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WuTßcm B-Toar—January 18. a a-m.—Weather, clear, blue sky. wind, >._.., icht. Barometer, 33.10; thermometer, b_. High Water— Sunday. Morning, 00.46 ; evening, i. 16. Jannary li*. 9 a___—Weather, clear,'blue sky; wtad, K.E, light. Barometer, 29.62; 75. Horning, L 45; evening, _-15.

jtßiTfXß—January 17. Marmioß, brigantine, 92 tons, Bowton, from Kaipsra- J- Inglis, ajcnt- _ January IS. Waikato, ship, 1021 tons, Worster, from London. Xew Zealand Shipping Company, agents. Passengers—Mr South Miss A. Thierens, Mrs Cohen, Mr A. Murray. Mr aad Mrs Edward Owen. MUs Emily Owen. Messrs C. J. and, J. E. Owen, S. McCarthy, aj&^im-sagraats-Signal, barque, 492 tons, Whitney, from New Tork vis. Sydney. Caff and Graham, agents. Passenger— Mrs Whitney. Croydon Lass, schooner, 51 tons, Cumin, irom Wsitß-w. Geo. Mack*;?, agent. Annie, ketch, 17 tons, Marston, from the Bays. Master, agent. „ - Atbratic. schooner, SO tons, Spooner, from Pelorus Sound. Cuff and Grabam. agents. Cotambia, schooner. 45 tons, Conway, from Havelock. Master, agent. Hawea. SJ-, 451 tons, Kennedy, from Auckland via Esrt Coast. D. MiTK agent. Passengers-Mr aad Mi*s Hosktns. Mr Williams. Mr and Mrs MoxrisrHS. Miss Fairbnrn, Mra McLellan and child, Messrs Harris, Weston (2), Grant.McLean, Amos Barnes. Maddison, Mr snd Mrs Solomon. Mr GjdUvarO'Callaghan, Miss Hurst, Mr Armstrong. Mrs We*ton, Mr Trent, Miss Barnes, Delany. Mrs Igglesden asd three children, Mr and Mrs Parsons, Mrs Borford. Miss Wallace and two children, Mr Gold Miss Beswick, Mr Le Courtier, Mrs Davis, MrsTyrell.Mxand and Miss Harding. Mrs Vinsen, Messrs Hannah, Mann, SobinsSn. Geades aad three otters. Slater, Pearce, Wright, Baird, Leslie. Mrs McDonald, Mr Jameson. Mr and Mrs Da-re'l and two servants and 2S drata»tic company, Mr Geo. Bignold and ser--rant, Mr McDonald, 7 steera :e. Tsaw). s-s., 4SI tons, Cromarty, from Port Chalmers via Akaroa. D. Mills, agent. PWngettJSaloon—"Misses Sutherland, Menzies. Wheeler (2). TVUv (2), Brown, Mesdames Daly, HenniiJca, OTSorn, Mr and Mra Bfllins, Mr and Mrs Fyfe, Messrs J. W. Geddes. Eoyse, Briggs, Ware, HenfingsfMasters Haywood and Gibbs. Steerage-5 and 30 for North. January 19. Sunbeam, bsrqoe, 442 tons, Matthews, from Hainan. C. W. Turner, agent. -Marrßsjm»*--ns.TmiMtTOe.ll4ton3, Smith, from TTokitika. CoS and Graham, agents. Passengers— MrTMarks and family (5), Mrs Spring and family fs)?Mrs Kiley Mr M-Joney. Taiaroa, s.s.. 228 tons, Fietersen, from Northern agent. Passen^rs-Misses .Thomas Kohn, Wallace. Spencer, Werrv Caverhiil. Paxton. Siegel, 4 steerage. ■" Salibd— January IS. Saxon. «ebooner, 58 tons, McKenzie, for Wellington. Cuff and Graham, agente. _ Actares. barqne. 873 tons. A. Lewis, for London. Dslsety, Nichols and Co, agents. ~.,.. Tant» s s., 461 toas, Cromarty, for Auckland, via the East Coast ports. D. Mills, agent. Passengers— Vnr Wellington— Mr and Miss Aiken, Mesdames Cohen, McCarthy, Pearce, Messrs Bowland, Eiley, Crtfa?. Campbell, Brig«, CaygilL Hodder, Ford, Horeffeld; for Auckland-Mr and Mrs Chapman, Mrs Orr and child.'Miss Owen, Mes=rsW. M. Bead, Kaye.Murray. Owen (3), Goodwin. Percy, Quick; for Poverty Bay—F. B. Dennis; for Napier-Mrs Townsend, Messrs Maclean and Hansman. January 19. Hawea, s.s„ 461 tons, Kennedy, for Port Chalmers. 3>. -*»m«, agent. Passengers—Mesdames Jebson, Hawkes, Captain Dancaster. Taiaroa, sla.. 469 tons, Pieterson, for Wellington. D Mills, agent. Passengers—Miss Alloway, a j. . TsfPOTTH Per Croydon Isws—42,oooft. timber. Consignee— "Per Tarn)©—Ex warehouso, under bond from Port Otalmera-3 cases ; fre*. 117 pkgs, 85 cases, 6 bales. 1 cask. Consignees—Hallenstetn Bros., Carr, order. NasbSlski. Allan and Co.. Waters. Per Hawea—Ex Clan Ferguson under- bond from Ancklnnd-l esse; free-S pkgs, 74 sacks; from Wellington free-13 pkgs, 23 ewes. 3 trasses. 3 •TtSsks. Mackay. Wilkm tok&y7Avaiin, Tope, G. Lewis. Colonel Packe, Cuff and Grjham. . , * n Per Marmion—G4.oosft, timber. Consignee—. °Bsr* Atlantic—42.oo3ft. timber. Consignee— Per < timber. Consignee—J. Per Signal—Bss cases? nails. 372 cases carriages and waggons, SO3 exsea sewing machines. 6 pkgs glassware, 85 cases drugs, 10 eases tobacco, 100 nests tabs, XOS bandies brooms, 152 cases clocks, 2008 eases kerosene, 100 barrels rosin. 200 cases tnrpen«ne74o cases organs, 43,000 ft. timber, slates. 27 pkgs huapware, 192 cases chairs, 100 tarrels plaster, and sundries. and U. Per Smbesun—2oo,oo3ft- timbfr. Consignee— C. PerMsxyßsi-naiyne—so,oooft. timber. Consigned Per "waikato—46 trunks, 1682 cises, 300 casks, lttl boxes, 120 pair wheels and axles, 1434 rails, 1810 bundles. 2475 bars iron. 24 arms and boxes, 4 SaehtoesTlSS barrels, 62 bales, 35 pkgs,,l3 hhds, 40 heaska, 3 stones, 39 kegs, "crates. «tanks, 1 tarceL 4 anvils. Consignees—Order, H, Fuhrman, £7c. Minister Pablic Works.George Fletcher. E. Black. C. P. Hulbert, C. Ondly. B Bishop. George Taylor, Selanders, Fletcher and and CoT Trent Brothers. C. W. Turner, Friedlander Brothers. Jameson Brothers. Miles, Hissal and to G. L. Beath, Mason Strainers, N Z SMp-ang Company, Eoyse, Stead and Co., -Oransfleldiwid Boper. Butterworth Brothers, Bmg, Harris and Co. W/ Donford, Guthrie and Larnaolt, Brows and Smith, W. Stransre and Co. J. Ballan, B-Black. James Goes. C. W. Turner, T. Hancock, Captain Woods, G. L. Hellish. Exports. Per Tanpo, for Wellington—l parcel, 3 boxes, 3 oktrsTl bale. 93 bundles, 14 cases, 37 cheese, 35 bags ferleV, « bars iron. For Picton—l case. For Napier—2s cases. 7 tins, 1 horse, 7 pkgs, 7 boxes, 1 trunk, 101 sacks. For Gisborne-10 cases. 1 bale. 3 casks. 1 box, 1 portmanteau. For Wanganui- 3 cases, 19 pkgs. For Auckland—3s cases, 5 bales, 50 sacks, 2 trunks, 2 boxes, 1 portmnnteau, 3 pkgs. "Par Kelson—3 esses. For Taarangs, unier band— 71 bags sugar; free, 1 chest, 1 half chest, 1 keg, S oases, 2 horses. Shippers—N.Z.P. and P. Co. J. Macpherson, Mason. Struthers a-id Co., Edwards, Bennett and Co., Wood, Shand and Co.. Geo. Mackay. A. Gee. Kaiapoi Woollen Co.. Watt aud Co., McCozsnell Bros , T. H. Green, D. Mdls, Kempthorne, Prosser and Co.. H. Hawkins and Co., McLean, Southbridge Bacon Co., J. Gilmonr, A. E. Preston, B. Watin and Co., Trent Bros., Light--eand, Allan and Co., Miles, Hassal and Co.. New Zealand Shipping Co., Boyse, Stead and Co., Toomer and Co., J. McGregor, J. Wiggins, J. Anderson. E. H. Binis, S. Boyle, Cuff and Graham, T. Crompton, *K.Z.L.and M.A. Co., Friedlander Bros., Twentyman aad Cousin. Per Hawnsa—Free, far Dunedin—l case, 6 pkges, 50 kegs, 24 empties. For Oarnaru—l box, 55 pkges. For Tiraaj-a—a box. Stead and Co., Lhrhtband, Allan and Co., Cuff and Graham, T. and E. Faritt, D. Mills, Wood, Shand and Co.

Tha brigantine Mary Bannatyne, from Hokitika, arrived yesterday morning with & cargo of timber andeighteen passengers. CaptainSmithreports the loss of a passenger named Foster overboard. The circumstances as recorded in the vessel's log book will be found related iv another column. Mr George Mackav, her ag«nt, states the steamer Southern Cross was to leave Auckland on Friday for Lytteltoa callinsr at intermediate ports. She will probably ba here on Wednesday, returnig to Auckland by sam* route shortly after arrivalToe fine schooner Croydon Lass, Mr G. Mackay, agent, arrived on Saturday from Waitapu with a cargo of timber as per import mc moranda. Captain Curraa. reports having left Waitipu on the night of the 12th. iast. with alight wind from the southward, which feQ to a calm in a few hours; had a succession of light airs and calm* nntil near the heads when a fresh S.E. wind sprang np continuing until arrival. ... „. On Saturday morning *s the bng-intine Ciroe was swineu-g-fxerantha transpartlnsr bnoy off Peacock's wharf, intending to drop into the Annie's berth she collided with the barque John Knox, slightly dsmagt-Mr that vessel and caTryiug away her own jibboooMn addition to other in juries to her rigging, etc Captain Spooner's fino schooner thc Atlantic left Psloni* Bound on January 16th; had light changeable winds to Cape CampbeU, thence light easterly aad TSTJB. winds to arrival on Saturday night. The schooner for this port left the Sound in company with tiie Atlantic The hrigaatise Marmion, consigned to Mr J. Inglis, arrived from Kaipara on Friday night. She '-. left thero oa the 7tb instantj had light S.W. winds to the ISth; then a S.W. gale of 21 hoars'duration, followed by light easterly winds to arrival. Oa Saturday night the schooner Colombia, Captain Conway, arrived from Havelock, whence she eailel on Thursday last, and had a steady N.E. wind to arrival. The steamer Taiaroa arrived yesterday at- a quarter-past twelve p.m. from Mannkua, Taranaki, Kelson, Pieton, and Wellington, being bnt half an boor over three days os the run down. She landed the European and American mails via San Francisco ex City of Sydnay, thirteen passenirere from the coast, and sailed for WeHia{-toa an hour after arriv&lTb* sister boats Hawea. and Tanpo, of the Union Co.'s tine, arrived ia company oa Satnrday morn- i iag, the Tattoo froaa Bert. Chalmers on tie 17th. via Akaroa, and the Hawea from Anckland via tho East Coast -ports. Tha pursers of both vessels report beaatiitil weather aio-jy the coast. The Hawea left Anckland on the 13th, and successively Tanronga, Poverty Bay, Napier, and Wellington on the Uth, 15th. 16th. and 17th. She brought ninety-three passeaser.-* iacf a the DarreU-Rignold theatrical troupe and tbe Hoskins combination, 25 toes lug. gage, Mr Bignold's two stage horses, and 3D tins of arnersl cargo. After taking in 10 tons of outward freight on Saturday, and mails and passengers from theTairoa yesterday morning, she sued for Port Chalmers ai. I p.m. The Taupo sailed on Saturday night for .taduand, via WeUington and intermediate worts, at nine o'clock, hiring discharged 30 tons of Swards freight and shipped 70 tons of general cargo for the North.

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Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4205, 20 January 1879, Page 2

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PORT OF LYTTELTON. Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4205, 20 January 1879, Page 2

PORT OF LYTTELTON. Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4205, 20 January 1879, Page 2