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C. Hopkins' Advertisement, " SPEINO AND "SUMMER DRAPERYj&_CLOTHING. q. hopeins, DEAPEB OLOTHIEE, n LONDON HUUSE, ViCXORIA AJN ID JS BhQOIS SXEIiiSTb, aUCKLANI), liEGrS to inform his Country Customers that he has bought the business lately carried on Jl by MB A. E. FE^TON, Draper and Clothier, Queen Street, opposite the City Market, and will in future carry on both places of business. Country Customers will find it to theii advantage to visit him at hia Queen -street Shop, where he has a most complete stocK of ail descriptions of Drapery, Clothiug, and Millinery, and trusts by strict attention to business, and giving" best value for money, to meet a continuance of the support and confidence so liberally bestowed upon him iv the past. Grey Fawn, Green and Brown Beige Dress Material, 12 yaras for lid Check Beige Dress Material, 12 yards for 3s lid and 4s m. Snow Flake Beige in Grey, Light Fawn, Serpent Green, 12 yards 5s Ud Check and Snownake Mixture Dress Material, in summer shades, 12 yards for 8s 9d ■ {Striped Carmelite in Light Grey^ 'l2 yards for 8s lid „ , « #uu's Veiling in Cream, Pink, light Blue, Eoyal Blue, Terra Cotta, Veax Eose, Cardinal Ser> pent Green, 10|d and Is 4|d per yard ...-■'' ►Snowtiake Beige in light Grey, very stylish, Is per yard Check Wad Snowil&ke D«es* Material, alt wool, la 3d per yard l>oubl«-width All-wool, Summer Beige in Light and Dark Greys, Is lid and 2s % per yard Double- width^^ All-wool Beige in Old Jttose, Serpent Green, and Blue Grey Double- width, Bordered Dress Material, All-wool, Cardinal, Maroon, and Nary Blue, Tery sty Ush, Is lid per yard . _i Double width EstaminbTSerge in Maroon, Cardinal and Peacock Green, Is 9d per yard _: --'■ — Black Cashmeres in our, well-known makes, Is, Is 3d, Is gdfls 9d, Is lid, 2s bd, 2s 11, to 3a Ud Heavy Galatea, 7id per *yajd ; extra heavy, for Boy's Suits., 9id per yard . ileavy N avy Blue colored stripe Drillettefi, just the thing for hard wear. Bid per yard 500 pieces Prints and Ginghams in every description and shade, from 4|d yard ; send for pattens Just received another large shipment oi fGheck Ginghams, 12 yards for 2s 9d Striped Flatinelettes, 4fd per yard Rose riakrifcimelette, fast colour, 7id per yard t-will Flannelette in Light Blue and Pink, 6id per yard German Flannel, €|d per yard j this line we hare sold hundreds of yards Just receired another tshipment of oar All-wool White Flannel, Is per yard Colonial Planftei-in^ White, Grey, and Shetland, at the to* price of Is 2d per yard White TwiU«keeting,7a inches wide, lOjd, Is, Is 3d, 80 inches wide, Is, Is 3d, Is 6d{ 90 inches wide, Agßd,la6d . .. . Unbicaciiwl^lwillSheetingr.ayarda wide, is.lsad 00 Indies wide Unbleached IViU Sheeting, la 2d, Is 4d The very lowest possible prices in all widths in Finlay's noted Sheetings Brown Hollands, 4££&d,7id,B&, 9|d, 10id. White Hollands, 6Jd, ttt, 10|d Ueary painted back Floorcloths, 1 yard wide, Is j 2 yards wide, 2s per yard Colored China Matting » lWd tod la per yard. White China Matting, Is per yafd . . . ' Uuttercloth, Is 9d per dozen." Unbieacted Calico, Is lid, 2s 4d, 8s 9d, 5s 3d, as 6d, U lid and fed dosen White Calico, 2s 2b 4d, 2s 9d, 3s, 3s 4d, 3s 9d, 4a 6d per dozen Our celebrated heary White Calico at 4s 9d per dozen ; we can confidently recommend for wear Heavy White-Calico 52 inoees wide, 4s 6d per dozen ; 38 inches wide, 4s 9d and 5* «d per dttten LoorClo^i, perfectly pnrei 36 inches' wide, 4S9d ana 5d 6d per dozen :f ' Very keafy Twilled ColdvOred Cotton Shirtiny , 4jd, 6d and 8| per yard. , Jusc receired another shipment of our celebrated Bedside Bugs, 3 yards long, 1 yard wide, Is lUd each Exceptional r»lue ux Ladies' Kibbed and Plain Cotton Hose, 6d, 9d, and Is -■■•'■■ -, ■- JUadies' Plain and $ibbqi Oasbanere Hose, Is 6d, Is 9d, 2s, 2s 6d «-l: Ail sizes in Children's Cashmere Hose, splieedknees, at the lowest possible prices AU sizes in Children's Stockings, in Nary and BUck, 6d and 9d per pair Unbleached Table Linen, best ralue we have ever offered, Is, Is 6d, Is Bd, Is lid. and 2s W per Wtfd White Table Danuwk, Is ilt* and 2a4ld pe C yard «r~ jost received direct icrom tiie manufacturers, Nottingham : 600 pairs of Lace Curtains, Is lUd' taped, 2s lid, as lid, 4s (id, 4s lid, os 6d, os lid, to 17s 6d. These are the best value I have ever offered. •' , Toilet Covers, yd, Is, Is 6d, Is Ud, in marcella and honeycomb White Honeycomb Counterpanes, 3a lid, 4s M, 4a lid; 10-4, 4 sli d; U-4, 7s 6d ; 12-4, 8« Ud Ooiouial Blankets, 9-4, 19 a yd; 10.4,26 a 6d;U-4, 29s 6d ' iingUah ßlankets, 9-4, los lid; 10-4, 16s 0d; U-4, 18 6d and 2ls aoueycombToweli r 6di 6d, 7*d Uubiwched Turkish Towels, tid, 7id, 9d, lpid, la, la 3d, Is8d ; extra large sue, ii 9d Coloured Stripe Unbleached Turkish Towels, bd, 9d. la, la 3d, Is 6d j extra large sue. Is9d White TurkisnTowels, bd, 9d, i(Hd, la, la 3d, Is6d,la 9d • «^ » •» A grand assortment oi Shot Silk Sunshades, loug handles, 5s lid, 0s 6d. 6s lid. Lauds'^Underciothing, aU our own make. Ladies' Chemises, Is lid, 2s 3d, 2s 6d, 2s 9d, 2s lid, 3s 6d, up to 8a 6d» JLadies' Mightdress, 2s «kl, 2s lid, 3s bd, 3s lid, 4s lid, 6s tid, up to 10s 6d. Children's Pinafores, a speciality, aU our own make, bd, 9d, Is, Is 3d, Is 6d, Is Ud, 2s 6d to 8s lid 200-yard Machine Reels, Is per dozen Clark's Cotton, 200 yards, 1b 9d per doaen Ureen Tie Knitting Cotton, Is 9a per lb Crochet Cotton, all numbers, 2s per doa " Bought, a job, 60 Men's Heavy Tweed Suits, in aU dark colours, greys, anu brown checks, 27s 64, worth3ss Also, 100 Men's Coloured Mole Trousers wiU be cleared at 4s lid and os 6d pair, worth a great deal more v , Men's Colonial Tweed Suits, dark colours, 28s 6d, value for money Men's Kaiapoi Tweed Suits in light and dark colours, 29s 6d, 32s bd, 355, 39s 6d, and 45s Men's Pox's Serge Suits, guaranteed 37s 6d and 45s Jien's Dark Tweed Trousers, 4s Ud per pair, value for money men's Heavy Tweed Trousers, 5s Ud, 6s Ud, 7s M, 7s Ud, 8s Ud, equal to tailor made ; 9s 6d our -y -Meli^s" Nelson Tweed Trousers, leather bottoms, 7s lid per pair Mens ColoniaHTweed Trousers, 8s lid. 9s 9s Ud, 10s 6d, Us 9d, 12s Qdu 14s 6d Boy's Colon^i?weed Suits, 24s 6d: Youths' 26s 6d * f 6Q\) Boyjs' Snicker Suits to choose from ; best value ever affered in Aucklaud, fram 4s 64 to 16s 63 A good asgortmeut of Boys' Kaiapoi Tweed Suits at the lowest possible prices Boys' Tweed Trousers, 4s lid; Youths', 6s lid F Men^s White Shirts, 2s lid, 3s 6d, 3s Ud, 4s 4d, 5s 6d ' Men's White Shirts, collars attached, 3s Ud, 4s 9d, 5s 9d, and 6s 6d Men's B^gatta Shirts, 2s Ud, 3s 6d, 3s U, 4s U, 5s Ud, Our ever noted Coloured Shirts for working men, our own make, 2s 6d and 2s lid; Collars attached, 2s 9d and 3s 3d ■ " Men's XJnderflannels, our own make, 2s I d, 3s 6d, 3s lid, 4s 6d, 4s 11 and 6s 6d Men's Colonial Underftannels, in White, Light Grey, and Shetland, 3a Ud, 4s 6d, 4s Ud—best Men's Wincey c ever offered ' Socks,our own make, 2s Ud, 3s 6d, 3a Ud ; Crimean, 3s Ud 4s 6d* os Ud Men's merino Cotto 6d 7£d, 9d, Is, Is 3d Meif*s brownn Socks, 4d, 6d, and 9d pair dair A grand assortment in Men's Hard and Soft Felt Hats, in Black, Browns, and Drab Men's Braces, 6d, Bd, Is Is 3d, Is 6d, Is 9d Boys' Braces, 44d and 6d - A good assortment in Merino and Brown Cotton Shirts and Pants Boys' and Youths' Straw Hats from Is each ; Men's Straw Hats from Is 6d A Grand Assortment of Beady-trimmed Millinery always in stock at both establishments AU orders entrusted to my care wiU have my careful attention and prompt despatch. CABRIAGE PAID ON ALL PARCELS OF 20s AND TOWARDS To nearest port by steamer or town reached by railway. Post Office Orders made payable to C. Hopkins, 252 and 254, Queen-street (opposite Market) j and London House, corner of Victoria and Nelson Streets, Auckland. Patterns of every description of Drapery forwarded to any address on application. % AU Parcels packed securely and carriage paid on orders of 20s and upwards. All orders are executed under my personal supervision. NOTE THE ADDBESS C.HOPKINS, 262 jbixi} 2&3r QTJEEIT STREET, ' OPPOSITE CITY MARKET, OJSDONHOirSB^yiCTORIAAND NELSON STREETS, AUCKLAND When ordering please mention thir paper. . : ■ . , ■ X,

vrunmaKer* t ;i ■'.-■■■.■'■■. _; ' ' : ■ ft BT SPECIAL APPOtETTMIHt JPI^HNL *O fits EXCELIJnrCT the soVEftKoi ' < 9^sPMi^^9BK* O* HEW tXALAJKtD. '■ W. H. H AZARD, G^ITMAKEB, 116 QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. (Next B. Tonfo and Co., Auctioneer/.) \ IMPOETER OF ABMS, AMMUNITION, SPOETING IMHiEMENTS GOODS, AND FIBEWOEKB. ' Best House in tb Colony for Gus, Eifles, Eevolvers Sporting Requisites of aflkiads Lately receiTed,-r-A very fine assortment of Winchester Repeating Eifles of different calibres, suitable for cattle or wild dog shooting. The Winchester Eepeating Shot Gun, No. 12 gauge, fires six (6) shots without reloading For sale at very low prices. ** In order to s^piy his customers wifcn the very best Cartridges obtainable WH.H. has imported at considerable expense, one of the latest and best Machines for turning the Cartridges. This machine, made by Messrs 2> & J Fraser, % we^-known Gunmakers of Edinburgh, regulates tne prepare on the wads tb^he^greatest nicety, and ensures theuimost regularity in shooting Lustomers may see the different Cartridges tested on the premises of 8.L., C.F., or P.F. Shot Gartrid^s^Nos. 12, U, or 16 Gauee— Green, 18s j Blue, 17s j Broirn,l6B. These Cartridges am all charged with 3 drams Best Powder, and Isoil Chilled Shot. "BFTAL" No. 12 C.F Cartridges, charged with Eifle Cartridge Powder, 14s p«r 100. GUNWOEK of Every Bescnptun done at the very LOWBSI £LATBS and ©quti, if not luperior to an doae in the Coloniej ,

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Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 2590, 11 February 1891, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 2590, 11 February 1891, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 2590, 11 February 1891, Page 4