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It will be seen hy advjitis rn--nt iv another c lum i thi Mi* A'-m.'!r»ng dentin , will visit M lf-on oa SsaLurdciy next, to morrow. We have be»-n ivquested to direct, a tention *o the uupnta it sale of M - WillUm*' txtiusive c 'aching plant ami horsesa- Bdcluthato day. The Friendly -So ieti. s' pion c at Inoh C ufcha y- sterday was well attended, but the ni»j rity of those pre- eat came from Lawrence. Tue was a success. The election for West W.ird, Mil'on, on Wednesday last, was not exciting. Mr George Ctip-tick w-is the only candidate nominated, aud he was accordingly declared duly e'ected. A cricket match wiil be played a*; Milton on Friday next, between teams from the Lawrence an 1 Brace cricket cu^w, Tae local eleven will be chosen f om the fallowing players, who are requested to atttnd practice every evening punctually at 6pm :-M;^rs DBsio", J.J. Lane, '"rant, Mitheson, Twiss, P^ntifc, D. Dewar, J. Dewar, Qnine, Duthie, Jones, Ronaldson, Staubrovk, Millar, Dawson. The meeting i f the Balclutha Mntual Iraprovement Society takes place to morrow night, when the subject for discussioa ia " WbaS is women's proper social position?" A3 there are several young and gallant gentlemen among the . members, we expect to hear a very animated debate. A full report will appear in our next Things were pretty lively am mgst the Bdclutba Councillors lass Tuesday eveuin*, as will be seen by our report of tneir meeting. To speak metaphorically, HU Worship and the reporter of our local contemporary, got "particular beans " at the hands of their lynx eyed taskmaster. It is our opinion that in future these worthies will be more circumspect in tbeir conduct, since tbey know that there are in the Council such a *ute and fearless inquisitors as C:p. Dunne and Canning. It seems tbat the Commissioner of Kailwayio^ f r the North Island has issued one fne pass to "^ each newspaper there, at least the 'New Za laid Times ' on the receipt • f one thauka Mt I Lawson for it. Owing, d übtless, t > the «a-: j accident met with by Mr Couyers, these pas«e I have not been issued in the Middle Island ; be surely, wh levtr is actng for him mitjht issthem. For ourselves we made no comment c the temporary \\i.hdraw.J of free press pas-e' bat we do not see why, so to speak, " fish siiou. i be made of one and fowl ef auot'ier." The Rev Mr Byng, of Sb Mathews Ctiirc Dunedin lectured in St George's Hall, on Tu* sday < veiling last to a uumer-m ands preciat'Ve audience. The subject selected the Key mei-it'eiuan was *' mvrim:>ity " aid' treated in a m< st felicitous m inner. Is wis be impossible for us to give a report ol t h'Cf ure, which occupied over an hour and a li in delivery, and al ridgment would spoil it. \ may bowevtr say that if provision were 0' mule by which the sei vices of gi' speakers as the R v Mr Byng could be 0 sionally procured for Md.oa lectures wouldi tract large audiences. The meeting of householders at Inch Cc on M jmlsy tvening Jafct, for the election 0' School Committee, was largely attende1 f tween 60 and 70 persons being present. Jl M-K niay o.ciijjied the chair. In rea*lui' statement of school affairs, Mr John "Wattrr J|| tioned the loss the district h?d sustained if l$M schoolhouse being w ashed away by the I' 4^m but trusted by next annual meeting to b e (-|||§ to inform them that a new sc-hoolhouee ' ; rrs||| been built. Out of the 14 gentlemen norni » t I|||f the fdi .wing seven were then elected, r |lj|i R M'Kinlay, 35; Riv Mr Allan, 35; B B 3§§ 35 ; J Petrie, 27 ; G M Donald, 25 ; G Bel Wm G luglis, 22. A vote of thanks to the terminated the meeting. A pablio meetin'|||||| held to consider the deviation of road 3 a **l|||| a report of which appears in another c °l uK Jllif The meeting of house-holders for the P s |||it of electing the Balclutha Scho: 1 Cymmitt*^^ the ensuing term was held in the Scboo^||j||§ on Mmd ay evening last;. Mr J. Turnbn!j|S& in the chair and read the balance B h eec 'i|||g last year. Ib showed a balance to the cr *ilsßm the Committee of .£8 Si, aad this after ex! *^^P works and alterations beiug done to the s |||s| house, school-grounda Ac, so that the position of th -. Committee may be deemed |||g| factory. The followiug gentlemen wert i^P elected to form the new Committee : "*g|BK W. Hope, A. Henderson, W. Stewart, bull, F. S. Canning, A, Bain, W. W *^S Harvey, and C. V. Brewer. As wiil kj||ff the number elected, is nine, while oi|^ are required. Tne number last year hence the mistake. Iwo of the ge"-|ffi: Messrs Hope and Brewer, have offered tfllggg but the chairman, Mr Turnbull, questic&g legality *i the whole electiou, aud ior -InK pose of haviug it decided haa writW J j|K: Pryde, Secretary of the Otago Educati***fßff but as yet no reply has been received. |lgt A smart stroke of financing was acC<? fßß* by a Wellington gentleman last week. raS?" more than a thousand pounds w»rth W&& which Jhis banker refused to discount. |&||

i few hundreds to'hiaci , e r dit,». : <d these he drew from the o'idn*»Se" baik that n fused to accommodate bin, aid dividing it into three equal parts, opeuedfeaccounts in three other banks He then get ? third of the bills discounted at esoh of these banks withont difficulty. . A RATHBR amusing, bnt fatal for all thab unpleasant, incident occurred last wetk (says the •Bendigo ludepedent '), which almost lesnlted in one of the parties concerned lesing his life. One of our commercial institutions being the mortgagee of certaiu laud *v the Emu Creek* realised on their security, and suld the property to a well-known farmer iv \. m Marong district. Ou that gentleman going tc take possession of his new purchase, he was m by the late owner, who in a rather peremptory manner, showed him that be was adverse to his land passing into the possession of another. The late owner accordingly gave him a severe castration, and then pitched him into the creek, which is about 17 feet deep. The immersed one, after swimming to the bank, trudged his weary way into Sandhurst, feeling very limp and wet, with the intention of placing the affair in the hands of the police. Thk French system of cloture bas been attempted to be introduced in the Christchurch (j;ty Council, one member having moved that no Councillor should t;ke up the time < f the Council mo.c than ten minutes, either ii the moving of or replying to any" rtsdu ion, except by permissioaof the Mayor. After some discussion the motion dropped A short time ago Mr Earl Wdlker, fi Batley* wrote -to Osman Pasha, thf.hero of Plevna, ex pressing admiiabion of Lii conduct, aud fur-n's'-ing him vith a copy of a newspaper containing flattering remarks upon the general's conduct. In reply, he has received the following letter from the Pasha. We preserve the spelling and composition: — "Very charmed by your h-tter. I can but thank you for your good opinion from me. I have only done my duty, and every 1 yal Ruglishman would accomplish the same. I am over and over recompensed by the affection of my generous sovereign, fco which the Almighty may give a long life without sorrows. Excuse if your address is faulty, you did nofc write explicitly. Many thanks. Dirdis Rochp (Jonstautinople), this 27fch August, 1878. Y<>urs (signed), Osman. Mster Earl Walker, afc Batley, Yorks., England."— The letter bears the impress of the general's signet, on which is a verse from the Koran. The fallowing instructions have been issued by Dr Lemon to all stations :— " Ou and after the 20th January telegraphic money orders may be sent urgent. In addition to fees now collected by the Posfc Office an additional urgent fee of two shillings for order and advice will also be collected. All urgent money order telegrams will bear in ' Instructions,' the word ' Urgent ' written in, and the inital of the postmaster or clerk. These telegrams must receive the utmost despatch and be dealt wifch in their proper order in the same manner as urgent ordinary telegrams." Th* * Inangahua Times ' is rather surprieed to learn thafc the M mgolian popula'ion of the Antonio's aud Bl ickwater disti icfcs far exceeds that of the European members, the figures being given — Chinese, 60 ; Europeans, 35. A Chinese store has recently been opened at the Blackwafcer, and many of the Chinese are reported to be earning goad wages in the neighbourhood of Mossy Creek and elsewhere. We wonder (says the 'Times ') if this "yellow agony " contributes anything to the County revenue in the way of taxes ? The * New ZiaHnd Times ' has a paraerap to the <ff ct that the appointment of M-- Dignan to a seat inthe Legislafc ye Council will be mule j uuder the strong disapproval of the G v ruor, | on the ground that the present number of inp.m- \ bers of the Council, in proportion to population, exceeds that .if any other upper chamber in the Australiaa Colonies. ! It has say- the 'Lytttlton Times' b^en \ erroneou -ly stated tbat the special train which conveyed M-s Conyer3 from Christchurch to G^re on Wednesday ni^hfc only took 12 hours in the journey of 330 miles, Tais is incorrect. The traia !e*"t the Christc lurch station at 7.30 '■ p.m., and arrived at its destination at 10.40 j a.m., the time occupied being 15h. lOaiin. j There were nine stoppages on the way to take . in water, which took- up lh 58min., and allow- j ing 20 nr-nutes delay fir the bad piece of roid : between Balclutha and Clinton, the actual time | the train wou'd be ruuning was 12h. 52min. ; The traveling o*i ohr>3tchurch section was ex- i ceedingly fa -it, the 53 miles run to Ashburton \ (whtre watei: was first taken) being done in lh. , 40 mm. j The Committee appointed by the Italian Par- | liament to enquire into ihe debts of the municipality of bTorence, whicb, it witl bo remnn bered, have cu : minated in the bankruvtcy of that city, has completed its report. The only point which has yet fully transpired is that the Committee confirms the statement that the municipality expended 72,000,000 lire (about £2,880,000) in cash upon Government buildings to meet which they had to borrow the nominal sum of £104. 000,0 J0 lire (£ 160.000), or in other words to allow a discouut of about £1. 160, 0u0), to the financiers who provided the funds, or 44£ per cent. Thk 'Rizione' of Naples gives some very interesting details as to the habits of General Garibaldi at Caprera, where his daughter Teresita and Colonel Cauizr> are at present stayiug. Ia the miming the party go down to the seashore, the General being carried in a chair. There seated on the sand, he contemplates the imposing spectacle of the sea. The evening is enlivened with music. Mndame Canizi plays the piano and sings tha old American songs which the General taught her. Garioaldi also | singi in so clear and fresh a voice that it might be envied by some young actors. He seems to purpose visiting the Continent soon, aud is even said to have commissioned some one to prepare a house for him near Genoa, where intends to pass the winter.

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Bruce Herald, Volume XI, Issue 108, 31 January 1879, Page 4

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Untitled Bruce Herald, Volume XI, Issue 108, 31 January 1879, Page 4

Untitled Bruce Herald, Volume XI, Issue 108, 31 January 1879, Page 4