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WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I EON MO NG EES, I^MPOETEES of Ironmongery, Hardware of every description, Agricultural NEW SPEING GOODS ! Implements and Machinery, Seeds, Paints, Oils, Wool-packs, Corn Sacks, &c.; JNIiW feUMMEIt uOOD^ .. var j;eci Stock, which is thoroughly furnished in every department. . yy -Li-LiIAM J^i , MOWJNa AND BEAPIN q Mi- BUILDERS' IEONMONGERY a»d NEW ZEALAND HOUSE *™&l* { Fl'U i i n ngato?l Wayß -i i Roofing, Eidg?ng, and Spouting 66, QUEEN STREET, CHAFF-CUTTERS for Hand and . ."' iTWCI '.* ,, TT '°"* .... ' Horae-power— — SAWS' AND SAW-MILL Beqnwitee AUCKLAND. ge.j-jo-d.n d^dlert MINEES'AKn BUSHMEN'S TOOLS. (Opposite the Bank of New Zealand.) HOESE WORKS- | m FURNISHING IKOHMOHGERTEnglish and American -g " | ' TMb Department, is replete with AMERICAN Wl**D MILLS £ cS 'w Household requisites, .arid embraces WTTTTAM •DATTPAY WINNOWING MACHINES *g4 \.T ie '7 4 °r "°Bt "^^^'^ VV IIjJLiIAJM. Jt\Al Ixvil JL o>? o chiefly of American manufacture, and CORN MILLS — " PhPhO not lo be met with in anj other Btock BegS to intimate that he has received Corn Crushers in- New Zealand. ' ' : ex Martha Fisher and Lady Jocelyn, •■ °°™ f^'* rB : ; iron Pedstcad^; single & doubjei his first shipments of Flour Mills Fenders and Fire-irons | ; ■'new goods . r- l\R™™ZT- HSANDPULPING ; &l^dS£^tesk,.;:;." FOR THE, PLOUGHS— rtr-3 and other.. Ranges ' Double Furrow S3 o.© '■ ' American Copking; Stoves : ; Which aro now on vipw anrl to whioli A^r^o,, W° W°o COLONIAL the Cheapest: V\ monoio now on View, ana to wniCll American Convenient Arrangement; he invites the attention of his Cus- Plough Fittings t atS <jOnvenient AmuigemeDi, tnmprq nnrl fho Pnhlip u,n nvo* ■ tor. Bottlers .., • . ■•• . , lomeis anu tne JTUUIIC. HAK.-OWb OOOTTTNa TTTRNSTLa'of all ITindi,! PRTTiSTPFr nnrTTVATO'S ft Vi r i,f lungs,. UKJiJNOiI uuljllVAiu..t> © . • Tinned and.Enamelled . r<n*i»t»- a. flvJ-n a,^^,^77», „*.„**,* ni SDATJTFTR S o PTiWn'wiTJV V/i rrrtTTnjv Lountry Orders executed. OOAUium. o j% PLATJIiD .WAKE hndOU.i-UtKY ■ t> „ , T. „ SPADES ttw VR'qqfiT.^ r>f all kinrto Patterns sent on application. , , . 11W VHSSiiJjb ot ail K.inrts J?oßters, «J BRUSHWiARE, from best makers ' '• p n k d<? n' 8 m MANGLES 'WASHING . MA. 1 \* Five per cent, discount on all Cash Block's CfIIN.ES;' •= o».d ■: PATENT Purchases of £2 and upwards. American .Z& ® WRINGERS "/! — DR IINING TOOLS |11 LIMPS .choice assortment, at low Note the Address :— GARDEN TOOLS- v. parlour, .Bearoom, and Hall Garden and Field Rollers —~—^~——- Lumps • W. R ATT^AY- '. fc^S. S I'n^^^iZ* FEKCING WiKE— quality in eieht-gallon cases DEAPER, CLOTHIEE AND SILK Black and Galraniwd, 3 strand W Wicki., Chimneys, and Globes . MEEOBK, Stuplcß and Btraiuerß m for all Lam P8 NFW 7FATANT) TTnTTRT? ——__— JXAW ZAALAJSJ) MOUbJL, 66, QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. GUNS—Single and Double-Barrel, from Best Makers, and specially selected, (Opposite the Bank of New Zealand.) Licensed Dealers in Ammunition. . Storekeepers and Country Orders carefully executed, securely packed, and promptly forwarded. .

. [' . . ' X- ;^^" • '"-■'■ „, ! 7*^ ' - 4CT, r ''^|Sp ,~. jIBIk^ .^r-W^rT^^.^^jj-^V^X '■ ■ _" ?T: skiS*'/^^^r\ '■'■■'■ '- ■ i~***f^ ' " '\| '-' 'igmsk'; 'tffisr®*''": ' /^w><^J\?~ iV^ i-:>: . , \ 'K^^^^W^^^^S^^^S^^^ '/- -.. ?- . ' "'»l'lh'" ■ = -^fefe^- . r.l+^^^gp* WJ lTllil[Ml ' ' J i^L \;;;MlklP!^^ MJI |RV j^ ' « :'«wU4IM .! - ■■- K^KSS Wl%\A ;M '' ' ■■• (w% "^''" ; /^ ' ; ':: ; '';;'; * " ./:'.'.■,-... -i, ; ■ ' ■ ;: ©^ . ,rym_ v^«** V^^^^^^V^VkVV^V'i 1. 'i-.--m* \VVt,&A\f v t'«V\\C t\t"t^\e"fl flfcev"' tk' fci^'tPKrs.--^A\vi'nLTtA»fc!- ■■... •^*'3V*^#^^g^^*S:!|^^'^f^^^'^^W^\!>kU>i' ' : -^^Q^^^^^&.^S^XJS^J^ 'V:V ' : •• ■ ''ik Jj/V A '■AiA"*^''""'"'"^'' 1 ' '" iiS: •■*''■ i; '' • "'dfr' -' " ■ v.^SX^p^^ . a TJSTRALTANS ancljSrew Zealamleis are getting acquaintect-ancl- ttose wlio a^ellot;p^ghttqbe^ : ; 7rx . • . ..,. • „.,..-".; y ' .: :: its fameilias been spreartlnj^iforßSyear^'uritn'itnow-^acilfeleathdhabitabJe.^ob^ •\ . ; . , The OTpxicaifcMustang- Eißi^ent fa. a matcMessremecly for all external ailments^ matt a^^^ eaßt,; To ■ stqck owners ana farmers 1(Jla i iuvaluaple. A Single bottle 6ftdttsav63 a Kumamif a'or. re3.toireSthe.Us'efulriea3Df. ad excellent horse',ox, cow,orsJieep. hoUw^prn, ■ BMb,^^B(irdfr-wor:mVßhburaer-rot, mange,: the bites and stings of .poisonous reptiles ami insectsi ana every . lucH^awbacKtoltockbreecyngaha^nsliriife.atcaresevery external trouble of horses, each . nesgi scratches, swinny, sprains, founder, rwiml gall, ring bone,;.etc;;^; The-:mexican fllustsunK ' I<inii»ient is the quickesl'cure In. the world^for accidents occurring in the i ainUyiiri the absence of a. ;.!physiclant,6uch%slbnrnß,-soalds, sprains, cuts, etc.andfor rheuniatTsni, ana stiffness engendered by • eiposnreJ Particularly valuable tominers,^ It is the cheapest remedy in the world, for it .penetrated the muscle to thobohe, and a single application is generally sufficient to care;: Mexican WttHttang ■ *'.l! ail* I?*«!i*'■sl?*«! i *'■s Put- W/. 11 tln; cc >ize.3 of^bo^les, the larger ones being proportionately mfloli the cheappst. .'' '•' Bole .Wholesale 'Agent\\}or -Amtralia-qnd'.the'\Q'olptiieß-: ■:-.''.., ','.. '< A. LOURIE, Commission .Agent,. Hobson'si .Buildings; Shortland. Street, '.' : -•' ' •-i • Auckland; . ..: „ ■ . ';

.^ ZEAIj^ND j\ COMPANY. - "\ ' ' O.px^^.oco.o^.m^Lub:^. T T -r, INSURANCE AGAINST LOSS BY FIXE of every, description of Property may be effected with this Company. moderate rates, undoubted security, ■ trompt and liberal settlement -. '0F CLAIMS- . B. G. NOE.EIS,

EL PORTER AND CO., TT A I? Tl W A V P PITT? "KrTGTrT"Wn. Tl? A"XT W fWKCLWT} V A ftH TfTTT TTTU A T TTWttT T?TW"I7<Kr rri G Xliilt/JJ w iixiili, IU Jt&JM ipill^S Xx lUVxHaLVn uriUt I, Aurilll/ U lil v HAL JLlfllrLJcjiflJbJN 1»j MACHINERY, IEON, STEEL, OILS, &c. • ' TTAYE just received large shipments of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS and SEASON GOODS, which have been specially. -*-■*• selected for this market, including the following, viz : — ' . . , W°4 . • tS "V" J . . „_ 9X4 tfj^w^"^ "^Hftb». <GK ' l"J hrt - |a^ "^te^^ ' %-r ' M a ' ■ .5^2- ' »-, |»4 ; ". t""! IS^ ' fi^ ' /JJfes^ ■ i:aiia^wniSi!TTriniir:iiwi ' ' 'iMMfcimi 1"' *"^T* *' ii £vi W^ - HH.' bad p=s r ! .^aagßKWWwß»HWgHl>afßßteMM»fpßEWP.?|U^l> - LLI ' '- - ">%' ' E™ 1 * ' *£2R22F*^XhL ■ r •cxi 7T i'l^Ll^ 7^^' 1: ; • fad' "5^ E^ ?^ J&B&iP'^ '-""'-^» :'f ifi : ,>"S^fFBP< Si fc- : —-¥'ft ■ n*» •:*?T- ,"■ End "■' "1R : -*: if 1-3 te! t«J Ct§ 6™_ ;- ' saass= TikV '-MJr^^Blßr \ rl *~3' '■« (iSJ »"**• . • ■ -^^^^^^^^^^^^g^^ V:!^^ "' '' ffl^^^^l^ \Jc\. -: 'IT "::; '' m" *--^ >" £4 H ' ' :•^■;^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^>^'i.^ft^^^^^^P^J ' & 5 IVI *~3 bri : " *^" ~~ • ' ...... *"* ■ ■ !1 ■ N— . JJ _-__«'^.__i4.___-_. 1 T1»^».««-«-«X__~ •.__ X T?r>TTT3IRQ ' ' * . tt* ■nD/-»irra Agricultural Department. Prt,ulKotoh6d PMM w™£, r W orFer-<w*^ pxhW»na «.v nu^^S; bw« : REAPEHS A^D MUWBhS. extra heavy, and Drill Boilers (Brigham and Co.) Howard's Patent Flexible Combined Chain Harrows STAR BUCKRTE MOWER, by Brigham and Co., adapted CHAFF-CUTTERS AND CORN-CR.^HEH 6. . / THRASHERS.tor. uneven ground ■ Piekeley and Sims'celebrated Prize Ohaff cutters, for hand Murray's. Patent Hand Tiny Thrashers ; Tiny Thrashers, STAR BUCKEYE COMBINaD REAPER & MOWER, and power .■. »■ J_ , Thrashers with: shakers • and Three by Brigbau, and Co. Maldon co.a Pri,> Ohaff.cutters and Cprn.crushers ; i^^S^-. JUNIOR BUCKEYE COMBINED REAPER & MOWER, Pickaley and Sims' Patent Crushing Mills ' .. mTWwnnTTuJa MAnmv^a nnvQw -pnvvwvd ' by Brigham and Co. The most useful for heavy eropi Pronftß<? ■' SS™? pStpwS? H?qSSSIq-'7 ' ♦ " '' TMDunvirnnYmfTDTnBUBTIfiAPTiWfIsTTIP'QHffAW rr v. o • CUITERS, PULPERS, and SLIOERB, for roots IMPKOVIUJ 1 HAL£LWO.BSIIIiJJ AOlljyu-hIUJIiBIiAAJJ Hornsby s Swing One. Wheel, Two.Wheel, and 1 hree-Wheel Horge-Hoes and Scarifiers, Corn Shellers, Seed Bowerß ' ' DELIVERS REAPER, adapted to meet the require- Prize Ploughs Barrow and Horse Seed Drills; Cashoon Seed Sowors mei.ts of any crop or country Murray's Prize Uouble-furrow.Turnwrist, and Swing Ploughs Hay, Drag, and American Tumble JMukes ' . PARAGON PRIZE. IXL MOWER (Hornsby and Son) Homsby's Patent Potatoes raisers, Wood American Ploughs Scythes, Forks, Sheep Shears, &o;, &c. ■ :O: ■ . "D-htil^J Avo' Tv>AviTMAinn>at<ir 1 . ' Tr^_«4.i ___'|4.-__,« l l • Builders Ironmongery. . Horticultural.. ■ ■ ■ . Furnilire, foouUng wd Bidging Nail,, Wire, Oui, Pale-t, FinisbiDg, &«.: Screws, G»l™m.ed Wire, SjnngM, Oordan aO<i Oroqoet Oha,r», Oroqust Set., 40., &,. Glue, «&c, &c. ' ' . ■ — „ __ ' . IronB«ta8I^r hmgl)eWtmeilt- .General Ironmongery. Smith and Wellstood's Cooking Stores Lithofraeteur, Dynamite, BlaHtiog Powder, Sporl ing Powder, Shot, Cap 9, Fuse, Single and Clote ar.d Open Eire Ranges, Register and Sham Stoves Double Barrel Guns, Weighing Machines, India Rubber Suction and Delivery Hose, Marble and Enamelled Slate Chimney Pieces ' , Bar, Rod, Sheet, Hoop, and Plate Iron, Shear, Cast, Spring; and' Blister kteel, Tin Eclipae and American Kerosono Lamps • Plates,Cokeand Charcoal, Fencing Wire and Staples, Patent Axles," Pipe Eoxes,Yyce, Lockwood.s Celebrated Cutlery Anvills, Sheet and Jibd Copper, Sheet BraßS, Grasshopper and Elliptio Springe, Electro Plated Articles of all Decripbion Grindstones, Grindstone MountingP,Portable Forgee, Fire Proof Safes, Water Filters, Mangles, Wringers, and Washing Machines lron p ipeß and Fittings, Brasswaro in all its branches, Steelyards; Corn Mille i Portable Washing Boilers and Furnace Pans . *: •••«.« ,17^-1 a tt \u/ D, , o j o . fi'fit Apvs, "Pi™ Tmns nnrl Poil V.mea American Goods, consisting of Brooms, VVhiske, Axeß, Hatchets, Shovels, Spades Pal n ,ZJa h oil »„/! TTmhr«ilQ «5m .<!« hite > Levels, Adzes, Mattocks, Bcrew Drivers, Squares, Rules, Purers, Gimblets, MetsTe?lnd^n?ePrtß Mallets, Ac/, Axe, Pkk, Hummer, Spade, aArk IJandleV ! . Holloware, Brushware, and Tinware Plough, Cart, Dog and Cow Chaing, Pumps, in Rotary, Deep Well Chains, &C, Sewing i-atent Gas Cooking and heating Stoves, Fire Store Ornaments, &0., &c. Machines, Milk Pans. Butter Scales, &c, &c. ! tt-i -^i^T^nnTnT^ D a TT/NTr-r t T? T^^lT? r F1713 XT f^f\ ■ A TTY^T^T AIVTTIi XlAm JL WJA^JL JJjiX QC \J\J O} JrLKJ\yJ^ljJ\.Jj\xJ»

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Bay of Plenty Times, Volume VII, Issue 626, 12 September 1878, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Bay of Plenty Times, Volume VII, Issue 626, 12 September 1878, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Bay of Plenty Times, Volume VII, Issue 626, 12 September 1878, Page 4