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-"" NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Specially Adttiomei Waolesib Agmte Fol- tf3.v Anlxai— MESSRS X J . HAYJkIAN" Si Co., Dunediu, Uuristouurou, \Vellmgt>,u, iiu.l Auckmud. Thu above carry a complete stuok of H. E. KUO-ELMANN AND GO'S HERBAL MAGNETIC REMEDIES, which may be obtained from all Cuemists and Storekeepers all ..ver the THE '>E unriv lU-d H-^rhal m"^iciiies are umv -rs.i'ly »\1 I.:--! t > b- th- best m tue wond. Tney ar.. quite dififorcnt to all oth.r.s known, b-.vij, a. .8 ..utel y ua-~ur,a.-<«e<i iv their uuivor^al exociK-ucH Ttiey a. c absolutely s w eu tio f r those complaints for w.ici they ar« tp- cial.y pru^are.i, aud are free from poisons aud al mineral diua>s a..d ute quite pieaa.uit iv take. THE BALSAM OF P A.RADI3*:, for all Luaj & Throat DiseasesAs Bronouitis, Astnm., Whizing, Cu^h-s, (J ..d-, V v l''^-r, S re T..roit. ttl«_'li.. B from Lungs, Tt^htueeaou the Cues , 1 fl»uiuiati.m ..f Lu..ys, C .lup«e >»f the Air Us. is, ludurati-.u of Lungs, Oouge»tiou ot Lu.^s, etc., uto I. is tuu .>n.y m-dioine (ii.-wu u> mankind that will c -mpleteiy cure CJ^.ißUin^tioo in i'.s early sra^ea. I is c mp .»td ot onoioe frmta, fl >wer Seedß, gUius, baisama, aud herbs, It iv.uovaies and fattr_i.» tLe weakest constitution, aiik« of you.ig aud old. We sold over ONli M.LL.IU--BOTI'LES during tne first tive ye^is tuat wo ii>tmduo«d tins uia.veMous and cle S »ut remedy, and tuat, tuo, WITHOUT AN V ADV. .R.I INU WHATEVER It i» exoeedingly pleasmfc to taste, au.t c«Maeß au luimodiate uuprov«uient iv all who take it. 1 Sold in bottles at 2s 61, 4<«, 6a, aud 10a. Send For Our Descriptive Handbook, Poßt free to any address on the Planet, wuiou imly describes tbeae wonderful remedies and their uses. "THE BOOM OF THE COMI.TO CENTURY " H. E. Kugelman's El ctric Ej.sance.-Au external teuiedy for all pains or aches, Nothing like this uas ever been known, and nothing else will uvcr tqual it. If y<>u .»v<. a rheumatism or gouty pain that you do uot c.ire ab..uc, obtain a butue of tuia El.ctnc absence aod it will make you nappy. Use it for sprained bieks, tinoo j nuts, all swellings, dropsy, back aobe, «ctatica, ueuralgia, weak up.nes, luuiba^o, c mordctious, lameness, orampa, qninzy, mumps, diputheria, croup, aud for ail puns and aches. INevet be witbonc it for snake bire, and all bi es of maecta or stmga, and tor burns, cuts, and I scalds. Sold in botttes at 3d 6d and 7s. H. E. KUGELM ANN'S EYE OINTNENT AND ANODYNE J3MOLIEIMT. This is undoubtedly the finest Pbaram iceutical pro tuot ..f cne c^ucury. Au immediate cure for chilb.ains and frost-bights. Noth.Dg Li.hurto know,, cm compare vsitu tun Ointment for its marvellous excellence, elegance of combiua ion, an>l sup, r. or etiVotiVcoeas. It will cure all eye diseases, as Suu-Bugut, cja.idy-tll.gat-, w a t«ry-t4.igbt, Maue. or Humory- Blight, lufl tinmadou of Eyes aud Lids, Chrome Uptiuvni.i, and a-.i au.i overj Eye Disease; and as we.l ie is tue be^- aud nicest cniug p <dsib.e for^ e'.y-bighu, Mosquit. Bightß, or Stings of Scorphions, VJeutipedes, Spiders, eto., aua for S >re I'tirua s, U.vU^ua, Mumps, Quinsy, etc., it is simply spleudid. All weak a-»d ucrvouo pe.soua su.-utd u». it to tub well ia do wu the spine aud on the stumacu. We guarautee ttiat ah who vat this once will never be witu.-ut it. - > • Read descriptive dandbv). k for further notice. T.ns ointm nt usually cures bhgbt n a few hours, also whitlows aud boils and painlul breasts in two or three hours. Sola oni) iv Jars at 2* 6d and 5s each. H. E. KJGELMAO'S HSiIJIL NLATtXHLQ OI^rJIE^T. Thia unrivalled Herbal product is undoubtedly t,,0 Ih-s v .-lut.nei.i, ev«r elaborated f<n curing old sores, bad legs, U'C-jrs,, piled, bo.di.i^ p. « , -ru »>.i .< s o. t..e ekiu broken obilblaii.B, cuts, wound«, utc, etc., etc. in Jr. at i^, Is U ., 2. Sd, an.i 5^ eauh. H. E, Kugleuiauu'a .Cu.ldieu's Vital Essence— F -i al. ■"c vi» m mUnoy au. ohildnood. A real childreu's iriend. .^ee ..u H uiduu^k. Pnoe, 2-Ui aua bs per buttle THE HERBAL MAGNETIC TJiIG LIViSil ASD STOMACH For all liver complaints, biliousness, jauud.c -, o m ested liver, unlug d liver aud spleen laUgOUr, drOWBineSB, paiUß bet-weuu the oUuUuers, fliruuic i. J di-«=ti..Li .»..d ull .vi plaints, ho*rtburu, fl*ouU-ncy, s.»ur stounc i, voun-uig vi io -d, io^s of ap,.eiue, sick ue*<i ' ache, uervoaaness, uervoua debility, prostration, aud th« convaicacm,, u.a.^o of ail acUL diseases. . , . , . , . . , ... Head our deaoriptire handbook for all information relating to this tpleudid medicine Sold in bottles at 5s and lUs each. THE NATJiIAL ELECtTTc BL33D P JAIFIE2. This medioino has no equal for ail biood skiu disu.isus, purf.-c-iy f>oe fr.mi mercur) arsenic, aud all mineral dru^s, aud dies out coo am any .-.a'SipmlU or yellow dock Never fails to cure the worst forms of scrofula, scurv«y, <cz'.rau, nci, ilict-r^, aooease.-t, aon legßaud breasts, cancer, lupus, physical dei.inty, deo.-iy .if b...ies, wasting and withering and all diHeases haviug their oti^iu in the blood. Id will »urH. wonders in eveiy cas. without exoeption— ->cc handbook, pricec 4^ 61, 6-. 61, aud 12s 6d each bottla. THE Jfc£ IS & B A. Li IjIFB. This ia the soul of plants, aud absolute specific f .r our >mc nearal^ia, face-ache, tooth i ache, tio doloreux, swollen laoe, gumi.oil, anil earache Ig can be completely relied upo. to cure quickly and permanently auy ot theae troubles. See n.vudbj^k, pnoe la 9i aud d, per bottle. THE HER3AL MA3.MEriO LIVER PILLS. Theae pills are unnvalle I, and superior to all others for all liver troubles, biliousness oostiveuee-, gidJiuesa, mdigedtioti. wi.d, aud lie .rC urn. T»e are couipused sole.y of th. vital properties of herns, are coar.ed aud tastel. 33. lv battles, at Is, Is 91, and 3 each. Tney ehould be kept iv every house, »« tu.jy are a sure cure for nuuiueriess ills. SOLE PuUPRiEiOtvS : !H. E. KUGLEMANN AND CO., Manufacturern of Electric . m d Proprietary Medicines, Distillers of Ed-seutial Oils anc .Mediciual Liqueurs, etc., etc., 4.h Avenuo, iVew York Uity, U.S.A. Australian Head Office aud Warehouse : 172 and 174 William Street, Melbourue, Vie Plantations aud reducing establishment at " Mount Paradis-," Geuibrood, Gippsland. Don't fail to read our Descriptive Handbook. Mailed free to any address or may be ha( upon application. These Goods can be had of all Chemists aud Storekeepers, and from the following : - Milton— J. Gray and W. Moore. Kaiiang.-ita-J. Gray and W. \V. White. Outrau — J. Andrews, Wilson & Co., aud T. A. White. PUR¥CMIS^^I¥DiAN~IEAS] J — — be a „ n .,ii — — —j rt oo "*"' iSHBiVa W"V A Ibn4 X™lk War ''^5?! fiaisffiaaJK Q a — • ° ci " v IWTTWH "' " ■■ p**"" B g^^TT^ RO rt 'g t B MANUFACTURED BY MACHIN ER V, It j) !! l! |'t^ 1 " pH ™ O I j— JH UKCCR EUROPCAN SUPERVISION. r- 3 fcj fljiDHHiilii' .^^^ COLOMBO, CALCUTTA. I & I (^ AND PRINCES S T DUNEDIN. $ fcfj j i? fhCKi'f . J C •ir.'ihr-CkiO r OcOh,«IN Out f-uUXJ NET* *j* m £ I * °J. 4 T. R iAL iOLiCii tD. _Q j ° MILTON MMES mAY -

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Bruce Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 2179, 1 July 1890, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Bruce Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 2179, 1 July 1890, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Bruce Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 2179, 1 July 1890, Page 4