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The S hool C >vi uicbeo for Wangaloa ti ij year is composed of the following geutlemen :— Messrs Beattie, Buyd, Darliag, Wvlah, Johnson and MoLachJan. The following gentlemen have been elec u ed a3 the Committee fer the W*ihola Gorge s>chool : — .fcessrs M^ore, Smith, Lindsay, Chalmers, Rait, Mttihews and Gray. Fr M an advertisment in another column, it will be seen that the drawing for the Art Union of Water Color Drawings, presented by Mr E. A. Chapman, will taka place on Wednea- i day evening, the 12 th mat., at 8 p.m. , ; It haa bee a decided by the Education Board l that the election of the BUclutha School Com- I mittee is invalid, owing to the election of nine > instead of seven members. A new, and it is to ; be hoped a proper election will take place on ;; the 24 tih insb. Thk auction sale of Messrs "Williams' coactplant at Balclutha on Friday last, was a moat successful one, the horses, in especial, realising very high prices. The total amount taken at the sale was about £1000. The Milton Pottery Works still continue on a career of success. So excellent hai been the work turned out that an order haa been received from a Duaedin wholesale house to supply teapots, pie-dishes, and jam pots, as fast as they can be made. A gentleman ne«r Stirling on Friday last founi on the road a purse containing money to the amount of nearly L4O. At the next hotel he foaad ai owu<;r for it, who shouted for all hands iv joy at the recovery of his property, but added the somewhat siu%u ar rema k, "well, olii miii, if I h id fouud so much of y >urs, I'd have B<u :k to it. ' Ths engiue promised to the B Jclu hi Bor< u^h Counei 1 , to assist in the street repairing works, is not yet r. ady for the w< rk, and eight or nine oiay3 will probably elapse before it arrives on tie scene of its labours. Tie formation if the . sidiug fr m t-.e main iiue to the streets requiring HI i'.\ii up is ben g r.ipi \ly proceeded with. The road is almos: c mpleted, and as s o i as the rai s arrive they wi i be ltid with ± 1 despatch. According to a telegjatn publi.^Sel in the •Star' laist nigh-, at a meeting of ti;e Ta -anui Paßtoral a -d -ooiety o.i S turUy, it was decided to give a ten guiuea cup for a prizj reaper and binder, competition to Jake place in about three weeks — Ttie we vther here has been very cold during the past three days. Harvest will commence in about a fortnight. An arrangement has been male by the N.Z. awd A.L. C •„ with the Railway Department to carry 5,000 sheep from the Company 'a Ldvell Station at Tinuru, to their Edendale Station, Southland. The distance is 245 miles ; the work will be commenced on Friday nexfc, and will occupy ten days, the loaded waggons running down every altsrnatiye day. Twenty-five waggons will be used, starting at 5 a.m., and arriving at their destination at 1.40 p.m. — nearly twenty one hours. The engine will run right through; and return with the empties at once. It was found necessary to forward the sheep by rail, as the country is too dry to travel them through. % A death of a very singular nature is related by the ' Townsville Standard * as follows : — "As a boy named Peter Clarke, about 13 years of age, the son of Mr James Clarke, an old resident in Townsville, was bathing in the sea on Deo. 30, he was heard to scream out loudly. Mr John Winniett, hearing the boy's screams, and ' thinking he had perhaps got out of his depth, plunged into the water and went to his assistance. Having reached him he took him up in his arms, the boy apparently having fainted. Mr Winniett carried him up to the Retreat Hotel, when Dr Gelhard was immediately sent for, aad on arriving ascertained that the boy was dead. The lower part of the body had the appearance of being whipped acroes the thighs, and, it is concluded that he mast have come into collision with a poisonous fish, known as a devilfish or o-topus, aad thus mat his untimely death. We are informed by an old resident in town that these kind of fish are very prevalent | this season of the year, and are mostly to be met with on the Queensland coast in shallow wat-r." The drawing for the competition for the Champion Bowls of the Milton Bowling Cnb r..< k place oa F'idsiy afternoon last, on the M dm B wliug G-^en. Tii« fallowing is the r salt :— Line" v. Duiiel*, Malcolm v. Dathi*, Bastings v. i'wiss Porrier v. VVa'son, Jones v. Sc'Wa-t Cansiinghame v. Mirshall, Ferguson v. Kel-y, Grant v. Canntick, M>• ry.itt v. Ctmmbe, Brown v, Hunt r, Tiylor a ty-\ The play i* to commence on the 10<; r ' Febmary. Fust ties to be played bef >re the 18th Testo be -Irawn on that date The foil r*. iig are 'h* rul-s uader which the pliyers will compete : — '• No' "ue to stand near competitors playing, or to give any information, uuLsa specially asked, b;it no directions to be given uader any circumstances, as each man must rely on his play and k is^vJcd^e of the tane to carry him through. «>.-nnatohe 21 uj\ Tue dinners to be .then di a *<i against each oth«r, til! all are ran «-ff. lv the'll ". if t.'ieir bei ig an odd man he mast l>Ja- the luxt t c with tbe member fi st dravn, he ca mot have trie byes mm. ing. Tae m mber wh<i»e name appears on the left sde of the compeiit >r list the chnlleneer, bmt his opponent to take step* to bring on m m»toh,

Thbbß recently Klf Milfoiiy .on a vfsit to England, » gentleman well known and respected throughout the province, and especially in Milton and B tlclutba. As landlord of hotels iv both of these pi; ces Mr Stanbrouk bas gained good opinions ftvtn all people d: siring comfort, aud W ell reaulat. d h >ns« sof public entattainment. Mr Stakb'ook wan tor some time » most useful member of the Ms! ton Borough Council. His T iiit tf» the Old Country will extend over B<>me B ine mt.nrh*, ami he m.vy expect a hearty welcome on his return. - A Ooerksponusnt writes :— As showing the great loss to the settlers of inch Clvi ha -through the floods, I noticed this last few days several of the settlers from the Island going away .with their teams and reapers elsewhere to work. This tme la»t year, <h>y had the golden headed corn ta re P "th ir ow n h-?mes?eadß, Wh:.t a con- ,* jl.jsv, M -t oi thefre fums are still covered with "w.4!*r, or«tlt is laying on them inilaes . » , c cv. However, we still hope to see things pui Blr uhun the winter time, when the •°r ip "j -"^ as to c; a^ e ■ *^ c branches iv the rirerbaU wbainade--good.,_ Th Fienft-iy Societies' wound up their day's amnße , Ut nt oa Thursday last by a dance iv Burr's Hall BaJelut' a, in the evening. The dancing waß in -erßprrand. with songs, which materially, added to 'M n-ght's enjoyment. Mr H. 8 Keuu-ri 8 »ui! ' ' Jessie's Dream very Bweetly and • £Eucav«y. ; Mr Taylor avowed his intention to 'cany on the same; old game "; Mr B. Wbiting, in melodious strain, enquired anxiously after his "Hunky, Punky, fo.funo, &c.";.and Mr Spen-je s&ng a very, melancholy anfftouching, ballaa c-ncerning " Three Jews." We are sorry that this lastrong terminated just as the interest begiufc, in 'act 'tis a rather |diaappointing narrai^ c altogether. The votaries of terpsichore kept up their excitious till^four in the morning »nd thea despersed, . tKoroughly eatisfied . that they bad inily enjoyed themselves dm ing the evening. Thb institution of the Pioneer Lodge of Milton, under the E.W.G.T. of the world, took place last Thursday, in tha Council Chambers, MiltoD, by 5.D.G.W.6.T. Bro. Hudson, of Christchurch. After initiation, the following officers were duly elected iand installed for the •nsuing quarter : P.W.C.T., Bro. Humphrey; C.T., Bro. Cunningham ; V.T., 8.-o. Chalmers ; S., Bro. Dathie ; A.S., Bro. M Gill; C, Bro. Hounilow;T. S., Bro. Farrell; T., Bro. M'Laren ; M., Bro. John Chalmew ; D.M., Sister Cunningham; J.G., Br<K Julus ; 0.G., Bro. Joseph Martin ; Bro. Palmar, L.D. The Lodge was then addressed by Bro. Hudson in a very able ipeech. A hearty vote of thanks was called for Bro. Hudson. The members then sat down to a aocial supper supplied in Bro. Julius's best style. After the good things had been disposed of, Bro. Hudson addresbed the members on the principles of the order, and the duty of the members of the Lodge. After a hearty vote of thank 3to visiting brothers, the Lodge was closed in due form. The footbridge over the gap made hj th" late fl iod3 on the road where th* lucb Clu f -ha Schoohouse formerJy stood, is almost cotnp-ett-d. It is four chains and a half in le gtb. A meeting of the Committee of thf Tokojnainro Farmers' Club will be held on Weduesdayeveniug next, to receive the report of the Fn^-Commirtee who h.*ve male arrangftntfatis f r the approaching Exhibition of E.-aptrs an Bi-.idtrF. We have recc-ived several letters of complaint from farmers along the railway line, owing to tbe danage done by the Yankee engines o : the Invfr -.argiil hxpress. The sparks from thebe^iij-in^ whomever there is dry weather s-ts fira to gras-i au ■ « -ra«, aid cau3e coisderabie damage ; n consequence to fen-TS and crop I.1 '. A specivL <••■■ of the M»tau R ad Board took (jlaoe ;ti- R Xf -s Hotel, . 'iriiug, vn Sa'uniay last to no' tidti tenders. Present : M ssra U. Iugli8((! urma' ), Nelson, Aiche3on, Robinson, Petrie. The lolloping tenders were opened : — Inglia' roa>i lie-, Sendilacds, £163; (accepted) W. Wa ts, £175 ; Routledge, £195. Coal road, J. C. ftord< v, £5 llsf per chain ; (accepted) ; Kaitangat -, J. Jiioiaston, £45, (accepted). It was Ik'-wite agreed to clean out ditches along Smith Br s.' gravel road, protect river bank at Kaita ig^ta, a id other petty work by day labor. Thb annual meeting of the Bruce Rifles was held in the Volunteer Hall, Milton, on Friday last. There was a good, attendance. Captain Pettit announced his fothcoming resignation in consequence of his leavi <g the district, a.xd alhuie 1 in feeling terms to tbe long connection wli;ch had subsisted between himself ;nd tha corp. He' would delay Bending bis resignation in formally, until the moment of hi<* departure, so aa to leave tbe corp as much time as possible to choose a successor. Tne anaual balance sheet was read and disclosed in a most satisfactory state of affiirs, A hearty vote of thanks was recorded to the Secretary and Treasurer, Mr H Marryatt and Mr John Dickson. The committee of the prerious year were re-elected and the proceedings terminated.

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Bruce Herald, Volume XI, Issue 1084, 4 February 1879, Page 4

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Untitled Bruce Herald, Volume XI, Issue 1084, 4 February 1879, Page 4

Untitled Bruce Herald, Volume XI, Issue 1084, 4 February 1879, Page 4