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I""]) ESTA\jEiTEb.RfeOONFECTIONE3i -"•^ QI.'KVA' rW.'.UKF.!', ACClvti.VX.p. !•]. \Va'!.k:^ lta-i '-cry pwit v lra-sure to announce that; lii.s i removal 11 into .Mr 7)y:jo:i J 3 ahii]i, ln:> t^;>" DINLsC.: HOOiIS ,^- --i ha oj been, rsnovatfii 1 at great. oxponsq, .with c\-ary jTj:ar'd to tho cuuvenieuce of hifi custoMcrh. ■ - i; ' ' ' ' • TiiK Lowi'.u Saloon i« tho .most 'sfacious and comforLa])le, as well a;: ■• ill 0 best venlolateii Dining Jioom ill the Pvoviiuio, ai.'.l U])-£staiiy he has jairnis u;ci an c::tr;y T'oom, of conilorlalilc size, to prevent over- orowdir;:. .ltooM?. foii Ladtiw ■ 'also :ip-^tairs, to wliich are attached side o/liccs pi'ovide'd AVifcli aholutionary;and ot.lio^ convenicn'?cs : .' ! Bis ' table, i?o '/fee.l« ooniiident, l uueda no recommendation. 'Flu; ililieral'ii'r.'tror.agc. of i;lie J'rofossion'al aiid k;oitii)!Cit'i:il .'Cicntloinoii'-of the- City which lie lias received for a poivvd of over eiglit vc:).rs, is, a guarantee' tliat the CLlill of i^aN'. is ■'su;e!j&s y.-.iirpleasO tlio/ihost Kistidious! '■■' "jivK'lY bKUCM'.Y OVWUi, SEASON 1 ,' is always to be obtained. GilOcbliA'TlU , ; 'AND ■-■'dOpWFCrtO^A FwY •> \n ' OF BEST QUALITY, . : :.Lo-/;qnges t'f , every, .description ; ' aiways^i-.iiaiid.,.. , I ■> - .TESTIMONIALS. Provincial Laboratory, Aackland, October 2G, J Qlo. —Mil. E. I have much pleasure in informing s ; ou, tliat after .Having ft:>dc'a y.ejy cpfqfi^l analysis oEj vaiaous sau^lea^Jß^yiiotmeats'jnliiiiifactiU'cdbjh^mij J iiud'thatthoy are Tree from' all adnlt'era'tuiri, that thfe ' dokmving ; inatfcei's .are finite innocuous. ' With i'Ggavd totho Cko'coliito; 1 /•tiid'that it is quite eimal to tho best English o'fFrencWikcpaL'aii.iMns:.:; .Jtncl,- being .entircjy f roo , from 'husk, it will form an excellent article °^ d' 10 ' 0 or " r;;1 -i ms > espcciallj r tliose sull'erin^ from an impairwl digestion. — .f liavc flip hoiuiu 'to 1jc > sir » y° ur obedient scrvt., ."Tamj-.s M. '1. "TNNY.rroviuc-.a'l Analyst. ' ■'jpTiyr^ji 1 * t> u « ]^| :j '^ l « ; '. <: jf'. BYOHOPI' &C - Bd, I to'';mtimitc. l; totlidir»iti|)u 3 * 0 " s Won.}, tult tUby ; lm\^ reinovbtl' iiito their •' nq > v - ud 'spWiivis preinites in j... ;.; 1; .J ;. ••'SHORTLAHD STREET, AUGKLAXP. They- iivej-sjiarod 119 expense in .tho, orgc^iou of thb'n i'.L<i^ui4lsj(\yit^.-\c^cty faui|ity|j' i oy an c^toiiMiv trade) by importing the beat ma'cl:incry{\viibh tkcj latest iinproyc-tTieijts in use in America amt-EmjlamV,'. resolved to kec; fully abreast of tlieti'mck :> ■"'•!/ Tliey vcutuve-iq atate,tluur-Eran;ls-,of r Floi 4 •rti'fe-mi w.ell'l^iqwiilas $a ji«cd |i6'^ c6i^mc»VV Wioli iii^rCasod facilities^ Tor ' snp'pTying alf ' J'einauds upon ttyem,. they,sqlidfc ;ft;o2n- their constituents a continued measure of support,, .aad !from those wlio have not used then JJ>r:ajjds-'hi{{lietto a jtrial, fueling assurodv suci) ; A'ial will ensure a continuau'Ce of theircu^tom , „ THEIR /ST.EAM BISCUIT FACTORY ' in rear of itho/CSiiyMills-is how fully at w.tirk Tkc success tliat )}j\s attended their ellorfe. in m t .iJ»i^actiiring iirst-^ass. I^ISCfJITS lias .couapeilctl tliciii to erect sy^pibus 1 prdihisei l Tji6sp are iu)w nearly cmni)l»fcf;d, and the erection of a second E evolving Oven, jjow on 'the Way from Lpu4(jn, \k\ll onabje .thcjii t{ jjlgjtjble their out-turn. Ko labour or expense kas been sj)a«ixt' t< ■ ma,ke this Establishmenh ; eoji^lete in evevy .ie'b'pect, and 3. Bycrofi 1 &"Co. r^ts^ ec j| i^llV iftLj\icit.^ continuance of that support they wil always endeavour to inetib. . ..-.,„ 1 .N.B.^Gooils'delivei'ecl in the City, on trie 'Wharfs and Raihyay Tci{)ninus frop of extiy t cliarje. Cikcular.] .. . , / ■ ( ;• 1 ■ ! No. 19S, Queen Street, ■■■■ ■•' i ' Auckland, July 1, ISSO. QIIR, — I beg to intimate tliat I have just O purchased tliewliple of the Booksjsllino, S'tA^ogKiiY, and- Music Stocjic of the assigned' "estate 'oi 11 v Nusvton ' FaiUs, anA that' the business will »a» parried on by. me as usual; A valuable s|iipm«i*<o/ Goods, ex 'Loch Dee, is now being taken into $fe>p.k ; other ship mehta arc shortly expected, i arc diso bping made wit) 1 some of tliele^im^ LtiAcloii houses for a regular 'supply of JJdbUS;'-| Periodicals, .tifatimioiy* a »rt other .articles suitable for this m-wkfb. Magazines, &c— Sribs^rfbcra' ivvuiqs fo^' • cay be enroii-00l '/it' a'riy thiid; ' Mbn^ly pfrpfafa ] }cV ■Oiient line, af-'i'ivc from London, c^taiu^g ( selections of the Ut.Osb publications, (iiiiyi any article not iv etptk will be prociu*od dn tho shortest notice. Music,-- 1 sjiallmake Musical Publications a special, line, by iiftyjng, ' yer mails,' thd ! latest" Magazines^ Soitgs, ami i'iec'es..' ;A specimen l J ian6 is ; now on vieS/ feoju the celebrated makers, Brinsinoad and SojjiiSj ffyy whose instruments I shall be happy to djidejott (Of-V-Jprs on liberal terms. Having lia<l cGJisklor^.^ in tho Bookselling and y'j&fcioww business for a number of years with Air ti, W^fe;, \ trust by strict attentioii'.to the rcqirireincviis* ftf jeu^tomers' and; reason able charges, td secure a liliv &^U'G .of. .public 'patrouagis.— 1 remain, Sir, yours' i}cd'«u fcly , ■ '. ■ 1 ■■•-' „. , ,„" ( W. ty.MEARSJ: TW" PIIj^LIPPS & SON ,VY . .' ABM fcfcfe. !,AXDIXO ' . • : "V , G4 BALES AND CA£ES ob <■ „ .:, r ;1 A ; p.^ v h.,a. n ,q'j ,y. £,8., ,\^- ••' =• The ■ •• ■ O ■>' ft . ."■. 3 mtcst Designs ; •.(-■• <$*.■ , ,w ,^ pvery De- ■■■ Q . ( /ft Quality. ; t w p ' — ._. ' •iQj NMW OLEOG»4I'ffS. . * i \A .. . . ". '■ .2 ij C 5 New AQUAcixAi'tji:, $}W PJIOXO. ScilAl'S. NEW.CoMIC-PiUNTf. &c, '&c, ' &c. P549 ' WpxAGEs' ! 519 A'Wliito Lead; (VV'b^*, E T a«ul Colza Oil (iv ,woo'(J jsQ)f) : 11 E • VAIt.VXSitJiS OF .U.ti FINOS'." ' . , j (1 C'AKSON'h! ANTJOOSI^O.SrON I^iyi 1 G { L ' J'ATJJST SILIOATJS I'AJ.IJX.,, L A 20 Balks Sckim and Hkmi'uj:. A S '- ■ ' ' :■ g S Every Dcseriotion of S A R T I S.T S 1 M aT E R I A L S. « . W, PHILLIPPS ; &, SON ; Clients ,qr 'DpgLfirpi'fi. V .of' rich Mottkd -J^jm'i, ..p'iiok' dh trong case and deliverei} <U? gainer on' ■ecoij)t ot' cash, as follows ;— » Duke of Edinbin-gh Ohcsti ; " off fc 7,)ui\verS, centre drawer " , richly p.«#/yll£d witli' totava .'". 1; ' v bi'iiT'-ahd re!*&awni- ' '- ' " : ' - 'jfiC'TOfi i-drawev Chest of mottied: Jj^iuri £4 10s toilet ditto: ■' Iji r■■ • • : clitta'i "' v iffl ■ 1 5s ?iif v .y .m oi'o beuu iif (1 1 wi tli ' k efi^- 1 •ing, and idwixyn give great satisfaction. > w.' : ' iSr o it it )r b, Bedroom Furniture Manufacturer, JSUCUTLAND STIiEET, AUCKLAND,

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Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XI, Issue 1273, 17 May 1882, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XI, Issue 1273, 17 May 1882, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XI, Issue 1273, 17 May 1882, Page 4