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Bay of Plenty Times WEDNESDAY, APRIL, 23rd, 1919 LOCAL AND GENERAL

Through a misunderstanding: tliel I Farmers Co oper.-.livo Auctioneering j Company's .--tick sale to bo held 'o morrow- was advertise;' an being held in the Judea yords This is not conci t as tho sale is to be held as usual in tho Oompii'.y's own yards on the s In ,-w grounds The Fire ioti^ade icceived a call on Easter Sunday afternoon to a liie amongst gone ou Mr E T Bak^r s property iv Eleventh Avenue, iv elo^e proximity to his residence. When the Brigade arrived the tiro was burning freely At this time L-ao wind, which had been blowing strongly, lulled, and with the aid of a leui from the water main in Edgeumbe Road the lire was extinguished without material damage resulting. Those present assert thut the water pressure was totally inadequate and greatly below tho average pressure, and had the wind not diopred there- might have been a serious coi.iUgration. N) doubt the JJoi\ugh Couucil will have tlie ijuestiou tf pressure immediately investigated, as to do m is in the interests ci' property owners. Mr Raker is it.debtc-d to the Eire Bri gads for tha prompt manner in which they responded to tho call At tho Police Oouit en Friday morning a native named John Henry was charged, beforo Messrs A G Fallwell and C C Norris, J.Ps', with being druok and disorderly on tho iStrand on Thursday. Ho was fined £1. A rtlurued natives ddier named Matenga Paruorse alias Brown To Pore was also j charged with udng obscene language, resisting the police, assaulting the police, aud with being drunk and iiisoiderly. On the IRst charge ho was liueel i'o, ou ihe second he was coii luted discharged, on the third he was flood £2 <nd eustf, ar.d on the furdi ii, and a prohibition order issued against him. John Ngatai was ehajged with drunkenness. For this he was convicted and prohibited, and I'or inciting another native to resist I and obstruct the police he was fined £2 and costs Arrangements aio now practically completed for tho Alz-jo Day Sports '• on the domain, arrange J by tho local branch Of the Returned Soldiers' Association. The sports will commence at 1 1 o'clock, and tho pro gramme, iv addition to various running events, includes 0 competition tor decorated cars, a baby sliow, etc, and also a football match ii) (he afternoon between a team of civilians and a team of returned soldiers. In tho morning a church parade is to be held at Holy Trinity Church, in which territorial?, cadets, returned soldiers, the fire brigade, aud tho band will pariicip.tte. Those taking pan will i pare do at the. towu hail at 'J cMock ; aud march thence, to chutch. After j the service the men will {all in ! again and march to tha domain, and ou arrival there the sports will commence The Tauracga County Council is j inviting tenders for tho metaliiug of ' certain portions of the Xatika: i "Waihi j main road j 1 Whan i|poakiog at the Pahktua Farmers' Union on the necessity £<>r farmers being better organised, Mr J". E. Hewitt said that in tha pest the farmers had been far too prosperous, but " there's the writing ou the wall"', j anb farmers were not going to have j Eiich a prosperous limo ia the future j "We shall have to organise," added i Mr Hewitt, "or we will go under." The keleh Te Teko (OapUi; J Kennedy} arrived from Opotiki iast Thursday evening and loaded <'>2 t noo !■• of !»r,hi' for Whakaianc. -'(riling i'roru hero on evonir,>. " r-

I Hie lUy of ne„t y Tune, pub^h-d o i Imday nox», A. zic. ft' as usual. " Mr P« I. Anr!ri!wM:iiV T „,o„ K .t , ■ lrtur-ii'^i I).s:rk:c 10-!) si,.. i■• G T: UX~VX'^XX t,;,; "*S ; m the Aoar.u.-oi *, ho o ut 7 :J|) lv . i--r --vy by "M-r^.,,^, ;u»t::. ? l^uoiiuiL,,! ,1, n , s |, " ■ ■ «'e„i impc-Mrin ujc di«ai- „.',. specter M .xpcctej to c aubia, ,} r , *"« dati--, ana so th notion* uttds houn>h. At Whakat^ recently half a dozeu .Maoris Wf ' prosecuted and li.iooj f, r Uilk/ c elearnxous weed, luthudisuj ;}» >«;"■■» "l-^l *a vontablohoibci ; t". L-.L,y wo.atlaurr.sss. fcurelvtU :^;^;;- 1 importa Lceto <« t tv,*...«*« Unit tho ni, u ,roiai l!U linhauo, utmurt iu,y by , Ueirin . idiloienoo, ,t,ud us self- confer-1 ; curriU ; ri wed. jo .cgiiduj- operations uu p ! ixa^nauu una Wan,! % aU]p b|i rcidou ol the L l!jgll0| u};^ UiilK-uui.s under wi.-.oli the Uover" uu-ut luu- f:«, ti , labuuiiug (Huiu^the l .^lU.„ry..ars, printing thewcw rupu ex euioou ut l un lj wjrl-w X uo U-ovcruiuo„t hoover, is f«li/ aUva to .he u,o.,^tyul ~a ihj a g 0Q : uio ,v,.k ..>nhuli ;-peed, iuuiappru. jH-tc. tuo .more.: the Ulguo l v j '"k:..^ 11; o.h matter, hvwy tnort i s j to, Lenmde to secure mure amiges uud to go on «nht_o was rapidly u S pc-s.-iblo. I Thy 110.vly appuiutcd Minister of «l- e 1 Mahoitiat Caurch, thu Key. (J 'li I lvo.oJjD, is e X pre;ed to arrive on ;| n-iilrt.v, liijd liPgms bos ijmios ua 1 I ruuiny. 11,53 ~ the first ord*iaed _ ! j miLisier ihe Tauranga Methodist I ! (.:i-..n.'h has. had tar „ considerable ! I nunik-r of year?; and the lumuhii,----j lid trio l^reonage is now, by Aleihodw! j 1 hiw, compulsory. To avoid incurring j I deb:, tho members are making special I j to mise tho necessary funua aad i j a;l; tor help at Borhieheoj tomorrow I afcernoeu. i ' 1 A io.-:i!rned uaUvo soldier neuwd itreirgo j-.-iH-hrCti was anvsted ly ; Con-iable .Vkiunerou tiaturdav aftir. r ; uoon ior eieatmg a disturbance. Tiro offender will be dealc with at n sitt*xi_r • o£ the Court toai^rrow. b Uoya'd Agency, Duueuin, is offering j tojkst'oot seed at 5d and clover at lOd, j Messrs C. E. Macmiliao and B ; I Dive auuoiiDco that they are cauuidat _ for tIM Mayoralty, aud will address the eleccuts 111 the Town Had at 8 p _ on Mouday next. Oaudidaies for tho ■ C-uncii ard also invited to be present and adjreas the ch-ctor«j. Messrs Mac- , mulao aud Divo will also speak at Mr o'rabbe's store, Cameron .Hoad, t ai^p.mou Tuesday, weather perr Uiutic-; utherwies iv the Buud itjom 1 j CoLsiderablo iuterest was taken in I I tho pairs touruuient on the local green :j on Ea>ter Mouday, Twenty-eight 1 j Lowicrs, lijeluJmg eight from l'e tuke jj look part, ihe wiuuors were Messrs jio Li. iiammoud (ekips) and W, j lo'xeroit pleads). A ejuoderable poition of the saw. , iuiliiug plant at Oropi, which was not 1 dih[iOit«d of at the auction sale on i i March 11. has since beeu soldtoeaw* ; miiieiH m various parts of the province. , All .he machinery, except the , locomotive, stationary engiue, and i some trucks have been removed. The ordinary mooting of the Doraigh Council will beheld this evening, A reminder is given of the auction . sale 10 be held by Messrs 11. H. Ale. 1 Cdrthy and Co. tomorrow 011 account , of Mr i 1 Me (Jormiek, Eleventh Avenue wheu tha whole of his farm Implements household furniture and effects 1 will bo offered. Tho said coiiluionces ' at. ono o'clock. A number of junior footballers aie anxious to forax o. club here and with that object in view will hold a meeting ia the Bay of Plenty Times office tomorrow evening at 7. 30. Intending pliers from town and country are invited to be present. The Ngapuhi arrived from Auckland this morning with a large number of returning excursionists, and sails for the North at seven o'clock this evening, The Ngapuhi arrives as usual on Friday morning, leaving for Auckland at 7 p,m, ■Jhrough a mihunderstandiiig tbe Farmers' Co-operative Auetioneeriog C>i_piny _ Stock Sale to be held tomorrow was ndvorused as being held in the Judea Yard, This is not correct, as tha Sale is to be held as usual is the Company's own yard on the Show j grounds. A mot:t extraordinary sight w«8 witnessed in Orautau ova day recently. During a voiy heavy shower or rain, hundreds of thousands of minll wi ite jellyfish were to be seen lying 011 tha pavemo_U (reports iU oxchacg-). They did not last long, mining a-s soon es the tun made its f'ppearancf, Ac a meeting of shopksepo'S iate— ro-ted iv retaining Thursday as lhe half-holiday, held in the Foresters' Hall last night to discuss the matter, it was unanimously decided that the best and most convenient day from t'oih traders" and shoppers' point of view -would be Thursday, as now I observed ! Friil.iy ih\l toiug Auzic D»y j special services will b* held in Holy j Trinity Choreh of England. Holy i Communion will be administered at 7 a rr ; and at $ ;30 a Fpetial mtraori«l *«?>.rvio-. will bo lull, which williiO ! attended by Etturncd .Soldiers, Terrij to;iii«? Cadets r>nd others. The Vicar, i the V'<-n Aieho'cieon Tuke will collGUCt ! 'he -j'.!! viee>. : Wo received a (ulegrom this aftfi'* j a "•< 11 from Cambridge elating that ihe Tr.ur.An2u b-.-whng team — ilessera Bull, Moneur, Sharp and Rowe(s) had won tho bowling touroment there. ; Lv.tnostium snapshots cf the GisborDQ j and Napier raeea form an attractive • portion of last week's i.£ue of 'heNeW !Z)aUnd Sporting and Uramatia Review, while the Egmont Motor j Cycle Cub's meeting, and the Maori ! hui at Waiisraiiui and UisbcrneWJ. j other subj •'■••s for exe-llont pictorial/ j treatment."'Tho revival «f sport at ; Ilotue. ia vepre^entiny iv a eomprshW Bivo eeriey of photographs

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Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7155, 23 April 1919, Page 2

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Bay of Plenty Times WEDNESDAY, APRIL, 23rd, 1919 LOCAL AND GENERAL Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7155, 23 April 1919, Page 2

Bay of Plenty Times WEDNESDAY, APRIL, 23rd, 1919 LOCAL AND GENERAL Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7155, 23 April 1919, Page 2