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NEW .ADVKRTISE MENTS. Lands taken for a Boad in the Clarendon Survey District, County of Bruce. (L.S.) NOBMANBf, Governor. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS by section twenty-one of " The Public Work Act, 1876" (herein referred to as "the said Act "), it is enacted that whenever lands are required to be taken for public works the Road board, in the case of district works, Bhall cause a survey to be made and plans to bepreparedshowinggenerally the nature of tbe works proposed to be executed and the lands required to be taken for the same, together with the names of the owners and occupiers of such lanis so far a3 they can be ascertained, and shall cause a copy of such plans to be deposited in some place in the road district in which such lands are : And by section twenty-two of the said Act it is further enacted that the said Read Board Bhall cause a notice to be gr-zetted, and to be twice publicly notified, stating the place where such plans are open for inspection, with a general description of the works proposed to be executed and of the land required to be tiken, and in euch notice shall call upon all persons affected to set forth in writing any wellfounded objections to the execution of such works, or to the taking of such lands, and to send such writing witbin forty days fr.m the first publication of such notice to the said Road Beard : And by sections twenty-three and twenty- four of the said Act it is further enacted that the Road Board shall cause a copy of such notice and description to be Berved upon the said owners and occupiers so far as they can be ascertained ; and that the said Road Board shall, upon receiving any objection, appoint a time and place within the Colony within which the objector may appear before the said Koad Board, and support the objection by such evidence a-i the objector thinks fit ; and by section twenty-five of the said Act it is enacted that, i*; the said forty days no sucb objection is made, or if after due conSidera'i »n of such objections the said I~>ad Board is of opinion that it is expedient that the proposed work thould be executed aud that no private iuju-y will be done thereby for which dae compensation is not orovided by the said Act, the land proposed to be taken shall be taken in the following manner, that is to say The sai I Road Bjard shall lay before the (Governor a memorial containing au accurate description of the Jand proposed to be taken, together with a nap thereof ; signed by the SurveyorGeneral or some certificated surveyor as evidence of the accuracy thereof ; and the Governor in Council may thereupon, if he think fit, by Proclamation gazetted and publi .dy notified, declare that the said Jaids are taken for tbe use of a railway, road, or other public work, as the case may be ; an** from and af er a date to be named ia the said Proclamation the land therein specified shall become abso'utelv vested in feesimple in Her M-jesty, discharged from all mortgages, chargt s, claims, estatep, or interests of what kind soever, for the public use named in the said Proclamation : And whereas the lan la described in the Fchedale hereto are required to be taken v 'der the said Act for a certam work, to wit, the construction of a road in Block IL, Clarendon Survey District, County cf Brnce : And whereas the Waihola Road Board has laid before the Governor the memorial and map mentioned in and signed and certified as required by the twenty- fifth secticn of the said Act : And whereas all the requirements and conditions prescribed by the said Ace have been duly performed and fulfilled, and all thingß have happened and all times elapsed to lawfully authorize this Proclamation to be issued : Now, therefore, I, George Augustus Constantine, Marquis of Normanby, Governor of the Colony of NewZ-a'and, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive C -until of the said colony, iv exercise and pursuance of the powers and authorities in me vested by the hereinbefore in part recited Act, and of any other power and authority enabling me iv that behalf, do hereby proclaim and declare that the lands described in the Schedule hereto are hereby taken for the purpose of a road ; and that, from and after the ninth day of January instant, the lands so described shall become absolutely vested in feesimple in Her Majesty, discharged from al mortages, charges, claims, estates, and interests of what kind soever, for use as a road. SCHEDULE. All thafc area in the Provincial District of Otago, Colony of New Zealand, containing by admeasurement four (4) acres three (3) roods and three (3) poles, more or less, and situate in Block 11., Clarendon Survey District. Boundary 1 nes aa follows : Commencing at a point due north from the south-east corner of Section numbered 2 of 2, said block, and distant from the said corner pcs nine hundred and ninty and three-tenths (990 3) links, thence due /iorth one thousand eight hundred and six and sevententbs (1806-7) link* 1 , thence bearing 155deg. 14min. three hnndred and thirty-thre9 and four tenths (333 4) liuks, thence bearing 169deg. 55min. one hundred and forty-seven and «ighttenths (147 8) links, thence bearing 137deg. 22min. four hundred and a tenth (400*1) liuk?, thence bearintr 159 ieg. five hundred and three and four-tenths (503 4) links, thence be. ring 170Je fe . 29min. six hundred and eightv-sevenand a tenth (687*1) links, thence bearing 1481fg. 15min. fifty aod five tenths (50.5) liuk--, thence bearing 238 deg. 31min. twenty-one and seven-tenths (21 7) links, thence bearing 197 leg. 38mi". on« hundred and nine' y four and seven-tenths (194"7) link , thence bearing .'7B deg. 11 nin. three hundred and fifty eight and twv-tenths (358 2) inks, thence bearing 15 -dss. lSmin. one hundred and twenty -nine (129) Hoke, thence bearing 154 leg. 28min. sixty-tight and four-tenths (68.4) link*-*, thence bearing I97deg. 53miu one hundred and thirty three and seven-tenths (1337) links, thence bearing 165 ieg. 21 mm. one hundred and thirty-four and six tenths (134-6) links, thence bearing 137deg. llmin. sixty-four und a tenth (64 1) links thence bearing 196degs. 17min. sixty-* hree and six tenths (63'6)links, thence bearing 155d«?gs. 51min. three hundred and sixty-eight and nine-tenths (3689) link.", thence bearing 85deg. 39min. threehuudred and forty oneandt ight tenths(3il 8) links, thence bearing Ss7deg. 58 uin. one hundred (100) links, thence bearing 265deg. 39min. two hundred and seventy-five (275) links, thence bearing 335deg. s lmin. two hundred and seventy-three and fourtenths (273*4) links, thence bearing 16deg. 17 mm. ninety-five (95) links, thence bearing 317 deg. llmin. ninety-five, and eight-tenths (95*8) links, thence bearing 345deg. 21min. eighy-one and four-tenths (81 4) links, thence bearing IT deg. 53min. one hundred and forty-five and three-tenths (145 3) links, thence bearing 334 deg. 28min. one hundred and nine and fivetenths (109*5) links, thence bearing 336ieg. 18min. one hundred and eight and three-tenths (108 3) link 3, thence bearing 358deg. llmin. three hundred and twenty-seven and six-tenths (327*6) links, thence bearing 17deg. 38mm. one hundred and fifty and four-tenths (150 4) links, thence bearing 58deg. 31min. seventy-eight and three-tenthß (78 3) links, thence bearing 328 deg. 15min. one hundred and thirteen and ninfttenths (113*9) links, thence bearing 350deg. 29 mm. six hundred and Beventy- seven and fivetenths (677 5) links, thence bearing 3391 eg. five hundred and thirty-two and five-tenths (532*5) links, thence bearing 317deg. 22min, three hundred and ninety (390) links, thence bearing 349deg. 55min. one hundred and thirtyone and five-tenths (131 5) links, thence bearing 335deg. 14min. three hundred and

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Bruce Herald, Volume XI, Issue 1062, 28 January 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Bruce Herald, Volume XI, Issue 1062, 28 January 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Bruce Herald, Volume XI, Issue 1062, 28 January 1879, Page 4