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[PKB TB3BS ASKNCT.] "WEiinreTOH, January 17. A new batch of justices of the peace will be gwettea shortly. Ii is understood Qover&ment will decide this afternoon in Cabinet to grant one free railway pass ta each newspaper in the colony. Mr Baflmce wiß go Sooth on Moad»y, and will ™it the principal places Iα Canterbury pnA Otajjo district. The Pruaitiire Methodist Conference commenced its sittings in Wellington first church this mor&i&g-. If early thirty delegates was present from varioos parts of the colony. The Ber. Daniel Button, FJ&. A.S., of Auckland was tlected preddeat, and Mr Stewart Fraser of Donedizt, vice. The Ber. Joseph Sharp, of Tixsrn was elected secretary, and Ber. James Ctorer and James Grey, assistants. The City Council sat nutil four this morning discaasiag the drainage question, several memben being accused of speaking against time to defet tbe intentions of a majority of the Coancil, who were in faronr of Mr Clarke's dniaage scheme, and of placing its carrying oat uder the city engineer instead of under Mr

Climies . who also drew up a drainage scheme. Tbe Council ereohully decided to adopt Mr CUrks's scheme, and leave the city engineer to Kβ it carted out, adding- that if Mr Cumie bad •ay dsim epoa the Corporation H should be pssd. At Mr Riffnold's farewell benefit last nigit, tis Opera house was crowded in erery part. Mx O'Eorke,,M.H,B,, i»s lieea appointed Cbannan of the Sojal Commission oil Uducaiiess. C. S. Wsgaer, * weß-tnown architect, was srresied to-day, charged with iaeniDg rnlaelesa daqne*. [raOKOUK OWJT COBBBSyOHDBNTS.] Tvtxau, Jannarjr 17. xbtTslaaiiaa of Timrnru bonmga for 1879 is S&jXXI, which shows an increase of .£10,300 w» Int year. The increase is prinapally bj the large number of new buildings # NiLsojf, January 17. An ccsßeat specimen of srgentifeanms galen», &wa a large lode, h&s bee» bronght in nwa Professional miners think tughly of it.. Tbe wnt for the dty election is issued. No-

day ie fixed for January 30th, Pp* ixs February sth. Messrs Pitt and a«sb» am likely to be tb* on!j candidates. DtTNKOTK, January 17. 13a "Tablet" says that Mr Stoat's speech cblsto only one effect ooCathoßcs—to confirm %a in the conviction that nothing hut a detersasa persevering agitation can win for them *iai justice sad equity demand in the matter of t&ntasn. Mr Thomas was presented with a purse of «*«siy sots by his admirers. A. fifenlty is Ekely to arise re the annual riSe aafch between Canterbury sad Otago. Aa Ottiebcry'e anneal meeting takes pteoe on *astw »ceerding to present arrangements, the B*tek*lseuld be fired thax, car four months after toe fesi testeh. The next oompetitkn would STfciaka place till the Oiago meeting in Dβesa«r,lSßo or aa interval of nearly twenty sjoaila. . ■ '-.■ ISTEBCAKQm., Jannary 17. . v ss fesraa there frill be enormous difficulty mfc ?&e beds for the visitors to fee railway #eaar.~ Mssy intending to oome are already for beds, whica are Kkely to be at "*tejra Tslaaiion flue year exhibits aa in--2»H*fjrß»o. The total »-£45,518, against occurred at the declaration of Z*j™™ni» poll. Mr Kinross, the ansaeeessfal after a speech in rery bad form, Shanks, the successful candidate, « awiog on accused Ma ]X ?f*j*tea of being Kats, bewMBO he said Sw-JL a^s ) was not a supporter of the bat was caning under false colors. r™»k», replying, repeatedthatthestatement •Jβ -declined to offer any apology, a, thorough supporter of the

Caress Special Wire.] v. ci V Accktojxd, Jaaa&ryl7. | feft Mafaarangi this afternoon | Hβ wffl retura wad address hie ! «iwiiieaea^ aw met with a serums accie TO»it»dinW»fa*o. ? »oidkia Two SS, c •"« feU, nearly hie. One i te^T 1 * 8 Boa located; one ! sad his spine seriously injured. 2^?®*»k«mßaJomiferenceof the Westeyan t?** ea^* opened Hβ fittingato1 P *te puMic werep»ministers were in atteadOump {preaden*), Buddie, Tt&vk.Jt'BSx MorJey, Bavin, T£r»«B. MriNwoi, MeSUde, Lse, Bkfaardson, SjSt^'** , ' Wattina, Cord, Walter, Eeere. by a mMority totes. Mr Barm was appointed conC™* eeetery, Mr Biehardsoa assistant eecre-n-tt"* I**1 ** l<wn»al Mr Ball eorreThe rekiruuf president

Ed A ray important case was argued in the m Snpreme Court to-day. Mr Hesketfa brought up be Thomas Kennel under a -tnrit of habeas corpus, si- in charge of the gaoler, with the view of ascer3, taining whether the Courts of New Zealand 3. have jurisdiction to detain in custody a person ). committing an offence oatside the limits of the U. Queen's jurisdiction. Mr Hesketh argued that — the ekooting Captain Moller was committed on j, an island where the Queen's authority does not i, extend, and that if it were shown that the Sag j. followed subjects and Courts had power to send « tennel to Fiji to bs tried by the High Com- » misaioner, it must be prored that such Comr. miasioner has been appointed. Mr Tyler ai gned k that the Court had power to issue a fresh ». warrant committing the prisoner to Leroka i, 'Mar the general jurisdiction of the Queen otbt i, all her subjects, but did not produce proofs of t, the existence of* High Commissioner. Judge a QuUes reserved judgment, regarding the point J raised as one of the utmost importance. Wapibb, January 17. Tyson, the wrestling champion, had a heirty reception oja arrival of theTaspoirom Dsnedin. A public dinner was given to him. In responding to hie health, he said he was now going to retire from public lite. TVaxcaitci, January 17. The borough valuation for the present year is

£57,874. For last year ft was J838.882. „ WBLLiKaTON, January 17. i, In consequence of the Hinemoa being ordered South, Messrs Macandrew and BaHance will go uj her instead of the Bingwooma, as intended. The Hinemoa leave* to-morrow for Port Chalmers direct, and afterwards proceeds to the r lighthouses in Foreanx Straits, amd then to Paeeygnr Point, where the sew light is to be tested. She will then return to Wellington, r calling at Port Chalmers, Lyttelton, and Akaroa. Ihe Royal Commission on education appointed a committee to consider the best mode of pracedare to accomplish the object they had in , view, and decide as i* what form the enquiry should take. The result was that four cbm- >■ mittees were appointed, one to arrange as to l Uairenity matters, a sacond k> deal with the question of technical education, one for secondary education, and another to arrange for scholarships and finance. After the appointi ment of these committees, the Commission adjourned till Monday, at which time they expect to be able to proceed with business withoat any farther delay. In a prirate letter receired by last mail, it is stated that immediately the Agent • General heard of the accident to the ship Piako with Qorernment immigrants, he went to the Foreign uffiee and demanded that the Government should at once telegraph to Pernambnco, and order that the wants and requirements of the immigrants by the vessel sho aid ba attended to at Government expense, and that as the Government were on the point of telegraphing to that effect, the New Zealand Shipping Company intimated that they were going to see that aU

that-was needful for the comfort of the passengers under the circumstances would be done at the expense of the Company. Iα consequence, , no further steps were taken by the Government, j the Company being left to carry oat what they proposed doing, which, it appears, they are . bound to do tinder their charter party. : A number of valuable breeding cattle are , aboard the Bingarooma, which arrived con- . signed to Messrs Simpson and Co. They are to ■ go on to a farm at Manawatu. A five months calf among the stock has been purchased for , 420 guineas, and to-day 300 guineas was refused , for one of the bolls. In reply to a deputation to-day re the railway ] wharf, Mr Macandrew said Mr Blackett had j already prepared plans, and tenders would be called for as soon as the specifications were pre- ] pared, which would be within ten days or a , fortnight. There were materials on the ground i to the value of .£7OOO or .£BOOO, and there was nothing to hinder the work being proceeded with t a 9 soon as the specifications were out. The ] Government had been fully alive to the position ( of the town and necessity for a railway wharf. It was only extreme pressure of work >] which prevented plans being prepared before. ] Mr Macandrew laid on the table a plan of the j new wharf. This showed directly opposite the a Government Buildings a small triangular re- g damation for turn tables, &c, from which the wharf will be carried out to a distance of 650 ( feet, the width being.rather less than that of \ the present wharf. It runs almost at right r angles to the existing wharf in nearly the same j direction as the cross T'b. t

' The valuation for the purpose of striking' a 1 rate is J8208,650 this year, as against £183,469 [ last jear. ; The "Gazette" to-night notifies that Tin- j wald Becreation Ground is brought under the t Pnblle Domains Act, 1800. t The following- persons are gazetted auditors { of the accounts of School Commissioners, of ( Education Boards, Ac. :—Auckland, Louis » Adolphos Durrien ; Taranaki, Bobt. Maealister; t Hawke'e Bay, Soht. Macalister; Wellington, ' Bobt. Macalieter; Marlborongh, Eobt. Mac- { alister; Nelson, Bobt. Pollock; Westland, Edird. Patten; Canterbury, John Ollivier; . Otago, Hy. Living-ston. DtmKDiN, January 17. A Loan, Investment, and Auctioneering Com- j pany is about to be floated in Dunedin*. with a t capital of The Enrgeon-snperintendent of the Warwick, now on her way out to Wellington, with immi- r Krante, is Dr. Gore Gillon, an ex-high school boy and a native of this district. He is the first native born doctor who has had charge of an immigrant ship to the colony.! The Synod last night decided that the second chair they would endow: in the Otago University should be that of moral philosophy and political economy. This proposal was carried by a large { majority, but thirteen members protested against t the resolution. . . ' .-. <j The question of Bible reading in schools was I discussed by the Synod to-day. It resulted in a committee being appointed to frame a resolution on the subject for submission to the Synod. I At the Synod to-night a notice of motion was c given approving of the action of the University

Council of Otago in seeking to obtain an inde- jj pendent charier for the Otago University, t . A meeting of those favorable to Bible reading in, sbhools was held to-night, at which abont 100 persons were present. The meeting: was -very Otagan in tone, and a resolution in favor of the s object of the meeting was unanimously carried. b An influential committee to giro effect to it -was £ also appointed. Balclutha, January 17. n Mr Usher, resident engineer, Mr Grant, f general manager, and others went over the line' '■ from BaWutha to Clinton io-daj with a.Fairlie ' engine and carriage, and made an official in- r spection. It is understood that the line will be formally handed over to the Railway Depart- d ment to-morrow. ' * .. fi . lIiVEBCAEGIM., JaBUVyIV. I The new theatre in Dee street, built to the d order of Messrs Sloan and Sons, was practically opeped for, the first time to-night by the Her. 1 Mr Byng, who delivered a most interesting t lecfcore upon the, wchires of the nniversfl. « There was a numerous audience, and the * lecturer was much applauded. - The theatre is a a very handsome building internally, and its acoustic properties are excellent. J

An inquest was held yesterday at Orefci bush, I near Biverton, on the body of a man named John Hayes, who died on the 14th, from ir-fories received through a dray passing over 6 him. A verdict of "Accidental Death" was * returned. r : Oamajbu, Jannary 17. A meeting was held last night for the par- " pose of forming a Volunteer Fire Brigade. A c committee was formed to canvass for members, * and itwas resolved to write to the Dnnedin Fire brigade to proonre rales, ascertain the cost * of angwe, &C. . . ■ ?

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Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4204, 18 January 1879, Page 3

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NEW ZEALAND TELEGRAMS. Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4204, 18 January 1879, Page 3

NEW ZEALAND TELEGRAMS. Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4204, 18 January 1879, Page 3