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(from our own correspondent.) November 23. The Nati mal Lottery, thafc is to make so many hap y and a few sour, has lost much of its Aladdin-like attractions since it has become known that Belgium and Switzlerland have supplied the market with fdse. tickets. Parisians will nm suffer much, one way or the other, as, •jince weeks, not a ticket, either genuine or sp-jriour=, can be hail here for love, and only for money by paying a premium of 30(J per cent. As usual the waiters are tae brokers ; they are a class ever to be respected during a pc iod of difficulty. Ordinarily, the tobacco shops vend the 'otteiy i ickets, but short of proposing for the ligid female— in variably the widow of a civil or military functionary — who presides over this branch of the inland revenue office, not a billet is to be obtaiued. Jo sil a ticket for a centime above the | legal value involves no end of pains and I penal ies — hhrn r first catch your lure. There are certain numbers— l 3, aud the six running threes, sevens aud nines, said to be as unlucky as the fiance of a one-eyed man on ladie < when in au interesting condition. The only antidote against, frutd is for the winner of the set of silver, or the diamond necklace, to at once claim Genera ly such favorites of fortune ra-ely have to be adveitised for as heirs fco unclaimed property. By the close of the year, ifc is expected, the drawings will be terminated. Uneasy lies the heid, it is übserv-al, th-it wens a cr wn — nofc alone in this age of royal assassination, when the trade of kmg is as d ingerous as tint of minister — bnt stil more uneasy is the bend, occupied, not with cans of s ate, bufc with the chance of winning 12 ,000 f.ancs. Lottery ou the brain is the prey dling epi leniio The process of disembowelling the exhibition is raking place rapidly ; Strang fco say, tbe Japanese, lamous for hap .y despatches, are behind all other nations in packing up. They appear to be so enamoured of the exhibition, tliat they a c opening private ones in tin- form of bazaars throughout the city ' however, Japan goods are all the rage, fimm household furniture to ball and dinner toilets : from drawing-room superfluities — adult toys down to games of amusement for children, aud ditto of chance for septu igenarians Afc the Exhibition, instead of pedestrians and bath-chairs, we have locomotives, trucks, hand-carts, and the convenient Chinese wheelbarrow, that will trundle a cantal cheese with the same facility as a kiosque. The return of the exhibits through the streets is picturesque, comical or painful ; despite the code that prohibits 21 men assembling without a police permit, often the h .nds from a large factory turn cut, and form a procession, escorting a nrizc engine, a reaping machine, or a pair of mill-stones, horne — till the next merry international meriting Like all pilgrims, thirsty souls seek refreshment by iho way. Frequently the defile consists of a family and near friends, carrying j au o'jecfc once prepared as quietly as the Ang ; o-Turkish treaty, during long nidus | in the bedroom wokshop. Oce sionaky a conquering hero appears in the shape of a locomotive, with a broad phy factory across the boiler, " Bronze medal awarded, bufc refused " — and from fche chimney is suspended a list of purchaser.-* of machines of the s ighted model. The official mut ml admiration dinners and breakfasts are over, and more thau brown hoi and has been placed over the glory and the event of the year of grace, 1878. The Chamber of Deputies retained the most iniquitous of the " moral " order elections of October, 1877, to quash now, and so allow the nation before going to vote new Senators, to remember the kind ministers that terrified 33 milions of Frenchmen during six months of tha' year. The Due de Broglie was the instigator, and de Fonutiou as Home Minister, the executor of the clei ico-mionarchal crusade against the Republic and liberty. All that was refined in oppression, violence,

corruption, and intolerance, was prmfcised towards opponents. Unhappily the Church sericusiy compromised itself, and monarchy was demonstrated to be hencef u'th an impossibility. The alliance then as vow, could found nothing ■ the rivals were on : y united by a common hatred of the Republic. Of the invalidated deputies, fche c ise of Paul de Cassagnac was necessitated in the interests of parliamentary hygiene. Captain de Muir's was different ; though an extreme Ultramontane, claiming for civil society not fche basis of electoral votes, but a theocracy guided and governed by the Pope, he never forgot he was a gentleman ; de Foutrou is a country attorney, who united to the sneaking politics of Orleanism, the dragooning stopat>nothing processes of the Second Empire. Ouly think this man held in 1877 tin- fate of France —the certainty of civil war in the hollow ot his band • and he had the audacity to tell the Chamber of Deputies, tliat he had done al! his duty — i ffected a coup d' etae — not a republican would* be now in his presence. You may, perhaps, picture him to be a Cromwell or a Bouapane ? lie is simply apo i ical vaudeoilliste, the representative of a party, a- M . Dufiure the Prime Minister re iiiind"d h m, thit- has not ev>-n a nam-'. M". de Foutrou is sma 1, W, Vthabu-by beird, and short smht'-d ; he pulled MacVI ibon ik • a puppet, was " Marshal of the Palace '' afc the E yse<' ; suppr..s-ed lib-Mai join-nils, anl then plotted with th-- law officers to disc iver the niiVeuie inor ; he s leced lis cousins to be Ved judges, to igu orders to imprison republicans wit ,- out cause, till election fl »y was over This prostitution of the IVnch was bad c ough, tiiifc it -a as exceeded in enormity by the victims of tyranny being d nied redress The ex-Miuist'-r. who, instead of re'muting the terrible clu-rg -s ag ins 1 -, his honor, commenced to atiaek the Republic, till Minister Duf'uiP pickt-d him 'o pieces, and besought, a kind of Uon Ju:iu refuge in ; resence of a new Cominaiifleur. The Republic has now confounded the politics of its f es, and definitely frustrated the knavish tricks of its em mies ; a strong pull, and a long pull, and a pull altogether for the renewal ol' the next Januaty, ami the constitution will be o'er a' \h" ills o' lily victor ous. No Tung so conclusively marks the close uf the Exhibition «s fct--e deserted appearance of the Boulevardes, though normally as lively as ever, if I may be pardoned the paradox. i'he permanent resident now feels at home iv Paris ; he can count on his favorite corner iv a restaurant being tree, or his customary marble table tit <i cafe being unoccupied . You welcome with ;ui Auld Lang Syne feeling habitues with whom you have never ex.changed a nod or a grin, during a score of years of rubbing of coafc tails together ; you can c .tint upou a cabby acquaintance, and a buss conductor, who salutes and wcafjiues you as if you were a restirrec-timi-m. The hotels continue to have a cold aud deserted look ■ the managers are perhaps like tlie king in the nursery song, '* iv the parlor counting all their money ;" it is the common story with hotel- keepers thafc they have lost rather than g lined by the Exhibition • bufc where did the 37 million of registered railway passengers lauded in Pans since lasfc New Year's Day put up, being 21 milli -ns more than for the entire year of 1567 '1 The Grand Hotel has belled the cat by returning io its ordinary prices, some 20 per cent, less; Other establishments show no disposition to follow the wholesome example. Of ali the moral opened in Paris, that by an apothecary in tiie rue. Saint La/are, ments the montyon prize, ; this s t.Ter of simph s, with anything nut the appearance of being worn fco tlie bones, i>y shar;> misery, ret .iis ou a counter, tisamrs al hot, aii hut, like baked i. -.ters or ch-s nut ; there is the r-.t A «.r port, with the brew ■ you pays your money and you takes your choice. Nor arc the poor forgotten; every morning they will be given free, whatever t remain im old, ju t as a certain rest mr ants give a morning meal to the needy, with the cuimbs that fall from the j tables of the Dives customers. B .eh bus \ and bagmen have now no re-. son, if .sufVring from a cold, to go to bed without a w,.iin drink. Ihis ne*- est a lishment will have au electr.c light over the shop, instead of the red, white, and blue am md vases. Theie is no streo preaching in Paris, save when that funniestof mortals, a tip.-y French in m, addro.-s -s a lamp-post, or takes an iron railing ibr a battalion of auditors ; as a compensation there are street conceits, where a man genteelly dressed with the severe air of a Government clerk, pass ng rich on 200fr. a year, and lino lustres- of service, deta Is a plaintiff b.dlad ; he is accompanied by an harmonium, payed by a young man or woman ; if the latter, she has afc hand a sewing machine to occupy her duii.g the interludes. I'imt"a 1 ot a collection, the rVig r hand, you the * ballad set to music in exchange for a sous ; the str.mzas generally refer to couutry, home, and duty • the crowd follow the execution most attentively, finger tracing each note. The whole thing recalls an open air psalmparty, till the performers enter a wine shop to prove they are common mortals. The odd feature about these concerts for the million is, that never a facetious air is ex"cuted. and the bystanders are as grave and reverend as if sitting out an oration. Tne heri ditary foe of this gathering is a i barrel organ, grinding scrapes from niniche, or the cloches de come ville. Dr Bunch's volumes on Bismarck's Table Talk, continue fco ba devoured by the French, who feel deeply hurt afc sayings attributed to General Sheridan, mlitary representative of the States with the German army during the war. Privy Councillor Abeken remarked fco Prince Bismarck, that ifc was an excess of punishment to " roast a whold family of peasants, hy burning them in their house afc Bazeilles, because a franc tireur fixed on

the Bavarians." No ! General Sheridan is stated to have replied, -'it is not cruel •" and he elsewhere observed, "in war, the people ought fco be left only their eyes to cry for peace." At Ferriei'3, Rothschild's country seat outside Paris, Bismarck threatened to burn the housesteward alive if he did not deliver up tha keys of the wine cellar. On another occasion the Prince stated, •• if people wish I am to work well, I must have the somach wadded "—fiittem. He despised order and litter, and admitted the moment he ceased to be a Christian, he would cease to be a diplomatist. Now of all worldly professions, that of diplo* macy is generally considered to have the least relish of salvation. It seems that Marshal de Moltke's favorite beverage at Ferrieres was a compound of champagne, boiliug tea, and sherry. The Empress of Germany and the Princess Royal are nofc favorites with the Chancellor ; they complained to their husbands of his want of gallantry, in alluding to them as Schiirzen, m French, torchons; or in the well of English undefiled — ■■ dishcloths." The French candidly admit, they are nofc a co'oni iug people — though fche remark must not be applied to all the Latin i ace ; they poiufc as proof to the fact, thafc when their cd-mias are not taken from them by conquest, they sell them — as in fche of Louisiana. ISow they are very earnest about their posses>i >n at S dgon, as they di -cover 'that after all their sacrifices the commec • of th it region is not in the hands of tiie F encii, bufc in tho.-e of Chinese, the Kn^, and the Germans. The ag.tifciun in Algeria, for a civi , instead of a military admin stration, and directly controlled by the Home Govertnueur, is extending. The Anglo-Saxons are the best co onists, bee mse content to live wh°re they pitch their tent : The Dutch form their coloni -s and apply the grinding syst- m 1,0 the natives ; the French make up their minds to self-exp itriatiou fora number of years, the f-wer the bett'-r, and tln-n return horne — planter les chcu.v. A. Frenchmm never grows grey in harness, and to die therein would beau eigfch wonder of the world. However, matters are improving; the Exhibition has impressed Frenchmen with the necessity of seriously keeping to business, if they do nofc desire fco i»e out-distanced in fche race of commerce and industry. And iv their products there is much to be desired ; these do nofc lack attractiveness, ingenuity, or brilliancy, but' are deficient in solidity, in those qualities which guided the Vicar of Wakefield in selecting his wife's gown, •* that wearwell." The intrinsic value of the article makes default. The question has often been asked, what salary has such actresses a3 Miles. Sarah Bernhardt and Covizette, of the Theatre Francais ? As associates, their fixed remuneration is lo,ooofr, per year, plus lOt'r. for every night they perform. They are also entitled to a dividend of fche surplus receipts that remain when all liabilities for the year have been met. Judge what this share will be for this season from the fact that the theatre has covered all expenses sines June last — this prosperity is enough to cause Sarah Bernhardt fco get fafc. The efforts to domesticate fche " white hares " of Russia — also peculiar fco the Alps, promise to be successful. Americans will please take notice : the flesh of this breed of hare lacks the game flavor of the grey animal, or even of the foxy hare that comes from Germany, and which is uot afc all esteemed. Russia sends to the Parisian market baskets of white pigeons, ami occasionally white bear hams M. Schunl, a rabbi, supplies a kw more proverbs from the Fai mud, that he invites everyone to study. It seems me licaments a ,d doctors are not honored in thafc book, s ee " 1 'ii' bc-t of doctors are not worthy of hell" — d/y/ne de levfer — to cure opfchalma; bathe the eves in the morning with cold water, aud the hands and the feet in waim ditto, before going to bed — Dispose of your weath in three ways: invest fche fir 4, pi me the st cond in commerce, aud keep the third in cash — for a man there are three things of which he ought to feci proud — a beautiful house, a beautiful wife, aud beam if ul clofc es. Lastly — avoid your insohabk debtors ; ha pi'y tiie iatier look alter this relation wLh a creditor themselves. A young man, a millionnaire, having to undergo his ob igatory year of military service as a private, wrote to fche commanding officer — " lam en route, let everything be ready." Baroc Rothschild's name having beeu introduced into a comedy no*v acting, Ins demand to omit every allusion to him, has beeu complied with. ** So the servant of the family on the third floor is dead ! What did she die of 1" "No oue knows, madame, as no doccor attended her, to account for ifc."

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Bruce Herald, Volume XI, Issue 1078, 14 January 1879, Page 7

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PARIS. Bruce Herald, Volume XI, Issue 1078, 14 January 1879, Page 7

PARIS. Bruce Herald, Volume XI, Issue 1078, 14 January 1879, Page 7