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„. ; Jghipp^g. gu B in> 88 Notices. Hotels. Qeaaral Notices. General Notices. Insurance- ; > "cciaeleiv f" lißii N°«SJJL!£tS ■ op OTIKI. y AXE HOUSE HOTEL, ADAM A DAM TAY BOURN &HO JJNJJo^H^mRQO^Am CROSBY & CfiIMMINS'" m^M L \ VrtSfTPm -O T^ 'f^"uMERCTTF O^Mim; Boxom. n SEAT NOSTHEBN , ,Aj " V./ UOF NEW ZEALAND. • IBfaJ^V - CO< ( LIM l 1 -B t) )« H M ||-UMIS«|jrUJJi, ' IT STEEPLUfiITAO Hare on hand and to arrive per Syron and . X <«k '■ 'SB ,- "*P: • J-i» ■J. • -l-^ „-,,, r o , M . Bteamora following— Capital. £2,000,00 J«&iSß^^^ • Vi^_^ ■• ; J ™y--> Tv« T^JUX. AUCTIONEER, ,- Ho,^" par e^Usnc, in tie 2 ,oo? r l^«?^&tJ!rl «' TAUHA^aTuRANrH , f^^^"'---"-^^ AGENT. gP^^n^V^Tetot —Ho™ .. «, I . "ft^^SC-SrS f^ ! " \V»OK AUCKLAND AND NORTH. Licensed Broker under " Land TW*,- »nd *m«. • SeoonajEorw loo|io Ma. at 410 £100 *| 1 dium, ami !g-|| huk oki-abtsibst. "^.«-'-«3»»J»y4fA ( «'»^i^ ,■„:■.• Frfd.r . -j, » 4p.m. _ n ' HeS.ronrn bJnokmg-room, T(IW „ ToW __ to our lit shipnent J s diso, and goods of ewn-y aesonptio on Tia To Puko aud Oropi Bii»h; . '': . . „ S.iara/y „16 11..mD Billiaris, Shooting, Kshmg, Facto. „*• «>. c™nt of more that 3,000 Tlokota yra M ° tons »»« Jl'™^. »' who,oaA ■-■■ ;' „, K»ao.d.wceiTed after flMtwhutie. ttt * should l)e made bHotter only, enclosing Two Peas, Beans, Linsood, Lucerne, &c. toettlcia. » = ■ For the Botomaiana TerraCOß, 18 Under «ny account be received. If Bank Notes are p . fi , /p.,— . ,. t f , NMmDliuUmipany. _ o- • ■ -:■■■..: -ig|3^ E«sident Partnerß the aame Management. rndSfeinTde^XlrV^O^ mol-hat* .uT«B," ra ooauT«u a.ou .tv, lately occupied b y Mr Will^f " •'^#^^^ nnirw n ri? t ' preferred when procurable. It will greatly p °to<»ea, Early Kidneys, Pinkeyes, &c t| I'ftowrr and wnBRAt, Bi:rri.um3NT ivellj, opposite the Star Hotel, • ij^a^sT C. O. MoMitLAN.j [i.tAEKiNs. rp HE -fAKES rMIINEMUTH cx P eaito burinew it an addressed envelope j« very scaroo op claims Spring street, Tauranga. . „- ■ ■ : — I Ij ' I I wj.w. enc j oset i -with applioation. " ~~ — ■ ■--■■■ ffcion SteiUDlßllip Compaay Of New \f ONEy TO LEND in Large or Small w Address-" ADAM BEDS" oare of H, ADAM LA YB( ) UMN &CO • n n T'aotjto &LEDSTANES! , ; . Zealand Limited. N. Abbott, Box No. 2, Post Office, Auckland. DURHAM STRKET, A UOKLANP AUklvib, &&ttA«s,r.-=» __ Suma on Freehold Secunty MBS MOBRISON'S Mthb,g Succeed, Like SiieecZ '_.T „- q ~ — ~ ___. __2f° ar ' ranr: « 1^- KHM^t»^^M» ■' ■ • "-'i IjASSENGEBS *nd Cargo booked .»_._,„ te EOTOHTJA PAMTT>T HOTPT, VV & t-T AL Jj ~ -^*==2=«2-s«3=~- === £T to »U Ports in New Zealand and ppy itUIUItUA XAMIJ.I HOTEL. EOBIN HOOD. W l\ general Notices. .s^^^^^^^,, ' lw.ti.alia Et tkrougli rates. JACKSON & RUSSELL* muron™ T,^^-r,A V r,,/,*^ WHOLESALE AND BETAIL F¥ T T C H fTT^I I?XPRBBS LINE OF OOAOHB^ — «v* . This most comfortable Hotel in ohur BIRIHDAY H'CAP, CABINETMAKERS, UPHOLSTERERS I i X ° H fa N S S Running between \tr TM" PnUMmsrq Sohwton, r -imamostcomrortaJieJiotelaHenar- To be ran at Dunedin May 23, 1886. and *-*• XATIK\TI vim TATTHATSTfI-A W. M. COMMUiSS, . mmgly situated facing Lake Kotorua -■• - OAK PET WAREHOUSEMEN- FAMOUS "BLOOD RESTORER, and lAUHA^A. . ■ -.■■■ - Agent^ Fort Street, and offers every facility for rendering N.Z. GRAND NATIONAL, sn^^. * a f^V' Cleansing, Punfyia., and im^oratW r, • fh7 x, .t, "~"" QTFAM*TO"7fiiAME tt^w wa t tt^ MT^m.r t the visits of Fimiliea "and Toumts to To bo run at Chiistolmrch May .5, 18S5. SHOafUO S I!Z_ K1 ' AUOKlIfl> the Blood. tlUg paying Katikati every May to ba ♦S^k S TEAMTOP 1 H^ X ' TTENRY WALKERMITCHELL, to wonderful district thoroughly en- o r ,^ AT TEN SHILTIVrq Importer, and Manufacturers of all kinds [Seven Years' Tost iv AuoH wM «^" steamer to Auckland. tS^ffl^W Connecting with lovable ROf AT TEN SHILLINGS x vttttrt? ipaw a At-n ivr, • o« , mn r O „ • — returning on Saturday, to suit passeri* JIISSSr RIVER STEAMERS. AUTHORISED SURVEYOR, 3T I Alu ji 4. °» UUU EACH ' Sffiq PfrT^vn 488 T .Modwme differ., from ordinary pro- gen. t.WWlTiiaTiiui » Telegrams and letters addressed to r , — BEDSTEADS, COTS, AND *- pnotary preparations, inasmuch aa it All vivcpU itp f^n^f^ t n l^i^ StIBLINGWORTH.OHINEMOB^WAI. -o. T „ p rvvn , r Mrs Morrison will receive immediate Witt dose May 22.-About 220 Priwi. BEDDING. wm«io product of of rtndy and invas- a t the S^wniJ Hot3^^ ' TKKAURI. WAIHI, akoTKAROHA Bat oy -P^KTT. attention. „„. , n ~ . ;j .., . tigntion by an ommont physician of the at the Masonic Hotel. GOLDFIELDS, T ■»" V ,TT , -r> , -.. . , -Each Tiokot has 10 ohanoos and cmiobtam a mi laugrst and ers'l'-set.eo'i'Bd stock oj Army jlcdicftl -.taff, with whom Mr nitchons - ErnES 7s 6d EA.OH WA.T ' - MORRWSVILLE, WAITOA PLAIK^hd Address— A JSatural Hot Bath adjoins the prizo in oach of 10 drawing. BKUSSELS TAPESTRY, VELVET servo.l dnring-tho New Zealand War. " nnfn<jn»v M ' ' • ©RANT & FOSTER'S SETTLEMKNT. ntuhina -Rntovna Hotel, and is kept solely for the use _ TT — _ , -"i ,7 nAn PILE, and KiDDERMrNSTEU Its curative and doinir.tivepwperfcies have OJiUlii trLUiDbIAJNES, .. . w ■ Utumna, Hotoiua. -„ „. t r J Birthday Handicap. — Fu<st, \ £ 1,000 ; OAK PETS HE-\ KTHHTTfi** beoa fully testified by the numoroua toati- Mauatrer ,!,„ TABIB Oiltß guests. Second, £300; Third, £150; All othbw di- ih sra^oipH m*v? ' moi " als VeooivoA tllc P«n»riotnr from ==== -S=L^ SS ™TOMaHaNA ~~ vid«d, about £28 each, £jOO-£1,8r,0 wrm kom isusd. patients who had long suffered f. urn the above crßn«ral N- O tices / • «| R OTO¥ WAI^ HOTEL> £ Sr^S^^AISSS,S4^S MENOH* ENGLISH CKETONMc i^T^^H, ** ' ANNE MILBANK «io^Mfr WAiIiUA. £40 each, £200-£725. | *r hBDUCKd nncßs. rurkwh Bafclw, Hot Sprinas, and other,, .pa 'Cawak Bw, C 8., ' '* . . SHTjiHK 191 Cash BOSDS.--2 at £50, -£100; 4nt ,Tr~T.^.xT „,,„ .<- Iw ' e «nodU had been rcaorted to withont {C/uef of the London Fire Brigade), *» t -~ »koh AtroKLAHi). oBBmHW £25, £100 ;5 at £-20, £100 ; lOat S6ls, £150 ; & AM''JiIOAN P.KRAM- oflcct. • OTRP PRFVPVTrnxr wmwr* '"""' ( K»to:" -kW I^T~ „: This Hotel is situated close to Lake 10 at £10, £100; 15 at X3, £120 f3O at £6, BULATOWS, & VKLOOLPEDRS. • his oolobratod i[«.Hoino is compoumlci V l!zl orAN^5 ■ : -•■;'*'-• • »»han* pri«ft Miibank Tarawera, and offers every COinforfc £l«0; 110 at £5, £575— £1,425. ___ from produote of the vogotahle kiu S dom, is Note-Oapfcain Shaw has never previously M«si*y — . — spin. «rSPP»B^ and facility for Tourists Visitins? <Hp a,i i- .- V j •. E AiNI L£S. . lAJ IX^ G AiTC P Bll^' o . and . cMIl y miW, Uu% oJfec- roported iv favour of any Engine, Appliauot TnudmT BSO a m — — »uu xowiiujr iui xuuiiHLb msiuuj, .at All applications exceeding ad vertisod num. DOOlt MA'l S. tual, m its action npon the animal eooaom . Liciuid or other moans of V^ PmmnHm^fJSS - - BP»J. "T* 1 iiii [Q C!? 11 P^ Terraces or Lake District. ber of 8,000 will be allotted as extra Cash ..„ It is, in sooth, aVoritablo BLOOD KEsl Sitt)Ev?i,wL^ M • W 101,8, ' - — ' I I I VI ti t" r€ J McRAE Bonds of £0 each (loss usual ooinnitwiou), in- JUST KECEIVED— rOREIj, oleanamg it, »ml thereby rost .ring "The wooden stairs" (coated with Oyanifc^' JnUf li».». ~ »P.*>. ■ ■ ■▼■ i«^ fawi\« PvmSpMr tteriotinwiMngYaluootewtiujevnzcs, jl lxhqr assort* itsv or .iminishcd vitahty. It prosents, unc^os- «« routed sfcron ff flamos well, and practically l»««ri»T- ••■— — -~ Proprietor. and wall be called 9th Class. We wwli to be pANO y DRAWIiVG-ItOOM OR^. puror, safer, better, au-1 a ore were nob woakened by them." * 7 « i— : -■■ mrr-m j jt t j 1 distinctly understood that our drawmga are viTnvTTQ PJTTA.JM^v ni \ a Ji?c reliable alterative medicine fcnan auv thafc'-r.? " I havo no doubt that ova vt-p™ wnnlr? r^ m»mm HPHB undersigned has on hand a large always conducted by v Committeo of Shaw- ME]N lS > OJIIMM HI 0-LASaU.g, hithe ,. to beeu ftrailaWc to f * ZoMia ™^tK?S»Il -~^~ Roft£ Eut«- Anna ± an d well-sekcted stock of mHE PALACE HOTEL, h °M«™» « ntl thftt repre B entative 8 of the Press m WSOT VTv n T pc; of fire, and I Should b^f gfad S^see it^oS JBmJ %X.m . - ; - 6 SaSheS, Doora, Mouldings people who inspect our books day by day, and TYTTW rT r-riii the efßcacy of Mitoho«.V 11 ood Rostoroi " I consider that wooden stairs coated with Tkuw 4 30»m. — 6 p.m. Shingles, Palinus, Rdla This Large and Commodious Hotel &c correspondence we repava (and answer) TTTIMKb & FT ALL. »p.»ukafop itself • - "Aaaltkiid, Oot »l,or ISLh. ovanith aro, in cage of fife, much, gafe* than »55»T f'Svm - - Bricka Lime Cement W8 erected after the stream o f relative to our drawings, distribution of pmes VV 12 18S3. -Dear Sir, Por twelve moiUlw I sn f. stono." £n >y m< - Bucks, Lime, Cement c SeZiTaC^ba^ — — — — :<'-a sevevely fr m souti,, a.ultn.l vari,,,, Cyauite has been already largely üßedu B ed i* k*MiMi.h<»u^ofad»ei'tuiedtimeoflea/ißg, VIUUUUuA 1 11/ iIVUII, IS BUch as to meet its growing wants and our erer increasing lu*nosa rfiows plainly d^X lv «W * g",.^ g^ 1 "J, y It VJ torer a trial, which I did, an I I havo maoh thd following London Theatres, viz. :— Lj- . W»t r«flp»S«ibl« fer Shipping, Carrying, ©r ano^ to admit of extensive improve- tn e result - own' localities at work, for us New lmsi- P lti SlJrc in teatlyin^ that after taking it f.> oeam, Scivoy, Princess's, Standard, Criterioii' . MMUqiHUn Stock. ■■■"D«4-M+ n »A frl'lct '™>*. which are being constantly JSTpO uZfmSS ;,« P Ln"o « M --Th ™L»1 15, hroo montla I oo.npl^ly T^ m , NTorelty, .JTejr Pnaoe'. We, f . • IM "^T til * .Paint and UllS ***: ■ SSLf L^^&I&S K >« - *j,'j« «*„ c a;,S l t -ls t^J<£ZSl^:^l r p,SI^!?±,SI2 jM^. J. W. GRAY. The view from the b ft bo ny Übe™- T^^l^ £L, * ° 0 ' '•°*""' StarttaSu^jffwlil^S^ 400011 ' : JBlPlstt m»Nn swn»n .. Mr rnw t"* 111 "^ ™vying. To the left, steam MENT aouli.TT. . „ .... , , Aocltla...], Coo. ], ISS2. N.8.-Oyjolta mi apprnjmMr "*« 1 ? ' -^^lF ' pxxvr^tp, iAoxvAftUA, lent of sulphur, rises in a- continuous Ofw^-8« Bnraj^raw, iaifba>o.. Mr McMillan rooommendod me *o use your suitable von am, oxhuuh. ■-.i-'. .- 400-galW troa Tank.. cloud, while in front opens up a beau- LoA ns granted upoTftppraved leonriUoi The Public Trust Ollioo of Naw Zealand, MS?fe u.uZT', . ; ■ ii&WPrr -« _L ; t^ul and extensive view of Lake on Freehold or Leasehold iVopertie.-*. The . I will simply fifty Uifttwhuther it was Lum- Soh Mannfacturort t ft tmm Proprietor* fate to inform »««• Sauok, 1885. ■ »otorua, OH which boats are kept for repayments extend over any term not ex- H E PUBLIC TRUSTEE may be nor- ffioß.tdTiloYkno'w f but^^ "ay "Z 1 100 ' lftk.BeWt.ontheLake.ltnd « nfcofS-T^™^ 8 who mar desire a pull or o-Jj-j^.^^ gjat £ I— -^^rS,^ fa| 2wS^^S?^£,SS2;« •!IWOUndiHK Diltriohl that they «c L JLI, ! P » n , d «P lol » ltß others Profit rate of intent allowed- J^^l^^ oha^o "/nSde'tp™ Works-Chelsea, S.V. ,' pitpwed UA^ T T pTrTw T? Tl TP » ""^ TOmftntlC ba y B aud Ws - «P« cent, per annum on sums, lodged for tlie fo, safe on-tody* of a«y Will by S&ftK'rfne I -hSjwSvt "hTTRST A XII " TCAHiKATEA (r /° ? IN ? • DIP - NEURAL HOT AWD COLD BATHB are fc «elve months; 5 per cent, for six month. ; which tho Public Trustw fa appoint^ IIUBbI A^D SON, BI^T W ,M 'I^TT^a „-1 connected with thlß Hotel, and kept «d 4 por cent, wr «m«m wi«rftaw«ble at Motho?n,efli W lmw£?wVi^^ JSriM-U Will mix With cold -water, and not dlioolour n M .r^ .„,.„! A i. .' • , i, call or on demand. . Present Trustees, Executors, or Adunnis- h .i d th t r ... on i,i nrolmhlu th;- n,,1,,n ,7,,»-a '* MATAI- the wool! ™ r the special use ot tourists and forms of application fo^hnre., and Book« fratora may, if approved, relieve theinaelra, y'J ,^ d I H \Tw% £i ?hL?»a It Ootiobs a»d Samhhb Room ; POSTS and BLOCKS -— - those who Visit this Wonderland, of of the Uules of the Society oaa be obtained o f future responsibility by srangfenrinj? X'ff» 1 aiMkMiH/fXMtltv 152 and 153 Houndicliteh, Lo»i » SHINGLES Thesa Sheep Dips are Certain Distruotion New Zealand will here find a comfort- on application trusts to the Public Trustee. Hence, Trus- fl ,1 c imK UUsvsx Stand : • A 4 11 1 1 .at TITTTTmVO to^ T i?? S 'pfeSHs.V|f l] S 0 ?' tl if a? able toe > where thQ 7 will receive MM .* 1^ rZ " GIBBON L °^;'V,rv r idh f J" E^'" l ./^'. '»«| wttwiYheSe^^^^ No. 39 Seed Market, Mark kn., Londa.. : JLndall clatiei of HUILDIJN(i and ALL PARASITES infesting the Sldna av^ v -+f „««/»« nf wtv v^^.n-x, March, 1885. bocrutary. cldowhore, holding moneys for tlio K-noht •• }) t •', ttJ A , . .., M q wpnW ' 1 , rT M n , 1 , a . I TIMBER, '»O»1U OBJ at the of SHEEP and other ANIMALS. cha^l KOB E «Aa E y SAXJN DEKS & Co., %Sr^\^r^t^^ l " ™> 1 Wfa^tS 8 -.152 Hounds. •KOETIIT JTOTICI, »nd Of th© belt „ . . , - 7 . ,_. CUAB&ES. W Zdalaud, mny not only lehcvc^ themhoh cs wiU t her JIU , j bt- „ jjm ao au<l ft ftar Garden and Farm Root Se«d«-1, 2, p M ° B iW qualitie.. Dip^iu^ry 4 parf S'STwodfa PAPK* MANUFACTURE.^, SLJSSSS?^^ "Lntj^tLd?^ f^? o ,^^ ?* * V w « k . J |? d »fh? »* and .11 further particular. P r^ or , are SaLd to adopt thei/sheep None but caul Spirits of the Best WBOLKBALB KW)BT sta^ONKR., ESS CIS SfSL Seeda-Butl.r .i..t, »t tnt MilU, or of. Mr J. H. Tat^o*, D. p . to the »eeud requirement- of e very i?ra»^ 7^i m *^i. and coino of the i beiieficia ue.s by so doing. The seemed v (loi ,M^ m 1 Spitalfiolds, London. ' •Attnt, Ohineautu. and the attention of Merchants and Pdblishebs of Chromo. Camnbabs, f t!lte « / lv ° a , n il .^ ol l "« ,» l " ""5° »*"' n f { result io that after using eight bottle ,I am * J d HcCAUSLAND Dealert are .peciaUy called to hem. • - Chki>tmas Cauds, &c. loss of funds by the ftaud 01 dishonesty o± now fiuite do ray g wn V aahiua a ' lul all Messrs HURST & SON ship larg. quaatitiea J. Q, HoCAXI S LANI) Wer T^a^p £^^3 * Manage, 45 ST . MARY AXE , LO KDON, E. Q ,ak, Tru,eo hold, „« 0, SfA fcfe^J . J X T ATT CM the moßt durttble in the W ° o1 ' wiU kee P the Tourißt Agent for the Hot with samples of Statouery. forwarded to advances on first mortgage will be reoeived sSwj^ell and hoar yln most lev T, ~ — - • TAILOE, Sheep clean longer than any other Dip has Lake? District. '™D eis throughout the W0.J.1 free by post at the various a«ei.eio 8 , whoro all iurthor if £ ha(] li0 >.' , GsATSFUt-OoimmTlXa. WHABP STBBET, yet attained and i 8 .peomlly recommended on application, ludeuta can bo sent through parfaoulars may bo obtamod. liut.-l am, dear Sir, your, faithfully/ _>.■ ' . ,♦ vi, m cmLrr for long- woolled Sheep. Office : High street, Auckland. any Merchant. K. O. HAALbKiOJS, ' 'J 1?r R ETDDQ' OflPflA DDrAVCAQT Imfitei attention to hl» NBW STOCK Sold ererywhere, in strong Iron Drums ° [ -^ Public Trustee. \s itne s Hevky U vr-rvm r trrO OUUUA, DritAl\rAai* of ENQ-LISH and COLONIAL (which aro free) of 201bs. f SOlbe., and lOOlbs. ~ ouaklks hsskotm.] . alexanijku aitkujs j onK a. Clabk, Esq., Agent afcTaurangn. ' Nt'lson Street « fe u v-l 7 \ . , IWEBDS, in. »ri.tT »f pattern., ~*rio. 4.. per Oano n «« r quantity (lOib.. to Hot Lakes. HotLakos. HEBKKPH * AITKiW, r— ■ 5, : ■■ Good T»lu».±»«hionable design*. G»Uon), » great reduction on order* for r<« un and s<-ed merchant* «t«^*^l -«*_ and nutrition, and by a careful application - > . larger quantities for large flocks, when ( «• qhtpptN'O * nPNPRAf Ai'W'rM XC*u&ffll*&3§k - of the fine properties of well aeleot«4 e*j<w # A Good Fit guaranteed. ' 1.000 gallon, of liquid can be made for r> OTOBU A TEMPEKANCE U SHIPPING & GENERAL AGIvN IS . xVIr E PP s has P royi4ed. ou r Wkf».t « 3 i o< - XTL HOTEL ins Oavmakkex, 105 Queex Stkkkt, - Vvifch * delicately 'flavoured 'bevera & wUik tm • i • ,i. it,. L.l _ l ' Auoxland, B&iEfelgi may save us many heaVy dodtors' biuii. It ig „ « iß^s 4 n ? g °ov-\ niT S9le Proprietor! and Manufacturers:- HINEMOA STREET, EoTORUA. „ . „ Afn .. , '« A ttn , - ■ HfiES*^ by the -judicious use of guch article, of di«» of hit Stock Of Hatß, Shirts, Collars, TOMLINSON AND HAYWABD Haying succeeded to the Seed and Grain rtrtrtUfßi Bfl (fi I S"^H/883 TnAIlArnA that a constitution may begrrfdually huittm. Xi:"' i>ndß " ces> * tanimmol " c .<*— -^?**Sl ■ „,.„,- , tr^:t« r^.i.^= CROWN MOLESKIW TROUSERS, ffS^as&ss&kSs reaUCWOn. - A v._u ._ This Hotel being close to the Go- ness to merit a oontinuauoe of the public wnTW iWTi VVTWPIi>n floatmg'arourid ua ready' to ' ktfekok' ir&M&r «. * t -r,^T~T"rn-o-iv. i?m A™™ A r« n w «fl r « «<*a vernment Baths and Medical Officer's favours. Their presont «took couawtß^of a WHITii AND rRINTEiJ. there is a weak point. 'We may esoap^intty ■ ft 39 .esidence will be found the .nost suit. S^^^i^^iiSS^ffiS M STOCKMAN'S, ORDINARY ANQ RIDING CUT, ' T W"tJSߣr*£Ss* foV^i X^^TAT^Cr • CAN BE PURCHASED RETAIL FROM ALL DRAPERS AND i^fl^^a?3W«^ " JS£ r^ ChUrCh InV * Car * iU ' :•::' ' Charges^r^oderate. Zealand F!ax, low Fibre- . A N f IMP^RTeT^ f^ ***^ 'Kl4inLoMon, •■ ' ' ' The Loan a«d Mercantile A^enfay — — Mont. Hwkb™ a»d Aitkhh baring boon ALL WAREHOUSEMEN AND IMPORTERS. Sold m ji b paok6fe by g, dceta> : WWtoa . *' s ytf*turfcßer^i«dUUw-apiply=to^he^ore- Company of New Zaaland, at their , , .' „ my employ lor -many years, I co.iu3cutly EACH ARTICLE BEARS .THE TRADE MARK OP ONE J ESVEP i* S; & 0o« : -%tt"^^ ' ■■■ -■ S ';koSif 1> "• . ■ JSni^^l^^SiSllS . OR MORE CROWNSACCORDING TO QUALITY. -'■ - ' ■'" ■? i S«ft^pS&"r;/-^ '-.^

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Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XIV, Issue 1844, 30 May 1885, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XIV, Issue 1844, 30 May 1885, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XIV, Issue 1844, 30 May 1885, Page 1