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Medical. TYRISTOL'S THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD. Rbstorbd after long and painful sioknesis. Nervous Trouble cured. Ladies in ill-health should use nothing but Bristol* Sarsaparilla and Pills. BRISTOL'S SUGAR-COATED PILLS'. Purely Vegetable. MURRAY AND LANMAN'S FLORIDA WATER 1h good for headaches ! Is good for Fainting turns i Is good for B'erverishness jilgf A Caution. — Tho Genuine is marked | "Murray & L.\nman's." There are hundreds of imitations. Ask for it, and take none but the Genuine True Florida Water. Mctkrav and Lansian's, of Now York, for headache. Four .Teousasd Letxers from Physicians who testify to its medicinal, qualities in the , following complaints, and have prescribed it in their practice, ■ Cholera, Dysentery, Rheumatism, Asthma, Dropsy, Gravel, and Fever ani> Ague. iggf. Always ask for Wolfe's Schkapps to get the Genuine Article. AGENTS : L.D,N ATHAN& C a ' AUCKLAND. GnOLLAH'S (^ KEAT INDIAN CURES. jy The Tnliabitauts of Tuuranjra and district, ] and Visitoi« io Iho Hot Springs are inforniwl that the undorsigned, having been appointed Agent for the sale of tho above Meritorious Medicines, has made arrangements for a i regular ' supply, and will treat liberally with Stovekeepc-ra and others requiring tho medicines. They consiet of three kinds, viz,, The Aperient, The Rheumatism, aud tho Gout Mixtuekb, arc extraordinary in the cure of Liveh Complaints, Biliousness, Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout, aud Gout. Numerous testimonials have been givon by old and respected colonists, which may ba »een on application. H. C. H 0 V T E, CHEMIST, TAUEANGA. * # * Invalids repairing to tho Hjofc Springs should supply themselves with thoso mediciue for use while bathing. H I T C II E N S' CELEBRATED BLOOD BE STOKER, A NEVER FAILING REMEDY I'or all Skin .Diseases, Khfcumatiam in all its forms, such as C4out., Neuralgia, Sciatca, and Lumbago, likewise cures Chronic Dysentry, and is a valuablo remedy as a Family Mediciue for purifying and cleansing the blood. No Bottles are Genuine unless bearing the Proprietor's Signature. HAMILTON BEOS., ■WHOLESALE AGENTS, Queen Street, Auckland., Testimonials can bo seen on application to the proprietor, at liisreaidciicr, top of Wakeiif Irl-Ktreof. The- (strongest mirimmendatinn for tins incdioinc is its own intrinsic wirli), hb shown by tho marveUoua cures eileeted on well kuov/n and much-respected memliers of our community. The best proof of this is to be fouud ii\ tlio large, number of testimonials n.-roivf'tl by the maker. Ai tbo niqm'st of thoso already cured, tlie proprietor now jL'l'iugs* tlie " Blood Kestorc-r" more prnmiti<'ivtly before the J'nblic, in tlio Hiire and cfj-tiiin hnpo that tlii^ uUlifiiug of the jrifls r.f a merciful I'rovidifiu'e u;i\l prov<> a gi-eat blos^ing to suffering-' humanity, \)y '■uv'ing ]nui*!iP!tU'<.l tliic-utiii, anil avorttng thretilMiingKickuerfH. The want of a. rcliabV- rt-medy for ■Rheumatism, ice, has long bt,>en felt a« one of the greatest cal.'uiiitii.'P of the age. Tin- people arc now requested to givo |hn Blood iti'HlortT a fair and imiiartial trial. Anil tho proprietor would have it distinctly uiuleratond th-it tlifr euros of Kheumutism, &c arc Hue entirely. to this mcdw'me'a ■wonderful viYer.ta upon th^'lwood, by Us cleansing, purii'ying and invigOHiting pf»wor. Impurity and inactivity. of the blood in the <-auRO of moa.fc einkneHH and j>uin. After a oomw'of this medicine, blood vc-fwels-- which have, become an it were clicked up with unhealthy mutter— -Income exliilaranfc witii pux« .sjwrtrlot lifo-ljlood flowing naturally along und •imjiartin.a- in itfl coursß ligour and strength to tiic- entire fystvui. Qiu.M-n slrett, Auclilantl. Dear Kir, - -I th'mk it a duty I owr, to you to strife tlsat yoiu* valuable medicine has cured nif-. 1 w'a.s suffering from rhcuTntitic goat could not. sloop night or day, having to ondure greufc tortmv. ~ I tried many things but to no purpope.' I whs thf>u p?-r«i»a<lf:d to tako yoiu* medicincH, wliieh I continual to tako for six weeks. At tho ond of that time I found layaelf restored to heaHh. You art v-;!comc to aiako nua of mis an you wioh. I am. f-hy gratefully yours, 11 Jlitchcne, Ewj A i.EXANX>r.ii Isxbi.xtt. N."J>.— C'oun* ry Bctth>r? will find i.n TlUchens' Blood Ec^forer an almost «?omplefo subsUtutc for the Doctor. It arrosU Colds, allays Feverß, aud builds up ih« system. Ohildron tako i« ■with wonderful results, J?o hoiiHcholcT should lv; without it,

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Bay of Plenty Times, Volume VIII, Issue 687, 4 February 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Bay of Plenty Times, Volume VIII, Issue 687, 4 February 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Bay of Plenty Times, Volume VIII, Issue 687, 4 February 1879, Page 4