed Medical Superintendent of .the LunaticAsylum at Auckland.. . --, . ~ , . j A movement is on foot to form a football club, to play under the Victorian rules -....' .".j .-; Mr Stanbory, representative of a San Francisco ship owner, has come, here to claim the barque Courier, which was sold by .Captain !-~ tan wood to the promoters of the late New Guinea expedition, who have her now employed trading. He jsayg Stanwobd had ; no right tp .cell her. ' ' ' .'' ' . -■: -' '."■'.' Banks, the cook of the Loch Fergus, died this afternoon from the blow of a handspike an apprentice oa boatd last SuaMr Evere?s, a'muster at Mount Cook school, is charged with violent and unmanly conduct to the Misses McGowan, female teachers at that school. The local committee, after enquiry, considered the charges substantiated, and RScommended the immediate removal of Eyeress, whose admissions-showed that his violence and. infirmity of temper quite unfitted him to deal with subordinates. ■'.'■' "': ''.. Boss, March 3. ■: Mr <3i'bor..e, the member for Totara, addressed his constituents, explaining Mb views.He said he wished to see the franchise extended, and the i-yatem of. local self•goremmentamended, to as to give it greater scope and '.flexibility. He also spoke"etronglyinfavorof the re-adju.=tinent of taxation. A unanimous vote of confidence in him *was passtd. . ; : r GaETJroDTH,.MiuMh^.i -: Great dissatisfaction is expreaeed here at co many workmen being knocked off the harbor works, which will now only employ abont thirty men. A deput-tion from the:workmen waited ! on the local authorities asking them to consider thenr case. The men have famuiefl, haye acquired {small properties, and do not care to leave the distinct. The attempt to depopulate the Coast by offffling : fKiej»aj»gea to is greatly Cβ >d«mued by workmen and bosiness people ■tike. : The sadden discharging of so many isjeen««fiedj)«Fih«rt«fib*,# flSt^Si GmeeimejA«fei9i mm"e*mß*E. . . , ss T&e Insurance Companiee presented aaooflp

felon of £5 to the brigade for its excellent work .t the late fire. **^ There is extreme presaure of ifSKfon tlj)£i Otago railways, and it is said thafpSsnblo too number of e8 n °*t emplUwed dSfe&rgentfy required to^M&fetthe'wocKSfv*,., *-i Iα the BSi? to-dtaFfiwO $Sjng lads wero charjsßigitbl||j|Eg ifli&jS attW&truetiop on the Port 13hdl|i||§i rainrii? liafe. As it appeared that thejpsW wifc&ont aBJ , felonious intent, -■•' The tat ite lower harbor is still benssgf Government. No answer has yet Jiecn Jreceivei by tho Harbor Board. W 4 An extract froa , . a privatjifttter rcceivsd by n. gentleman in Dunedin, that General Grant, of the Sttite.s purv>o*e3 making a tousr through tho Kast and to Australian colonies iv the U.S. steamer Richmondu —.«. m .^..» ..- .-^iHyfiHeAßβ! t-t,. March 2t?: "' A sa*e"orT3oTernn;' ntlnnd was hold fo day by MrOsborue, and included sections at Matiura, Gore, East "Wiutoti. M>3uzi33 ferry, Athnl. Jtaw.l^y,JL3fleba4Ji,,las i e£Cftaull huniked, and F iuv-'j Bnah. The ccuigetitioji spirited, and excell nt prices flrere 5 much n>iove jthgTips.'t price m crery c.wo tw- , . EviEry3sobkiott wassolii. " .':' 7. . .•■ tn tfce4RM..Cbnft todity Patrick Kgany was caiimitted on a charge 8f BasattHOvith intent niear Oreti. «■■■• -- * A boy named Lock was a!*o committed on a clmrgo of stcalitiif a cont.-iin-'lig a cheqae fcom.the inaijjlmgt.ivbil- 1 iurrying iha InvercirgiUaiid JBiTertoU;."; Ho Si only fbnrteetiyeariiof nse.r"'" , *■ 1 At^thdmeeting of.;the conoiUteo of tteJKaitiiSgata re'iof fund this cv. niujf, lists iiriio-iiutrng in (tho a{rgreg.ite_ to were Eubmittcil." Sjtefaloihe/s ndrayct tocoai? in. i3< ; decidcd fvir subsoriptior.s i.i aii ! oi-tliu .Voioatesi - . demoustritisu at i.'astsc. A Tajedicfcory tea meetiujj was held to-nurht, ',{& iu-liag taepibca ot all tho Prote.taiif.;di!nouiithe .ucca3ioa of -Mr McNicqJ. of the Wijs'ej'av. Church, Jcavinjj fho district to tako 'Sp ihe miflistry-ftii IVra^itki.

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Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4262, 27 March 1879, Page 2

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Untitled Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4262, 27 March 1879, Page 2

Untitled Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4262, 27 March 1879, Page 2