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< : "Medical. BRISTOL'S , ' Q aAsAPAEILL A, ,o THE aREiI'.'PjtJEfFIE.Ii OPtHE ■;"; ; : ;! ''jii!oC)p:' '.",." '. : ....'' ' Health RE3Toked. after long and painful sickness. -ilHevv'QiiS;' Trouble cured.; L^adioa in-ill-heait.h;Bhpuldj.ußo ( nothing but Bristol's Sarsapan,lla,aml Pills. ; . ,: . " BRISTOL'? „ , S.UQAti : COATED PILLS ! Purely Vegetablo. ' MURRAY ; AND • LANMAN'S FLORIDA • ' : WATER ; Is good for hoadaphes j Is good for Faulting, tunvs I I# good for 'Ferveiish ness I^* A Tlip'G^miine'is ni wised •'•MoßnAY'&'vLXpiAN'.s."- ' There are hu'n- ! «lreds of' iffiitatihhsi • Agk for v it, ; a'lid take none but tho' Genuine* 'Trao : Florida' Water. McrRRAYi and^Lanmak'Sj ,dXi New York, for. headache,../:, i ,.; .-, li.v^-J ,-• .ml:.- .-.■.- --4 --i<i \i ' . > :j--i ';. I l ' ■"■ .1) ' ) ■•'■■'. bb ma^m^P^r^rKT ' \t asHnVsESI 1 " ' '"■' Fopb TnovsAXTt Lkttkks from PnysiciAxs who testify to its iMss.#:l ift the followins haye _ prescribed' it in i^^S^ 'f| /: II H (T ": : -i/[ Cholera, DysENTBRY, .vBHEWfArns^;/ ASTKMA, DkO^^^HAVjEL^ and -j |'rFever and Ague^ i^* Always ask for WoLFEfa Schnaj^s to get the (aeauirieiAiticte; •■•.!"'"> , ■-■■•: ; -: . amO'L^AW^ .:.:>•■;'.' GEMT iu TN ; DIAN'. ! GURES;' i r , ' ' - • '•' The InhabMtit^bf Tauretoga aaddishnot, fl.nd visitors t© the Hot Springs are inf ornied that the I trnd?rt»gned,..hayiDg .been appointed Ageat for thflisSle of the 'above Meritorious Medicines, Aha&-, ! ,Bntde .'anjangeinsiita _. ' fo^ "ft regular supply, and. will treat, liberally with Stbifelre^perß ; antf' others i requiring- - the medieinea. . They consist (6#ithree. kinds,: iviJs./ Tnis Avs^atm^Tm ■^BmiA'nßis:^ -a^d; the .'..GgDy JiCiXTURiBS, ate extifSorcfiiiary y in" the cure"'of Lrvcß Complaints, Biliousness, Rheumatism, RuztrsTATic Gotrae,- and Gout. Ifumeroiis teatinionials^ha^been'i^ven by old oad resneeted' JR:hich. may be> eeen on. appficationT ~ """"" " H ' 'q^E^i^ .m^akglv ; .; . '. .; ; m o * InTalicfß repairicig' bo the' JTdt' : Sprliigß fh«uld Btipply thoinßelvGß with these medicine ior use while batliing. , ";•"'' -. ■ ■_ ■ CBiEBRATED ' ' L ' ; :' T ' '''- : ' ;; : BLiiO .0 'EuhißMfa 3*i & : E -E v For all Skin Diseases , jßheumatwm in ,a\\ » its forms, such, {^s G.Qut, Noai > algia > 'Sciatca > arid Lumbagbj likewise cures {jjhronio JDysentry, and is a valuable-remedy as !a Family Medicine for purifying and o,le?iii6Uig the blood; No Bottles arc Genuine unless leaving the Proprietor's Signature.) ' > .; . , HAUL TON., ,BE O Si , •ftTIOIiKSALE AGENTS, Quecu Street, Auckland., Ticsmmss—— B'caii ho i&t.eii on appMcafeion to the proprietor, at his residence, top of Wake-fitld-Btreet. Tlie etrpn<»eHt «recpminendatioa for this medicine isjit^ oWßlintrihsic .worth, as slio^'n by the- niarvlbllous cui'es effected oil well known and much-respected meiabers of our coaiuiiinity. 'The best proof of this i« to be found in the large number of testimonials reocived by the maker. ; •, ■• „ ; At the request of those alrend'y cured, tlie proprietor npAv brings the " Blood Restorer" more proiniuently '.before thu Public, iv the pure and certain hope that this utilising of the gifts of a merciful Providence will prove a great blessing to suffering humanity, by curing lengseuled disease, and uverting threatening t^iukiiess. _ 'Die wail t of a 'reliable, remedy for lihouinatisui, &c, has lyiigbeen felt as one of the greatest palttinities of the age. ■ ' The people are now requested to give the Blood RoNtorer a fair, and impartial trial. And tile' proprietor! would have it distinctly understood that tho cures of Rheumatism, &c, are due entiriJy to this inrdioi^ib/K? wondbi*ful cft't'cts upon the blood, IJy it.s cleansing, purifying and ;nyi#orathig powep „ " linptirify and' inactivity of the blood is tho cause of monk and pain. After «i course of this medicine, blood vessels — which have becomo as it veru,. choked up wil-h unhealthy matter-rbecoijid exhilarnnt with pure scarlet life-blood lio.u'iug Ufifcur/iUy along inifl iru]>ariing in it.s courso vigour asul strength to tlie cutire .sy.stcm. : Queen sti'cet, Auckland. Drnv Sir,— l think it a duty I owe to you to shite ihftt ypur. valuable medicine Iris <-urod liift. I^vas sj iff r-ririg iVcau. rlioumatic gout could not 'sleep "night <»r day, having "to ♦•udure great tortitrn. I tried uumy t;inug.s but to no, purpose. I was then persuaded to take your medirincs, which I continued to take for, six .weeks. At. the end <>f that time I found myself restored to health. You are welcome tomako.iise of this as you wi-sh. I am, sir, gratefully yours, II llihehews, Esq Alexander Bahnktt. ■$j) —Coulitry Settlors will find, in Kitchens' Blood Restorer 'on almost complete- substitute for tho Dncf or. It, arrests Colds, nllays Fovors, and builds up the system. ' Children f.ike it •with wonderful lvaulls. Ko household should be without it.

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Bay of Plenty Times, Volume VIII, Issue 692, 15 February 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Bay of Plenty Times, Volume VIII, Issue 692, 15 February 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Bay of Plenty Times, Volume VIII, Issue 692, 15 February 1879, Page 4