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The monthly ineelinu of the Taujan2a HarbisnV Board was held in Coronation Hall yesterday. Pivscnt : Mt.-.-i - H- King ('dmiriiiaii). C. E. Macmillan, 11. SouDip"‘ I), Grant. C. Dally, J. G. Green ltn a Colmml G. A. Ward. Motion of Sympathy.

The Chairman referred to the ( Dath of Mr 11. D, Heather, Chairmau of the Auckland Harbour Hoard. The deceased, he said, was a public man who was the soul of iioncur. When certain difficulties rnff , j n regard to dredging between the Auckland ami Tauraiiga Harbour Hoards they were amicably settled as a result of the influence of the late Mr Heather. The Chairman moved: That. the. Board de«ires to place, on record its sense. 01 appreciation of the court eons services rendered to the Tauranga Harbour Board by the late Mr H. I), Heather, Chairman of the Auckland Harbour Board, also an appreciation of his public woik in tin,' Auckland district, and respectfully tenders to his family the assurance of its sincere sympathy with them ia their bereavement. The motion was seconded by Mr Grant and passed in silence, all members standing.

Leave of Absence. Mr I). M. Quari ie, Mai at a, wrote stating he intends leaving for England about April 20, and requested that the Board grant, him leave of absence until his return, for, say, about six months, or lie was willing to resign his seat. Mr Daily moved That Mi QuarHe be granted 1 six months leave of absence.

The motion was seconded by M r Grant and supported by Mr Macmillan.

The Chairman expressed his pleasure at the motion, which was put and carried unanimously. Mr Macmillan moved - That a letter of ini reduction be handed by the Board to Mr Quarrie, and that the Board hopes he will have a pleasant trip, The motion was seconded by Mr Grant and carried. Mr H, M. Martin telegraphed apologising for his absence from the meeting.—Leave of absence was granted, A Mount Maunganui Matter.

The Secretary of the Marine Department advised .that the correct area of the signal reserve at Mount Maunganui is 7n 3r .Tip.

Mr T. Howarth, .Mount Alaunganui, wrote in answer to the Board's letter dated March 6, 1922, regarding the signal station; reserve, on part of which hi/ cottage stands. He stated 1 : "In the first instance I was given to understand there were two acres for which 1 offered .£1 per acre per annum and my offer was left over till two members selected by your Board came to interview me on the matter. When the two mem bets came, Mr R. King and MrTally, it was then pointed out to me that the only part I . could rent was under one acre and I made an offer to both members of £2 per annum for the part pointed out to me. Now, in protesting regarding the throe months notice to vacate the property I occupy, 1 would like to know if the two members made it-clear to your Board that the part pointed out to me was under one acre and my offer was £2 per annum for same, as iu your letter to me and also in the local daily paper it only states about the two acres and nothing about what passed between us at the interview and rather than give up the land I would give £5 per annum. Mr Howarth also forwarded particulars concerning a public meeting held at Mount Maunganui on April 11 regarding the Sports Club tenuis ground as follows; U was moved and seconded, that a protest bo sent to the Tauranga Harbour Board against the Sports Club having the ground occupied by Mr Hi’owarth.- -Moved by Air Fairclough, seconded by Mr Doyle. ? Amendment- That this meeting be adjourned and a meeting of the Sports Club be held and see if they sre iu favour of it being carried out in a proper manner.--Moved by Mr Bennett, seconded by Air Hull. Tor amendment, 13; against 17. Hie motion was then put and carried by IS votes to 10. Mr J. E. Surtees, bon, secretary "f the Alomit Sports Club, wrote Under date April IS: "With reference to my letter of February 5, 1922, re application fur lease of Mount signal reserve for use of tennis court, I arn directed to write to )ou and cancel that application as eloser to hand has now been decided upon.” . Bonn} discussed the matter 111 00, nniittec and decided, on the ■notion of Air Grant, seconded by Hr Alacmillau, toreplv to Air Hovvarth to the effect that the whole of die reserve has been leased bv the Puke Road Hoard (o Air F.Benpm iree . Vt ' ai::i from October LI, this lease includin': the purhon of the reserve occupied by Mr Otvarth; that under the ei mi instances the .Harbour Board cannot ft ter the terms of Air Bennett’s and the Board has no alterative but to adhere to its decision ■squiring Air Howarth to vacate ie portion of the reserve occupied J* him; that Air Bennett has no pewer to re-let anv of the land for residential purposes. Local Bodies Finance Act.

. Hon. Win. Downie Slewarl. Min- ! ster of Hitersial Affair.-, forwarded i Hie Local Hod its Finance U2I-22, which makes proviI 10,1 ai ‘d limits bomnvimr bv bodies tor revenue purpose--. ‘ f llle Hasting. Huiouelt Council 1 w <Uded circtdar expressim,' tin'-

opinion that the Local Bodies Finance Act should be revised, and stated it would like to receive the opinion of other local bodies on the subject. Mr Daily moved - Thpt this Board reply to the Hastings Borough Council, approving of the former method permitting local bodies to borrow to the extent of one year’s revenue. The motion was seconded by Mr Grant and carried. Dredger Maui. The Secretary of the Gisborne Harbour Board wrote advising that his Board is prepared to charter the dredger Maui to the Tauranga Harbour Board for twelve months for the sum of £3OOO subject to certain conditions, including insurance by the Tauranga Board for .£30,000, payment of all cost- after the vessel is taken over, and at the termination of the charier to dock the vessel and carry out such work as may be necessary to return her in as equally good order as when taken over by the Tauranga Board. An early reply was asked for. A reply had been forwarded by direction of the chairman, to the effect that tlic, Board regrets it cannot at present enter into any definite arrangement regarding the hiie of the dredge. The Chairman reported that the harbourmaster of the Gisborne Harbour Board had visited Tauranga in connection with the matter. He moved- That the Gisborne Harbour Board be thanked for sending (heir harbourmaster to Tauranga and for the attention they have given to the request; that owing to the financial stringency the Tauranga Harbour Board regrets tba(. it is not in a position to hire the dredger at present. The motion was seconded by Mr Grant and carried unanimously. Offer from Shipwright. Mr R. C. Coss, Kohukohu, wrote intimating he was open for engagement ns a shipwright, etc. It was decided to receive the letter and file it for reference. Cost of Railway Wharf. Mr F. W, Furkerl, Engincor-in-chiof and Under-Secretary of the Bublic Works Department, Wellington, wrote forwarding estimate of the cost of the work at Tauranga Wharves as follows; Jt Filling between main line and wharf, 20,000 o.y. at ,3/ , . ' 3,600 Stone-pit,clung and filling, 9,700 o.y. at 10/ " 4,350 Wharf, reinforced concrete 20,600 Wharf shed, timber 5,000 Metalling between wharf and main line, 12,000 c.v. yit 7/6 ’ 450 Sidings, inside wharf limits 1,100 Sidings between wharf and station 2,900 Contingencies and miscollaneons 3.600 £41,900 Ibis does not include cost of removing Victoria W’harf. If dredged material used for filling, estimate reduced by £2,400. Cost of between wharf and station yard, £2,900. ihe Chairman said the question was an important one. Hon. J. G Coates (Minister of Public Works) and Sir W in, Ilerries would be visiting ihe district on Monday next. He suggested that, a deputation should wait on the two Ministers in regard to the matter. At the meeting at Tauranga the previous evening he had referred io the burden that the Public Works Department’s proposal would pl.wv .the distinct if given etiVei ( 0 Tiemnuer indirectlv concerned the gcu- \ Ctal Public, ;e, the latter would have

to pay the interest on the cost. The Board retrained as legitimate the claim for the wharf and the sheds, the estimated cost of which was .£25,600. The .Harbour Board’s loan provided fur £24,000 for the wharf and the wa.ll. The Board adjourned at 1 p.m. for luncheon and resumed at 2 p.m, .Mr Grant moved That the Public Works Department be informed that this Board, after considering the revised estimates supplied for a concrete wharf at Tauranga, have now decided to erect the wharf themselves and would therefore ask the Public Works Department to proceed with the railway line along the. Strand with as little delay as possible. In speaking lo the mo-

tion, Mr Grant paid he was sure the Board could erect the wharf for much less hhan the Department's estimate. Cement and labour were getting cheaper. Let the Government get on with the railway and leave the wharf to the Board. Mr Macmillan seconded. He contended that railway access to the wharf should be provided without any charge being made on the Harbour Board. They certainly should appoint a deputation to wait on the Hon. J. G. Coates and Sir Win. Herries and present the Board's views on the subject. Mr Grant said he was agreeable

that a deputation should wait on the Minister in regard to railway ('onnection with the wharf, but he thought the Hoard should erect the wharf and sheds. Mr Green thought the matter should be held ever until after a deputation had interviewed the Minister of Public Works. Mr Soul hey was prepared to support the motion. The Hoard could creel the wharves for a great deal less than the Government, He was against the Hoard paying for railway connection with lire wharves. Colonel Ward thought they should not do anything at the present meeting. The wharf would be built outside the railway line and would have to be connected with the town. The Government had concluded that the Elizabeth Street route would be much more expen-

sivS than the route along the town waterfront. They consulted the people here in the load in railway matters and practically asked could they take the line along the water-' front if they gave connect ion with the shipping. By agreeing to that the local people had saved the Government 000. lie would' like to move That the Chairman and such, members of the Board as can conveniently be present, wait on the Minister of Public. Works and lay the position re railway connection to Tauranga wharf before him, as outlined, and ask if the Board meets the cost of the wharf and sheds whether the Department will meet the cost oi railway connection with the wharf and other matters detailed in the Department's letter of March 25, 1922, the deputation to report to the next meethm of the Board.

The Chairman expressed himself in agreement with Mr Green. He suggested that Mr Grant should deter his motion until a deputation had waited upon the Minister of Public Works.

Mr Grant, in reply to Ibe Chairman, said he was agreeable to defer his motion until next meeting. The Chairman expressed his pleasure at the conciliatory manner in which Mr Grant had met his suggestion.

Mr Macmillan said he was agreeable (o deferring the question uortil Mr Coates had been interviewed, but urged that the Board sbonld reach finality as soon os possible. Mr La.lly intimated that lie would agree to deferring the matter until next meeting. Colonel Ward's motion, as above, was then proposed by him, seconded by Mr Southey and carried.

.Removal of Sliingle, , lr (-■ ’l'- Dunne, clerk to the Katikati Road Hoard, wrote under date April 17, regarding the removal of shingle as follows: “Yours ot the 11th inst. to hand; “At. the meeting of the Hoard on Saturday, 1 was instructed to reply regretting the oversight in not asking vour

Board’s permission to remove said shingle, but also to point out that the above Board was not aware that the contractor was ready to go on with the work, and as the Tauranga County Council has arbitrarily and without consulting the * rate- ’ payers, wiped tiie above Board out of existence, the above Board were leaving the matter to that Council, as they did not know how soon the matter would be gazetted, when the : Board’s responsibilities and existence would cease. This is how the oversight occurred, but it must be acknowledged the removal ol shingle has greatly improved that part of the channel.” Mr Grant moved -That the secretary ask Mr Dunne what quantity of shingle has been removed and by whom. -Seconded by Mr Lally and carried.

A Finance Matter

The Finance Committee reported in regard to the Debenture Loan Account No. 2 : This account is an amount of £1921 advanced by the Bank on the security of the £2,500 issued to the Borough Council. The account has been reduced, and at present stands at £1177. It is. suggested that, 'this amount be transferred from the General Fund Account and that the loan be extinguished, thus saving an annual interest charge of £B2. The Committee recommended that, the matter be loft with the Chairman and secretary with power to act. On the motion of Mr Macmillan seconded by Mr Southey, the Committee’s recommendation was adopted. Katikati Wharf and Shed.

Captain A. Turner (harbourmaster) submitted a report on the site of the Katikati wharf and shed as follows:

Wharf- An examination of this structure was made, and lie finds that the piles and under-pinning generally are in good order. The decking, however, is in very had condition, and the whole requires

renewing. The cost of material and labour was estimated at £l6/10/,

Shed— The iloor of the shod lias sunk badly in the centre. It requires lifting and sleeper pieces placing unejer the blocks. The loading platform at the end door needs renewing, and the door requires attention. Estimate for material and labour £ls/7/6.

Mr Grant moved-- That the matter of arranging for repairs to the Katikati wharf be left in (he hands of Mr Macmillan.-- Seconded by Mr Southey and carried.

The condition of the shed was discussed ,

Mr Tally was opposed to the Board repairing the shed. The people should erect and look after their own shed, as had been done in other parts of the harbour district.

Mr Macmillan, said the Katikati Dairy Company had built a shed at Katikati. He moved—-That the repairs to the shed, estimated to cost ■£ls, be treated in the manner indicated in the previous resolution. The motion was seconded by Mr Green.

Mr Lully moved an amendment That tlm R'oarcl provide £1 for £l up to £8)10/.-—Mr Grant seconded 1 . The amendment was negatived. Mr Grant moved another amendment- That Mr Macmillan inspect the shed and report to next meeting.—Seconded by Mr Lally.

T-lie amendment was negatived

Mr Macmillan's motion was then put and carried, Mr Lally dissenting.

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Bibliographic details

Bay of Plenty Times, Volume L, Issue 7966, 21 April 1922, Page 3

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TAURANGA HARBOUR BOARD AFFAIRS Bay of Plenty Times, Volume L, Issue 7966, 21 April 1922, Page 3

TAURANGA HARBOUR BOARD AFFAIRS Bay of Plenty Times, Volume L, Issue 7966, 21 April 1922, Page 3