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[pKB PBEaa ASBKorJ ; 7 T ■;" "T 'Wan»aiJOi, Jsnnary 5. j t , An unusually sharp and Jong continue;! earthquake was this "•morning' about Kalf-pasfi eight, but no damage was done. ' '(.:,■:: '-• -r i■■-.:■_ Mabton, January 4. , . .Had it notbeen fdr a fortunate change" in the wind .yesterday, -When the ,, fire occurred in BussaU's shop,;the Post office must have been burnt. As it was, all the books, papers, and documents had to be removed. -■■•■ • •-■■■'-■'-' Neeson", January 4. ' The resignation of Mr Sharp,,,who has left for England, wasppsted to-day., j v■: : 'WEipjiiNGTON, January 4. : It is estimated that.the new line discovered for the by B.iClimie, will cost only about per mile, including permanent way rolling stock and station?.-: vipus estimate? had been 10,000 periajle with steep,gradients..".,';, .! ; r ~ -.'■- • • Ttfe anniversary Tegatia committee will apply to the Colonial Secretary to have Anniversary Day proclaimed a public holiday... :• ■ '■■ 'i ha Wellington -Xand Tax valuators hare comnitocedth\eir duties. .-,■ : ' :..-.,/. : pry"-nie&ther tbe ; Corpqr^tioa ' are J ta"ting active measures to prevent waste©f; water. " v .,,.-^"'"" ""' j Varley, the who has been here lately, will deliver his farewell lecture" to-j morrow .at tbe Opera House,- fox Chrisichurcli o^ Monday,, >; .• .&..:?, I i'lie'anti-Chinese committee commenced calling , in all subscriptions yesterday. The Mayor) lead -. a - telegram from, the , eecretary v of r the Seamei's tJriion, Sydney,' asMng v "him to stsy further subscriptions;' the strike having ended rintheir favor. -■■--:• ■ .. ■• t- ~ :< \ ■The , Commission on , ' Higher; Education %i\£ commence its *itting oathe'lsth February. *The! j"Eevi' W L J. Habens, Inspector General pf. will be secretary, and Drake, of the " Hansard'" stafF, shorthand writer to the Com-> misßion. All the districts will be •TJsited,alßoWanganui. '. ■■- r"T "■-rr TV | .Mis Sscelleacy again attended the representa-; ftionbf "Henry V.," last night. — ...... , j are being made of want of sufficient clerical assistance in the Eesident Magis-, !.trate r s and District Courts,, ■ ;■',•.-.-■•:•■.. ■:? ;

Mr. Gordon Allan, solicitor,, called the attention of the/Resident Magißtrate.--to-.the practice; of s_ipmasters refnsing to pay;counsels'-fees outj of the seamen's money they held in hand. ~> ,: !

,J"haQt)»ernment are about to offer a snbstan-; i|u_ reward for such evidence as willlead to the j ".cbnHctioa of the persons, who-set,ifire to;.the; Government buildings at Blenheim, in _foves--( '!b.qrJ".iß7'J*i", Detective Browne has; .been- here! seyeral weeks : "^qniae.B,: : ud--ia : v hav'e bb_line? important ioformatib?.; ■•-. ,Jv i

Q!h&" New Zealand Times" Auckland,specialj -obrrespohdent telegraphs that Bewi has~cpme"to! griei with. his people for having brought: a Qo-| vernment officer'-'{—fc.-^Bfector) with him fromi Mokan, i This has been added to the number of! his sins. Tnpatuhi and: others rated the old! chief soundly for his sayings and doings- at< Taran_n. liewi denies that he made a promise! ["about the railway to Waikato. Sir Qrisy saidj to him' once---" Manga, let mc make-the railway! from' Waitara, and you aball T have the' manage-! mentandaß thareceipts." Bewi'anSWibred, ''"'The! the time has Hot yet' come for such talk. MrSheehan wanted him to goto Engfand to seethe Queen. He refused.., Jie wanted to see Lord; Normanby, but Si£jSeorge, Grey would not! consent.. Major Te Wheorb —as come back, from his-Ibootless; errand, to Tawhiab. 'The Kihg'sj : chu(_^n ; are'hbtcpining- to school" at present, as] the, not fine enough. Mr, Sheehan is e*pecfe|d up soon at;_upua r Thp people are de-' termined to-be present,at any meeting with! Bern.',.;.-. ".SSTb more ../.gammon,'' '.they sayj ;" official Ees arelvery dangerous when found out, •' astheyaresuret»^amongstMaoriawho keep secrets. Thelying from first to last appears j i tobayeheen profonnd and solid." ,';,. M _..,•..'. /, j Mr. Barton, M.H.8., contradicts the state-; nient'iaade by the ''-Times-" this mortiinVi thatj he purposed removing to.jAuciaand to practice! his profession-" therej and eays'so soon as he has| settled his disputo/with the .Judges, he willj resume,practice in,Wellington v ..-, - :v - ! 'ihe* UnibS 'Steamship Crfmpaiiy are "about tot establish a separate .agency for the company in! Wellington, nnder a local manager, probably Mrj £Tit_d Mills/, -f;-- •>, ~?,fT>>'-yc?rryi j -This rumour'that it l is- intended to" remove! .head-quarterß'to \ Wellington; is "idec__ed r vsji-•foundedi'-.liTv;'.; r-r -:.?-•• .1./ .'" =.' : " f "J -; ,->;•, ( ; J ~.': \

It js understood that the Governmjnt are oTgar-smg -detective department "for the whole colony. It is probable that Inspector Thomson of Auckland-will' be -chief" inspector, that there will be. : thrce detectives in,eftch T of the,princhpal townsi 1 J an_ (fevernmentwill etideaVor ,to, ..prevent their .ideatity- being known to the public^ _, -. , . ~ ; , It is understood that some hitch has o'ecurrieu I regarding raDway free passes for the Press of the colony. _trMacanarewposittyi^^fn^eßto authorise "the issue • of- ; them until such time as the matter ia brought before the Cabinet, DrjNBDiN, Jam-try 4. A meeting to procure relief for the family of .the late Captain Hughes is convened for Monday. He leaves a wife and'eight children, the eldest only 14 ye—rs of age. Mr. Horace Bastings, addressed his constituents at Tapanni, receiving at the conclusion a vote of confidence., - . -- The " Etar " says, if the testimonial to Mr Bastings -s-aa for parliamentary services he clearly come 3 within thaiDisqualificaiion Actl All the papers advocate 'strict measures to-re-jress larrikinisrn, and say the police must .be gtrtngfeheued if necessary. ' Qauabu, January 5. The total Customs' Bevenue for the December .quarter is For the corresponding q,narter last year The vital statistics for December are—Births, 37 : deaths," 4. / - "i * * IsvEBCABaiLt; January 4. It is stated that the-Gorernment have decided to order that the -~t seatenee -of the law <&*- ---be carried out on the convict' Welsh. Judge Wi_M~>s advi«d the Government that there waa no reason why the condemned man should Hoi suffer capital pp—ishment-

_>BOH OT|B ,fISSEK t COB9BS J PO»DBIfIS.L i <7 , ~ , ~ » .W_rj_„Gro»V 'j-raary 4. Sir* George speech at the Thames having during day hours on Sunday was charged at quadruple rates, and the telegraph omcj seat in B.BUI to the Jfow 2fealander <£80. .This,however, wassabpe. 4u_i%redjKae4 ; to, £26, beingthe price at ordinary evening rates. "' .-.■.-.-;,..; ti-1 '■ :,.-y-?.s ... r r - f |. j lNVßßCA_oi_ii, January -•

to-d.iy i* false. Tho sheriff, Mr Stuart, says no instructions havo been yet received. DrjN_DiN, January-_.

At the City Police Court foar men were charged with riotons conduct on New Years morning, and were fined dn sums ranging from £3 to £5: v , Owing to a heavy downponr of rain the sports are postponed till Monday. ■ ■■-v ;, Jantary 4. Shortly before twelve U t night, a fire was discovered in tha; shop of fcolomon, music selltff, Tiiunies street, "hoalarm was {pven, the back door broken In, and the fire extinguished after some tro-ib but uofc before eovenil pianus were damagei, and a Urge quantity of fnnc-y destroyed. The stockwas insured in the South British for .SHOO. Soloman estimates the stock as worth .£2300. [Press Special Wire.] New Plymouth, January 5. At the Government land s»le yesterday, seve« ral sections of rural land, with standing bush" near the Stratford road, sold at from J63 to i! 8, per acre. . . ' The silt of- graphite has been discovered in one of the rivers of the Waimate Plains. Wellington, January 4. Some samples of Mokau coal were analysed, at the Colonial Laboratory, the result giving 87; per cent, of combustible matter and a little over, a per cent of ash. '1 he evaporative power is that one pound of coal will convert seven pounds of -water into steam. . There are only four cases for bearing at the next civil sessions. . The New Zeiland Rifle Atseociation have, resolved that the secretary should at once proceed to Nelson to make the necessary arraujjeinents for the meeting next month. Hunter's farm, in dose vicinity to Wellington, and recently purchased by Moeller, Young, anl Saundere, will be. laid out in a new township called Brighton, and .£4OOO is tobe' expended to place it in tramway commiuucatioii with Wellington 1 . About 180 acres werefalued at-£IOQ-per acre for the level land, some twenty acres, and the hilly at .£3O, the remainder of the land being irery rough/ was valued at' J23'per acre.- ■"••■; ■ " : • ■ . ■ ■•..■■,'" , ' : . There-is'K slrong difference of opinion between the Government and the deputation representing the mei-eaatile : respecting the railway station, one thinking the proposed; Bite ttoitable, and the other not. A good deal of dissatisfaction is manifested with" regard to the alteration in the tariff of fees at the B.M. Court, the increase in some instaneee helng'lOO per cent. ■ - ; Mr John Martin hai P. Water r hoUßO'e in the Wairarapa, about seven, miles from Featherston, with stack and improvements, for j£Bo 000, -The ejtate contains about-'34,300 acres freehold; £3000 of the purchase money is to'bftpaidin cash to-morrow. . -,-i - ; ; - A tailor named'.McElwain s who was 'ont''on bail for arson;'and who was to appear at the criminal eittings of the Supreme Court on Mon> day next, was found dead in. his bed about midt day'to-day. ' For : "the last few 1 days he was observed to be strange in manner, and bid good* by to several of his friends a day or two ago. The doctor refused to grant the usual cortificatQ lof death from natural causes,. the body when found being swelled to twice its natural size. An inquest ,, is to be held on Monday next.. Ifcis supposed deceased committed suicide by poison.; ••':",■ , Dunedin, January 3. ;

. The Caledonian sports,, which were to be held tb-day; have been postponed till Monday, in consequence of'the heavy fall of rain this afternoon. .-'' ..'-'' ' j

The number of immigrants nominated, at Dnnedin oifica during the past month was 1 seventy-two souls, equal to fifty-eight statute adults.' The nominations at the Invercargili office were twenty-six souls, equal to twentythree statute adults. January 5. Mr Parker's estate in South Canterbury, containing 9500 acres, was purchased on Saturday hyJMr Henry Driver. The price has not transpired, but it is said to be at a much lower rata than land in the same locality was sold for a short time ago. ■'■■••■'••' •- - INT_RCABGr__, January 4. To-morrow candidates' wih be nominated for the' Mataura -rendered -vacant by Mr Woqd'B resignation! So far as can. be ascertainedi'only Meksrs Bhanks and Kinross will come forward, the moaerate parly .having decided npt'to prosecute"''the candidature Of Mrj T. Dehniston, for fear of sphtting the votes, and bo promoting the return of Mr Kinross, who ia an-extreme Greyite. This course was in-j couragedbythe' moderation of the views expressed"by Mr: Shanks. Both candidatos are working hard, and are confident of success. ; The weather has-been lovely this last fewj days,':an.ds_eTß'B' irom districts ia; genera—yjgoodioa v';v- : "' .•■.••«'■' ,■■.'■;■-■ j

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Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4194, 6 January 1879, Page 2

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NEW ZEALAND TELEGRAMS. Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4194, 6 January 1879, Page 2

NEW ZEALAND TELEGRAMS. Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4194, 6 January 1879, Page 2