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I • KEiiL J .FACE WJULri T-fcLLJ IIJHJ^>. J. H, Daltow, Tailor, Victoria Street East, Auckland, and Tennyson Street, Napier. f^gg All Croo&s sr& soiit QAS* JN EW P ?88 C e-8 L 7 IST F ° B |j§ RIA&E PAID, ana if not TJ truunjiiriJiivDuiiuinimi LATEST FASHIONS approved aw exchanged, or J tomeasuke jfi?^ b!^ ■■«» aumey Mimed ioh tsVsl M 1 PostFreewithPriceLists gtO.| S f^ZTZt HI ever protoed). pfe|JP \^V IiPJ GRATIS AND POST FRFE, ON |B|§ l ft|3' * £ d \ flf^idf^ | *4 Serge Suit .. . . 210 K}ld>"tfW Cheques, Postal Orders, &c, to -- ' >» n ..300 flngT 'Fox' No 1 Serge Suit 310 TOfKilf be crossed J.H. Dalton. Rt^ » » ..3 50 Wjfl I Best Cloth Suit ! '. 410 IjH| PAIR TROUISEKb JS jjjj '„ " V. 410 0 Ififlr TH B THAMES CARRIAGE AMD WHEEL FACTORY, THE BAY of plenty times RAY OF PLENTY TIMES [Established 1876.] IS NOW SUPPLIED „■ „ • " : "~~" WITH THE OFFICE If—ST IHf ITT^I jMT™ LATEST TELEGRAPHIC AND v AAh JLJks J&^A^^ji cable news • is BEPLETE with PEOFESSION AL' COACH-PAINTEE AND TSIMMEB ITp to the time of going to Press. MACHINERY AND PLANT SIGN & ORNAM ENTAL WRITEF STTBSrRrFTTON FOR ALL „ IN ADVANCE. BOOKED : ''-n ™>T*™rwr. ■ H.H.D., late of the Thames, bogs to inform the inhabitants of . > P "™?™L n* £1 ?L DESCRIPTIONS OP PRINTING Ta^ ga nd ss ounding D 4ri c °t that he has decided to com- ?S r 6s. ■ Li — mence business in those premises in Hamilton Street, adjacent to Where tho paper is sent by posi _.__„.._,„ Messrs Salt and Dames, Coachsmith and Wheelwright, and hopes the postage will be added. by ciyility and attention combined with, moderate charges to _ . . ..._ "~~ OT^™^« riceiye a fak share of Public Pa^iage. . o^J^% billheads, v . : . E^ip^fEg 6IVEJS F9^ ftMi Kip?oE W@^K. attentlOD " '. MEMOS : ; OTJSB-PAINTING- AND PA?EBHANGIN{^ CONTRACTED FOE> : HJ H RIA ft Qn^D ACCOUNTS ■ — -X>X-»«:>:^>>->:' — DLnlHUnltlJ O BALL mOGBAMMES :] COACH-PAINTER AND TRIMMER, &c, lODIDE OF IRON K I I \ BILLS OFFAXE ; HAMILTON STREET, TauBANGA. j ' pp RoyED BY THE AC AIS? OF 7,/io/TTt.BC- —^"^— T"^"^—— — . i ,^ »— P"^» A MEDICINE of Paria, are specially ;.. FOSTEIcb ..■■■-■■•. ■ . . : v s ■ I v ■"; recommended by the Medical Celebrities of ■- c - ■'-■■■ ! v ' -■•- •' ; - ; World for Scrofula (tumors, King's evil, &c), CONCERT TICKETS the early stages of Consumption, Constitu- ■ ■ _-; : ■ _ ' ' .... *_ tional Weakness, Poori'ess of Blood, and for BALL TICKETS - mme^ l^ mil ' "' gL " " "' . 'V-,.-- - : ' - - :"1 stimulating and regulating its periodio course. ....... fc JSbj None genuine unless signed <f Blancard, 40, vA TV -ROOKS ; :! -- M ' -4 rf^^^fi^ rue Bonaparte, Paris." .*** JSMUUJL » y&MmssF ,^ Sold by ; Druggists and Chemists throughout RECEIPT BOOKS wSSm ' the Colonies. 166 "I'll CROWN MOLESKIN TROUSERS, f™""™ paper ' r ft*«rTmii auttw TiTiTTKTniTm OIXTY years of great success proclaim its / BAMFILLETS $c, $c. WHITE AND FRINXISIJt k3 superiority in the i treatment of Violent IN STOCKMAN'S, ORDINARY AND RJDING CUT, V CAN BE PURCHASED RETAIL PROM ALL DRAPERS AND Z'e BOOKBINDINa DONE. STOREKEEPERS IN THE COLONY, AND WHOLESALE FROM than half a century by thousands of # ALL WAREHOUSEMEN AND IMPORTERS. • cures, is of an invaluable use in many inflammatory, diseases against which there PricestocompetewithAuelriandOffices SACH ARTICLE BEARS«TH3 TRADE MARK OF ONE are not many efficaoious remedies, and is „ ! . ; .« MV ««i «nAirnT« . M^r nm%T%TA« niA Aninmr therefore justly considered by a great number . ;. ' OR MORE CROWNS ACCORDING TO QUALITY. . o f our most eminent physicians as the most *■■ ' ►. . ■■-;., ■•/':.-•■ _'_ _^ aotive and least irritating agent in the above ■M' ■ •■•■^ n^^i^ii^™ — — -. ' - i""*»^""i" i ""^"«~"^^»*r^^^i^»^j affections. TIMES OFFICE^ TATJEANG-A. .-. 1 In order to avoid counterfeiting, Messrs •■ : ' ■' ■ - ' ; . Fayard and Blayn's signature has to be _ ; . required on every roll of paper and on the C. E. Paget.] [A. MoD. B Alston „ ' ■-, .- - - - -: . h^ m? ATTT? AT A TTPTTOTsT TVT A TJ T ' v ■ • ' ■ ' ■ ■ ' ' Wholesale, 30 rue Saint-Merri, Paris (J-biNl-tCAIj AUU±IUI> miLXtX ■-„■,. (France), and sold by all chemists in the QUEEN ST., AUCKLAND. - TT/^T^T^H/T A TVTI^T O OAATC I ' colonies. I67st T he a^D^s7 =s h^g nUrrlVlAiNrl & oUJNb, titali¥j~ occupM % r os j p clmkes have Musical Warehouse, Queen Street, 'D^SS^Si commenced business as Auctioneers .-....■•■ , by the Faculty for tha cure of CONSUMPOommisßion, Land, Estate, ana AUCKLAND. '. ;,: ' O aGFNEEAi, 0*611613(1 A^GlltS* 'i .? • • It contains two of the prinoipal ingredients Our Coast Friends, who mat? have . necessary -for building up the human, frame, . j. £. ' n Anna Xrn isrill " ' ■ ' and which are considered deficiont in the consignments Of produce, &C, mv . * . . ..__..._ ..^,..^..^. above complaints, viz. , PHOSPHORUS and find it to their advantage to Send , . LIME. It cannot be too highly recommended the same to the undersigned. for DELICATE CHILDREN. ACCOUNT SAiSs" PROMPTLY rpHE Largest and Best Selected Stock of MUSICAL PR Co^f s ? l ? I of LL ' S ACCOW "fuenisHED. 1 INSTRUMENTS of every kindle the Cblony. HYPO PH^PHITE S PAGET Sole Agents for GEAND and UTEIGBT PIANOS, manu-■r-Mva& I Mw » x Sy* m V factored- by the world-renowned firms of . " world- wide reputation, Each bottle bears AUCTIONEEES, to. , B EINSMEAD & SO^, GOLLAED & COLLAED, and J. ESDAILE gR. CHWCHILL'SSI^ATU^. Price TESTABLISHED 1874] A and CO., London. : : Prepared only by L . SWANN, CHEMIST, AUCKLAND COEKFACTOEY, MANUFACTURERS' WARRANTY 7FITM EACH INSTRUMENT. 12 bub CA3TIGLIONE, PARIS. iqjueen _' Pianos by Eeaed, Broadwood, Alxis*on, Ivoet, Boed, Ecke, Neumeteb, — _„" « SCHWECHTEN, FOESTEB, STRAT7SS. EOSENEE, BIJLOW, &C, GbATBFUL— -OOMyORTING. TiTTTTON BROS,, «on — — - MANUFACTtJBERS OF EVERY DES- FROM *^ UPWARDS. EPPB' COCOA.— BREAKFAST. cription of cor^. American Organs By Mason and Hanilin,^ &c 9 . „^ ' TV Ale and Porter Corks, pints and quarts v f% w i Q "By a thorough knowledge of the natura Brewers' Tap Cor* sand Bungs PT?O\T «felQ nPWARDS laws wkfch govern the opeiations of digestion. Wine Corks, pints and quarts, any length rjiUiE ujrvvajvi/o._ and nutrition, and by a careful application andsiae - Harmoniums by Alexandre, Bauer, Pirie, &C, 9 of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Ginger Beer Corks - . ' ■ . ; - , r&O -fl r\ Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tables Corks for Chemists' and Druggists Vials T7PAM <&O lUS nPWAT?TW with a delicately flavoured beverage which Fishing Net Floats, ready for use, &c.,&0. V&VXL <^*-*~>~'** urVYAiiL»&. may sa^ us many heavy doctors' b^s. Itis . by the judicious use of such articles of diet VTnaTwroEKFOKORNAMENTALWPBK Any of the al)OVe Supplied to responsible persons Upon OUT that a constitution may be gradually built up VIEQIN j rr x x x until strong enough to resist every tendency ALWAYS m STOCK. BEffEKLKE© FAYMDMT SYSTEM. to disease. Hundreds of subtle iSlaSare ■ ' floating around us ready to attack wherever Country orders promptly attended to, BraflS and Wood Band i nstrurae nt9 } Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Mußical Boxes, ftl^wT?^? o^' e fay escape many 95017 by railor steamer. aud German Concertinas, Accordeons, Ac, Ac, in great variety. ■ ■ frame." — See article in the Civil Soviet WATCHMAKEEasi) JEWELLEB, Sittings and Repairs of Every Kind. %^; dmpiy with boiiißg water or milk VICTOEIASTBBET,ATJCKiANr. NEX T THEATBE ROYAL, QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. Sold in 41b packets by grocers, labeUedthus[Establisbed in Auckland, 1867.] 157 gt ' JAMES EPPS & Co., , • .. ij. fln HOMCBOPATHIO CHEMISTS, JAMES PRINCE, having tad 22 _ ' J years' colonial experience, and . II vfiars in tbe old country, begs res- " ., ' '.j ' „-^TXTrr^l^r.T- '"'^7,,"TZ^ w ''^r <it - ;r ' ; TTlTrrrirr''"*"' o*'0 *'^ 3 "'" i> *"■"• ttotttwi^ttt \naf\n ttat»t>v -»rA-n peir^to ask^ose who have a Y'SfHSS/oS^ Watch that requires cleaning, or one g| | | 1 1|| ST^ I EM^Gout and QravS? the f*?? I ,?^*?* that^eminent French that has been ineffectually repaired | *&M 1k H IB^ SL^J HgJ^^ J safest and most gentle Hospital Phynoan, Dr. KABONSEI, showo Wlipm to ffi ve him a trial. g^ l^||mfc > W Medicine for Infants, "£ su " erc ™ h ?" tbe Z may cure themselves TP^RnftMofesstodothework 4h* XTnive^al Bexkedy for Acidity of tlie StomaS^ Children, Delicate Fei 7? Man /fe^N &c '» &0 « J.P.doesixotprote^TOaoiuuw J Heartburn, Indigestion, Sour EructSr " ttal «* «* «ie Sick- Senf by ,f ost . for «« P^ n y^ £.) stamps, for nothing, but will endeavour to give «* ** BiUous Affections^ f acsr of Pregnancy. Address Pnnsian, P, O. Box 766, Sydney. full value for money. , . «■ " 4 ,WmgmjEm^mmL^^M^m^^^mi ''A^. to all desiring < self. cure.'"-. in a depresßed market^ also service^ A -DVERTISING is the Business able Timepieces, from ss. ,trumea -^- ma n'fl breath. Dull times only Gold Wedding Rings, warranted jtuil Nbßb AgK p<)R DiNNEFORD'S MAGNESIA, ; mean-look to your advertising-. 22 carat} Keepers, 9 and 1» carat; ■„ , hct. ,j „,j m .v , ..^ Advertise in the Tijass, 8 Oemßings,^ 104019J

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Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XXIX, Issue 2204, 19 October 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XXIX, Issue 2204, 19 October 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XXIX, Issue 2204, 19 October 1887, Page 4