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BlkStN&js NOIIUHS.S. Eed Cross Ointment. Tho Mighty Healer ! TBI* Ointment has no equal as s. Sealer. li> ia one of thegrea<ead bleuhiugs to the hutnau race ever discovered. No di ease of tue skin, of whatever nature, cau withstand its healing and ctouihing properties. BLOTCHES, PIwPLEd, aud any erup >o ■. on th fue or head is soon eradicated. For CHAPPED HANDS, or Boremss after a big wash, it gives relief and heals at once. The burning Leao of SUNBURN is immediately relieved, CHILBLAINS, broken or uubroken, no matter how bad, are quickly cured, and is of much more use tnun i/lycerioe for softening the bands, etc. A-i a salve for CRACKED NIPPLES or Gathered BreaetH, nid far superior to anything else known. By coustaut applicatiou to RINGWORM it ia aoon killed. Wtien applied to BOILS the pain is at onc«rehuved, the core is liquifi d, and they either disappear or break and are healed. Many perHous actually blind from INFLAMMATION ot the EVES have been cured iv less than a week. No wouud, however seven-, can posaiily fester where this Ointment is used. FJSVrERINW .-OKEs, UL EHS, ulceration of the T.mgue or M.>uih, an-i ulceration of the Womb, it soothes a: d cures quickly. For E .V.RACH'£, a-.d runni g Irotn tue tars, there is nothing nk<- this Ointment. It may be applied to the skin of (,>■« youugeot ba<i(j nr the m «t irriiabio hkm. BUuN-S and &CALDS are morb quick y Uual<d, aud the p<*iu ttooner reliv ed by this Oin>mnac than t>y any other application. iKRITAIION of tue "KIN on any part of the body, irutn any cause whatever, cdmHtuutioual or acquiiea, is quiealy caied. BAU LtGS Caused by Varicose Vemsi, > lyaipeius, wT other causet-, «ie} ff cted by this wonderful Oiutmen*. LUMBAGO. llnET] W ATISM, • PKAl^cs, MQMPa, -URb, 'IHKuAT, and nil Gianduiar Ofteihng-, wuy at ouce on nu apuiicuLiou. For i'AIN in trie OhEVI? >n al Ohi it ia uios' Din d mI, aud in Ti->N-Übtt ur SWB-iTY F&EV a peri«cs. cur*. 'J be^unnati.iu cauacd by O'ORNS aud UUM'/No ta our-<l, ai:d rh« bitea oi SAND FL-iEb aud iWO QU TuES quietly r.-Wv-d. it is the m Ob thurougii Blu< d Pu'iti^r exam, if iv Lined over the whole ouifacu (>t ihc body. Iv in abttorDed by the mi'lions i i {j<jtt.o in th> akin, aud carried to iheinoa', v <al pane. I can trutbiuliy 8i -t« hai. m*uy who h^u been CHIPPLKS i»r yeaie dei re u.^iiig > i.iv Oiniment are uuw *a kiuji t»i«nu«. aB ii«r»l lay as evt-.r ili.y van; ■ v their l.yes, and blessed tno vino tue> uutaiueuueii the use of RED CROSS OINTMENT. The Mighty Healer ! A fdW TeaiimouiaJa from thousands of curt-8 :— Tue Mayor of Mfißgiel, T H. Murdoch, E.-q., wmeB — I hehe l«Bt tureo years y>ur Keu Croon Oiniujeut ban been B<'l<l by the •jhemibt and storekeepeis here, and I have heard nothing but- words of praise about it. January, 1890. The Mi>or of Civersham, Thomas Cole, Eq.jwntis — 1 buve used your Rdd Cri,ss O>tibujetit tor several years iv my family ; 1 tiud it invaluable. It has, in f ct, become quite a hnUtkhold word, and n» family oughi iv bo witbou' it. January 7, 1800. A thaukful mother aak- a ttiis statement — My daughter, working iv one of the tailoring establishments of Duuedin, was cured ot a most foul and distresßiu^. affection oftheflcalp. Her hair was thickly matted with i ffeußive-smelling matter, and c< uld not be combed. We had tried everything, and at last heard of Mr Dutton's skill in skin affeotione. He cured her in a week. This Ointment is Sold by most Chemists and Storekeepers throughout New Zealand and New South Wales, aud by the Inventor and Proprietor, PETEE DUTTON, CHEMIST, KENSIffGTOIf, DUNEDIN. Price 1» 6d, 2a 6 1, 4s 6d. I Sent Post Free to any Address on rpceipt of Stamps or P.O. Order. A good discount allowd to the Trade. LOYELLS FLAT GENERAL STOEE. W. Fkaskr Propkietok. IN returning tbankH to his numerous Cus tomers for past favors, W. FR A- KEK begs to inform them that his Stock is now replete with neaily every requirement for a Country District, which he is offering at pricea which cannot fail to secure trade. TEASI TEAS! TEA> ! His Stock of Te.iu ia largo and well nelfcted, was purchased before the new Tar S came into operation, and will be sold at the old Prices, viz, — Half-chests, from 1* 6d tn 2* 3 ) per lb, for beat ; Boxes, from 12«t»22«6<1. BLENOhjD TEAS, purest Indian and Chinese., from la 8' to 2a 6d per lb, These Teas won't fail to give satisfaction. Large Stock of Dairy-fed Smoked HAMS and BACON— a real Breakfast Luxury ! Highest market price* paid for DAIRY PRODUCE and PIGS fit for coring. All Orders PcNOTPAixr Axtbndbd to. WILLIAM FBASEE, IOVELLS FLAT GENERAL STORE. ._ : L^ , H _^_ . WASTE PAFEE. FOR SALE, Waste P/iper, in large or small quantities, at THREEPENCE per lb Apply, ovnoa or this paper.

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Bruce Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 2179, 1 July 1890, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Bruce Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 2179, 1 July 1890, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Bruce Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 2179, 1 July 1890, Page 1