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The No .1 Auckland Medical Board held a sitting at the local courthouse yesterday and examined a number of rea< rvists. The members of the Board were Lieutenant-Colonels Fulton and MacDonnel', with Lieutenant Bailey as p-ttesting officer. The Board left for Auckland by steamer last night. 0 ly one tender was received by the Bort-ugh Council at its Monday night's meeting for he cartage work f>r the Borough for the ensuing twelve months, that tiC Mr E X Hammond, the present contractor, which was accepted subject to a slight alteration in one of the items. Major A Tattersall, Officer Commanding No 17 Group, arrived here on Monday on an ifficial visit, and left for Rotorua to-day. In the Otmnercial Travellers' Red Cross effort in Auckland recently, Mr Geo. Butler, tin well-kaown traveller, drew an " aeroplane ride." He is the onty " conim>rc*al" to draw a prize, but rumour says he is somewhat reluctant to avail himseif of the opportunity which Dame Fortune has mat in lib way. Applications ure invited by the Bail ways Department from youths between tun as:ei of 15 and 17 joars (hst birthda-) for positions as cadets in the R.-iilwajs Department. . Applicants must hnid the Sixth Standard Pro ficiency Certificates 'i Le Borough Council, on Monday evening, agreed to issue auctioneers' liwiws for tiiß c.i.-re-. t t» the New Zoiland Loan and Mercantile Ageiuv Co, Ltd (Mr J Brown), aud Mr ll.ft-McCarthy. - The Minister of Public Works notifies that it is proposed that four pieces of land in Blocks VII aud VIII, Otanewainuku Survey District, are to be taken for road purposes. That the demand for building secti >ns in Matamata still exists waß demonstrated recently, when sixteen quarter-acre sections on the Roche estate, on the Poria road, were disposed of by an agent within twenty-four hours.—Matamata Record. A special meeting of the Athletic Club is to be held at Mr Bobbins' office at 7 30 to-morrow evening. Two hundred and fifty head of cditle are entered for the New Zeal an 1 Loan and Mercantile Agency Co'a sale to be held in the Judea yards to-morrow. The Borough Hanger notifies that any cows or horses fouji' on the;; borough streets without this year'a| collar, after the 20th inst, will bef impounded and the owners prosecuted'? without farther notice. Mr II D Bodford, then M. A., at the age of twenty-three entered Parliament, having obtained the largest uumber of vates ever polled in the Dominion. To-day he has reached aloeost the limit in the educational world and holds a Professorship in the Otigo University. Last vacation Dr Bedford journeyed to the front on V.M C A business. This vacation is b- ing given to temperance lecturing. The public of Taurnuga will have the privilege of hearing this most able speaker'on Wednesday, January 30, tnd if: the people of Taurauga are wise the Town Hall will not b9 large enough on that occasion. Acting under instructions from the eyecutor in the estate of the late Captain Tovey-Tennent, Messrs H H McCarthy aud Co. will hold an auction sale to-morrow, when a wide range of valuable oil and water-colour painting?, books, household furnifure, toots, etc, will be submitted. Tho sule will b> held at the late Captain ToveyTeniifnt's residence, Sixth Avenue West, and will commence at 1 pm. If ths sale is not completed on Thursday afternoon it will be continued on Friday, but every effort will be made to complete on Thursday. A clause in the supervisor's report submitted to the last meeting of the Couoty Council read: " Subsidy of £300 on metalling from Waiari Bridge:—The Minister has been over this road and 3aid he would pay, but ihe money must be used for further metalling." The Tauranga Defence Rifle CJub will hold a shoot to-norrow for Rifleman G Moore's trophy. Mr W J Gray brought under the notice of the County Council on Friday last the, matter of motor regulations. He stated; "By Order in Council every machine of this kind must carry the registration number on the front as well as the back of the car. Every car sold should be registered in the name of the new owner, if a resident in this county. lam of opinion this should be advertised and that it will pay you to do so."—Mr Gray also said that about 160 ttotor vehicles—about 120 caT9 and 40 cycles—were registered in the county. He quo'ed an instance where a local car had been sent to Auckland and sold, and its number was then put on a new car here. The matter of numbering was very important for the purposes of identification.— Members generally agreed with the remarks made by Mr Gray,—CrHume said it would not be a bad idea to charge motor vehicles a fee of ten guineas and go in for improving the roads, which would mean a saving inb^Dzine. Such a fo3 would provide the interest and sidking fund on a loan of £32,000. —"IheCouueil unanimously decided to advertise that motor vehicles must carry numbers on the front as well as the back and that every car in the district must bo registered with the Council. A meeting of the Rugby Union, aud also of the Cricket Club will ba held at Mr Criehtan'a office at 7 *J0 en Friday evening. The Bjrough Cmacil has received from the Secretary of the Recruiting I Board a list of n tines i f b tlloted men j why have f-iiled to report, and whose whereabouts had not been ascertained by the police up to iSi* 17th October lest, with a request that the Council assist in dkcoynrlug their whereabouts. The comtnmnicatiou was read at Mondiy night's meeting of the Council and urdeied to lie on the tnhlb,

The Boroagh Council last night granted Mr H E Vok-s peiruissiou to take about six loads of earth from Sixth Avenue on payment of fourpence per yard. " Terra Firma " writes to the Editor, inquiring when the Borough Council is going to lay down the long-promised metal erasing* on Cameron Road, which, he understand;', were authorised some time ago. The lack of crossings in many places was sadly felt during the broken weather of Monday and Tuesday. At Monday night's meeting of the Council a letter was received from Miss Bobbins resigning her position on the clerical staff of the Borough. Cr Crowley moved that the resignation be accepted. Cr Macmillau, in secondiug the motion, said he would line to place on record his appreciation of Miss Robbing* services during the time he was Mayor. The Town Clerk was directed to also convey to Miss Bobbins the appreciation of the Council of the manner in which she had disM charged hor duties. Miss Robbing leaves the Council's employ at the co d| of the month. i\ A Press Association message frod| Wellington states that the following pupils from tbe Tauranga DhtrMf High School have gained Juniorl National Scholarships: C. H. fl. Clarke, 554 marks; W. D. South worth, 539 marks. Accounts totalling £1548 143.51 were passed for payment by the Borough Council on Monday night. Of thi3 aaiount £1033 S3 6d is for interest and sinking funds on loans, £M 9 14s 3d chargeable to,the general uu^ounf, and £325 lls 8d to the electrical account. The debit balance in the district fund account after payment of these accounts will be £7020 10s. Accounts amounting to £193 19s 9d were also passed chargeable to the metalling loan, which brings the amount spent to date £930. Or BO Bank?, at the last meeting of the Matamata County Council, pre dieted that valuations on some Innds in the Patetwe ridicg would be raised 2000 per cent when the new valuation is made. Tho Works Committee of the Borough Council was authorised on Monday night to expend a sum not exceeding £5 iv forming the eastern end of Grace Street. Mr Angus M Climie, who waa recently invalided from the front, passed through Tauranga yesteiday from Te Puke en route to Auckland and the South Island. Applications are being invited by the Borough Council for a clerical assistant to till tbe vacaucy caused by the res gnation of Miss Bobbins. The conditions may be seen at the Borough office and applications close with the Acting Town Clerk at noon on tho 28th inst. t The Military Affairs Committee of |the Anglican Church has allocated the Jsum of £750 for the purpose of buUdinga soldiers' institute at Rotorua i (says the Rotorua Chronicle). i'he grant is conditional on £250 being 'raised for the same purpose by the Diocese of Waiapu. Of the £750 granted £250 was raised by the Rev. X E Maclean towards the cost of a soldiers' institute which it was proposed to establish in connection with the parish. This scheme was suspended i when it became known that the Salvation Army had arranged to build an institute. It ia now felt, however, that the number of soldiers in Kotorua will shortly be so large that there will be ample room for two institutions of the kind. j Killing operations are proceeding' steadily at tho Whakatane freezing; works, about 60 head of cattle being 1 put through daily (says the Press) A No sheep or lambs have a3 vet been killed, but it is proposed to commence oq these thia week and to kill three dayß a week on mutton anA three on beef. With the present, staff of butchers about 600 sheep will be killed daily. I The Whakotane Press of Friday last says: Mr Hannah, Public Works Engineer, arrived in Whakatdue yesterday evening. He conferred with the Chairman of the Harbour Board (Mr A Allen) and Mr C A Sutherland this morning and made an inspection of the Harbour works, visiting the entrance aud also up-river. Mr Hannah was instructed to furnish a report to the Marine Department and also the Minister of Pnblic Works in connection with the Board's loan proposals and the application for a subsidy for river protection. Several changes in the Police Department are announced. Sub-lospector Broberg, of Auckland, is to be transferred to Wellington, and will be replaced by Benior-Bergeant Woblniann, of Clmstchurch, promoted to the rank of anb-iuspector. Bergoant Lioigau, of Auckland, is promoted senior sergeant to fill the vacancy at Fewton, caused by the retirement of Senior-Sergeant McNeely. Constable j Sweeney, of Mar ton, has been promoted to the rank of sergeant and transferred to Auckland. Mr Gr W Camp, who has been attached to the staff of the local Post and Telegraph Office for two months past, left this" morning to go into camp at Taubereuikau. . A shortage of coal is affeotingHhe local operations of the Public Works Department, and this in turn is having its effect on the Borough metalling work. Since the quarry at Te Puke was shut down for the holidays no metal has come to hand, and, although the men have returned, the shortage of coal is retarding operations. It is uncertain when the supply can be recommenced. It was made clear at the Council meeting on Monday night that the recent prosecutions by the Borough Inspector for failure to clear noxious weeds were but the beginning. Others are to follow and the Council is apparently in a determined mood to have the provisions of the Noxious Weeds Act complied with. Cr-Bobbins drew attention to the fact that many Borough reserves required clearing, and the Council could not logically prosecute property owners and leave their owa piopertif c untouched.-.. It was resolved on Li* motion that the matter of cleariog uoxioua weeds from the borough reseiTcsbe left iv thy hands ol the Inspector to have cailied out with the borough staff, audio report as to theposiliou al the ueAt meeting of tbe Council. ' Motor Cars for hire day or night. Ring 'Phone No. 72. Geo. Davieg, | Cameron Koad* . I

The takings at tbo Ecd Crosa Bbon * last Friday amounted to £8 9i b'j. Applications, closing on the 28th ' iost., are being invited by the Borough ' Councillor a working foremm, " Owing to tbo inclement weather tho meeting of theTaurauga District High School Committee,which was to ]; ft yj been held last night, did not eventuato. The Borough. Couucil decided at i;tj last'meeting, on tho recommendation of tho Works Committee, to have the curbing and channelling which ia to b) done under tho street improvement scheme carried out by day labour. As there is a difliculty just at present I about getting the necess iry screenings from the Public Works J)eiatlnieiit it is uueertaiu wheu a start cau bo taado with the work. A very pleasant function took place at the Mouut on Sunday afternooi when a number of tho lady residents and campers mado a presentation to Messrs B and G Faulkner of two flags for use on the " ftiuu," one being the New Zealand Eusigu.umi •• the other a blue pouuant wiih "•°\[oinit Ferry Service "iv white lctieis in.cribed on it On 110 arrival of the " Ruru" at the Mount she w.-s met by a of L-kUus — -Mesdames Grove, Melliah and others. ]he p ee « eentation was niad'i oa behaif of the ladies by Mrs Grove, who, in a feur ■ well-chosen, congratulate! Messrs Fau:kner Bio,-;., on tin i-' effort's to keep abroaet of tho times aud referred to their unfailing kindness and courtesy to residents and visitors at the Mouut. At tlu? same tune Mrs Grove wished them long life and tnucti success in their undertakings. After tho fligs had bseu duiy ■ houtod, Mr* B Faulkner thankci those picsont, on bahalf of his brother aud himself, f, t their words and acceptable■ gift**. This was followed by all smqing a verse of the Nation il Anthem. At this juncture Mr Faulkner gave all present a cordial invration to a short tap round the harbour. This was a much appreciated part of tb*> pr ;coei. inga aud was t«keu advauta^u v£ by a large company. A very o: j >yablo afternoon was brought to a ciose by all partaking of afcernoon toa, provided by the ladies. Just Worn embarking forborne Captain Cliff, ou behalf of Messrs Faulkner 8r03., thanked the ladies for tho practical expression and .■ ppreciatkm of their services which had ju*t been given, assuring them of their determination to continue to merit their esteem. Nominations for tbe representation of the west ward of tbe Auckland education district, which baa been ren<ieied vacant by the deatti of Mr William Auld, were received by the Education Board on Friday. The following nominations were received: —James S. Bond, Hamilton, and John Patterson, Pukekohe. The election will bo beki an Friday, February 1. Votes transmitted by post must be posted on or before Feb^mry 1, and must reach the Education Board office before February 14. Further representation; have been made to the Minister for P,ublic Works regarding the resumption of work on the construction of the Waihi-Atbenree section of the East Cuast Railway. Some weeks aro the Minister undertook to continue tun railway if 100 men were available. Tbe Mayor, of Waihi ba3 the names of 55 man willing to work, and Mf G. Vesey Stewart, of Katikati, has, with the assistance of Mr Paul Pat«ra, the. services of 35 Maoris. Tfae Jfollowing telegram was sent to thY Plinister by the Mayor of Waihi :~ jf'East Coast Railway: Men enrolled rfor work are now anxious to start. 'Will you Kindly give instructions, in with promises, for work to [proceed at earliest possible date? Accept congratulations on the wellIdeserved honour conferred for servico to your country." To this Sir William Fraser replied:—"My present difficulty is finding an engineer to supervise work. Three of my staff have gone into camp since October. I hope to make satisfactory ariangernent in the course of a week. Many thanks far kind congratulations." The chairman of the Auckland Railways League, Mr P. E. Cheal, tben telegraphed to tha Minister, stating that he has communicated with an engineer, who is prepared to supervise the construction of the railway if the Government desires. —Trie Minister's reply was as follows —"Your wire received. I am inquiring re work on Waihi-Athenree railway." A man named Herbert Tiioma3 Hearle canoe before Mr S. E, McCarthy, S.M., at Wellington on FrU day last to answer a charge of stealing the sum of £10 at Whakatane on November 9tb, the property of P. Orchard. Inspector MarsacK amid the accused desired to have his cose heard at Wellington,' but tbe magistrate replied that the court lud not the jurisdiction, as evidence had not been taken and the amount involved waa over £2. Defendant waa remanded to appear at Whakatane.

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Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6963, 16 January 1918, Page 2

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Bay of Planet Times WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16,1918 LOCAL AND GENERAL. Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6963, 16 January 1918, Page 2

Bay of Planet Times WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16,1918 LOCAL AND GENERAL. Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6963, 16 January 1918, Page 2