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■ ;- ! -" ..;... i i in ' -' ■' ■"■■■" • •»■" ■■ '' ■ „,■■■■ ..i. .... , i „..: ..r.p, fvi-rr'i li'bumong-ery, &c. . . •• ;;■•''/ .-.[■. ;■:;!;} . T' r ';--') ■ ■ IM-PORTERS ■'OP ' • ■"■:;7- i !";! ! !;;j „ ..,_ •' l!! ;,f. !^i M . HARDWARE, FURNISHING IRONMONGERY, AGRICUOTRP :;'| lM?!^EpK|i:; ™" ' ' MACHINERY, IRON, STEEL, OILS, &c/ ;'■;;' ' ; ' : ', '-"^ '""■■■ '£}^l'r£ TTiVVE just Toomved lnrge shipments of AfiRICULTURAL IMI'LEMENTS and SEASOS:;;6qOpS;^h}ch !^a»6^n;^Mly -*--*■ seloßtctl for this market, including the following, viz ;— , ,• . -,, ,-, .•,,. ; .[,,!, .;'.,, y. \..,, i „,1 „.,7/ .|i, 1l; ,f '" AffriCUltUr^l D6p&rtH!oXlt. Patent Notched Press Wheel Roller, Clod^ or Fern Crusher, Picksley and^ SfmV Prfze 1 . ;, : ; '-—REAPERS ANDMOWERS ' extm heavy, and Drill Rollea-s (Brigham and Co.) HowM^'Patwfß^te,'^ t.., ifeTATI BUCKE^ iIOWER, by Brigham ami Ox, adapted CHAFF-CUTTERS AND CORN-CRUSHERS. •■ -i ;. , T&RA^EBS/' '• 'fl '-^ '■ > j ■ ' ' -'< • for uneven ground , Picksley and Sims' Celebrated Prize Chaff-cutters, ftm hand Murray's Patent Hand Tiiij' IJPhtasheW^ "'pftmkliitoi,, STAR WtTOKEYE COMBINED f REAPER '&' ; MOWER, and power „''■',„' , }$&'> ,TiriyvTh¥a^Bfs,^thr s }iak^^iMThre¥i £V£,£w,i anrrfV ' : ' Mftldon Co. 's Prize ChafT-euttors and Corn-crushera horse 1 Thrasher, THth-sibgle Wast dres^anftsnakeEs., JUNIOR i^sloy and Sams Patent Cruslung Mills WINNOWING' kACHH?E^^HOKSB^OWfeR^i^- i>^ by Brigham and Cn. The most useful for heavy crops. PLOUGHS. ' CUTTER^.PpLPEßSijanctiSlJC^S^dPiwrfisl^^o I o IMPROVED EXCELSIORvSELF- ACTING SIDE SHEAF Horraby's sinW One^Wheel, Two-Wheel, and Three- Horse. Hoe&an^Srearifiera, tTowi^Kdlleb^Sfeted'So^rt' m I>KLIVERY ; REAPER, adapted to meet the require- Wheel Prize Ploughs. ' Barrow and. Horeo See^jDrflls.j Cs^fto^ajgee^^bweiS ./[>< ments of any crop or country Murray's Prize Double-furrow, Tnrnwrist, & Swing Ploughs Hay, Driagi an<J A^e,rfc^ ; p^in^e.Ra^j jno vi > '>j;i?;n'(..'f PARAGON. PRIZE IXL MOWER (Hornsby and Son) Komsby's Patent Potatoe-raise-rs, Wood American Ploughs Scythes, Forks* She^^hears,,.^,,^^ i(( ,;.,..f,,.., ( .;-,,,,?, .**.'"_■■■ , ' ' .-.•■.•■..; „r, , . : . : '.; 'j :.i!T A-Ui'W'- -.(I! 'in Builders' Ironmongery. H(Mici3l^T^ t !t ol ;;■;:; , [ GalvauiVwl Iron, plain and ' corrugated ; Sheet Zinc, plain 'mH perforated; Lock^- Rim, Mowers by English ami American makers. :' . ! -"" • !';f -«^ '"•- '- ! <J'» .' 0;! '' ..Dw^wl»ack f : CupU-ftrd, &c-j Bolts, Towel' Screw, Brass, &c ; Hinges P., Bntt, Hook, c x an\en Rollers arid Hedge Shears .:.-..;•.' ;.;! .-■-:■;'{ su h'.hj;:i;.;.".'O j aa>«l eye, ra*e»t* Springs, fco.Hinges, American Solf-closmg ; Sash- lastencrsv Rack . Q a i Ya ni ze d Garden Arches and Wixe Trellis,: Hoes, lUke»,,jspj^e8 f iF9J*ftftM;Wpc{J<S»i;o - Puflies, axle PatUes, Sash Line, Sash Weights. .Glass Paper, Mortice aucl liim Galvanized Wire Netting, Syringes, .Gaydeii and prq^et pkj^ Fw^iture, Sooukmg ah* Kidging Nails, Wire, Cut,, Pateut, VmiskDgr&cj.&o^ws, . j „,. ; ;■. ..j;-.;.'^ V' r ! 'j ( fJI , J i. M .. i , fril ») , M^ ,'„, '^mi i;C< ; Glg&c^,&c j _ ■•.••■■-..-. _^ .'"'; ' "". v■ '- ';.••'•' : . ■- ■ i-, n } .A\ I ' \j ; , ! ' ! hoii'v,h'r!^ i f l i,f i !o , r , :: r Furnishin|3)6partment. : " := . - ' '. ;/. ' .^^^^^^^^l Iron Bedsteads, fa great vanety- ;• : ; • ' ' ■' " :' ■'■• '■ ; ,'■ ;. \ inu^n;! io (nviv/f ft v Simtlx andWelUood s Cook ing.^yes i - • LitHofraoteur, Dynamite, Blasting S#rt^,j^e^.Shpt # q afi^ Eclipse ancl American Kerosene Lamps ,' Plates Coke arid Charcoal, Fencing.Wi&- tag^St&lJlea^attnVMM^^^x^sVVifoe; ' L6ek\y©od> Celebrated Cutlery . , , f „, • Anvills Sheet arid Rod Copper^ Sheet :i .Electro PMedArtwW a" J^criptjon, . , Grindstones, Grindstone Mounting, -Portable Xf^i^]^'^MW-mmK' Wangles, Wnngers^andWashmg Machines. , ... .L^ Pipes' a^d littangs, Bi^waw:b»:^*tt=bi^ai^ .*^W^?^ C s*^*™ : • consisting, of Broo^^hisK^ Fenders]^f^rStKlT ' Bits, LeveW ; Adzo S ,Mattockß,.Sp^w,Mver^ } ,M^mk%^WM^m>W • Bronzed Hall and Umbrella Stauda , ■ Mallets, &c, Axe, Pick Hammer, Spa4;ond f ForW Handler null .wforTSnii ; ' " c. porter & co., aucelaSi).,;!!:.:: 1 .^^:?;;;

Drapery* [Established a.d. 1853.] EX " CARRIE WYMAN: Direct from America I Direct from America 1 1 TX7ILLIA-M ; J^ATTEAY. jias Opened a Heavy ;; . .... • of/ ■■' . ;"',;. ['2 .STQTIT, MEDIUM, & FINS; : calicoes. ; ;;;.;:' IN.QEEY AN3 WHITE, [" . " . Wliich he] can confidently recommend as being from Pute Long r staple Cotton. ;• TEE PRICE IS MUGS BELOW Anything hitherto offerod in • Auckland. 2PJX.—A Considerable Reduction Made on talcing a Piece. Also a Large Consignment of EROWN HOLLANDS* "bowglit a job," of various, makes and qualities (including an Extra Heavy Cloth, particularly -suitable for Country Woav) MUCH BttLOW LAST YEAU*S PItICES. Patterns Suks on Application. Note tho Address ;— W. R ATTBAT ' DRAPER, OLOTHIBR AND SILKM.ERCEK, NEW ZEALAND HOUSE, G6, QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. To- Country Storekeepers and Others. W. W. HOI3I NS 0 N ("•WALLER'S"), WHOLESALED lIETAILTOBACCQNIST J)a, QUKKX STBKET, AWKLASUMEKMSCHAUMS, G. 8.8. Biiars,. and Fancy Goods imported direct from tlio uuuiufacfciu'ers. Country Ordure promptly attended to. WPMILLIPPS AND SON, 9 OIL, OOLOUB AND GLASS, MEItOHVNTS, I'lnportors of Piiporhnuginga, Soritn, Painty Oils, Turpentine, Colours, , VuruislveK, Fvcncli Poliwli, Gold-leaf, Vrttsts' Colours mul Brushes; Plfito, Sheet,' Crop'n, 1 Oriifirnentiil find Pho'loprrapljic Glass ; Picture j Framo and Tiij.ic»tiy Moulding;. Clock nnd. ! Compass Glusiios, Glazed' SasliQfi, Doors, ScgV; i Gl«Hs on); hi rfzo, -<nu\ cavufullj p-.u-ked. ; ' Or, & U7 QVKEB STIMCET.

Ironmoagery, &c I T, & ©. M:ORHITsr, •W£OiXSAL& ANB EETAIL IRONMONGEES, QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. IMPORTERS of Troumo.ngeiy, Hardware of every description, Agricultural ■■ ; Implements and Macliinery, Seeds, Paints, Oils, Wool-packs,. Corn. Sacfis. &c, invites tlieatteiitioQ'Qf Storekeepers, Country Settlers, to- tlieix varied stack, whicji is.tnorpugMy f lirnislied iv every : department Motvik© Sr Reaping MAqiiiHjES — ; Builders' 1 liio3stmonge»y and. i I?**' 8 lExtras^ .... „' ' '' 00LS ' of best < * Ua^. ■■ Ta' B^!' J Fittings always. g . . GALVANISED Ikon — ; ' ; AndSrs ) inSfcook ' ' I'o Hoofing, Ridging, and Spoking CEJ^jfCmaia for Hand and | P^nts Aim Ons'ot good Quality Hovb6 power— £«3 Saws and Saw-Mill. Requisites Ricliniond and Chandl«r ? s p^ __ . . -rv > m^,, Bentall's and Buncle^s Miners' and Bushmen's Tools Eokse Works — '.S Eubnistiino iBONMONOiEHY — English and American o m This. Department is replete with AmiX-lOASt vVINI> MiLLS "S os "o Housekold • requisites, and cmW knowing Machines $ k& hmces a variety of most useful r< nvMiTii, % articles, chiefly of American manU>kA MILLS— do-B . nfacture,.andnotto be met with ComCi-ushcra o^,o ; U ny other stock in New Zealand. Corn bhellers WH O Bodstead^ single & !U i> S double Fendors and Ph-e-irons ,••, riotir Milts Coal Vaaos and Scoops Xff'J^-IFCuTTKUS.AiND PuwSNO 2^ Itegwtra- and other- Grates ■ Machines — > : , So® Leamington, Coalbrookdale, Pj.OUtaiS— ■ 3^5" and other Jtanges »onblo Fuwow t-lHff American Cooking Stoves Swiug : ' ' Heating Stoves Ono and Two -wheel! COLONIAL Ovens, 'tho cheapest Ainoriown £ audi Most Convenient Arrange-Ploug-h Sittings. o meat for Settlers . .Haiuiows O Cooking Utexsils of all Kinds, Fuknch Cultivations. ; Tinned and Enamelled Scauii-ie's P 3 ' Plated Wave and Cutlery Spadks — *§ Sg Tin Vesskls of all kinds ' Kdou'-A '© J ® Biiusii ware, from best makers PurkX* •'ifeii -M ANGLES, W ASHING MAOniNES, Black'a o and Patent Whinners Amcriciio ■r*O -s j jAftlP H, a choice assortment, at DiiAiNiNO Tools " -■— — ' i ow prices, of G-AItDEN TOOLS— - <fi Parlour, Bedroom,, and; Hall Garden and Ffrld 1 Rollore- ' R Lamps . Lawn Mowers d 2 3 nnd 4 Light Chandeliers Giiutlei) Kng-inu* au Brilliant Kerosene of pui-ost Fencing Wikk— oight.gnllono.wcß . Black and Galvwiwofi, 3 Xtwtf ™** Cl.unueyH, and Globes Staples and Straiiicrs for aU Livn IJSl JS . GUNS— Sin-1o smiH I)ou1>lc-«>ivvol. fi-mi* lUwt "Malvors, and Hpooinllysobcted, i ° Ijici-usod Dtjiiiors iv. Ammunition. j I " j StorekooporH' and Cwiutry Oviiova fuvcfiilly oxocutod, securely packed',. n.ud I . promptly lurwurdud. A -rents for Milnoi-'s Iron Safus, Cash ttaxos, nrul D'ood I3»xos. TpENNY'S / \roT.iKl A ],K Cricket ll Cricket!! 1 -L -^- AY. W. BOISINSOM JACKSON & RUSSELL, TT AS ' Ilsfc r'- >wivcd a lar S'° consignment ■ 1 of biuciiETrNO Matkkla.l. from tlie best SOLICITORS AND CONVEYANCERS, XX mjlkeW| , pc , ;ia iiy „] 10Se ,i for the imiPoni Street, Auckland, ' ' porter by the celebrated Australian batsman, Mr 0. .Banni;iislan. j\ronry to Lnid in large and small smns on „ , „ „ Jii/limvl Jli-qiuxilcH and Footballs on haa-.C. irochold security t

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Bay of Plenty Times, Volume VIII, Issue 692, 15 February 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Bay of Plenty Times, Volume VIII, Issue 692, 15 February 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Bay of Plenty Times, Volume VIII, Issue 692, 15 February 1879, Page 4