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OF SIR GEORGE- Gil FY AND THE WAIKATOS. icon A.VU A. December 17th, 1861. Hrs Excellency-I have come here to help you, and I think the best thing is for you to ask mc questions about anything you do not understand. (Addressing W. Kukutai.) Do you understand what the duties of the RuuaiiL'a will be— (Waata: Yes.) The. work of the Runanga, when it sits as such, will be different from that of the magistrates; it will be to make laws and regulations for the government of the district, when these rulas have been made by the Runanga and approved by the Governor, then the magistrates will have to enforce them as aoy other laws are enforced, Then there will be otber Avork for the Runanga to do: it will have to consider all things that arc good for the district; />.</., if a ferry is wanted by any people, the Runanga will have to consider if it is necessary, and report to mc before I do anything; it will have to consider and recommend what the ferry-man will have to he paid, and what people should pay for crossing In the same way, if roads are wanted, it will have to superintend them and the expenditure, and the Secretary of th« Runanga will have to keep the account, and the Runanga will have to arrange with the owner of the land over which the road will ikuss, if he is to be paid anything, In the same way when the boundaries of a piece of land or the ownership is disputed the Runanga will appoint a commission to examine into the matter and report, and it will have to consider if tbe commission li.-w_ reported correctly, and it will reoort in its turn to mc as to what I ought to d„. In the same way, if a hospitnl is -wanted, the Runanga will decide upon the site, and what fees people should pay and who should be let in' free without paying. Theu if the people want a school they will hi the tint ineance have to apply to the Rmiau-a, and it will

report to mc if the school is necessary. p n' ' — will an-;mge its own time of meeting, perhan perhaps once in six weeks, and it will sit fiv * necessary, aud will give public notice that all if the sittings and attend them if they wish Tv* <* now think that you will understand about P is »U. i magistrates I need say nothing, you all know wuTtv. to do. If you want any more information upon 3 now, you can ask mc, and I Bhall be <rl-,,i ;c T ' Bu tyect •- «'<'u, ii i can t„ „■ Te Ao-o-TE-nAxm (Tainui)-My part of the f €it the same subject as yours, Waatn. You sp,.k<. * about an enlightened system, and ah. , u t c v,! o • * good. That side (<>£ the <pie::tion) i, j! ,;,,,,<" {Jffi j, and I have never been found in fau't ?-, f.'t l ' ' JrotJiCr 's°« his Excellency.) After you left us/'thir.. (T ° ; Governor, and when that Governor te?",,.,/" an °uV r against mc. That is the reason why i :i J,,l™!! '' Wa « orphan, oh Governor, an orphan, all m-,,).,}„, ",' anis a and by war; by your arrival in >T(•>-,>• . become possessed of parents or we do net. \V ,]]') * c the chihlren according to your yoyo], an 1! t i„, t \? to say that you are speaking deceitfully X M -it a t \l not curve your road, let it be straight, that.-•? -w ou it. Our discourse will not be at an fid ; t „-n/f tmvel !to mouth, we shall not be separated ; ilt Ih-- present am pleased with your km em, but if niv n ;.; v i s v ' 1)0 gloomy, nor find fault with it. Xnve ti,;! i]?? B '!° " f,t J consent to the Governors word. Th>(\-v.i.n „ J ' road and the hunauga, and eveiytlnng ~,, hea £ the Governor. My (present) road is the o.usi.h- „»,i 7 sea, and its opening (commencement) is at WhahiMr road is the thing which I approve of, on the besause of tho mud and the mountain, and that w mfc that of the tribes, may be conveyed for sale ] s , IP „i. f , f 0/1 1 1.1 "J'Ca— mils to Governor, because of the words whicli you spoke to mc about the road, and the bye-roads: I cogent to the* This is neutrality, or friendliness. O Waikato, lam want of my road, book at my aide (of the subject.) Let the Kujmpa (neutral native) defer his word (of censure). If"« see the guns and soldiers travelling on the road the error will be mine, apprehend mc, because 1 shall be in fault: judge m c convey mc to prison because the Governor and 1 Bhall bay' cleared the road, allowing the guns and soldier to pass. I! my road is formed, 1 shall be much pleased at bein-r able to take my potatoes, wheat, onions, and other produce to mart*. That is all about the road. Ido not agree to the (European! magistrates. We want no other magistrate than Waata and Wiivinu te Awaitaia ; they can do the work. Our errors and our faults can be talked over ; It there is any great offence, I can write about you. I will not consent to adopt the Runanga and the Magistrate. That side (system) is Very good, but i have spoke to you about it in the town, tellin» you 1 was not agreeable to it. J ivill tell my errors by letter 'est it be .said that I have been flattering you. Rum ana (Ngatikarewa) : If I fall now, do not laugh at mc. This is my patience and my kindness. It is for my eye to see good and eviL These are the things I am afraid of, guns and powder. Break them loose (release the restrictions on their sale), aud I shall be satisfied ; these, in my opinion, are the fearful things. My thoughts are, make au opening for the snake (allow the sale of arms and ammunition). 0 Governor, cause the reptile to be driven forth : I have no fear connected with any other treasures, with money, or blankets, or other things; it is all with guns and powder (i c., for you to possess them and the Maories not.) His hixcKLLKNcv : Who is the gunpowder for, aad for what purpose 'i Ruihana . Either to keep, or to shoot birds with. I cannot let any one get guns, either European or Maori. Do you only want shot?— Shot is good; if in large quantity, it is good ; it is for you to look at what I say. What a_e you afraid of '!— l am afraid of you. You need not fear mc ; 1 will take care of you.—Very well you will take care of mc ; but there is your dog (military force.) 1 am so determined to have good, that I will not put arms into people's hands with which „to kill each other. lam so fond of being safe, that I shall keep everything. Hereafter, if I can find chiefs that I can trust, and they want gunpowder for shooting birds, we will talk about it. I am a very cautious man ; they might shoot other birds.—That can be thought about. This will be thought about. This will be the cause of my death (my being deceived) ; it is said peace, peace ; but it rests only on the lips. Where does it reside? What I do for one, 1 shall have to do for others.-Oth« men must speak for themselves, ami you look at (judge) *&* they say. 1 don't intend to keep anything hack from you; but thu I will not promise. -Hence the fear. Now am lin dread about that. I looked at the alienation of my land, and bene* 1 said, let not the land pass away Without payment. Do you ask who is to pay?— You, you must pay ni~ (the land) is for the payment of powder, of powder for nw and for the purchase of guvs for mc, that the pupils may go forth, that fear may cease, and that I may kuow there is » eviL I cannot consent to arms being sold Herkwim Hcnia (Ngatitahinga): 1 formed wy desire, aa expressed it to the Pake-has. It was not long before the ernor's letter arrived, containing his dissent, and preve <> (the settling of) my minister ; hence I was slow to land. Now, Governor Browne and I disputed on sul> J ect - . i j for ti» His Excellent : If natives desire to give uuia clergy, I shall always allow it, I should like to see filled with clergymen. Govern*" Herewim : Kow this is my reply to that: ' Rrowne had done the same, it would have been w.-i say to you, give mc a Pake!):? 'minister).

Excellency : You must go to the Bishop. I will do ll f -7with him, and I think you will soon get it done, C1 ' V .- t_ Kiwi (Kgatitaninga) : This is another subject, the | ' V !-'' l , of the Pakehas at my river Whaingaroa. 1 cross the s '"'ff'iclasaof) Europeans, who say they will pay, but don't. , •rTev run away into the bush. 1 \\\ Excellency : As soon as we got the Runanga, it will ' ..le <•» some annual payment for the ferryman at Raglan, "'r- i'oc ToTAK--v (Ntjatipa) : Welcome, father. You come j oi your own accord but are brought by the provi- , v " ; (i(| "; (Soil-;). My friend, who loves us, welcome. I will ask you, what roads are they which you say are j Z provided by the Runanga ? j ~,, excellency : Any roads you like. Ti- Po Totaua : -All that * know about (will consent to), ! ,' r j Vt . r _ the Waikato, which is flowing by ; that is the j • ,„„ir The boat can come, the can ' rciul in ) "in j i Th.'t is all the road that I am light about (agree to.) j f,, r i road over the land, no. These are all the roads, the I uat'-r. i ",. E\ckm.encv : Mr. 1' entou has been sent up to start! ii -ii.'s- 1 things, and if you will work well and truly with mc, ; i -.'...lfe mvse'f to work with you, and help you to the utmost . *~ ':.;■!>'>-■-• i i

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Press, Volume II, Issue 44, 15 March 1862, Page 4

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SPEECHES Press, Volume II, Issue 44, 15 March 1862, Page 4

SPEECHES Press, Volume II, Issue 44, 15 March 1862, Page 4