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The monthly meeting of the Tauranga District fiigji School Committee will be held this evening.

According to a telegram received from the Hon W. H. Herries, read at the meeting of the County Council yesterday, the Gazette notice, excluding the Te Puke town district from the County area, was gazetted on Thursday last. Eleven and a half hours was the time occupied by the steamer Ngapuhi on her tiip from Taurangajto Aurklaud ou fcteturday last. The vessel left here at 8 p.m. and berthed at)Auokland at 7.30 a.m. Tbe mariy friends of Mr Peter Shea will regret to hear of'his death, which occurred at Davenport, Auckland, on Saturday last. The late Mr Shea was we 1 kuown in Tnuranga, having boon engaged as eu{?ineßr for v lod,^ period on scvoral ol the Xorthoru Steamship Co's Hteamcr.s. Ro resided for .soujo time ia Tauran^a, when acting as engineer en the steamer Filial, and always took a keen interest in spurt of all kinds.

■ There is only one quality of drugs worth havio^r, "the best/ You got them at Mirrioloes, Chemist,* Cap. Beach is at prosant r^lioviug Captain Roberts in command of the Victor}', tradiug between Auckland and Piako. The Council decided last jug-fit that the couj:ra<-tor for the supply of shell to tlio boroug)i bo requested to liurry forward the Mipplics. Kiuo;" up 'Phono No. 72 for Motor <>rs.--Geo. Davids, UaLueron Koad.*

Accounts amounting t o '> u -,- J''■ H woro p^erf f,, r payn^ v a 7*-Mfy\ ■ ingot the 11 arbour -B^d., •>* I The following opinion^" I ludhopo regarding the * a 7>M I was read at ast night. B^** I Council: ."l^meaniuqofS^^ I Act of IUI.J, is m our omn:" y m on stores or warehouses win? I **>« R whether supplied with \vut*. B paragraphs 2 and » were tl! not" * I mi^ht bo more .strongly W?*** 1 that half rate on shre, S^ I halved a-ain, hut reading n V° W 2in its place it refers to halhfc3^ 1 above mentioned, that is |»«ll /*^ S f»»rato. cannot in o'ur^r^ 1 mid to moan Iw.lf «,| th o 1 ? i be'.ow tnentionoi Then, a^jn l* I graph;? as amended no* e£ a i^ I to hall the rate mentioned in ** 1 graph 1, that is half lho fullrj^ I ihe letter was received and th«,w " i will bo acted upon. • I Th* vessel Greyhound loftW a. ' I land 1.,t »■«!« wi,U . * M 1 general cargo. x "J «t X llow about having your eves fe I Colonel Ward, Deputy.^ 1 submitted a repovt to the Hal I Board at .yesterday's m-otinc T I ; p-anling the official tour of thehmU 1 ! the report stated : -Your & I I Committee mot on Friday eveim,* I and arranged for the above, weatU 1 and other circumstances permitting 1 The party is to leave the Town Whrf i in tne Harbourmaster's launch at 830 B a.m. to-morrow: proceed to Te P u l and bee improved* nts nffec-ted the? by the Whakaraarauia Land and T\J her Co.: thence past south-w^t end o i Motuhoa, via Omokoroa wbau 1 to t]| B xUan-rovos; parsing: thr.mgh tl.a t |, a p, nel there as tide permits: prc«?eoit v Eraser's P.-mt, for luuch; m^otfafoj'. ing reserves ia neighbourhood and" study best means of wutercoimouuica. tion from this end of the harbour totlie railway station at Athenree; thence to the Heads, where, after inspection tea will be had. The party will thenW 1 <;eed to Uiotara as tide permits, arri*. I ing probably towards \) p.m. Ananrti- M ments liave been made by letter fan'l myself to the proprietor, Talismii M j Hotel, for accommodation i!or t|iepa^tr H } for the night. The launch will lean fl Uretara at i) a.m. on Thursday, and fl proceed direct to Taurauga. Arrange. fl inent3 have been made for the neces- fl sary refreshments during the" tour/Ifl The party left on the tour," a$ fl I arranged, this/morniug. 8| A warrant prescribing the means of-fl publishing the Council's balancesktfl was received at last night's raoetiugcf fl the Borough Council from the Depart, fl ment of Internal Affairs, and willklp acted upon. mM Captain Haultain, commanderoffe W~. Ngapuhi, commences a holiday of if?" uiontli to day,- which will be speut is !•*' the North." Chief Officer fc&sVtakes control of the Ngapuhi, and iS?^ Warm will act a.° chief oilicer. -, See new laxative Fip:sei? i?&Bb Mirrieleea' Window, 1/o.*. ' Hpi! His Worship the Mayor, Mr R& X bios, left this morning for.RotoriJiis^^ route to Cbristcir^rch. Oaliiswjj^fe back ho will attend to various inafcn«§ concerning th^e Borough hi We%^te ton. He expects to be absent a r|^ i»ight. At last night's meeting of tin Bgf Council, Cr Macmillan was ap^i^^B Acting Mayor during Mr Kobtiw'fig absence. * Mr B. Charlesworth, piaDo-^H| organ tuner, is now visitingTaurangiflf I Orders left with Miss Laoey, Davos-R I port Eoad, will receive atteation, - = A nice line of two hundred flheefflß j fattened on Mr L. G. Ilurse's fa^H i Papamoa, was shipped to AucM^Hl last night, consigned to the N.Z,I«vB | and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. - Wm For the latest in popular waltzsa^W pianoforte pieces go to Grant*.* mm At the meeting of the 'humpS Harbour Board yesterday, i^''« Stewart was appointed .chairaaopfg the remainder of the annual tenpt^lß period of about two months. mm Accounts totalling £075 5a Oil tt|H| passed for payment at the mfcS'nls^B the County Council yesterday.-.^W principal item was £203 11s M, T^^g tfibutiou to the Bay of Plenty *^B| pital and Charitable Aid Board.,' ,flr At the meeting of the Hartourßoaflß yesterday,.Mr C. Hine, traffic fIPM ger, submitted the following rej«PjySK "1 have to report iliat am* fy^B carters are'getting into the Wj| drivihg on to the wha?f"at a [^He spite of my repeated r€(iuestsr iH by-law must be respec!; also, there is, a tend?Cfl| slackness iv attending to ffly^agK (ion oa steamer days vhwtmTgM a view to avoid cougestio^U^Hß bring this before the % ogf%Mm hope that action will be may act as a..deterrent to to? without having to take measures." — The Board d^« communicate with the Pol^«* P!*Jfl them to support the JBoard s . < should the latter require su* rj%« • at auv time in cotuiecuou mm .carrying out of his ordorss. *mM A mob of 3heep for Mr W- JgMm , Katikati, imrchaseil in UlsM*l» Paengaroi districts, arc no* J|W road. Tl.« s-ilos w,;reß«^ lC« tho N.Z.-L'iuu uud Mrnsutf*^; H At tho mooting of ti»e ?^K Couuty (Jumcil yestordny \yPWM wan a ujtointp<) a member ol^jflmm i bour Board in place of the i.l p.H . A. M Davidson. .^g-^"''' jiff

A reminder is given of liie oliicia' •£,hi£u note that subscriptions w,)l •• ueaGovernmentsubs;dyof 2-N iv '•' f^'l and as the cause is a deserving '- SVdoubt there wi«l be a large SLdancepresenttosliow appreciation SSlandlWe work of the Mortal * and Charitable AH Board. 'Ihe Borough Councillors mot at W 3oa.m. y«rterday, ami after oondderiog the designs submitted ior the town Hall, adjourned at 1 pin. until '-* Ip.m. * 'theuext ordinary meetlug of the Board will be held on Wed;.*'jAiy, April lat, at 11a.m. > l\\ a fow weeks a new and important I industry will be started at Edeudale, Southland. This is the manufacture 1 sugar of milk, a by-product cf the \ drying industry. The cheese factor- ; j w for years wasted in butter enough U pay the wages of their staffs, and 1. j{ ier the butter-fat was extracted from ' ' the whey there remained iv residual a valuable substance for which there is* a wrld-wide demand. The idea of making use of this by-produce was conceived by two chemists, who are tto promoters of the industry. The chief market will be for brewing and for baby's milk, aud it is expected J that the sugar will have a world-wide j

"One of the reasons why the fruit inila&y should be encouraged in every fraypossible is because it brings into use fond that would otherwise remain \ib, n teiifef. W, .Kirk at a meet ing o( nurserymen at Auckland. For dairying, he continued, ths best land was needed, for fruit-growing the worst could ho used. From anara eof HO acrea of cheap land a comfortable living could be made. Thus the development of the industry-would mean that the Bmall man would be given a chance, and at the same time it woul/1 bring otherwise useless land into pro fitablo occupation. For these reasons tho fruit industry- would do more for

the country than the dairying industry. •*■ The question of the representation of the various Hidings ot the County was -v brought forward at the meeting of the County Council^ yesterday •by Cr Orillio. He said the subject was an important one and suggested that a meeting be hold at the end of the moatk to go into tho matter.—Cr Mhewsconcurred.—Cr Spence spoke ' & support of considering the question M 8«4 a committee should be set up .to obtain information regarding valuation and number o! electors of each nding.-The Council resolved—That/ , ■«• matter bo considered at the nest .jw*ogofthr&OToilto be held on . w^jr, March 3Ut, atll a.m., such Seating to be in place of the ordiuary ' a«fang in April. It was also decided . rlbatjke Chairman, Clerk and-Or ! Wbe appointed a committee to Information re valuation and f Bttn»^ro{electori 1w fe^B0 °a suiokQ should ScS C } C 8 EAGLE TO- #' - J

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Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6023, 4 March 1914, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6023, 4 March 1914, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6023, 4 March 1914, Page 4