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Tlio usual weekly meeting «f «. Council was h,ld %£. "* %** B oro h wore proaent-Tho < lomhs, Anderson, Jameson SLi U 3 nciil °-» donkl«u, and Calrert. ' * be P l *ri, R U[ ,' Tho minutes of the last nicotine „ and confirmed. ""-oung Wcro The Towu Clerk reported flirt «,„ n had overdrawn its Bank aeeoun to ° m,cil of £iSB Oi Bd. t0 ""-' amount Accounte to tho amount of £35 10,0, authorised to bo paid. 3 Ud w «o The Surveyor's report was roa(i » that ho lias examine;! Autism sf ,'\ , sta! « bridge terrace) from A^f *<« C» m . wards, and finds that the cos of ? Or,h ' from Armagh street to the Nort/fe * would bo about £3 per chain JV" elt shingling and •« chums, making the total cost off ;,t £132 ShouldV Council beyond their mean*, the Surveyor recoil that tho following works be, d on 2"* viz -The formation of 'one footpath iVhS of the roadway from Kilmore to Xh,, streets, which would involve an outlay £10, and would answer the traffic?for time if, in the course of a month or 90 \ S shingle were placed upon it; further, the ? etruclion of a cart track about 12 feet from the end of Armagh etreet to p!S borough street, which could bo done m a T or two and at a trifling cost. The 8i»»«2 again brings before the Council tho eubiecur shingling Kilmore and Peterboroughshwtt estimated cost, £57 ; aske whether the Cot* cil intend trenching, forming, fencing, &c T East Town Belt from the Ferry road to' h South Town Bolt this eeason, the iinaW cost of this work being £72 19,. MaacSJ etreet bridge will be open for cart traffic i» Tuesday evening, and the Surveyor hope, t» have the north approach by Tbat day night. He asks if a keroseno lamp i,T be placed at tho bridge. Tho ronort con eludes by detailing the works performed b* the labor gang during the past week. % The report was then considered. '~4 Tho Mayor thought that in the present lon I stato of the Council's finances, and when do petition from the inhabitants had been p r{ . sented on the subject, it would be unwise for them to incur euoli an expense as £122 in repairiug Antigua street, beoauso oneTndividnal complained about it. Cγ Jameson would suggest that the second part of the Surveyor's recommendation tj 2 the formation of one footpath and half of the roadway from Kilmoro to Salisbury streets be adopted. Cr Culvert supported the proposal. Cγ Shoppard thought that shingle or metal ought to be laid on the road in question, aj it was iv a very bad state. It was resolved that Cγ Jameson's sue. geition be adopted, and also the recommends. tion of the Surveyor with regard to the con. struction of a carfc track from the end of Armagh to Peterborough street. Tho consideration of the subject of ehiaj. ling Kilmore and Peterborough atreeta tL again deferred. A letter from the Rev. Mr Buddlo wu road, calling attention to tho etato of tboEwt — O r WD D B °,? tU ?? h0 Fe "y Ro where (Mr Buddie alleges) there is a large quar,% of stagnant water on both sides of the Belt • and alao to the condition of the footpath ox' tending from Madras street down Ferry road to tho belt, on the south eide. After Borne discussion it wae resolved, on the motion of Cr Calvert, and by the easting vote of tho Chairman, " That the five chains from tho Ferry road to tho corner of tho Rst. Mr Buddlo'e property be trenched, fenced, and planted, at a cost not exceoding £28 10*." The Surveyor woe instructed to lay down n few loads of gravel upon the footpath, tho condition of which is complained of by Mr Buddie. It wae resolved that a keroaine lamp be erected on the north side of Manchester street bridge ; and the Surveyor was instructed not to open the bridge for traffic until it ietho* roughly completed. The following correspondence was read :— A letter from the Provincial Secretary to the Town Clerk v follows j— " Public Works Office, phrietoburob, Canterbury,, August 1868. ; " Sir,—-I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 30th ultimo, in whioh you state that you are'instructed'to express the groat surprise of the- Ooiindl at the decision of tho Government in roferenoe to the grant to main roads not Being avails for the purpose of repairing the streets of the city. ■' - "I admit that the letters to which you refer prove that the Government, during the year 1862, undertook to maintaintKe main thorough" fares of the city, but it was an undertaking pf a temporary nature, as is shown by one of the letters named by you, dated May 5, 1862, which' states, • The Q-bvefnmont can hardly recognise Ttiam street as . coming/ -within the meaning of their undertaking, viz., for ihe present to maintain the main thoroughfaree. , "It appears that during session 10 of Ifio Provincial Council resolutions were pmii frhiob. affirmed that Ohrietoliurch and Ijjttolton had claims upon the revenues of the province, for the execution if neceeeary of public worke, and in consequence of uwee fosolutions the sum of £20,000 was voted and paid to tho Christohurch Municipality during the succeeding four years. , " The Government ore of opinion that tho Provincial Council on passing the reaolutums ibove referred to intended that the cum lamed £20,000, should be an mdowment to the city, releasing tho revenue Tom any further claims of thei t municfpalUy n regard to future expenditure on flia prmation or repairs of the efcreota of the city. . "In further proof that suoh opinion is tho lght ono, I beg to refer you to a letter dated Tanuary 5,1863, addressed by Mr Maude to he Chairman of tho Christ church Municipal Jouncil, whioh etate* '-that the Provincial Jovernment are not in charge of any worki or epaire within the city excepting the Papanui •ridge, which is about to be rebuilt, and hat the cum voted for keeping jthoss treete f in repair which bat , nder the charge of tho Provincial Govern* ient, is included in tho grant mado to the Hy of Christohurch at the late Session of the 'rovincial Council.' 1 ' ' *} I have, &c, - . .: •• Edwd. Jotliill, " Secretary for Pablio Worb. " To the Town Clerk, Chrietchurch." The Mayor thought tho Council should male another attempt to obtain oharo of the grant ; for main roads, and would suggest that a motion of this eorfc ehould be made by tdrao Councillor—"The Borough Council beg to. remind the Provincial Government that the , main thoroughfares of the City of Christ* church are essentially main roads for the purpose of country as well as of city traffic, and the Council further begs to remind the Qof -ernment' that the Provincial Council -hare never ignored the claima of the city for the maintenance of its main thoroughfares, and da not recognise the; right of the the Provincial Government to withhold what ie justly due b> the city." * Cγ Euddenklau said the Council should Ij9 careful not to act haetily, and before taking any further step it would be better to appoint a cub-committee to'look up cbrresponaenoe which might have taken place on the eubject subsequent to tho date of the letters already referred to ! by the Town Cierk. - • ■ ■ Cγ Sheppard did not see tho uso of appoint* ing a committee, as it was evident the Government had determined not to give tho Council any portion of tho grant; aud the best coureti for the Council to adopt was to wait until tbo next session of the Provincial Council, ftid then get the matter thoroughly siftod. Cγ Jameson eaid ho wouldmove the tesolution drawn up by the 31 nyor. Cr Calvort seconded the motion. The Mayor said if the Government pereietod in ignoring their application, ho would undertake to bring the matter before tho Provincial Council as eoun as it met. Tho motion was curried unanimously. A letter from tho Xcv C. Fraeor waa read, asking the Council to order aomo gravel to bs put ou the footpath by the Literary Ia» stitute. -

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Press, Volume XIII, Issue 1717, 25 August 1868, Page 2

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CHRISTCHURCH BOROUGH COUNCIL. Press, Volume XIII, Issue 1717, 25 August 1868, Page 2

CHRISTCHURCH BOROUGH COUNCIL. Press, Volume XIII, Issue 1717, 25 August 1868, Page 2