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[fBOM OTJB OWN CO&ittESPONDENT.] I Wellington, May 3, 6 p.m. The Galatea sailed at 2.40 p.m. The volunteers waited from 11 a.m. to fire a salute. The Prince went on board last night and did not again land. The Governoi'goes to-morrow in the Chair lenger. a The : s_de;of the;Paiiama[Cp?Dpany's property commenced to-day. The stores and offices were withdrawn ; the miscellaneous goods and ship's stores bringing. 40 per cent,. r betow invoice { price; - '"■ •''-'■■ l - f "- : " ; --'- i ' XA7..77:. A meeting of the shareholders of the JNew Zealand Bank was held at j Auckland on the 28th ult. From the report, read , it .appeared. that over £kslb&6 is : Available for divisiofci as follows :—£25,000 in a dividend at 10 i >$€v centA]&r--im*um-la' bonus of>ss f . per share, £12,500; balance carried to I 1 profit and loss, £8,000. '

B? Vv-rnrtfOMAi. Causes and t)_tbßCK Act,; JLfcti7.—Mr Justice Gresson will git in chain* hers for the despatch of business "under this Act on Tuesday in each week at 2 p.m, unless the Court be otherwiso engaged. 'Mn VoGBL.«-The "Tuapeka Times" says Mr Vogel has accepted the editorship of the "Southern Cross" at a salary of £lsooper annum. The Alliance Magazine.—We havo received the May number of this magazine, Which contains a number of articles, most of them bearing on the subject of toetotalisni. The magazine has now reached its seventh number. Resident Magistrate's Cotjbt.—There Were no cases for hearing at the Resident Magistrate's Court of this city yesterday. . New Repbesbntatives.—Mr F. D. Rich j hafi-heenxeturned. aa a member of the House ] of Representatives for Waikouaitl, in the place of Mr Mitchell resigned. Mr Donald Reid has resigned his seat for the West Taieri. The See op Chbistchtjbch.—The London correspondent of the "Argus" says it is understood that the Rev. Mr Randall, Rector of iNewbury, will be nominated to the See of iChristohurch, and that Dr Harper, the present Bishop, having been nominated to the 'Primacy of New Zealand, will be transferred •to Auckland. Christ's College.—Mrs Godley's annual iprizeS for cricket have this year been adjudged as follow :—For batting to F. F. Feni wick, for bowling to D. Rutherford, and for •fielding to J. Gould. Fenwick played 13 innings and made 163 runs, average 12 7. i Rutherford bowled in 11 innings and took 45 ! wickets. "Gould is a very good field at leg and j cover, which he usually takes, but is equally • at home in most other places in the field. j Timabu Loan. —The Timaru Borough Council has issued-tenders for a loan of £1000, | in accordance with the Municipal Corporations' Act, for the purpose of carrying out certain town improvements. The debentures ibear interest at the rates of ten per cent. 1 GebALDINE.—A flour mill will shortly be erected at Geraldine, by Messrs- McEenzie and Co., of the Raukapuka steam saw-mills. | There are already four flour mills in the Timaru district. 7 7 The Timabu Mail.—The cbach from the north did not arrive as usual on.- Tuesday night, being delayed by a heavy fresh in the Rangitata river. It was expected on Wednjejday c yen ing, but an accident. tojh c wh eel, near the Waiho, caused a further detention, and the coach did not reach Timaru until nearly eleven .o'clock :on Thursday: « Herald," May 1. Tj The Pbinge's ' Visit.—We have been furnished ; by> the Government with th,e. following telegram, received by the 'Superintendent yesterday: —" I am. desired by the* Duke of Edinburgh to convey to your Honor, and through you to the Provincial Government and to the inhabitants generally of tbe province, Jhc expression of his Royal Highness's Bincerest thanks for the loyal and hospitable reoep'tion aooorded to him by all classes of the community, and of his warm wishes for the prosperity and .welfare U>fyour province.-T-E. C. Yobke, Equerry in Waiting." ...: ; , m ..'. '...A Inqufst.—An inquest was held yesterday afternoon before Dr Coward, coroner, on view of the body of Dr Willis, who died on Sunday night,from; injury received on the previous Friday. The evidence disclosed that the injury deceased had sustained was purely the result of;, accident,, viz.,. that the . horse on which he was riding had shied at the Leeston coach and backed between the leaders and wheelers, whereby : deceased; had. been thrown from his horse. It also appeared from the evidence giy,en by Dr Patrick that deceased died from injury to the brain. The jury returned a verdict of "Accidental death." Flax Pbepabing- - Company.—A meeting was held: last evening at White's Gotutidercial Hotel, for the purpose-of considering the profprietylof forming, a company for • tbe.Tpre'paration of New Zealand flax for exportation, Dr Florance in ithe chair. The • Chairman explained that the object of the proposed company was the preparation, of flax on a chemicomechanical principle, so as to thoroughly .remove the gummy matter /injuring the fibre; and he exhibited samples prepaied according to the method- he had referred to. After a conversational. discussions prospectus of the proposed company was: submitted to -the meeting and approved of, and the same, having Veen ordered to be printed, the meeting! adjourned for a fortnight;Fbeb. Methodist Churches.;—The anniversarysermons of the Sabbath school, in con-! nexion with this denomination, were,preached on the Sunday before last at the chapel in; St Asaph street, Christchurch, by the Rev. Mr! Baxter, the pastor, of : the congregation. Yesterday evening a tea meeting was held in the! chapel, at which upwards of. two hundred persons were present. After tea, a public meeting took place, over which the Rev. T. R. Fisher presided. After a brief .address, he called upon Mr Clarkson, the secretary and treasurer, to give some account of the position of the school,'both nUmericaliy and financially. In compliance with this requests Mr Clarkson number of teachers employed in Sabbath tuition waa 17,.that of the scholars being 109. The following is the average attendance :—Teachers, morning, 8; afternoon, 12 j scholars, morning, 50; afternoon, 70. The ; school committee had- commenced the year iwith the sum of £112s 2d in hand, which had been chiefly expended in the - purchase of books, and they earnestly solicited increased contributions. Some addresses were delivered, j and during the evening several pleasing selec-' tions of music were well executed by the choir. The TiMABtT Addbess.—?The following is | a copy of the reply to the address presented to ithe Duke of 'Edinburgh, by the Mayor and Councillors of Timaru :-—'* Gentlemen, ceive my warmest thanks for your kind congratulations on my arrival in the province;. I am proud to have had this opportunity of Twitnessing the expressions of loyalty and attachment to the throne and person ot Her I Majesty the Queen, of which, during my visits I ltd' the Colonies, I have received so " "many proofs. For the prayers which you offer up on behalf of myself for prosperity and happiness, T assure you I am deeply grateful.—• Alpbed.—Tb-'ttie Mayor and Councillors of ■the Town of Timaru." { Flax Clbaning.-tWo have received apri* vat c letter from a gentleman in this district who takes a great interest in the development of tlie resources: of the district, and who is bound np,in its prosperity, asking whetherji, is nof possible ** to obtain some autbentic'details as to the results of flax cleaning, in refer* ence to its pecuniary returns, and whether it

wou ld;not be advisable for the Agricultural and Pastoral Society to offer rewards for in■formation on the subject, or prizes for flux cleaning machinery, as well as for a Bam pie of a certain quantity of the cleaned material." As our correspondent's suggestions appear to us to be worthy of consideration, wo commend them to the attention of the Agricultural and Pastoral Society. There is abundance of flax I land both in the Qeraldine and Waimate districts, and if flax can bo dressed and exported from other parts of the colony at payable ' rates, we see no reason why it should not bo ( shipped from this district also.—" Timaru Herald." : Biflb Association.—-A meeting of tho Council of this association was held last evening at White's Hotel, at half-past seven p.m., Mr H. J. Tanored, president, in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting' weio read and confirmed. The Chairman stated that the next business before the meeting was the fixing a day for the presentation of tho prizos Won at the recent Easter meeting. On the motion of Captain Simmons, seconded by Lieutenant Wolfe, it was resolved that the presentation of prizes should tako place at tho Drill-shed on Monday, May 24, subject to'the approbation of Lieutenant-Colonel Packe, at eight p.m., that day being the anniversary of Her Majesty the Queen, a charge to be made for. the admission of the pnblio. It was decided .that Mrs Kol'eston should be requested to present tho prizes. The charge for adniisaion to the Drill-shed on the ' occasion .of the presentation \*as left to the decision of the committee. The prizes, selected by the winners, which iw'ere of the most miscellaneous description, were submitted to the meeting for inspection. They were for the most part supplied from the establishment of Mr Petersen, of High street, Christchuroh, and - wero twenty-two in number. It was decided that the prizes should be engraved at the expense of the Association, with the inscription "C R A to ...... , 1869," the winner to be allowed to make any further addition he may choose at his own expense. It was decided that Mr Petersen should be requested to take charge of the articles until the day of presentation. Some accounts were passed and ordered to be paid, j and the Council then adjourned. Ellesmebe Road Boabd.—A meeting of the Ellesmero Boad Board was held at the Boad Board office, Leeston, on the Ist inst. ; Present—Messrs E. J. Lee (chairman), Bridge, Retime, and McLachlan. The monthly report of the overseer was laid .on the table for the inspection of members. A letter was read from. Messrs Cyris and Hawdon, requesting the use of the pile-driving machine, The Board granted the request, tho 'machine to' be returned .. when doneTwith. The> Chairman stated that since the last monthly meeting he had accepted the tender of J. Blabkler for metalling with screened metal forty-fi?e chains of main road ;at 2s CLOd per yard, the next lowest tender being 2s ll£d per yard; the tender of McGee and Co. for7widening and deepening eighty-nine chains of main, joad at £61; and the tender of Clark and Thomson for deepening fifty chains of main drain at 7s 9d per chain. The overseer waß instructed to advertise for tenders for cutting 120 chains of branch drain near Mr Earl's section. Mr T. H. Taylor had an interview with the Board, and complained of an undue quantity of water coming into the drain on the Hanmer road. The overseer was instructed to see to it as soon as possible. Mr T. Walsh waited on the Board to see what could be done with theoverflow of the Rakaia. The Board expressed their willingness to erect an embankment if the parties benefitted contr.bute to the amount of £10 12s in cash. The overseer was directed to give Mr Walsh an order for timber for a oulvert, to be put in the • overflow gully ; and he was also directed to make a survey of. the Stoney Gully creek, and to make arrangements: to have it bridged without delay. A petition wasread from Mr Minchenor;and others, asking. the Board to undertake the necessary repairs ■ on the road from LpeVto the Lake timber; yard. The Board could not do any thing un-; less the petitioners contribute one-third the; cost. The monthly pay-Bheet, amounting to , £58, was passed for payment.. The Board; reduced the salary of the overseer from £150 \ To £T4o""per"' annum, and he" "wilt"in future find himself in a horse, the one at present j owned by the Board to be sold. The over- -\ seer was instructed by the Board to summon. parties who have not paid their Troad rates for 1868 without further notice, and tho Board; then adjourred. ' 7 ':\ a s APbovinoial . Gazi!tt_j.7~- A. Prbvlhcial; K. Gazette was publishedyesterday. .It con-j tains a proclamation establishing ; a7 public! pound at Papanui, and a notification that! Joseph Fantham has been appointed pound-: keeper; a notification that temporary re-: serves have been made in the Waimate'town-' ship and the Timaru and Malvern districts ; -and other notices. In the matter of a disputed; election. 6f a school committee for tho Pigeon; Bay district, which has been referred to the Superintendent for his decision, under the seventh section of the Education Ordinance, 1864, His Honor has decided as follows :-r-; [ The School Committee consisting of three persons who were in office prior to the annual meeting held on the 13th day of October, 1868, was a legally constituted committee, and empowered to levy, a rate : The objection made by the chairman at the annual meeting •to the election of Messrs Budua and McKay on the ground of their not having paid the* rate levied by the said committee is therefore! good and valid: Messrs J. Hay, Hemingway, and Walters, the persons declared by the chairman to be elected are now the legally constituted committee for the district;

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Press, Volume XIV, Issue 1888, 4 May 1869, Page 2

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LATEST TELEGEAMS. Press, Volume XIV, Issue 1888, 4 May 1869, Page 2

LATEST TELEGEAMS. Press, Volume XIV, Issue 1888, 4 May 1869, Page 2