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The 'date of Te Puke Show has been fixed for Thursday, February 9 1911. ' ' '

The next mail for the United Kingdom and Europe will close at the Tauranga Post Office on Wednesday next at 3 p.m.

The New Zealaral Loan and Mercantile Agency Co , Ltd., announce that a clearing safe, on behalf of 31 r >S. Smith, Spring street, will beheld at 2 p.m. on Saturday, when a •quantity of household furniture, jowelU-rv, etc., will be submitted, Applications are invited by the Borough Council for the position of town clerk, etc., the duties and emoluments to -be the same as performed and received by th© into town clerk, viz., town clerk, treasurer, collector, wharfinger, and returning officer. It will interest many qf our readers to know that the Spiral Steel I'iPe Company, Ltd., iWanganuu, contractors for the waterworks, have some 3% miles of the Ta-ura'tigu pipes alavady made, antl Jioi>e to work here by the middle of next mouth. The Tauranga Furnishing antl Manufacturing Company notify that they! are. direct importers of rugs,; door slips, carpet squares, linoleums' curtains, curtain poles, and all art icles required in furnishing a home. The firm -deliver all goods sold, thus saving purchasers the cost of freight, packing- and cartage, . vt-ry considerable items So far as furniture is concerned. I

The secretary of the Chamber of Slommexce is in receipt of a communication h'om the District Engineer Qlr Cook) -notifying . him that ho has recommended ihp opening or the old Taupo road for stock 'traffic and the erection of a bridge over the Utuhina stream. This was a matter that was brought 'l>efore tin* Chamber of Commerce, and that body urge:i in-aty tho work now noco-mmenflcil by the t'wgineer should be undertaken, as the road would prove a great boon to those Craved!ing* stock.—Kotorua Chronicle.

It is a surprising fact that in Pal#iefs£on Korth, which has few wellestflibji^hpd manufacturing industries, a proprietor gf <i factory, which Is doing splendid business and which receives more orders than it can fulfih is actually contemplating closing tipwfl: pwing* to txing. unablo to obtain labour (sg.ys the correspondent of the Wellington Post). The proprietor of tha. factory states that t&ff ampunt of orders received fully warrants an extension of business - and, in f#ct, th« establishment of an important factory, l^it for the reason stated above this cannot be umler-

A v£«-jr flock of Ronmey ewes descended from tsij> well-known- fkek -of Mr Short (Pa.rorang-1), recently purchased by Mr ,J. A. McKcnzie, ni'fi piping exceptionally well on hiPapanvia property. The ewes have returned over 10(3 per cant, of lambs, all strong and healthy, and flockOtv'ncrs in the Day of Plenty will be pleatjod (o hear that Mr UcKenzie will dispose of the young rains early jn the new year, ti is also his inteution to purchase a purebred ram lit thfl iSoMili, as Ji" is so well satisfied with peouits that he has decided to kwp thf rku;k to^:*ther for thpurpose of supplying well-bred sheep to local brooders. The Native. Appellate Court will sit at Rotorua on Xov. 7. Refuse substitutes ; WQI.FF.'S is tho veal original Schnapps.

The Town- Clerk notifies that Mr] James Sabnon has been temporarilyappointed poundkeeper and ranger. Messrs Brown, Barrett and Co. notify that their popular brands of Butterfly teas, are sold by all grocers. A notification appears elsewhere that the annual sale of work, in aid of Dr. Barnardo's Homes will be held at "The Elms" on November ;i7.

May Yohe, the once favourite London music-hall star, who was seized with a paralytic stroke in New York about two months ago, is liow singing- at a cafe chuntant in Seattle.

The annual general -meeting of the Tauranga Cricket Club will be held in the Masonic hotel at 8 o'clock to-morrow evening, when the election of officers for the ensuing year will toko place.

The Town Band has decided to give a minstrel eneertainanent in the ()l>era House on December 1, under the directorship of Mr H. Powell. It is some years since tx similar entertainment has been given here, and an excellent programme is being arranged for the occasion.

At the special meeting of the Borough Council on Monday evening the, By-laws Conunitteo presented a copy of the proposed by-laws. Ci". Brabant moved—That the by-laws lio on the table and that a special meeting be called at 7 p.m. on Noveml>er 14 for the purpose of dealing with same.—Seconded by Cr. Tuiiks and carried. Mr S. J. G. Davics, of Spreydon, near Christchurch, has pj^j-chased from1 Messrs Revell and Co. a section of 71 acres on the Ohauiti estate, in

close proximity, to the northern boundary of the property. Mr Davies proceeds South, but returns again in the near future, when he will have a new ho(usc erected on his property, where he will take up his residence. We understand that the sale >\vas negotiated by Mr C. H. Trigs, hind and estate agent.

Akuhata Tupaca, son of N'gaone Tupaea, daughter of the great Ngatci'angi and Ngatiraukawa chief Mori Tupaea, died at his kainga, Rangiwaea, yesterday. The young chief had been unwell for some time past, and every thing possible was done for his comfort,1. Dqceascidf was related to the Thames, Otalkiii Napier and other tribes, and a very large number of mourners are expected to attend the tangi. Telegrams were sent this morning to all parts, acquaintingl, relatives of the yotfng chief's death.

It is expected, states Mr W. D. S. Macdonald, that tenders for tho first contract in connection with the drainage of tho Rangitaiki swamp will be let this week. This contract will consist of the cutting of an outlet from Rangitaiki to the sea. It is tho intention of Mr Kensington, Under-Secretary for Lands, to visit the swamp soon after tho session in company -with the engineers of the Department to make further arrange ments for the carrying out of the

scheme. Owingt to the strong noflhreast gale on Monday, the s.s. Aupouri, which left for Tauranga, wnsl fiorcod to ptit back to Auckland. Her departure for this port has been postI pomjil, owing to the s(rong gale still blowing, till 10-morrow evening, and if weather permits, she will leave for Auckland at 5 p.m. on Friday. The ! steamer Tasman, which put. in here on Monday morning, is still sheltering in port, and will leave for Whakatanc when the weather, moderates. The Ngatiawa is leave Auckland for Opoliki at U a.m. to-mor-row, calling at Tauranga.

A North Ota go fanner recently had an ■oxciWng' experience. One of his employees, having lost his mental balance, passed sentence pf death on his employer, and set out with a loaded gun to carry out his murderous intention. Fortunately, the madman was unable to find his intended victim, so he then took a

buggy and drove off. The police were speedily communicated with, ami soon tracked down and arrested the madman. He was pronounced insane and sent to the Seacliffc Asylum.

A final reminder is given of th^ sale of work in a'kl of St. I'eter's Presbyterian Church, which is to be opened in the Opera, House to-mor-row afternoon at 2 o'clock, when a large range of useful ami ornamental articles will be-displayed for sale. The ■doors will re-open in the evening at 7.30, after which a number of musical items will be rendered, and several competitions- held. The. vocalists include Mrs Watson, Captain Beach, .Messrs Putt, Spence and Powell, the latter appearing in a number of character impersonations. Orchestral selections will also be given. The function promises to be most enjoyable, and as the object is a most deserving one tho promoters!—the ladies' Guild—look forward to a large attendance.

Of special intercut to maize growers in the announcement in this issue from Messrs Guinness Bros., who insert a'number of particulars nml prices of their I'lanet Junior machinery. By investing in one of the firm's double-row cultivators scarifying' work can be made a pleasure, and one man with a pair of horses may easily cultivate twenty acivs a day ami not walk a yard. For live orchardist there is the "Universal' riding cultivator, which mokes orchard cultivation a, pleasure. Messrs Guinness Bros, are direct importers, and the fine range of I'lanet Junior implements in their establishment has been carefully selected with a

view to meeting the requirements oi settlers in the Bay of Plenty. The display is well worthy of inspection by farmers in quest of machinery. Those unable to call may obtain a lot of useful information by ordering a I'lanet booklet, which will be forwarded free on application. Messrs Guinness Bros, are also to tnc fore with an assortment of spray trumps, ranging hi pnc9 from 5s Gd to f>os. while they notify that they arc- piepared to supply ittuteriul 'at wholesale prices.

As a large number of new arrivals have lately settled in this district a reminder t"o such that the electoral roll fo* the general election is now in course of preparation, may not 1 c out of place, and electors may have their names included by communicating with or calling on Mr I'hilpotts, lauranga, who is the registrar of electors fur this electorate. A goo;! deal of trouble* is experienced by re~ gfetrArsS throughout, tho country owing to the laxity of numerous electors neglecting to fill up the printed forms of inquiry that are sent to them. It is well-known that these are delivered to the acklressvos. otherwise the registrars would .have tho i:.qMjries returned to them by the l'obt Office. There Is generally a rush to get on the roll as the el_cfu •■# prrio<l draws near, but there is j,i reason why electors rhou'.cl not get their utimes on the roll as ram as they settle in a now district. which may be done if they have resided i lt the colony for twtlve months, ar.;l i» tHe electorate three months, while a month's lvotdujt'c is sunicieiit for

a transfer. iHinnir the r»jcent hurricane in Jbe West Fixlics, t4ie American iv\ejiue cutt<-r Cespedes was wrccvid <jIT tinCiriran cou.-st. All ny^iJjj were i<>st except twr>. The steamtr Hhii-tii.»»iJ.«i. with 28 people ou lx>anJ, is .still jjurei>ottc<l.

A irtvnHj explosion occurred in Paris (France) on a toalcowy in jhe Qnai if Ojsay. Some windows wero broken.

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Bibliographic details

Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5568, 26 October 1910, Page 2

Word Count

Bay of Plenty Times WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1910. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5568, 26 October 1910, Page 2

Bay of Plenty Times WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1910. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5568, 26 October 1910, Page 2