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i Thb City Watbb -Sctplt.—The water supply eonnnifctee'-o£-iha : their meeting- y«*fc«rdky- ■' moaning-, * accepted the tejjder of Mr. J, Andereofljar the su]pj>ly of cssti'rron i;jj&as3r#; -Mr'lfed&caon's'Jfas the only tender submitted. "jLf" £ r » Wesicff''' pdkiraTKsl-tMTtife %üblte- • worl a • cbminitfeeJ'Of* the Gity Gottniral''JhelS ; tlftir' ÜBual meeting -y«terßayy'*,nd? ib.~e busineee before them,.although of ;irnmtine character,, occupied' sonii'iaxpe; there , being.a., of - appUcatioiis for -'smallJfoeijlwdrfiato consider, audidecide upon. $0 thing of general public" interest trflnsjnred. r ;< w•■ 1 g $ -; :• r * ■•;* ',/ ' AB^BT^iI^S^iKA&ISTBACr.—Ifr'-fS 'report^ thatMcJEfrftuk-QrtUt»nesß,'satpi , eeeAbtßesfa2nt: Magistrate Nefeon, is to be? appointed Resident Magistrate at and that Mr-EEtfirali.'lftt%'' : s*ergeaniii3hajpr t>l3 tb"e Armed; C^^bnl^j ; at jatleaV^in pqipt^'Cifr^io^ejjpQi^'w^l^^Sg^weJi?.' •E^tOB ;!PHA'SiES--^Oi»HJ|.-to' tEtt^esigaa- <. tiori'of "Constablo"!Bashf6j;dj : . of jEtole, whp, cftroS to ChrietchurobiKiroW'il(^eliiogton r i , has been appointed -*o r take?onarga o£ -the' <Joslga£e" etitipj*.,-.'Aiiother'cfiwßge: ia'the Police"■de.prirfcment ia the apppi«ttn«jtit of "lp)|ii}red Constable' B7trtundrßfjstric"fc p?i?2 ■ Constable Watf/ r w^oi : lMS l '"TemojVed to . ' fr™ , .* •?;:-..aao "<&.';^***'_»._"•-;/' '*-_•* ; UisrSlo'tfCotflT*.—SCis \Et6nSr'3'c3go' Waicd,', yefeterday jydgajf Joi i.AjJr , tbaf |4afeitiffi»:;.ii» J ctthffiJ Ibiq cotochidedi tho cause list, and tho Court adjourned 'sih&i dis. In conseqokferf 'Of; April falling on a toi>e fixed by r -g----ing.'^W& Jh*, t feoney , t*!ser : in l etie_.OJE -fittd ,l |Bofee had his back, turned to the *foe ar"momenl, a man"toot advantage oE~lho ohince to snatch a ticket. The theft was immediately discovercdjbut the, delip.qaent was a"wjay and ir&o fee ishetSire pantof the box cpnld 7 inunsg& him. ??hk thfe Imw sittinge Harper Intimated "that her' Baa 'received a telegram from Mr Macassey asking that the rule nisi, for a pcw rf trial injther<»e&"Of jHwidorsop.^^bes as I there would to get through itJii,Jthfl pjeaent sitting,'.Tjetore,. £hw etaßde ; , it £> O^p^p S C3twcir^MEßTjifG-.-TT:A.; public meeting on Monday evening ii\ Tc-ekote -building committee-" chiir. form the building committee, with power to add totEeir number Sladden; Pan!,' Parish.- WoodSeW,' Hmßl^^' i Wa r .eecbnde3-fee , resfolefiori,' s aßdiftie^^iJeisie'^f' JSij Sedcolq haying ticen added, it.'svas-Ciirifid;'' The, cbifipatf 'frSMOunKd 1 the and lliejneeting terminated. ~ - 4-N iHTOBTim'F'-P&H^^-A'Bonrewhafc , imt. poiut of cractiS'in-reo-atd to aDDlicaj^ier,ijthe AO. wa| eettled'yesterday before "the Jftiigee tin i Ch imbere. It to have Separate applications for. the"diacharge of the 8M of S«i6lrHgy, Mi Wjrirti'Williains raised the point whether out £ba twj»not; |34%ijHqn4ra'|eli jfgffjgL Mr s Waiiams and In intiire, therefoli.dlhfl able to inako one application iftjiuch cases instead of fejf app^ , &MJ f & raiie, a'iaK*e^, f inefc wltM'Vpainfol afeciderit' was .working for Bruce and ■©Oβ, Jiake Elles-he-Vac SSppTfig from a?ioft hi a ladder, distance of some.fourteen feet, hurfSng* "his" VacST'sb severely ..thsi hb^^dmubrii^SM&irwUim&ttee Ho^p,itali :; aid-"tifer^ i *ec%r?:ed i:; ,all ~Wt*n fibV. ! ! (?fi<t pj'eeSSi"Battfi o%t tie m3urieß ; , •uwaoeJl by CochraM'are npt r 'knowi J ; i Du't i^ ; tis ligi^Vdl^l^ thap^(giTo.liima.eeyera'fQakip'g.- ' <';■. "'T*-,'. committee of the-l^Je-fete; ia-ald of the Kajtangata relief fund'was—held last night, .whea -a etateoierifc of "accounts as~w£i ' ipractioabl^ , The pro- J .ceefls of the day and night -amdtinii tb-aDOUt '£7^0., This with the arnffOfit on the Mayor' 4 listi aiidr that ; of :,^mrs'Biri d---aifd Tiul, .'brings the total c<m6tfbutfcoWroW ;t& rdveSlSlSOOir The holt :igoi w&f .te?timpnial,':Bpbj|CTib*4:ior by the members of the, -committee, in recog-, nitjon of displayed by him in.carrying ouc his'dntiei; Votee of thanks were passed' t(0 {he talibg 'part 7 in r i»rforinfcfieee,<beth ofif Qle'grottndis:4rid iH ; tho evening, and also to those , who had wrilten ofii their? i&Mirite f6cM ! e" 'fund. The question'of th'e'formation of a futi'd,froin : which assistand«r could be giyeato thewidowand chiKtrett of thet j lite was' diec'iie/ed' eorivereatibnj%. jit : wa* appoint a sib-committee, tb'whonxihe winding up of 'the! the fete ■ was4 remitted-.-. ,:■••■•> ,■■.'-'•:: -;. ;' <■;.;-.■-:■. *..r-o->: '- - K&iAEOI ;: BOBOUGH • ifIOBCOOLC-i-A special meeting of the committee of this eohool' -was" laelji on Monday. Johnetoft Xcl*irnaan)s EereU,Coup; ParnKftth/Mathewe,' an 4 faeHby:' 'A'letter'was^iread^rom'the BoiwS of Education, 1 etating" that 'tKe Board-i of {Education -ha4~ decided on the following"! ■ arrangement ae' to the staff and salaries of j the] teachers .—Boys' aohool—Head master, £275 • Second* mieter,-. £130 5 one : pupil Girls' Iphool Miatresi, £120; second rpietwss, "S7j>f \t»ne ;i>njlil teacjher. iii&nte' 'echool— Uistress,' £ilO• tw¥ pupil teachers. The rent "allowance to the head . .mailer and mistre3%to remain-as at presentin the qf ,tiie, rciaat?r, lUI Jhis boiue is ! reaiiy'for-oc^patii^.";32ie to -idate froia,the Ist proximo, that if r Mr Rayner elects to lemaiu a head' master at the taliry of £275, the "alteration in hie salary wocld not take efEeot till .the expiration of three months from that date. " Tho committee would be good enough -to-obtain a second miatrew, also inform the Board what' it intended in reference to the second master. It wae resolved that t£e receipt, of the r letter -from the Board be : acknowledged, and tho Mala of Balariea in letter of 21st be approved, of. It was;decided to recommend that the •eoond master "receive the increased salary. It was oleadecided that the head.master be informed of the new scale of salaries adopted and the reference in the Board's ■ lodging 'money; ■' ' committee then ad--1 journed. Thbatbbßotai."''Virginiue , * was repeated last night to an audience more appreciative than numerous. Aβ on the previous evening, Mr Creswick gave' a grand representation of the Botnan father, and in erery phase of the part displayed dramatic excellence of the rery highest order. Itumaay yeare »inoe»performance of equal, merit has been witnessed in Christchurcb, and it eaye very little for the taste of tho pnbKc that so rare and unaci customed a dramatic treat should receiTesuch I scant encouragement. The fine elocution of I C&e tragedian was again manifested in hie delivery of the eplendid speeches with which the; part abounds, and the applauee of those who were present was both spontaneous and enttmsiastic. Mr Tineent could scarcely be surjaaeed in the character of Icilins, the lore passages with Virfjfoia being given with tenderness and manly feeling. Shaiepeare'e sublime tregedyof "King Lear" willbeplayed this evening, with. Mr Oreswick in the character of Lear, and Miss Helen Aehton as Oordelia. The Australian critic*, with the ' remembrance of some very great exponentsof the part, have pronounced Lear to Dβ Mr Oraewick's masterpiece, and, judging from the force and pathos of bis Virginia* a grand performance may be looked for.

This G-sopeiAS.—There was &JMX* audience la«t the GaHy !ffcatre, mlw% H3jcjke~ Mioslreb repeated $Mr clever pexforaajpca.- To-iught .there to5I W an entire c&aag* of jtragTßmmfl. - "'> , Bssidekt MAtfrsrsATß'a Coubt.—TestAr-daj-Isidac Schwarfss,brought upon remand from- the 18th, charged with" man, w»farther remanded to t-fee 37ih ißsUntj a; the counsel" <Bi both sides were engaged in the Supreme Court. - ■ E.S'TESTAISHEWT Xf ,£S& SS^WIf* —3Pft>« feeaor'Saatfcand Jbifl trdeg,'gas©' , perfonn»rice»: on Sto3<?aj- and laet erehin* at" tho'To-irn ..Eral 1 ,, Ashburtoiu The shadow pantomime caused much both occasions fair after:d3ince." J " _ at&maxd.oL "the Hcenital desires "to""acKTqwledgo .•witTT of ai floWers wKcn - wera. u*fid—to--d£=eorafce• the-obureh—of--4i»e" Q-ood Shephej^d t jaJ,^ast, J taanlf giving." HV' ha3_aJßO__re.ceiTea. t?ro parcels o£'|inoo, whish.yore.vafy>acceptable*}. !SCB2BMJB Johnston and. Williams held a sitting in b#nco r yesferday wheii BeTeral-ofteM-^efe^fepSsea'df.'• •'tFtie long stsnding cases of,Qrc£n appellant t .Penderrespondent, and Cuaiiingnaai appellant V Dann reepandent were Iα the former, which* was a test case, tteir Honors h*ld that a billiard room forms part of tho pteuiisee of. & public house, and must-be aS dhe; eames time ftt tfeft.ptJjeriparts,! Th© effect.of tbe Jodgment,ia-aliO>thattha;*ro«l4 : in/ tHe iPublichouse Ordinance " HU house-and:: piemises ehall be closed-on certain -daye; rand; between certain hours'} means that tk&\ joutetc door most not be opeped. The oorfviislioJi Tof I . the appellant was oni these" In Cunningham v Dami, which was a ac to the_ ? th£ Tipjpeldj'; 'and th'o appeal'disHis ne&' with' 'crisf*:' ' To- day_' Cre yke vDransSeld, anargpmentondemtUTer; ~w3l be takenu •:•»<, ■■: ■■^-^i'-^i Lojal Orange Lodge, No. 1, Lyttslton, are re£ues!ed to meet Lyttelton, at s aven o'clock il ( r I.O.G.T.—The usual w£ekly meeting of tho : ihenjbers of the Southern Cross JLo3;ra..wiU take,, B^lf^tet%e^j^'fel6clgffii3 4 A 1!?' the qloai of t%4 ugSfl' busiSeeSi »n .%ntdMSftnfi^n§ c •willftoe g%eral^rabli«"ttT¥ J '' :! f 00TBALTi.- 1 -iThe; ni matcK : - c «T' s t« : e Eajsteru cay on Latimer Bqtiafe."'The followinsr fifteen *giU Jplay r tfie' sclnby: *iz jssUGsfopsr, <Boata?;l----tytensig, ■ barker, (captain S tamper ,j§?ilfe»ar#e, ■Waclismann, Wach3mann, Whifcaombe«»AUam, Eoibinaon, Bell, Dobson; emergencies/ 4 ffalea blBOfc: iPlayt*coihmoace at 230 p m sharp, .nowtz zdl vA

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Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4261, 26 March 1879, Page 2

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4261, 26 March 1879, Page 2

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4261, 26 March 1879, Page 2