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Ironmongery, &c. ■ . . - -.•.•. •:■.. , r VI - : > •,■ . . ' ■•> : E. PORTER '. CO., ";■;,..,, : of ■ : ' " HARDWARE, FURMSHIFO IROHJPMERY, AGRICULTURAL^:MBIMsMO^ )%' 7 . : -. ; ;. - ■ ■■ MACHINERY, IRON, STEEL, OILS, &c.,\ r ;; ' ;'/ ' ■ ' :: '-^ ■*"> HAVE just received large, shipments of A (SBI.CULT,URAL IMPLEMENTS and SEASON, GOODS, which, have Leea spefejatt; selected for, this : market,. including the following, viz, : — . .: • „' !, 7 , ',..!,, ■' " A ' "•• '' ii: 'T T\ A 4- ' ■ ROLLERS.-. '„,'•. . ' . „ v - v " 'Hi^RROWS' 1 : - r '■'■•-■'■ it. f'i:'t.-:-> AgntiXLltttrai.liepartment.' Patent Notched Pte B f^^U mt OoA^iEm i! (kuai6c i - mi^^Sii^WATS^^&mawar -"- .' '"."■ '" "••REMnSUS AND MOWERS.. .. ;. extra heavy, and Drill Rollers (Bngham and Co.) Howards Patent. Fle^ible^^drribifted' Chain i.f-i.-STAIiBUCKEY^ ivlb^Eß, by Blugham and Co., adapted . 'PHAFF-CUTTERS; AWDCORN-CRUSHERS: '. thrASHERS,.' ■' : ; 'k ; for uneve.i grciuud V , , A/rrMVT ,^ ! Pick^ to^Stoift' Celebrated Prfzp Chaf^cntters, for hand Mun-ay V. Patbnt- Hand, -Tiny. Thrashera ; Tiny Thri^ STAR BUCKEYE COMBINED REAPER. & MOWEE, . -.and power . ; ■- ■>:■ for powdr; Tiny Thrashers, with fakers ;WTHrei! •: by Brighamand Co. ... ' „ Ma don Co. s Prize Chaff-cutters and Corn^rasliera, ,-. . • -horielThrash'er/ with' singl^la^Vdi-esserandsKalierai JUNIOII BUCKEYE COMBINED REAPER &MOWEE, licfeley/andbMns. Patent: Cimhmg- Mills , 'tiAOi&m TTORWpGWERS; '■ by BTigha»u-»ntl . Co. The. moet useful -for heavy .crops; PLOUGHS. ' CUTTERS, PUMPERS, arid SI,IQERS; fdr-rodtS- -'■>'■■>:, IiiFROVKpEXCEIjfeI^ If ornsby's. Swing One-Wheel, Two-Wheel, and Three-' Horse. Hoos and! Scarifiers, Corri- Shetlerif Seed : S6^cW • DELIVERY ; REAPER, adjupted to meet the, require-. • Wheel^ K e Ploughs. . ■, Barrow, and ,HoiW Seed' Drills, Cashdbtt SeediSoweri.« c — ■ nionts of any crop <«• country ; Murray's Pme Double-furrow, Turnwrist, & Swing Ploughs- Hay, Drag, and American Tumble .Rakes/i •-. ••,.- ■■') ■■ PAR^LdON.PRI^IXrj MO\YERi (Hornsby and Son) Kornsby's Patent Potatbe-raisers,, Wood American Ploughs-, ., Scythes, .Foi i ks, )^heej)' ; Shears, / &p{ > .&0.._:. .,. -. -. ' „^ ■■'■;' ; 7;'.. '''/■'■■^; .' -- 1 ' •■• : ' I ' ■■ ' ■'•':■ ,',' : o'-''- rr _:o:— ■ ' i: ;" ■'/': -; ! ' l ; 1;'1 ;' ; "".- ".. '"^ ' '' ;V ' | • -Ironmongery. Horticul|ti3rial. ; G^iiiii^d li^i plain! aiid coi^ Lawn Mowers liy Ehglish and American maker^ ; ■ .... '•• .. ' :■■■". ',/ . Drr/,ykick, Cupboard. &c;Boks,aVwcrbcrew,^^ Garden Rollers aijd Hedge Shears '■:'.;,.. . -„.,••* • , ■ r hiitl eye, L'ateiif Spnngs, &c, Hmges, Amonoaa Self-closing j,. Sash Fasteners llacJc Calvailizc(l fiar(lcjl Arch a cs an(l W ire Trellis, Hoes,- Rakes, Spades, Foriis. and-.Woodbni'V * -SriS^ultiS S Wi^ G &SM^ r&t£; «il^i»d Wilting, Syringes, Ga^ad C r^€li, drb|et S ,tsjc.;^ ;' ..furnishing Department,: :^.; ,;:^ : " ; ' "' ' :=: '^^'"^^^[^S^ Iron Bwsteads, m great variety „ _„ ■ ■ ■■-■■ ■ ;- .- .i.ii., ?;■;[■" ••:.-.-.; r>[ j !}:>(uj'iu:{LLi!rz:(!n;M: 0.-f: ■ ':>\ ■<;:.. ..< :, , ]•'•(_< ■,;;.]'{ CLosoand OpSi Fire Ranges, Register an/J' Sjiajn Sif>ve». ' Lithofractcur, Dynamite, Blasting Powder, Sporting 'Powder 1 , 'Snot'Cap^l 'F™fej ( Single l khs Marbban^KnameiiedSiaWbhi^ihey Pieces ... . • • - .- , Double Barrel Gims, Weighing Machines, 1 Iftdia- Rubber SadtioYi kia'^eliveryiHirise}. Ecln>B6 aftd'Americ'an'' Kef oserieXamp3 '<•"' . . ' . ; B{ "V -Rod, Sheet,^Hoop and Plate Iron,, Shear, Coat, Spring ,a l j ? 4 v^tesStjSol. ; Taft Lbefebfl'aCelebrated Cutlery!' ';-:•• • ..■!•••• .: . Plates, Coke and Charcod,Feucmg Wire ani,3^p%s;,^atenVA^l^ Electro Plated Ariacles of all Deseription . : . ." . : ,""... : ■ : Anvills, Sheet and Rod Copper, Sheet Brass, Gfasshopjpe'ii ' kndr^mptic'Spripgi: Mnngles^Wrmgers,- and Washing Maqhrneg. . „ :• .. , , ■■..', .Grindstones, Grindstone afountings,'. Portable- Farges, !I Fir^ Prodf S^, j Wtftet^SatelS;- ! Portabln Washing Boilers and Furnace- Pans, ' . , ■. , » , , • ,- ■„ .- ■ Iron Pipes arid. Fittings,, Brassware in all; its-^brafachesiiSteelyaraßj;JeornaMilK, Kiiiiqj:!.: Fender Fire Irons aud Cqal Vases •'' ' ' '''' " "" American Goods, consisting, of; 'BrAomsj, Whisks,., Axes; Ha^hjatsi r ghoyelg^ iSpsdpa rP^t Bronzed HaH arid'Umb'rella StUtida " •-..•.. ; . JMts, LeVels, Adzes, Mattocks/ Screw Driveyg, Souates,^ ■ iMotal Tea and Coffee Pots ;• , . !. ' : ' : - Mallets, &c.,' Axe," Pick;HfUTimer. Spado, and Fprk HandleK ,T „V" "^ .' O( ; J: Hollev^; Brußhware; and Tinware. ,;..,, , Hough, Cart, Dog and CbwOhaining, Pumps;, ih. % Ko^ l ?Dei4j|-W«M'Oh|afe^^iSe*if(B' Patent Gas Cooking and heaiing Stores- . ; . Machines, Millt Pans,. Butter Scales, &c.] &•-, "• 1; ' ..^ i.. : .i^ m-7 .Jmio .J'.h;;i.?- rni „•.-,,.,..., ' ' > - - ■■-•.... Mi; . i( . i( . . v._ . {...,;. f - r ; y .j i,: ■':";;■ ': : :J&. ; PORTER' & CO., AUCKLAND:; ;! ?v :^

\ . Ironmongery, &c. IWHOiEgALE AND EET&IL IRONmOSKSEES, :: QUEEN STIiEET, AUCKLAND. IMPORTERS of Ironmongery, Hardwaro of every descriptiony Agricultural Implements and Machinery,. Seeds, Paints-,.' Oils, .' Wo6l- : paelcs, Corn Sacliis. &c ; ,..invitea the- attention of Storekeepers, Cofmtty Settlors, and otlioi-s to their vaaied stock,, which is thoroughly furnished in every department. ■ Mowing^ ;'& Reaping Machines— . ' - •• JButlbbrs 1 liio^ongbby, Ajjri> -- y";fe^ B ! : ')Siwwd ! ■;■■• "^ Tools, of best quality ••• ■ ' i«,S' ■ } l"Mng» always g . Galvanised Ibon — ' " SSiiit <hr^' ck -' .' ' i'li Roofing, Kd^in^andSpouting: CHA^F^UTa'EKV'for/fiandlarid . ' $ g Pamts 4nd Oils- of good q^lity Horse power— ■ ; . . gcq 'Saws and. Saw-Mill Requisites Bichihond and Cliimdlor's £ __ , „ . '. , m . Bentall's and Buncle'B MINERS 5 AND BUSHMEN.B lOOLS Horse Works — .S FuKNisniNG Ironmongery — English j«id American . pj m This Department is replete with AMERICAN \VTjnd, Mills : | g-g Household :equisitos, and emWIKKOWINO. MACIUA'JBB. ' J A-«S ' ■ braces a variety 6f moat _ useful O^vMtttq •" ' ' hOib artielee, chiefly of American manV.OKN JJLILLS— • d o"B ufootiire. and not to bo met with Corn Cmshers o o . • fcl , sfcock in Now Zealand. Corn Sellers . ion • Bedrteods,- single & V? lU - ¥ril do^bte Pcndewand Fire-iroiw . ■ llonr Mdl« Coal ' Vageß and Sco J TuttNH? Guxtisr* AND- PuL3?ING; |j> Renter and pther Grates MACHINES — ■ :i -•'• ." oc © Loaniinfjfcon,'Coalbrookdale,. Ploughs-^- . ' 2 Ma* an<^ V^ 1^ 1 vn o es . Double IjWow , »-? B P4 American Cooking Stovea ' ' Swing 1 ' ' ' ■ ; .' . ■ Iloatouig 1 Stoves One ■awl'Xwo- whet* : - M CoLONrAL. OA r ENS, tlio cheapest Ainniic.:nr * and' Most Convenient Arrango- ; Plough Fittinge) ' ,-.£ ■ , ment for Settlers llakuows ■ O Cooking Utensils of all Kinds, i?HV.KUir CULTIVATIONS. . ' "2 ' Tinned and Enamell«d Scarikie's ■ P Plated Ware and Cutlery Spai>;Ks — ...... ;^ S Tin Vessels of all kinds osfc "' H , d§ « Brush-ware, from best makers Lyndon s © O S ; ,-r^ „ Pnxke's '"3 fc>» Mangles, Washing Machines, , Black's • £oj and Patekt. Wringer's American. • J^S^-' Lamps, a choice assortment, at Draining lotas low prices, , of . GaRDKK TOOLS — g Parlour, Bedroom, and Hall Garden and Finld Rollors . H Lumps Liwn Movers m' 2 3 arid 4 Light Ohandoliors Gardon Engines CO brilliant Keroßeno of piiresi FJSSCIKO WIHE— qunliiy iuoight-gallonojisoH • lihuik and Gnlvaiiwod, 3 «trand Wii-Ick, Cluimioys, ami Globes Staples und Sti-sunoi-» . *<«•■: il]l -Lai»F s GDN."?— Sinj-lonnil .noublo-lJam«l, from Host Makers, and spoi-ially selected, Licensed D^iii-rs in Anmiuuition. I Sfcorokoeiwrs' uiul Couutry Owivrs (\uvfully (^xocntod, socuvi^ly packed, nnd j prumplly i'orwsiuled. 1 , — _ Agents for Milkftr r s Ircai Safes, Boxes, and I>ood Boxes. T")KKMY'S /"\POTIKI ALI3. Cricket ! J Cricket I ! 1 w. w. or.ln s0 n Agents for Tauranga: ( Late a - .W A «' 1: »)» . BEENNAN AND SMITH. WnOLESALE & EETAILTO^VCCOKLST ■ ___.._. US, CiuEEN STJUSKT, AUCU'LAND, JACKSON & RUSSELL, -rjrAS just racoivod a largo oonsignmcnfc QOLICITOES AND CONVEYANCERS, Jit n L£™ KJ-' Foet Stkket, Auckland, porter by tho celebrated Australian hutsman, j Mr C. Baxnujimax. Jfonoy to Lend hi large and small sums on j „.,,,■ .. • BiUi«ril RandilUs and Footballs on l«mL freehold sccuniy l \

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Bay of Plenty Times, Volume VIII, Issue 690, 11 February 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Bay of Plenty Times, Volume VIII, Issue 690, 11 February 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Bay of Plenty Times, Volume VIII, Issue 690, 11 February 1879, Page 4