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■- f""i T -'■ '"' 'lii i ' ' ' '. ' " mi i —^_^^-^__ . . , „ „v- w .,.,..-,,, v,-—-=,w,^- •,.-. „.■,».,... >-„ ..,,..-..,.„. „ . .. . Ironmongery,^...- , , - ', "" '~ ... I ,;. , * r :-;''..,.-. < ..■ • ° . _V „. • .: L~ .-. ■- ■ "•«■" ■"'■i^' , a.y ," """' | '^•..S t7 ' ; ' : E. -^OBTEB : AND' 'oo^:^.^'^ :.';-«■" :J. A. ,;.;•: ,-■"■: ■.•■•;: y sIMPpETEES GF •■-..■■ y ' ' ? ' 'p,;;^ [px '.;: j \ vH:;'"^y : •' : ;; \;;^^SpjE,,, FOTito^ agricultural iMPi^lNm r;;j - ■•■ :^";^ 1 ' ; ' : » : r '[""'' , '\ ;..]^m OILS, &c. • -;i: : ; : 7V\^;. : :\f H S jiisi :^md b IMPLEMENTS and SEASON GOODS, ; wtf^ - 'selected^ for tbis market, including, the followiiijg, via :— ; ; , ; i'.y . : - •'•"■,' J '.V ■'vS'tetfV^uv^ . * A■' ■ rollers; harrows,. „..., ■' • '■ ACTICUiitirSl: DSpSXtIUCHt. ■• Patent Notched Press Wheel Roller, Clod or Picksley and Sims' Prize Zigzag Iron Narrows i /■.ijr. , >sy'**f-. 1 -i.-.i> •i: , » M "J - ~ w&rrtfrtti extra heavy,^and Drill Rollers (Brigham^and Co.) Howards Patent Flexible Combined Chain Harrows : ' | , ,; '„.., v -.. READERS. AND MOWERS. . -..."-• .' ;^R^CK^^^^byßrighamaud Co., adapted ;. CHAPP-CUTTERS AND CORN^USHERS. THRASHERS. .| for uneven ground , Picksley and Sims' Celebrated Prize Chaff-cutters, fpr hand Murray's Patent Hand Tiny 'Tiny Thrashers, -*w-ap TtrTPK^YE'CO^INED' REAPER & MOWER, . and 'power # ...:.'. ' ,' -1 'for power ; Tiny.Thrashers.with. shakers ;. and Thre^e-; Wfs - r fi^ftdUV^ - Maldon Co. 's Prize Chaff-cutters and Corn-crushers horse Thrasher, witb single ttast dresser and shakers ifclS^ Picksley and Sims' Patent Crushing Mills, i WINNOWING MACHINES, HORSE POWERS . PLOUGHS. CUTTERS, PULPERS, and, SEICERS-for foots IMPROVED SIDE SHEAF Hornsby's Swing One-Wheel, Two-Wheel, and Three- Horse Hoes and Scarifiers, Cora [SheHers.SeediSqw'ers^ / ; DELIVERY RI34PER, adapted to meet the require- . Wheel Prize Ploughs, Barrow and Horse Seed DnUs, Cashoon Seed , • l , 'menisofany'twpcr country '! ' •; ■' ; Murray's Prize Double-furrow, Turnwrist, & Swing Ploughs Hay, .. Drag, and American Tumble Kakes . ,; y-p iPARAao!N:WuZE:I^;Mb^ " .Patent Potatoe-raisers, Wood American Ploughs Scythes, Forks, Sheep Shear* Ac,; Ac : :,:,,,,.- '■' ' : ' '■■■'-'' '"-.■: ■ ■>■ ■ '.'•• 'pp. ■ „ : q;. 1 Bimders' iroiunongeryV Horticultural. - 'GaVari'zed Iron, plain and .corrugated j Sheet Zinc, plain 'and perforated ;' Locks.Llim, Lawn Mowers by English and.Amferican makers ..::.... Srkwback'bupMard, &bi Bolts,' Tower Screw, JBrass; &c ; Hinges,^., Butt, Hook, Garden Rqllers and Hedge Shears" ' and' eve 'Pateift 1 Storing's; ' &Cj' Hinges; American Self-closing ; Sash '^Fastenersr Rack : Ga i van j ze d Garden Arches and W?re Trellis, Hoes, Rakes, -Spadeff, Fprlcß'Mid Weederi , ' a ■:< lwilWß<i'a*ltf>Pulließ, Sash Line, Sash Weights. '.Glass : Paper, ; Mortioe .andyKim Galvanized Wire Netting, Syringes, Garden and Crbiiuot ;Ch4ufs; Cro4u«it Sißta'fic.V;&o'. *'"': „> -,f^^>^w^HP idgingNai^^^ ■ "•';'::...;.■-. . ,;•■,/' "*"■ •■'- •''''•'■ <, -- ,!: ''"'r.;V;:v!!'": : Si (jlueV&c., 'ti&y ..'"'"". ! i'-.i' , ••"!-,'•"'.' •'-.',••;'!•?;■."..!,: ''".• ;; '• , - ; • ..■'■'■ '4 ■ J ., .■ .•.:M.;jni ■; . -„ ' '. „.,.,,, t ,, -, r ! ' ; ' -' r ' : ' .'('.'('•.'■•'■' .;■-.■• • ' - ;■ y ' ' . y -„ - :-.-. .y,y, „>'>' *■_ " "'^lnnifia^ General Ir^nmemgery; y Iron Bedsteads, in s greKt;Wiety^ , ; •'/-•:;.■* . - ■• •■ : Smith and-Wells^sdVCoo^irig -^"U Qllom qf^-.: i ! ■■ 'i ; Lithofracteur, Dyntimite, Blasting Powdery Sporting Powder, ShqV;Caps^;J\«|e, Single and yCto«aAnd-e^Fi»/toge^'.^BterMdSlwS-^ye» i Guns, Weighing .Machines, Ma Rubber Stictiqn ajid Delivery Hos^ r Marble and^uamelled Slate Chimney Pieces „, v f , , y „_„ Ro(1 « hfe ., ...jj^ . $ Mq , Iron; j^heluC/' (Cills^p^Si^ -a&ci'BlSireeF eaSwirTii^ EbHpso and* American Kerosene Lamps ;. - ; . . r- . pi a t es ! Cdte Tand Charcoal, Fencing Wire and Sf&jjlea;- -Pa^ Lockwoo^ Colebrated.Cuttery , •-*• '„,,;.. ; ' . Anvills Sheet and Rod Copper, i Sheet Brass, Grasshopper. and Elliptic Springs I.;'1 .;' mEloc^o Plated Articles iof^"D 6 ? 0 "?^?; „ , ;i .. . , , Grindstones- Grindstone 1 MbuntihgSi Portable Fdrges* FireTPsrbof Sa!fes,.Wa•fei Ci Fll•^»/Mft^es, Wringew.^d Washing Mactoies -^ . . t T^ri Pines and' Fittings .Brassware in all its branchd, SWelyarda, Coin Mflfs:' 1 ' ,r : ( ; v • Portable Wash%>Boiler^and^Furnace Pans, : American Goods; consisting of Brooms, Whisks, Axes,vHa;l«liets,, ShWelß; i SpWe« ;^at' Fellderß, Fire Irbpsand Coal Vases „.....- Bits Levels,- Adzes, Mattocks,: Screw Drivers, Squat^^RQl^AMtfPa^&'GiiaiMte;; ' Bronzed Hall and Umbrelk Stands ... Mallets, &c.y Axe, Pick Hammer, Spade,, and Fork Handles 5 P:''^ .' ;' '.'' i »^ i - r, Metal 31ca and Coffeepots v ..-».'■ pi oue h Cart ; Dog and Cow. Chaining, Pumps, in Rotary, Dw^'i^^ Hpllcw^^^ Machines, Milk Fans, Butter Scales, &c.,:&.-Patent'^ks'Co'pkin^.an'dhea-ting Stoves. • w "* v - u . , c * .-■..'.;,. .:/:'; ■'•;.'•.•.:■■.:•'';•' l^rv::^?^ :,&x CO,, AUCKLAND. ;;'|:g::y : ;;- : ■§.

. . i Irpcnmongery, &o. ? l T. &B. M:ORBI,]Nr, ,. wholesale md retail ironmongers, Yp-p- ..-'-■ ' . . : ; ■" •'."y J. QUEEN STEEET, AUCKLAND. ! ' ' .... . . . , IMPOETERS of Ironmongery, Hardware of every description, Agricultural jW^inettts, aad' Machinery, Seeds,- Paints, Oils, Wool-paoksy Corn tSacfcsV '■&.;' 'iHVW to tneif vanid : Btdck; iriiidi 'is'tftdrbttgHty furnisjiedin every department.' ._ ; '■'■' "■'•' * A!] '''■' -'''■" ' X -'' :! ''y' ••■■:;.. ..'... •:=.!•'• ; Mowing & Rr.^iNq JTACiiiNEd— BrjitDEßs' IRONiii?NGBRY and Si .(■jJvß'ittingS'alWays g* . : GAtVANISEiy IrON— . ! ' , ?S2 flWl f in Stock. | g Roofing; Bidding, atidSponting Ou>££>££ for. Band and | g Paints and Oils of good quality Horee power— ■ g og Saws and Saw-Mill Requisites Kiehmond and Chandler's & _ r „ -b ,««»-, rmn nn T6 .^taii:s>nd Buncle's MINERS 1 AND BUSHMEN'S TOOLS Hors? Wgrks-t-- ;' . .| Furnishing Ironmongery-t- _ English' and Aioeric&ni ' a . Tliis Department is replete with Amer^OAW. WIND MltLS* " -§io Household- requisites,- and emWfwvowiH^ ' IVtAckra'ES "• 2 braoes a variety of most useful VVINNOjJKG^IACHIN.LS «« ar ticles, chiefly of American manLORN miLLS— . d ©*o uf aoture, and not to be, met with . £«§*r? • in any otW'stbokii New Zealand. "' ' ' H:R ,r Iron Bodsteads, : single -& s? an^r ws ...;■: ' double lenders and Kre-itons Plortrv^cillsi PAY . Coal Vases and Scoops TITRNiy.CcTTEHSAJWDPULPIKG JJ Reghiter and other Urates MAOHINEfrr— / ■-■-:■ • So o Leamington^ Coalbrookdtde, Ploughs— ' §§§*•> and other Ranges- = PoaUa -Furxow ; . ,HH(S, Amerioan Cooking Stoves g w W " * Heating Stoves., - One ' i> '' Coloniai, Ovens, tlie cheapest ! Amerioan ... and Moat Convenient .ArraugeBough jJUtings ' ..§ moot for Settlers.; . ■ ' Harrow-^ ■ ;O' , Cooking ITrENsiLS of all Kmds, ■ FRWv'CU CULTIVATION 3 ' TJ Tismed and Eiiamelled. . Scarified : p N , Plated Ware and Cutlery *Bpadkb — . ,i ,^| Tjn Vessels of all kinds f o6^*; . ! a5 S pßusuwAaE, from best makers Lyndon's ' JPO 2 „ . ,U ,*■ Parke's ' P te MANGLESi WASHING. MACHINES, Black's , g o and Patent Wringers Amerioan P* C><! Ij AM pa, a choice assortment, at Draining Tools . . low prices, of GARDEN Tools — , § I'arlo-^r, .Bedroom, and Hall * G-arden and Meld Rollew S Lfuxipo Lirwn Mowers § 2 3 and 4 Light ChnndolierS Garden Engines GG Brilliant Kerosene of pureßt Fencing Wire— qiwlHyiueight-gollbn c^ob Black, and Gnlvaniae^ 3 strand Wicks, Chimneys, end Globes Staples a»d Strainer* *» «* La^nps ■•' GU>:b--flingsr> and .'Doul)lrt-l'>arrel, from Mont Makers, and specially solectod, . liottn66<) Deulors in Ammnniiioa. Btorekeepors* aiid Conntry Ovdrri*: «ww?fnlly oxee.uttd, Bocusely packed, and promptly J'orwar«led. y ' Agents for Milner's Iron .Safes, Casli Boxes, aud Deed Eoxos. PENNY'S /Spotiki A!jE. Orickefc.! l_Oricket!ll ■1 Vi - , W. W. E 0 BINSOi ' - - Agents for Tauranga: (Lute- g. wambb), ...••,, BRBnW.N AKD SMITH. WHOLra^TAILTOBACCOKIST . 98, Queen street, Auckland, JACJCBON ;&. EUSSELp, "g"f A3 just received a largo "consignment „...' i. J I B of CniCKETINQ MATEBlAtft'Ollithe'bCKt SOLICTORS AND OONVBTAWCSBBS, i-i- „X", specially choset, for iho ImFoet Street, AiroKi.ANn, porter by tho eolnbrated Australian batsman, _ ; — Mr C. BAXXBaaiAN. Money to Lend in lurgt) and small sums o*n , . „ „„ Billiard flwtmlcs anil Footballs on JiawL ireehoid security [ H *

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Bay of Plenty Times, Volume VIII, Issue 688, 6 February 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Bay of Plenty Times, Volume VIII, Issue 688, 6 February 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Bay of Plenty Times, Volume VIII, Issue 688, 6 February 1879, Page 4