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Bay of Plenty Times FRIDAY, APRIL 25th, 1919. LOCAL AND GENERAL

71io Fielniog B'hr f-a;-& several Fox'o!) Luu li 's li-.ivo at uuiri d laud m the h';iy of Plenty distnt;', an.! inroad seUlicg there at an early dale. Mr I> A. Mef]v- ( Govi mmsnt auditor, anived heie un i'uc*d«y for the pur» pose of auditing the accounts t f local bodic-s. The letter from Mr H. li Hun 1, t'ecretaiv of the Auckland Ifaiiways Lea^uo, fotwjrdtd f>r pubiioation by Mr (Jeo. \'esry iStewart aiid in?.cr<eJ iv cur is ue of H;».;nrd<u iah', was addre?s»ed n-.-t to Mr t:tt wart personally but to Mr (ir V .Stewart, us Chairman, <he msMnbsrs of tho l'<y.\ \ I.» jird, aad the lvutik:iti M..t;lov.:'.

v WpliY. vi; Wut-hip, I thick it's üb?ulufc rot,'; renvaikfii a talkative aienAier (f the li,irouyh r'oai.cii on Vveoiifcsifiy uight durir-ir a uUi-ussiou on the question of a State owned rneroanule t.tet. lie liajlly subsio'ej with ibo rttiiirk "'I dou'c care «hi.t they CO. Mr C T DucLe no iiies that jjorainatioiig to fill thro v.ctucies on the K-ilikati H<»ad B>a'd will bo received up till r.o;.ii on Saturday, 'Joth insr. An • le-.-.:i'. n, i£ nu:\!3sary. vri'l take 1b" ste. Ui!.;r X •.' \-1 iwa arrivui lroar AuL':!aud :.t" VI J) f.m vo^ttVii^y and oiik-.l fcr Ohiwi flr,'l <^jii>ii!,i at 1 oVL'k.

Tho Borough Council on Wednesday ni^ht granted a second-hand dealei'd licenso to Mr i$ A fS:ew&rt, who is at present employed by the Council, but is leaving thoitly to start business as a second-hand dealer.

A young native bekng'utr to tin; Wfiiroa pi nppeared iv court yesterday on v charge oi" attempting to assaivt his mottitr. Kvideuee was given by a brother of the ueieiuJUnt, ami the witness asked that (he offender should bti buiincl over to keep tho peace for twclvo tncnth?. Tho flench m.i''e an orit r Ktcoulingly, the defendant being b.un.l in his owti recognizance of XlO ami uiio surety of ..UlO.

Following on tho remarks iv this paper ou Wednesday last regarding tho necessity for providing a rdiuving const.tblo in Tausanga when cither ot the presunt constables is absent. Cr. Ituboius moved :it tho (Jouncil meeting on sV'uduesdoiy t-veuiug that the Minister of Justice b-j asked to supply a relieving constable when cither of lire ptodent e-jnauiblfs is absent on louYe or i l:;ess. Tlie luotiou w.ta seeou"i by t..'r Crtrr ai.d farried.

Very complimentary references werj made at the Council uieotiug on Wednesday regaidiog the concrete water trough recently erected in i'ivsi Avenue. Or liobbins considered n a roal gutd piece of work, aud if the cyst were reasonable the sooner other similar once were coasttue'ud thy Lottor. Mr Muudeno stattd thut the e.)Bt wad HomuUiiDg under £o, Others sithiJar shou d not cose inure than tibouc .L'o. Iho trough in questioa was designed by Mr Mandeno, the pattern was maae by Mr lioy Knighr, a member of the electricity staff, and rhe concrete v/vik was douo by Mr Wei is on.

Accounts totalliug £IGG llaOd wero passed" for payment by the Borough (JouDcil on V/tdaesday night i he debit baiaiiC3 iv iho District I 1 uud Account is now £7008 Vs 41,

A meeting of members of the Auckland Ou-ojjerutiva Egg Society.. LtJ, will be ueM in mc Corunution on TiUhUiy mxt at one o'clucs. Tho Mr E. Vv. Griffiths, will a'.idruss the meeting. Members and all interosied are urged to a lecd.

advertisement iv a icccnt issue of the New Zealand limes shows that ihoPiiTu Works J>})iituiGnt uvo

making -i funhtir ti.ovo in connection will; ;h j T«ur..nga IIj: hour bridge by tho Cih'.oy if KMMei* fur tho lUian i-.cturo i.iuci deliver} ol oas: irou{cutt<-r TiiesH ?i;iga ar« of considerable fciz-3 and tlioii catly supply thouii b« a factor in pu.-hi ;y; on v.iili the structure. Mr C N Clark (inspector) in his r-i----port to tho Borough Cuudcil on Wednesday evening rel'erro.i to the qu^tion uf lire c&cepes. Ho stated that the proprietor of one boardinghouse had ! arried out instructions. In anuthor iDStanoe there has loin delay, owir>g to tko light mi\tetiai not being1 avail tsbl-1, lut a promise hus been made that the necessary escapes vpili bo erected in a fe\r days In connection with another building thg owner is going; to have new escapes erected all round.

"That the time has arrived when the Government should cmtrol the main arterial roads of the Dominion. with a view to the frrnn'im of permanent highways?," was the preamble to a ibtter froii the Palmers tOD North Chamber of Cunmjorce, read at Wednesday night's Borough Council muetiug, urging tho, Council to support its representation to the Government on the air.itor. The pernicious, uselecs and wasteful practice of o: c local body circularising -ill other 1 b-jdios in tho Dominion on any matter from Maori dog tax ci'llections to the appointment of Governors has grown beyond all reason. In this instance tlio Council supported the movement. Tho bettor yltin would have been to "dump" it i here are many better acd more direct ways of bunging about reforms ihuu that wlrch Kcil bodies arc apeiug ono another in adopting. The Miltou li rough Counul aba r- >.;nt a long t'jteol urging ur>ou Ihe Gu vt-rnint'u<- the J'sii't»bility of securing a i-'t-ilr-jvucd tueicaatile fler.t, ILb, tno, m»t with the mppurt (f the Gouuil

Tl.ohr-ol^uoh punt, purchlß(4 , sumo t,,no ag,, imm (W.mans t^ 1 | Morrmnn, contractor i r r mi^ , Ir j metal, wai'c.i upon Uip P. ~r . °i c : Wednesday iiichf nnd stu,.?"K ,? n punt uas kow ly, X oil ..^ "»• ; absolotrly »c (! !ofS, with thn . '' Irauur^inaudout.-fLor. 1U ,^ j^oh t w,,lJ,.,s.f r ;, ai , ll)0 L t^ lute;y vi.rme-tter. Cr WriVl-v I tSio i-.i«t.t was , a bad ( . rJer l UuiwotoCr Tannornnd J£.? ?! It wa. tmully decu! ( ] ;, L ,. "laK*|' j; .uattrr i,, t^,,. hands u f ,]]^ W? \\ At'hl^r iV vfol'-!1"° todo 3 d tr-e. I oppoM!.. Mr J, ;l .Jo;f, will R k1 I:« v- v n : , : ,v ,;:o i^^rL;^ ||)vh«J»vv, sl , m , il: , tl , 1 , be eh |;>vn^>h:-,.'1h,, dead t.e 9 lrin,"^ j ! til" W rin(i 1U , (1 in J} rOA VC' I j lr;s been sawn aud ep'.it up." 1 I Tlio Paclfi. ; C.ibla l^oar^ notify | ! that c.. : - !R estion lus Wea overcome I || b'/iiiiueciionsandihe Pacif-c route lis now working wi:l lJ:i t un , ori ; ig cle.ay, ' v I '-A -"'lower Bl,)w»upi,ytl,eSea:iis | . Mu' Mother l, lslln , t ;- (]csciil |:,V il<l J-mii^-M. the lradiu S <rarofthw I 1»l:' i u^;'''^tc, I ,i'.,et oljc prcßemri| |;^ me Juwm Hal! Satunlay uigl,M|,.. jiilWi.i Carnival .Scouts are uio^t |; t:isciuaun»and Enid Benuett iv v li c ;. 4 : •■.•:.nty oostimie of a student reveller is j th.o last won! in daiuthess and - i < t »uaint cllccts areaUo | m:u!o in Uie-c srones by the usq of y j miles: aud lniica of lloral"ribbou

Tho Auckland Co-operative Eg? S.ioidty, L'd, are paying out to Branch members i>sJjd par do/?n for f ggß sispplic.l diu'vn the month of March. This is'2i! per dozen more than was piid in March, 1018. Up to dato the I?ranch has paid over £10,000 to sup. pliers ia a period of 2.1 yean?.

O-ving to the fact that on Monday evening next there will bo the annual mot ting of householders at the school, and also addresses by tin municipal candidates in (he Town Hall, the annual tneetin^ of parishioners of Holy Trinity Church, fixed for that evening, h:is bceu postponed till tho Monday folhwing

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Bibliographic details

Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7156, 25 April 1919, Page 2

Word Count

Bay of Plenty Times FRIDAY, APRIL 25th, 1919. LOCAL AND GENERAL Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7156, 25 April 1919, Page 2

Bay of Plenty Times FRIDAY, APRIL 25th, 1919. LOCAL AND GENERAL Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7156, 25 April 1919, Page 2