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IHs'Synod assembled at four o'clock on Ibarsday. Most of the members were present. Several papers were laid upon the table. ADDBESS TO BISHOP SHDWYN. The Dean of Christehurch moved the following resolution :—" That a select committee be appointed to draw up an address to the Lord Bishop of New Zealand, on his acceptance of the See of Lichfield, and his inn tended resignation of the Bishopric of I Hear Zealscd, and of the office of 1 Metropolitan of the Branoh of the United I Oirarcb of England and Ireland in New ZeaI 2tnd, and that the committee consist of the I Bers. Canon Wilson, Cotterill, W. W. Wil- | feck, Dr Donald, Air Grigg, and the mover." § Id doing co he : thought this was due to I tb Bishop and the Synod itself. There I tra two reasons ' why he would like § to tee this address presented to the I Bishop j first, because of the position and I ialluence of Bishop Selwyn on the destinies of | tia church in New Zealand, and second I feame of its influence on the Church at I lags. He looked upon his appointment to I fe See of Lichfield as an especial act of ProI fidenoe; for he believed that his intimate I scquaintance with the working of church govI psinent in the colonies would be of great 1 Tllae Id- the" Anglican Church at home, when I the was likely to be thrown pn her own re--1 tOßrees. He had much pleasure in moving I the resolution standing in his name. I foe R97. Canon Wilson seconded the resoI Man. I Ihe motion was agreed to. I BS4SEBT OF OIAGO AKD SOVtSLAHTD. I ThsDetn of Christehurch moved—" Where- | is & memorial has been addressed to this j ByaodTsy certain of the clergy and elected f representatives of the laity in the Rural of Otago and Southland, praying on certain grounds therein stated. Ist—That the Diocesan Sj-nod of Christehurch will take no : * sefen upsn any resolution or other motion of =. tf-SEural Deanery Board as at present con- | Ifitated. 2nd—That the Synod will by ! ftfttutej or by such' other means as to it shall *«iaiueet-, cause the' present Rural Deanery Bo«rd to be dissolved, and another to bo nested on the basis of a fuller aod more •Suitable representation, and that the confeienfs at large may have an opportunity of recording their views on the rery important object-which now agitates the Church in the «a&l Deanery. And 3rd—That the Synod *2l take measures to secure the impartial eoodoct both of the elections aud of the pro- *«%« of the Rural Deanery Beard. Re-, KUTed, that the following answer be given to we memorialists:—lst—That as no resolution w other motion of the Rural Deanery has «ea brought officially before the Synod, it is tot ailed "upon to rake action thereon. 2ni— ■f&Kiritb regard to the second and third prayer « tbe memorialists, this Synod is of opinion wai>it is not probable that another meeting o* the Deanery Board will ba convened, there s»o need of any statute or other measure for oasohing tho present Board, or for providing j* the impartial conduct of the elections, and »M proceedings of the Rural Deanery Board jofoture. Tlua Synod, however, is of opinion "« the object of the memorialists will be piaed if the General Synod should consent W constitute the diocese of Dunedin, and « l "ng mto existence its Diocesan Synod, to upon that body the responsibility of j eonuaatiDg the first bishop of the new diocese. *1»t the Bishop be requested to communicate «« answer to the memorialists, and to lay the r«ne before the General Synod at its approachj?g assion. That it is further the opinion of Synod that the foregoing answer will subEaiually Briery the wishes of tho counterand that the Bishop be accord~o»y requested, for their information, to comthe resolutions to them through the *shjl Dean of Otago and Southland. A.he Rev. W. Oldham seconded the resolup*j ?M»sh was carried after some discussion. ' * ?rSASCIAi BE3OI.UTION3. •ice Sev. G. Cotterill moved the following ' ** that coree reoeiting a grant from diocesan

held &I' a c Condition of **<* grant, an* shall? 7 fi J lancial «g«ltttions of Sync I Til ,l age . t0 cbn '«»™ to them. S theHnmV J?-^ BMBted p arUhes Fund a ? Tlit ?/ the Home MLesioD *™*- aid IromVe Wn oCa^. Of - cur 69 not rweivi -hallbef Sde H ff thte ? lk ? i 0 least in every quarter at Zf™ unda , y withinthelimLir^^ 1 Be ™ * t fo n u d nd°LHor rter formed to the regulations of Syno? thelrar from diocesan funds for that quar er shaH poses ot the Home Miseion Fund. 5. lhat there be introduced into t partof a,fr nt f c aD o« « as a condit.ou of receiving the grant fro S£, Trust Fund, they engage conform to financial regulations of Synod the'ch u^T Ua L COn i ribulionß of £10 ° f™ S lh, f p ™perty Trust Fund, and of £1< at least from the Home Mission Fund? 1 J* mTn m?intenan ce of a mission* 7. That collections be made in the mi nonary districts for the Home Mission Fund Ln doing so he begged to crave the indulgen, " l "° »ynod. His proposals would large: iHect many members, but he was induced 1 3rmg them forward from a strong convictio Jt their necessity. He believed there was growing convinction that the authority of tl Synod should be respected and carried out i svery respect. Till that was the case all the; Drooeedmgs were a mere farce. There wt dso a strong feeling that the Home Missio work should be a reality. The amalgamate , of the Assisted Parishes Fund and the Horn Mission Fund would be attended with goo results. It would bring people to see that i assisting poor parishes they are in realitdoing Home Mission work. Rev. Canon Wilson seconded the resolution They had tried now nearly every possible plar so much so that he thought the energies of th committee were nearly exhausted. No goo< would result from going on changing the nam of the funds year after year. The decisions o the Synod should be as binding as the law o the land. The Rev. W. W. Willock agreed as to th necessity of having a fixed rule, but had i great objection against making those rulei binding through the power of the purse. Ii those resolutions were carried it would mak< even the £50 received from the Church Property Trustees contingent npon the contributions of each parish. He would move as ar amendment—"Thatin place of the Assisted Parishes Fund, there be established two funds —one to be called the Home Mission Fund j the second, the Poor Parishes Fund ; that every parish be requested to have at least one quarterly offertory collection on behalf of one of these funds; that any surplus remaining from the clergy stipend supplied by the Church Property Trustees be divided equally between the two funds above mentioned; that the Home Mission Fund shall be applied to secure the services of one or ; more clergymen among such parts of the diocese who may not have the regular ministrations of any clergyman j. that the second fund be appropriated by the Standiug Committee to make up, as far as the funds allow, the income of any clergyman who shall be found to have fallen below the minimum income (at present £210) which the Synod wishes to see given to each officiating clergyman." Mr C. C. Bowen would support the first reading, but thought they should confine the discussion to the principles only of the plan. The Dean could not support the compulsory clause. He thought there was a growing disposition on all sides to obey the laws of the Synod. Rev. G. J. Cholmondeley was averse to change, which, even if brought about, would not, he thought, affect touch improvement. Mr E. March could not agree with the resolutions. He would like to have hoard an estimate of the income and expenditure laid before the Synod, based on those resolutions He would have liked to have seen Borne such proposal as the following brought down:— Divide the parishes in the diocese into three classes—the first, the wealthy ; the second, those whose position was not altogether sound; and third, those parishes which were known to be poor; and let the standing committee divide the £11C0 between the three, giving the wealthy a small sum, the next class more, and the poor a larger sum still. After some remarks from Dr Donald and the Rev J. G, Bagshaw and Elnowles, Mr Kennaway said he would like to see all tho resolutions of the Synod binding on the Church. He asked why this change had become nocessavy. It was because the parochial aid fund had failed, and consequently the poor parishes are suffering. But the Synod was morally liable for the support of those parishes ; and he thought the only way of meeting the liability was in tho manner proposed. After some remarks from Mr Grigg, Mr Hanmer, and Canon Dudley, Rev E. A. Lingard said that if the Church was to succeed here the Synod must be obeyed. The downward progress in these financial arrangements dated from 1866, when the binding clauses were struck ou*. The first reading was agreed to. THE LAMBETH CONFEBEITCE. The Rev Lorenzo Moore introduced the following resolutions : —"1. —That this Synod regrets that in the Evangelical Address put forth by the Bishops attending the Lambeth Conference fuller prominence was not given to the distinctive doctrines of the Reformation. 2.—That this Synod regrets that the views of the Bishops regarding the Lord's Supper were not fully enunciated, more especially at a time when great efforts are j being made to introduce the Romish doctrine | of the Mass into the Protestant Church of England. 3.—That this Synod regrets the secrecy, that was imposed upon the members of the Pan-Anglican Synod, as being repugnant to the spirit of openness which is a characteristic of the Church of England ; the more objectionable as the members of the Church j are, at the present crisis, anxious to know the I individual views of those who are in authority I in the Church." i Mr Grigg seconded the resolution. A long discussion ensued in which a large number of the members took part. Rev. W. W. Willock moved a3 an amendment that the resolutions be read that day three months, which was seconded by the Rev. C. Bowen. The amendment was put, resulting as follows :— Clergy. Laity. Ayes 6 ... 10 Noes 9 ... 2 The amendment was therefore lost. The first of the resolutions was then put, resulting as follows •. — Clergy. Laity. Ayes 8 ... 2 Noes 7 ... 11 The resolution was lost. The second resolution was withdrawn, and a division taken on the third resulting in its rejection. Clergy. Laity. Ayes 9 ... 2 Noes 6 ... 11 The Synod then adjourned. Friday, September 11. The Synod met to-day, at four o'clock. Dr Donald, in the absence of the Rev. W. W. Willock moved the following resolution, which was carried :— That Synod do proceed to the election of two Church Property Trustees in the room of Mr Harman and tho Rev. J. C. Bagshaw, who retire by rotation, according to clause 4 of the Church Property Trust Amendment Act of 1867, those gentlemen being eligible to be again appointed to act therein. Mr Harman and the Rev. J. C- Baxter were re-elected, Rev. F. Knowles moved the following resolutions, which were carried : — 1. That the Synod do declare the seat of B-. R. Armstrong, Esq., Synodsman for Lyttleton, vacant, in consequence of his removal from the diocese.

»c I 2. That the Synod 'do appoint Mr Willi <> Graham a Sydnodsman for Lytteiton j riSAKCIAI. EESTJIATIOSs. d Rev. Canon Cottcrill, before movi D g i resolution standing in his name, asked lei g to uiliidraw it in favour of that of Mr Grl, |8 if that gentleman would agree to substitute I tt name of Canon Wilson for the Dean j Christehurch, and add the name of hi 3 Loi ship to the list. a The Dean objected to such a course, beeai t . it would have tho etl'ect of'doing away w .g all the business for the evening. c Mr Blakiston thought it would be eimj .. wasting time to refer the matter to a sol< committee. The Standing Committee had go c carefully into the question, and the sai c ground would begone over again. Eev. J. 08. Hoare thought the questi j required the energies of tho whole Synod 0 consider it properly, and therefore he hop they would go into committee. a The motion for the withdrawal of the res j lutions was then negatived, and the Syn c went into committee, the Very Rev. the Dei , in the chair. The Rev. J. Cotterill moved the first res . lution, viz., "That cures receiving a gra from the Diocesan funds shall, as a conditii s of such grant, be held bound by financial r r gulations of Synod, and shall engage to co , form to them." , Mr Kennaway moved as an amendment, tl 1 f/Si? 810 ?? °- f aU the words from th e woi j That, with a view to inserting the followii , in lieu thereof.—" It is expedient that one . the conditions of receiving grants from tl , Diocesan funds shall be that any district« , cure so receiving must in all respects can , out and conform to all regulations passed b , the Synod." Dr. Donald would ask the Synod to coi sider carefully what they were about to d< This was the first step towards coercive legi lation which had ever been taken by th Synod, and he would ask members to calml consider whether it was necessary. Our Cor stitution was the result of a voluntary con pact, and wa3 sustained on such ground alone. Unless fresh light was thrown on tb question, he must vote against it. The Rev Canon Wilson thought there wa some considerable misunderstanding as to th meaning of the word coercive, used so fre quently in the debate. In one sense all legia lation must be coercive. He confessed t sharing with Dr Donald in a feeling of mis giving on this subject. What they wantei was legislation which would bo acceptei heartily by all who ought to be bound by it The question now is, we want really effectlv legislation ; but are the people prepared fo such a step yet. The Rev C. Bowen and Mr G. Hart spob in favor, of the resolution, and the Rev E Knowles against the resolution. He lookec upon it as a departure from a wise and discree spirit of legislation. Besides it would presi very unfairly on many parishes. After some discussion, the question that th< words proposed to be omitted do stand pari of the claase, was then put and carried. Mr Cotterill's motion was then put and carried. The Rev J. Q-. Cholmondley announced that he withdrew bis nomination for a seat it the General Synod. The Rev. Canon Cotterill obtained leave tc propose No. 5 as the second resolution, viz.— That there be introduced into the parochial guarantee an undertaking on the part of the churchwardens and vestries that, as a condition of receiving the grant from Church Property Trust Fund, they engage to conform to finaiv cial regulations of Synod. On the motion of Mr Eennaway the words "all diocesan funds" was substituted for " Church Property Fund." The resolution as amended was carried. The Rev. G. Cotterill moved— 8. That the Assisted Parishes Fund and the Home Mission Fund be amalgamated under the title of the Home Mission Fund. After a long discussion, His Lordship the Bishop said he would throw it out as a suggestion whether it would not be advisable to ask from each Church member some small contribution—even if it were only sixpence a quarter—as a recognition of his Church membership. Thoy knew that by means of theao small sums large amounts were collected, and a sufficient amount might perhaps be raised in this way to form an Assisted Parishes Fund. It was merely a suggestion, and the question was whether the time had arrived for carrying it out. No doubt it would entail some trouble upon the part of parish officers and clergymen, but he believed the result would repay the trouble. Tho Rev. Canon Wilson said that if 2s a year was paid by 5000 people, a sum of £500 a year would thereby be raised. A great error had been committed by relying upon large subscriptions as a means for paying the stspends of the clergy. It was perfectly notorious that the Dissenters raised large amounts by sixpenny, threepenny, and even penny subscriptions j and not only was there the example of the Dissenters to show the good results of this system, but large incomes were raised in this way by the Church Missionary Society, the Bible Society, and other large societies in England. Their financial system would never bo put on a satisfactory footing until the whole of the population were induced to contribute. The Rev J. 08. Hoare said a very large sum was already raised in sixpences and threepences by means of the offertories. He believed that somewhere about £8000 was collected last year in the various churches of the diocese in this manner. The Rev Canon Wilson wished to point out that in raising the stipends of clergymen, they depended a great deal too much upon large sums. Small farmers, labourers and people of the working class were not now asked to contribute. Dr Donald said they could contribute to the offertories if they chose to do so. The Rev Mr Lingard said when he first went to Governor's Bay his salary was £200 a year, but he introduced the system recommended by his Lordship, and before he left the place his stipend had been increased to £300. The Rev Mr Jackson said at the last vestry meeting in his parish he suggested that the system should be tried, and he had since been informed by one of the vestrymen that it had been put into force, and had proved most successful- He would move as an amendment that all the words after " That" be struck out, with the view of inserting the following : —" In lieu of the Assisted Parishes Fund and the Home Mission Fund, there be hereafter one fund, under the title of the Home Mission Fund." Tbe Rev Canon Cotterill said he would accept the amendment and ask Jeave to. withdraw his own resolution, in order that he might move the amendment as a s&bstantive resolution. Mr March said he entirely concurred in the remarks of his Lordship, and in the vestry to which he belonged the system had been put into force with the best results. They had not carried it out to its full extent, because they considered that the sum so raised should be applied to the payment of the stipend of the miniater of the parish, and it was unnecessary. After some discussion, leave was given to Mr Cotterill to withdraw his resolution and to substitute the amendment in in lieu of it. The Rev Mr Hoare moved as an amendment «« That all the mission funds of the diocese be formed into one fund, and that the amalgamated fund so formed shall be divided into parts, of which shall be given to the Home Mission; to the Maori and Melanesian Missions ; and devoted to the assistance of poor parishes." After another long discussion, The question—" That the words proposed to be left out do stand part of the question," was put and negatived on division :—Clergy, ayes, 9; noes, 4: laity, ayes, 2; noes, 12. The Rev. Mr Hoare's amendment was then put and lost ou the voices. Mr Sennaway moved as a further amend-ment-*Tbat the Assisted Parishes Fund and the Home Mission Fund be continued separate," but upon it being pointed out that hu object would be attained by leaving the resolution as it stood he withdrew it.

The motion was therefore left as follows : — o. That The Rev. Mr Cottrell then moved his fourth resolution, having first obtained leave to amend substituting the words "Aesisted Parishes Fund " for " Home Mission Fund." It then stood as follows : — "That in the case of cures not receiving aid irorn the Assisted Parishes Fund, collections ehall be made for the fand on one Sunday at "east in every quarter at all services held within the limits of such cures." lhe Key J. 08. IToare moved as an amendment—" That every parish shall give at least one-tenth of its Sunday offerings, less necessary expense?, to the mission work of the diocese." A lengthy discussion ensued, at the conclusion of which the Rev Mr Cotterill asked leave to omit the words "at least" from his resolution, which was granted. The Synod then divided upon the question, " That the words proposed to be omitted do stand part of the question," with the following j result:—Clergy—Ayes, 10; noes, 2. Laity— j Ayes, 6 ; noes, 8. The motion wae therefore lost, and the amendment was then put and lost on division —Clergy—Ayes, 5; noes, 7. Laity—Ayee, 8; noes, 6. In consequence of the result of these divisions, the fourth resolution, like the third, lapsed. The Chairman was then instructed to report progress, and to ask leave to sit again. Notices of motion were given, and the Council adjourned at 10.30 p.m. till 4 o'clock p.m. on Monday.

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Press, Volume XIII, Issue 1725, 12 September 1868, Page 3

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DIOCESAN SYNOD. Press, Volume XIII, Issue 1725, 12 September 1868, Page 3

DIOCESAN SYNOD. Press, Volume XIII, Issue 1725, 12 September 1868, Page 3