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"Struck Down for Deaths * -V _ ■■■'■•-.

f His Own WordSr Experts said he could not be cured HIS PERFECT CURE A SURPRISE TO EVERYBODY. v (From th* Freeman's Journal) Oensulted an f Xpert I <„ 00 » .w» ».> jj."~ •^^.ssitWnst Mr. J. Hawkes, of Hawk«lvt«Wj vndwttand tLjit Guiidford, N.S.W., is now one of the | Qeuld Never Expect strongest and healthiest-looking men one ; " , _ .•::■•: ■■ n'-uLJii.- 'e A-t+iwitr-could meet in a day's inarch. *We heard *• *• ™red ; so I gave up all "OP*^^ tfiat for five long years he had been a terrible *»**« »g»">. 1 1** 1^™?* 61 ™^™*'* sftfferer, and that a course of Clement. I|Wt that I was already m the g^^.ff Tonic had completely restored his health, ©••«>. and lay m W**BW^W&Hz: 30 thia paper (The Freeman', Journal, Syd- . " Yon cheated death, however, judging ney) dispatched a reporter to see him. »7 7*** appearance. ...-_,, Mrr • " You look as though you'd never had a "Yes, and this » how it a*PP«aed. My .day's illness in your life, " «aid our reporter »«pl»ew recommended Cl«>ments Tome. I ' oh seeing Mr. Hawkes. got -some, hoping it would at lee*t rekeve : «'I may look well enough HOW," WU th» "*•• v Vj-j •* %r rr i *»» reuiv "ami a «• And did it Mr. Hawkes ?" — .. ~w . M_• m. y <• The first doße was more use than all the IWy Health IS Perfect, v, other medicines I had tried. It was very but once I was struck down for death. The effective, for it doctors have given me up, and it seemed as Btmck at the Root '"' though nothing remained for me bot to_ „ _ „ - , m—c * settle my affairs of this world and prepare of my complaint. From the first Clemv.te f or t | ie n J exfe » . ■■ * Trtnic had a stimulating aotion on my hrer. :*« Yon mnst have had a narrow squeak, Th»p»iM to-jny baok were soon easier, and then. What first caused your illness!" my W felt lighter and clearer than it had ■"It must have been coming on for a long doM ™°£ * lon 8;}l lme - -. . ,„ time before it showed itself. My occupation " *«» you stl ii ha . ve ™ te ? „. 4 was very trying. I was a market gardener, „ " No.Viot a fit ; it stopped them at once. &nd I carted large quantities of vegetables Iperseveaed with Clements Tonic, and it to the Belinore Markets. This necessitated was plain \ to everyone that I was getting getting up very early in the morning, and, o«tter daily* I as a matter of fact, I often waited up all Sacked thtoDoetors&ndscorned night so as to be first in the field and get their prescriptions. Their methe best prices. My meals I got ft* very dicines ctfd not touch my disirregular hours. I began to get a '•ASO. GtenventS Tonic Cured it, Queer, Giddy Feeling, an d all the evils went away without my being wl.ich I can hardly describe, and one day, aware of it. My appetite returned, I put after I came back from the markets, I was on flesh again, and soon got strong. lost seized with a fit. That waa the beginning, all that tired weary feeling of lassitude and I temporarily got better of this attack, but was quite bright and cheerful, and instead I was a changed man. Shooting pains of sitting half stupefied in a ohair ail day or w< uld suddenly dart through my back and Lying like a Log h-ea.l, after which a feeling of sickness and .fa jMt Uyely ftnd enerse ii c . A few FainineSß WOUid Overwhelm -weeks* treatment with Clements Tonic quite me. My digestion went all wrong, and restored me, but, of course after five long That little I ate did no good, for I got more ▼•**• illness one cannot expect ta."\k ■ a confirmed invalid every day ? r $ Rebuild a Wasted System "Did you see a doctor?" . . ( itf ft we ' et b ut the way Clements Tonic \ cs; several j but they didn » know ? broU2nt me a i ong waa a pei feet surprise, not wliatwasthe matter at first; but some of mo but to everybody. The only them said I was suffering from a sluggub re _£ et j hftTe now £ 8 that I had not been : .nd diaorderod liver, and they gave me a- j u *. to strike Clements Tonic at vhole host of directions as to diet and now* fche Urt>^jf j nft a known its value earlier I was to live, besides any quantity of mcdi- fch&fc firgtrftttack wol ,i d have been my last, :ines. K tried hot bandages to my back and d j should h&ye Bayed u.lomen, but got no Tehef from them, nor .*»--•„«. li.l the doctors' physic do me any permanent Five Long Years Ot* Buffering. <ood. All d«.y loßg'l was in such a sluggish I%m thankful, however, that I came across ,'ta.te that I cared for mothing. I was in a Clements Tonic when I did—' Better late -,ort of sluggish than never.' It entirely eradicated all Stupor er «•.«.„« jjj* to-^j--. -d/ijj £* which never left me. I suffered m this way yearg- j^ s i^ r t ) it saved my life." Tor ove: five years. At last I got into such j•* nAndmay I publish your eudorsemenfc, idespondt-nt. state that when I wished to ! Mr H aw .j; c8 V' see the doctor I was too nervous to drive to ,\ Certaijl iy. i fc j a the simple truth that his houee. I w&3 frightened of going off j hftye .j &m here to prove lt| anc j •ihroagh tho shaking of the cart, so I was rU fche neighbourß know j wa9 !SS*. gto^d^dßffiSfclSS Sa Knocking at Death's Door iaa help of a stick. ■„-. for five year 3. I have proved Clement* I fearf »•«.* «A WftAk Tonic a genuine article ; I owe my life to it. I had got so weax w gh 6 uld or anybody elßO| object or bt . bhat I couldn t walk without a stick. My t 0 endorse ouch a valuable medicine. face was drawn, and anyone could see m it the pallor of along-continued disease. What STATUTORY DECLARATION. I have described was my usual state, but f Jawib'"lUwkrs, of Hawkesview, Ouilford, every now and again the shooting pains in j n ' the c o j5 ny Q \ New South Walta do solemnly mv head and back would become more in- and Bincere!ydo<jl»re that I havo carefully .read! the tonse and then I.honld rSi^Tu^beTeTS t^tp "e^S '^d Thinking that perhaps I could obtain better it contains and ia a' true aud faithful account treatment I of my illness and cure by Clement* , Tonic, and Went to the -Hospital. Jj— H Thres doctora there g^ve me a long and g-Joj-jjr M^^^^^^t very careful examination, but they could ninth year of the rei g n o f her prceeut Majesty. not tell definitely what was the matter. intituled "An Act for ihe moro effectual abolition of And all their medicines and attention failed ouh^agj^^ to cure me. iLvery doctor asJtea me me Sout h w»ie» and to substitute Declarations in lieu same question, ' What ia the matter With thereof, and for the suppression of yolunury and you j' «xt»- jutted O»th» and Alßdavits." This BHly Question, _J> ;1 m,- „.f Pr i,i P( i B tate, used to rotwe and V^ tf&^Jt&f ,;■•■.:- !i." ' 'i 'hat's what I came to you to /T) getting better. I became very low-spirited* " WILLIAM SUMSON, J.P., I took w interest iv anything, I Fairflaia FOR INDIGESTION public koticb. LOSS OF APPETITE A. Household Remedy Throughout Queensland. AUFXANRfR BROWN We give the following testimony HLCAaWUCn DRUHK, from Mr. Frank P. Peacock of Given Terrace, Paddington, Queensland, whose experience is in exact accord PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER and v/ith thousands of others : / ra, (Twenty-three Yearu' experience), H ifd^^ Has started buainass in Miltoa, and trusts K l+J^ik- v 7 4^ D y B ' r ' o ' attention to business to merit a Z'^'^Sy ilPi| /i^lliix^ share of publio patronage. S Jtam^^ * ALEXANDEE BEOWN. XS.^ Wi^KS, M^imM' " UNION STREET, MILTON. "I have used Dr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla iv my family for indigestion, loss of anoetite, aud as a tonic, ■with very „, --. . i - • t • »> sa&factory results. I have beeh. " HatS OUr leading Lllie pleased to recommend it to my frieuds and in many cases they have used it ■ ■ with equal satisfaction, "^ AYFII'C WALLACE'S HATS >„,-■, is a houseliold remedy throughout Queenslaud. It is the kind that cures." -. wr -j-i P :^K^-^ K James Wanace, iritn I>r. Ayer'a Sarsaparilla: pno aids tho other. HAITER AND HOSIER, The beet preparation for preventing the bafr falling out 62 and 53 Frincoa Bt. is Walked Hair Bestow. DM *»

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Bruce Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 3025, 6 January 1899, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Bruce Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 3025, 6 January 1899, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 Bruce Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 3025, 6 January 1899, Page 7