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XjT ITCHEKS'S FAMOUS BLOOD RESTORER, For Cleansing, Purifying, and Invigorating the Blood. fSeven Years' Test in Auckland.! rpHIR Medicine differs from ordinary proJL prietary preparations, inasmuch as it was the product of years of study and investigation by an eminent physician of the Army Medical Staff, with whom Mr Bitchens served during the New Zealand War. Its curative and depurative properties have been fully testified by the numerous testimonials received by the proprietor from patients who had long suffered f torn the above distressing maladies, who had applied in vain to physicians for relief, and in whose cases Turkish Baths, Hot Springs, and ofher popular remedies had been resorted to without effect. This celebrated Medicine is compounded from products of the vegetable kingdom, is palatable and easily taken, mild, but effectual, in its action upon the animal economy. It is, in sooth, a veritable BLOOD RESTORER, cleansing it, and thereby restoring diminished vitality. It presents, unquestionably, a purer, safer, better, and nore reliable alterative medicine tban any that \&s hitherto been available to the people. MORE TESTIMONY 1 NOT A SURPRISING CURE I ! The following testimonial in reference to the efficacy of Hitchena' Blood Restorei speaks for itself :— " Auckland, October 15th, 1883.— Dear Sir,— For twelve months I suffered severely frr m sciatica, and tried various remedies without avail, and as a last resource I was recommended to give your Blood Restorer a trial, which I did, and I have much | pleasure in testifying that after taking it fo three months I completely recovered my health. I may say I had no faith in it at first, but the result was such a thorough cure that I consider it my duty to acknowledge unsolicited its curative powers. — I am, Sir. faithfully yours, W Fakqfhaa, Master Mariner, Ponsonby To H. A. H. Hitchens, Esq. Sheridan Sheet, off Wellington Street, Auckland, Dec. 1, 1882. Mr Hitchen —Dear Sir,— As you have asked me to describe my state at the time Mr McMillan recommended me to use your Blood Restorer, and the effect it had on me, I -will simply say that whether it was Lumbago, Sciatica, or Paralysis that made me so helpless Ido not know ; but, at any rate, I was unable to stand for nine months, and had to be lifted like a baby, and my taste was entirely gone. Dr said I had an affection of the spine, and that I should never have the use of my limbs again. He brought another medical man to see me, and I was told that I would probably live only a short time, and it mas no use of their holding out false hopes. I thanked them, and felt as they did. Mr McMillan, living opposite, enquired what was the matter, and my husband told him. He at once said, "Let her take Mr Hitchens' Blood Restorer, for 1 believe that will put her all right." I did so, and after using the third bottle the third week, I began to feel a change, and a tingling sensation in my limbs. Every subsequent bottle seemed to be doing me good. The result is that after using eight bottles, I am now quite well, do my own washing, and all the housework, and feel quite as well as when I first came to New Zealand five years ago. lam always happy to tell people the good you did me, for I am sure I should not bow be well and hearty, but most likely in my grave, if I had not put myself in your hands, — I am, dear Sir, yours faithfully, Flora Nicol Witness— Henry Hartnoll, Nelson Street.

Price /\ Is 6dy^T^v Xp *>/ PROPRIETOR \*-m\ c^-* C. HENDERSON\--5\ \ a \OHEMI3T/ .\/ \X_Js6o With Storekeepers this useful Remedy has a rapid and increasing demand, its price being within the reach of all, an* its virtues second to none. To be had wholesale from :— ARTHUR H. NATHAN, 33 QUEEN STREET. KEMPTHORNE & CO., SHORTLAND STREET. C. HENDERSON, QUEEN ST. JUNCTION. y liiifii^v* a *Mm yN "h^iP

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Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XV, Issue 2102, 17 February 1887, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XV, Issue 2102, 17 February 1887, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XV, Issue 2102, 17 February 1887, Page 4