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mjjg Synod met and wai duiy consttorning, &* Moderator (Rey. Dr C*y~ n d) pretiding- j BIV CHABLM COKKOB. ; T»;acue»ion on the Rev. Mr Connor'f rtWM resumed. t On the motion of the Rev. W. Bannegf. |D it Wss> resolted — 'That a Coo■ttee of Synod be appointed to confer ith Mr Connor. That the Committee i,«ist of tbe Re? fc \VVjnil, "Dr Stuar , Sbostone, - Christiei Ptfrerson, Chiaholtr , W^ Msckie, Ministers; Messn ■■oDcinnn. Rennie, Fitzgerald, Bethune, MjaJ.- Elder Brow a^ elders; Rev. W. Mil!, convener." _ _^ ■ A GED AND INFIBM MlgpTEBS' FUND. ■Mr A. Rennie read 1 the report of this Mjnimittee of the_ Aged and lnfirci Knisters' Fund. It was now five year's ftce tbe Fund bad been originated , ; an< Kre had been no. demand upon it til! Swotly. T°e Committee recommend flat the Rev. James M. Thomson; of flinton, be assisted from the Fund, which Hw amounted to £1929 6s 4d. Of oyelIrtr congregations in the Province, only Wk had contributed to the Fund.; flpn the motion of the Rev J. M. SutherL the following deliverance was agreed fl>_l" Adopt the report; accord thanks fl^ihe Comroittee, and espebially to the Rnvenor; express regret 5 that several Segregations of the, Church have not ■ntributed to this very important scheme Hiring the year, and appoint collections to fl made in all congregations for this fund, Kd enjoin upon all ministera to see t|l| fle collection is made ; further regret tnW fle state of Mr Tbomson's health necesRates l-etirement from the ministry,] and ■commend as an interim arrangement Kit Mr Thomson be placed on the Aged El Infirm Ministers' Fund, and be dealt Kth in accordance with tbe. regulations. 1 ' flAn application was received from Mr Ji. fl. M'Naughton, through the Rev. Dr ■opland, requesting assistance from Aged Kd Innrm Ministers' Fund. It was Kreed that tbe Treasurer be authorised to ■turn to Mr M'JSaughton the amount Hntributed by him towards the Aged and Kfirm Minister's Fund and such sum over Kd above the annual payments made by Km towards the Widow and Orphans R SANCTIONING OF CHABOEB,; t . . ■ The Bey. "W. Will read the following, flport on the above mentioned subject : — '• ■The only application f^^^ffiiction, this Kar comes from the Pre's^^y 'of DunKin, on behalf <tf'' ! ,^l^(Bite%>uiiie.-..''Tjie ■omir jltee having, considered the applicai ■on fc/a-orejative documents, unanimously Kreed to. IfojSmmend „ that the application K granted^ and that Ravensbourne be Eclared a sanctioned charge." jOn the motion of the Rev. J. M. ■utherlandi the following deliverance was Kopted : — " Adopt the repoit,. record Ke thanks to the Committee, .and; Specially to the convener, and agree thaji K e application of Bavensbourne Kected into a separate charge be grantef^ ■ Evening" Sitting. Heptjtation to the uyrvEEJ|iTr c^stcil. K : A letter was received from the Registrar R the University Council, appointing this ■fternoon as the time for receiving a Kputation from the Synbcl by the Coun- ■ publications on total abstinence. ■ The Bey. Mr Christie laid on the table; Rhumber of publications on total abstinRbepoet of the finavce committee. ; RjtfrN, T. A^ Wales Bul>mitted tie > folK Rwing report of the Finance Com-; Rthe General Statement furnished by 'VBm Hreasnrer shows total cohtribations from 46 Hmgrgations amoanting to £28 342 14a Id; being K- increase of £3835 19s lid over tbe gross Beeipts of last year. ■Of this amount a large increase is shown in ■le BnildingFand, viz., £6201 10 a lid, as against ■1268 10i 4d contributed in 1877. The difHrence is mainly accounted for by the amount; BoeiTed from Knox Church. Taking this Hnonnt into consideration, the Building Fund •lows a falling off from last- year, but the Hnotmts contributed by the congregations of ■tepopo, Waiareka, and "Waikoaaiti show re■•ipts of i 1437 17s 6d, as against nil of the year, thus showing considerable ■rogress in these districts. ' ; . H On ordinary collections there is an increase of: ■650 10j 3d over those ©f 1877, but on special ■ollecfcions there is a of £292 53 sd. j ■n the other hand, the seat rents have increased; £577 Is sd, cbeifly in the centres of populaRThe General Mission Fund is a trifle less than W>e previouß year, but the new Mission _Scholar■bip Fund, initiated by the Rev, J. popland, Blows for the first year— contributions and ■enations, £400 5s 2d. This may possibly ac■onnt for the paitial falling off in the receipts Hqr missions. ■■'-' '■"■■ ' " ' ■> < ■ The Dayspring Fund shows a considerable in■rease, viz, £432 14s sd, as against .£2oo ßs 3d ■or the year 1877, The contributions fronj^wo ■oiigregations include thoßO of 1877. ; -^'i : ■ Tbe Church Extension Fund also shows a Wight increase. Hitherto it has been a matter: Bf considerable difficulty to ascertain the exact ■mount of liabilities of the fond at the terminaVon of the Synodical year. Your Committee, . •owever, believe that the present yeat's account* Bill show the actual position of the fund at this . Referring to the Sustentation Fundj there is o increase of £367 43 6d, but taking into conweration the new charges, it is doubtful "ether the increase corresponds : wiUi^the in-j w»sed work to b« done. _^.'he amount of *cd paid this year was £222 123 2d, as against "16 15s 4d in 1877. Your Commifctee, however Kliere tha, taking into consideration 'the' disas'oni floods that, duriag the last winter; exet»ded over thMAfMgth and breadth of the land, , same, * c contributioßiv ,on the whole, have been sat?"<|tory. •/,:.: ".;''. ". : .;'.:',•;'■• 'V.V...V-' ■ The Presbytery Scholarship Fund is in debt Ptent of £15 3s. -This >ould not have had the various oongr^ations remitted i of which they were assessed, and your

Committee earnestly reqnest that all outstanding r accounts beat onoe paid to the General Treasurer, and: this fanef placed on a more satis--factory basis. *) •.-■■•■■" ' • : ... ■:■ -V.{ The Aged and Infirm Ministers' Fund show* » decrease of £11 15s, which is much to be regretted. Several congregations have made no return for this year. It ia, however, satisfactory ; to notice the steady increae of the f and. It , is within the knowledge of your Committee thati in consequence of ill health, one of the ministers of the Church has been compelled to retire, and jwiU probably claim on the fund ; it is therefore hoped that ' this fund may continue ,to recsivs < •he hearty support of the members of the Church. .:.'■_• ■■•■ .-■: ■•■-' ■..'■'■■':■ : ' ■■'>--■ ■-■■ j . There is an increase of seat rents of £577 Is 5d., and for ordinary colleotions £650 2j sd. ' The Mission Legacy Fund stands as it did last 'year, having at its credit a sum of £50$ The Priua Fund has not been operated upon beyond an addition of £3— amount of interest received on investment. The sum at credit of this fund is now £177 7s id. . ! The contributions to Mr Copelaud's Mission Scholarship amount to £400 ds 2a. After deduct inn of £37 Ida sd— amount of Mr Copeland's travelling and other expenses — a balance is left of £362 ss 'fed. l Committee acknowledge with thinks the repeated donations from Miss Muir^W the two leading funds of the Church, and to those friends who have contributed to the Scholarship and other funds. ' , Insurances— Owing to the present unsettled state of fire insurance business in this Province,-; the Treasurer has, with the concurrence of the Finance Committee, applied to some of the priacipal local^of&C88 far tenders for the insurance du)iog v vthe current year of the various Church buildings. Offer* were made by the several offices applied to, the most favourable beiag that of the Standard. Your Committee have recommeoded the Treasurer to act at the latter rffer, -and it^wilF -be found that by so doing a very considerable saving has been affected. Qa the motion- of Mr Paterson, seconded by }he! Rev. Dr Stuart, the report was adopited, the General Treasurer ( Mr Smith) and ||he" Convener of the^Gommittee (Mr Wales) being especially thanked for their services. -j THE SUSTENTA.TION FTJIST). ','-," , Discussion on the report of the Sustentatioi Fund Committee was resumed, and the ijsliverance previously projp^^d'. a n d publuhed was adopted. A (^^mittee was appointed to consider and, if^jracti-' cable/Carry out |the amalgamation of the •'- Missionary Hecord ' with|, the ' Evangelist.' •; _ - ' " : H APPLICATIONS FOB CWtANTS. ; The; Committee appointed to consider arid ieporfc - upon -applications for grants recorbmended that the following should be graniacl :-^Queenst6wn, £300, for second; manse;; Waikousiiti, North Taieri, West Taieri,[Taieri Beach, Anderson's Bay, and Inverjckrgill (8t Paul's). An immediate paymeit of £150 was granted in aid of the Building Fund at A lexandra, .J?he;tjep.ort was adopted. | Th«i iSy nod rose at 11.10. p.m, and; adjourned till II a.m. the following day. ; Seventh Day. j Tbe fiyond met a^d was duly constituted ot^he First. Cbnrh yesterday morning, the^ Moderator (Rev. Dr Copland) presiding. '■■■-■;, . : - t / ; , TIB BEY. CHARLES CQNKEB. : The lie*. W. Will, as convener^»f the Special Committee appointed to confer with the Rev. Charier Conner concering h'iv -. relations v.- with, pariehionerg at P6pofeuhda,' reported 'VThat Mr, Conner bad agreed to place hia resignation in the hands of the Committee for presentation "io r Synodj on condition of the terms contained in the following deliverance unanimously agreed to, and rcommended by the jefommittee for the Synod's adoption :— f bat the Synod in accepting Mr Conner'!) resignation of the ministerial charge of Po pot unoa declares as follows :— 1. Tijat the Sjn\>d while in its judgment it believes that thu resignation of Mr Conner] is necessary in order to restore harmony in tbe congregation ofPopotuDoa, cWtB no reflection on Mr Couaer's pereona) character, ininiaterirl ability, or pastoral diligence, and trusts tbafc Mr Connorjmay soon obtain a suitable sphere of labour ; in which he may prove himself to be a useful servant of the Lord Jesus Christ^ '. '■■': ;, 2. That the Synod regrets that the Presbylery of Clutha, in dealing with Mr Conner, did not act Btrict|y according to the prescribed, procedure of oar Church in eucbj cases. 3. Tint Mr Conner's connection with the Sustentation Fund shall be continued for a period of two years, and that Mr Conner shall place his services at the disposal of the Church Extension Committee so long as his claim on this Fund continues. 4. That adequete compensation for improvements effected on the Manse property shall be paid to Mr Conner by the congregation of Popotunoa. , .The report was adopted. Mr Conner's resignation was formally received without discussion. : V THE I THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE. ; The Moderator gave the |gt>wing notice of motion :— " That the Synod request and autherise the Church Board , of Property to raise on the security of the College Fund a sum of money not exceeding £5000, and authorise the Committee to proceed with the erection of a permanent building as a Theological Collegejgwith library and' dormitories, and to expeiid such sums as are necessary for furnishing the building, and to spend a sum not exceeding £500 for additions to the library; and recommend that an Interim Act be passed by the Synod for the Endowment out of the Ecclesiastical Fund of the Professorship of Theology, and the partial endowment of a Profesorship of Church 'History and Sacred Languages and^Lite. rature." - - .:'".'' ; §# ■■'■ BOUKDABIEB OF CONGREGATIONS AND PBESBYTEEIEB. . The Presbyteries of Dunedin and Clutha having met in conference, recommended the appointment of a Commission to enquire and report respecting boundaries of congregations and Presbyteries, with ' such recommendations as they may deem advisable. J

" -^jDTtrtß^Qtion^Wfr^ : &&9J following €pmoQi^sibnwa3 appointed to report on the question :— The Moderator, Revs. J. Kirkland. W. Will, Dr Stuarti, J. M. Sutherland, J. Clark, Steven, Jl ld'Cosh, F Smith, Chishoiini "' 'AHanf Wj. Bannerman, Borrie, Davidson,, Peterson, $}.: Rosjb,, 1 and ; Ewen ; Elders— Messrs Rennie, A.C.Begg, J. Elder Brown, E. t( B; Corgill, Chisholm and Bethune. ! $14 ■;«r-w:',:\. ..O^rT^MFLABi. .' "' " " i '"' "' \ On the motion of tiießer/J; a vote of thanks was i»af»«d to the Grand Lodge i of Good Templars, for having "presented four pamphlets on the Total Abstinence question to the Synod. ! .. . ; , ■ i ._., . PRESBTTEBT OF 6AM ABU. '\ '"' '"'"'"^ \ Two overtures from) the Presbytery^bf Oamaru, urging that the Synod should consider the best means of : suppiyirig !h the increasing demand for labourers to meetthejßpiiitual necessities of j jthel EroSJincial District of Otago and Southland, and furf ther recommending that full information ■ pniall subjectjs thei inreresjts |of the; Church should be spread abroad, agreed to. ; ; ■■ /THE CHUBCH TBITSTEEB. A letter, was received from Mr E Smith stating that owing to,, the .absence of several of the Church Trustees at Inyercargill, it was improbable that -they could attend a meeting this week for the purpose of considering the appointment of the new Chair of Moral and PoX itical'^Ecouomy in the Otagq TJniyerPROPEBTY BELONGING TO THE CHUBCH. Tiie following Committee .was appointed with power ;^jj|ateh over any attempt to interfere by jf|||||tion with the rights of the Presbyteri^^^Jhurch in connection with ..the;, property belonging to it :— The Moderator; Revs A. Todd, V*. ., : WM, -.W.; Bannerman, and -A.-H. Stobo, Mr Fitz-, gerald, Mr Rennie, and Mr A. C. Begg. The Sjnbd rose^at^ p.m. Evening Sitting. The Synod resumed at 6.3Q o'clock. THE NEW CHAIB. :-. The following letter was read : — University of Otago, January,.22nd, 1879. Sir,— -At a: meeting of the Council held this day, I brought before r them youir letter of. the' 16ih inst., addessed to me. The Council also took into their consideration -the Regulations, a copy of which the^deputation was good enough to leave with the Council." Having had the advantage of hearing! theiobservations of the two members of tbe deputation who addresßed the Council,, the CouiTcil believes that it isalready possessed of the views rdftthe Synod.' The Council has given to the subject that full; and respectful consideration to which, it is' entitled, and I. am -desired to convey to you a; copy of the resolution which the Council has unanimously agreed to. — I have, Ac, H. S. Chapman, Chancellor. The Rey. Wm. Bannermau, Clerk of Synod. Then followed the resolution of the University Council respectfully declining the proposal made by the Synod to appoini a Chair of Moral Philosophy and Political Economy. . >; The Moderator, vacated the chair, which was taken by the^Rev. Mr Todd. .The Rev. Dr Copland : said he had mo doubt that the Synod would have heard the report from the Council with some degree of surprise. Of course the Council bad acted, no doubt, in accordance with the powers which they possessed in relation to- the University, inasmuch as there was no power that he was aware of that at all constrained that Council to receive any Chair that^might be endowed by any other body. He would only make this remark in regard to the resolutiou itself, that it did noij. appear to bear directly, or to psesent a very > correct interpretation of tbe resolution to which the Synod had come, inasmuch as it stated that the Council had sidered it inxexpedient to appoint a second Professor to teach the same subjects in the University. Now, so far as he (Dr Copland) was aware, concerning the action of this Synod in relation to the Chair already endowed out of the Synod fund, there was appointed a Professor of Mental and Moral Science! He was hota ware there was appointed by, theSyiiodaP.rofesßorof Political Economy. It would at once appear to theFynod that:i 'tbe'. Act which the Synod passed finally had therefore become a dead letter. They* 'hlft'd endowed a Chair, of Moral Philosophy, .and Political Economy in the University of Otago, and now the Council declined to receive it. It therefore bocame as a simple mattrr of necessity for, the Synod to pass an interim Act rescinding that regulation and send down thelnterim Act to their Sesaioas as provided for in the Act of Parliament, abd then at another meeting of Synod passing such Act or making any 'alteratisii upon it which might then appear desirable. He bad therefore to submit to the consideration of the Synod v thipmotionr— " That an fo terim Actn be passed rescinding the Regulation passed on the 16 th day of January^ lS79^ and that an Interim Act bepaseed embodying such resolution and endowing the Chair of Moral Philosophy: and Political Economy in the College of .the Presbyterian Church;'' ; .T.h.e v Rev J^.ißintte'rmad 1 seconded thei motion. He thought ;. the TJpivewrty had made a great and grevious mistake. They had miarep resented the resolution of the StfnodV^a' v in^r^if6Bei^tation. which be considered to: be altogether unworthy of such a body, and one that; did not tend to elevate that body in the esteem of the Synod^ot.(p(oantTy.';atja^'ge;'•"■■■■•He■■hißld < ■that the Council Had no 1 right to refuse to make provision for the Chair of Moral Philosophy and Political EcQnomy ap- 1 pointed ,by : !t)Ke' Synod.'.* : -[-' : .'",-.' ''■"".:. . ' . ".'. .' ,- : " " .;'. , .'" j.. The following^amei^inenfc proposed by the Rev. W*. Will, anli seconded by the Rev. Dr Stuart, "was eventually withr drawn :—" That the document. lay on the table till next meeting of Synod." The motion carried with slight modification. The Interim Act adopted by THiiß^Sjrnod eoiitaiiiß the following

regulations i — (1) The regulations adopted by the Synod on the 16th January are hereby rescinded, and m lieu thereof the 1 Synod make and adopt the following regulations. (2) It shall be lawlul for the Board of Church Property, to pay out of the Education Fund referred to in the said, Act to nriyProfeisor of Moral Philosophy' and PoUtical Economy or such other Pr^)* fessorsas shall be duly appointed by the eaid Board to aCJaair tin the College of the Pretby teritn Cburch, or other 00l 'egej with the concurrence of this Syood, &£ provided by section 12 of the said Act, i sum of £600 yearly, or such other sum at? the Synod may from time to time deter* ; mm*% by way of salary and incideatal ex-* penses, so long as such Professor shall continue to occupy such Chair. ■ . .r. & ! The Synod. rose at 10.30 p.m., and adjourned till Ilr^.mi:/ day. , {

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Bruce Herald, Volume XI, Issue 1081, 24 January 1879, Page 7

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PRESBYTERIAN SYNOD OF OTAGO AND SOUTHLAND. Bruce Herald, Volume XI, Issue 1081, 24 January 1879, Page 7

PRESBYTERIAN SYNOD OF OTAGO AND SOUTHLAND. Bruce Herald, Volume XI, Issue 1081, 24 January 1879, Page 7