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KEEP PACE WITH THE TIMES. J. H. Dalton, Tailor, Victoria Street East, Auckland, ; and Tennyson Street, Napier. .— H S| All Qoods are sent CAB-1 jg^ 1 _f||lL» PATTTTR'NrQ HT? PT HTTT ____MJL AT^W PRICE LIST FOR/ tfwL «*._._»_.. .___.______. „« . tK^B rAiii!_KJNk uh uluiu «jg/ jj| 1886-87. W EIAGE PAID, and if not T# ' s^3^. gentlemen's clothing latest fashions jj^^^s approved are exchanged, or f^^^^k • / V v \ ta Tv,n?Acrr"PT? i^SßHllJ^_ In Gentlemen's and Bo^'s' ay ____. ± j • v 111111111111^ :// |U to measuee §^^m Clothing, & c ., and Easy the money returned ioh foM |H Post Eree with Price Lists preferred). l I*| ' Serge Suit .. .. 210 Wfiimiw Cheques, Postal Orders, &c, to W|BB „ » -.3 001 J tajfgif 'Fox' No 1 Sergo Suit 310 wWff be crossed J. H. Dalton . i^^H » » ..3 50 wfpf ; Bill H Besfc » ..5 0 I .H^patt) TPnTTQTTOQ HI " » - 4 50 H^ ;M| Best Cloth Suit .. 410 1 jßp J Allt lIiUUOJmO ll =gl -„ ,» ..4 10 0 H^F 1 G-FTvrrßnfATvr'q »> ?> »» • • 510 Gentleman's m „ __, . _^_ „^^ m n i " ...... 017 6 Gentlemen's ; CoZxcl at'« Frock and Dess Suit 7 5 Mokking Coat WITH EACH SUIT . Gmm_B___* „ 100 TweedS ack. ! and Vest. I H rock Ooats. J „ .. .. ..1 50 ■ 7IT " THAMES CARRIAGE AP WHEEL FACTORY, THE BAY 0F plenty times > BAY OF PLENTY TIMES [Established 1876.] IS NOW SUPPLIED M^ " TTp-^s. ~_ ,_ _ - . WITH THE «, IHl™ )lF)l LATEST TELEGRAPHIO AND M AAI J&-47 M±*A j^g CABLE NEWS is eeplete with PROFESSIONAL COACH-PAINTEE AND TIUMMEE Up to the time of going to Press. MACHINEBY AND PLANT SIGN & ORNAM ENTAL WRITEF QTnw^rnv MB »l€#filf Sfik SUBSCRIPTION: FOR ALL — IN ADVANCE. BOOKED. ™™ I *vr, -m^TivT^TATn H, H. D., late of the Thames, begs to inform the inhabitants of Per^?T a , £1 n £l ?o ! DESCRIPTIONS OF PRINTING m 3 ' J '- . •,. -p..', ,°. .-* , i -. j •i i , » Half-year lis 13s , . un^mr±s.vv.a wx Tauranga and STirroimdmg District that he has decided to com- „ Quarter 6s 6s"6d J • — — ■ mence Imsiness in those premises in Hamilton Street, adjacent to Where the paper is sent by post 5 envelopes Messrs Salt and Dames, Coachsmith and Wheelwright, and hopes the postage will be added. 5 hy civility and attention combined with moderate charges to . 3 NOTE AND LETTEB HEADINGS { &k gh fp y. p atronflgo< Orders forwarded to the Times f ° Utiice, Tauranga, will receive prompt I billheads EgTl^f Eg QIVE^ F9^ TIM* Kipg 6E W@^K. atteDtioD ' • j MEMOS OUSE-PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING CONTRACTED FOR. qj fl E\|f\ A DH^O I accounts "kT^^^S^ix: ; ' dLANuArU o I BALL PROGRAMMES CO ACH-PATNTER AND TRIMMER, &c., IOOIDE OF IRON PJI J A J BILLS OF FARE i ' Hamilton Street, Taubanga. pproved BY THE AOABEM? OT fc vnwvJiS : m—mmm—mmmmmmmm*\ i ______________.________b________i ii J^ MEDICINE of Paris, are specially " ruaiMiMo recommended by the Medical Celebrities of ' ' World for Sorofula (tumors, King's evil, &c), CONCERT TICKETS the early stages of Consumption, Constitu- _ ; : tional Weakness, Poorness ojf BJood, and for ' BALL TICKETS l«J« ."■ !'— — ' p^ I stimulating and regulating its periodio course. v N None genuine unless signed " Blancard, 40, RATEBOOKS KaSlilSfc '^^T B '.^ -. . . ynßs^^^fSp Sold by Druggists and Chemists throughout RECEIPTBOOKS tho Colonies. 166 st ",. CROWN MOLESKIN TROUSERS, ,™RDmroPAPER I TfTTTTm-n h-KTTk nt^namXTk CIXTY years of great success proclaim its ' PAMPHLETS, §c.,-s'c. WiU-liJi AXMJLf JrJiXXlJlXill* kj stfperiority in the treatment of Violent ; IN STOCKMAN'S, ORDINARY AND RIDING CUT, £S&?b^ > — " CAN ?E PURCHASED RETAIL FROM ALL DRAPERS AND S ert eTSbIiX^ 0 duri? 6 m we BOOKBINDING DONE. STOREKEEPERS IN THE COLONY, AND WHOLESALE FROM tha/ hal? a°century by 'thousands °of • ALL WAREHOUSEMEN AND IMPORTERS. • cures, is of an invaluable use in many inflammatory diseases against whioh there Prices to compete with Auckland Offices . JACH ARTICLE BEARS «TH3 TRADE MARK OF ONB are not man y efficacious remedies, and is OR MORE CROWNS ACCORDING TO QUALITY. \ i■ ' ■■■.-'--.'■■ _ ...... .- - __^__ -.- ..._. \ aotivo and least irritating agent in the above _ . wm w^ m^^ m^^^ m ' ' * .^i^m^^m.AtttJ afPections. > TIMES OFFICE, TAURANGA. i n or der to avoid counterfeiting, Meisrs ; Fayard and Blayn's signature has to be _-. ,_r -^ -n required on every roll of paperand on the > CE. Paget.] [A. MoD. Dalston : ' ' y ■ -, .. -■ 'A .-■ - bta. *■ *° GMTEAL AUCTION MAET Wholesale, 30 me Saint-Merri, Paris ViJivxAtiii' „„ .Xr/N^r .-tvtta (France), and sold by all chemists in the . OTJEEN ST., AUCKLAND. IJAT7I7M A MAT Jp CAMC col( "' ita - uut mHE UNDEESIGNED having nUf f IVIAIN IN & OUIIO, LOW VITALITY. _L leased those premises lately occupied by b. jW- have Musical Warehouse, aueen Street, ; I D B^SSgS^g ? _.°S2S commenced business as AUCUOneerS by the Faculty forthe cure of CONSUMP - Commission, Land, Estate, and AUCKLAND. twn^onic cough, and general General AgentS* It contains two of tne principal ingredients Our Coast Friends, who may hare - necessaiy for building up the human frame, „i. a _jp TYrnflnpA &fi will and which are considered deficient in the consignments of produce, wm __ _ _:_ ....„.._„_ above complaints, viz. , PHOSPHORUS and nnd it to their advantage to send „ LIME. It cannot be too highly recommended the same to the undersigned. > for DELICATE CHILDREN. account SALE? PROMPTLY rpHE Largest and Best Selected Stock of MUSICAL I>R^OHTJRCHILL'S FURNISHED. ± INSTEUMENTTS of every kind in tile Colony. H TP oTh OPHITE S PAGET STRALSTON, Sole Agents fb r the :f^ed^RA^ and tJPRI GHT PIANOS; manu- Sd^t^xh^^^S" FMV3 I^ ,I v* ■_ "~yr~ > factured hy the world-renowned firms of. World-wide reputation, Each', bottle 'bears AUCTIONEERS, fto. BRINSMEAD & SONB,_ COLLARD & COLLARD, and J. ESDAILE f £ CHURCHILL'S SIGNATURE. Price TESTABLISHED 1874] and CO., London. Prepared only by L _ — SWANN, CHEMIST, AUCKLAND CORK FACTORY, MANUFACTURERS' WARRANTY WITH EACH INSTRUMENT. 12 cue CASTIGLIONE, PARIS. 316 Queen Street, Auckland. . ■■ , — tvt 168 _^ Pianos hy Eraei., Bkoadwood, Allison, Itobt, Boed, Ecke, Neumetee, — — ■ -^ « oi Schwechten, Forstee, Strattss, Rosener. Btjlow, &c., GaATBFPL—CoMFOJRTnro. BUTTON BROS., &*%€% — MANUFACTURERS OE EVERY DES- FROM A^U UPWABDS. E pp S ' COCOA -BREAKFAST. cription of cor^. American Organs by Mason and Hanilin, &c, — — Ale and Porter Corke, pints and quarts Oi Q "13y a thorough knowledge of the natura Brewers' Tap Cor* b and Bungs - FROM ~ J-O UPWARDS laws which govern the operations of digestion Win&Corks, pints and quarts, any length _ ■ •■ ■ Jxt^jo. uxrw aud nutrition, and by a careful application and size Harmoniums by Alexandre, Bauer, Pirie, &c„ of tho fine properties of weu selected cocoa, Ginger Beer Corks _ . y \.aa .< a Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tables Corks for Chemists' and Druggists Via^ T?POAT obO JL\/S TTPWAT?T>H with « delicately flavoured beverage which Fishing Net Floats, ready for use, &c, &c. * UM , u r w ua • may save us many heavy doctors' bilk Iti b ' , " by the judicious use of such articles of diet VT^ftT^rnßTc foe Ornamental Woek Any of the above supplied to responsible persons upon our that a constitution may be gradually built up VIEOII ' Aways i* Stock. DEFERRES) PAYMENT SYSTEM. ■ $^3^£s_SZS£^ - _ ■ floating around us readyto attack wherever Country ordera promptly attended to, Braßß arid 00 a Band Instruments, Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Musical Boxes, there is a weak point. We may escape many 95017 by rail or Bteamer. English aud German Concertinas, Accordeons, <fee, &q, in great yariety. , ■ — — "" ■ " ".' ' frame." — See article in the Civil Btriicf « . m^TT« a Tn?!? i^ Ti?wTiTJiES Fittings and Repairs of Every Kind. Gazetu. ■■■. -.„,_■■.,.■■ WATCHMAKER AND Jli WHiLljiJiiX', or j Made simply with boiling water or milk Victoeia Street, Atjckl^d. THEATEE EOYAL qjj^^ STREET, AIJCKLAND. Sold in Jib packets by grocers, labelled thus[Established in Auckland, 1867.] 157 8t JAMES EPPS & Co., i . 1...J oo HOMOfOPATHIO CHEMISTS, JAMES PRINCE, having had 22 _ , . T , „ „ .- , cfpon mound years' colonial experience, and , _^_______ T'^ 11 years in the old country, be 8» The b^Ai^ XrOtJTHFUL VIGOR, HAPPY MAR. pectfully to ask those wno nave a f^^llW^^S^-rf^^^ifj Gaatra^SmSS- ■"<*■ biagtb, -healthy offspring. Watch that requires cleaning, Or one gl Ikl I IS SAI BM^Gou^dGravS^the * Medioal Tcoatiae by that eminent French that has been ineffectually repaired | 1 jgj m B 9B m mm^M m^ &J3&y* 1 safest and most gentlp Hospital Physician, ADr RABONSKI, show - elsewhere to give him a trial. Medicine for Infants, % suffere^ b ™ the r m *7 cu J e themselves TP Drofess todo the work The Universal Remedy for Acidity of the Stom aSk^Children, Delicate F^ rflJewpMDe^ty.rLostMa^arf,:^,,^.J.P. does liot; proie»a i" «" Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Sour Eructation? ** al ** a^d the Sick- Sepf/by Post for si^ penny N. Z.) stamps, for nothing, but «?t« endeavour to give BiUous Aflfeotions: acts of Pregnancy, Address Parisian, P. O. Box 766, Sydney, inTdep^essed market; -also, service- P- j fMAP.MFCtA JLftJjM^fcJLaJU__C_l__M A DVERTISING is the Busing able Timepieces, Irom 05. , • " v — — ~ — -.— / Sold by aU Druggists and StoreSS^^ -^ man's breath. Dull times only Gold Wedding Rings, warranted tuu N«B« ASK FOR DINNEFORiyS MAGNESIA. mean-look to your advertising— 22 mrat; Keepers, 9 and IS carat; .»,- , , „„,.„ „, mi ,_ imimVf Adverse in the Timk 6 . ° Oempings, *c JWoitfj j ■■■)-■■■■ . ■ - . .....:..•-.;.-

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Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XV, Issue 2203, 17 October 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XV, Issue 2203, 17 October 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XV, Issue 2203, 17 October 1887, Page 4