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Tjis Diocesan Synod is meeting in Dunedin. Messrs Eohn, jewellers, Dune in, have given a silver cup a 8 a special priza for. the Clutha show. A requisition is being got up to Councillor B. Reid requesting that he should- place himself in nomination for the office of Mayor of Milton. An interesting breach of p-otnise case is likely to eventuate shortly. The parties reside not far from Htunpden. Sheabikg has commenced on the stations in the vicini'y of Marewema. '■ The price is 16a 8d per hundred. • - : The dispute which has for some time past existed between the Tapanui School Committee aud tli'e teacher— Mr South— has been sett. cd by the resignation of the latter. Wb hotieo that the anniiij cricket match, Married v. Single, will come off on the cricket ground on Saturday afternoon first, and that' players are requested to be on the ground by 2.30 o'clock. : Another petition is to be preseuted to the Tokoraaiiiro "Road Board, at its next meeting, signed by the residents of. Milton; praying that the Board should form the now celebrated Loudens Gully road. Messes JReid, Howorth, Henderson, Taylor, one bailiff, and two witnesses ( f he witnesses w«ro from Dunedin) attended: at the Balclutha Court lon Tuesday. So suitors, no mugwtrate, and no clerk were .present. , , .::. A peculiar ease of blood poisoning occurred this week at G-lenore. A man in the employ of Mr Walter Miller, while eugaged. cutting open a cow which had been poisoned by eating of thatdeadly plant " tutu," was bberved to suddenly turn block in tlio f»ee. , ; He after wards became very ill, and was forwarded to Ihe Tuapeka Hospital. -, : ; ; . . ; Efpoets are being'made to esfcablisn a Cannry and Pouliry Association in the Tokomuiriro district.. The DunerJin one has become a great success both as regards .the yearly attraction and in improving the br.oed of poultry, and, with care and a pustained interest, similar, results should follow from the establishment of .such an association in this district. .... , ...'■ , . A skw of the members of the Farmers' Club gave expression to ilieir humour at the meet ing on Wednesday. Ifc was resolved that all pWzfS "honestly won"' be paid, and th« motion : n this form wa3 duly minuted. Of a certain respected resident of the : district it was sail that though a man among sdeep he was a sheep among men,' whereupon a member remarked that the jokist for his origiual observation deserved a. Pat-on. The train for.'Outram leaves if osgiel in the morning ten iniriu>es before the arrival. of the train from M.ilton. It has been represented to us .that if th« Mosgiel train. yse>r* star|-.ed :teii minutes later on the Taipri show day, stock .could be b, rough f through from Cluthaarid Tokoiiiairire in one journey. If this is not done, stock and those in charge, will have tqaryivo at the T»«erj QQ the dap previous to the show. „-, : ; ' : The -prompters of the coalmine at Kaifcangatn, adjoining the company's mine,.are abont to sink A shaft at the junction of the two linos from the two present uvu»<}*, The depth of the shaft is; expecfed to be Aboyfc -200 feejb, yhen a superior coal to any found , there, yet. should bje pbtal.n ? able. This action augurs well for .fche Kaif^nwaj-a, district for, with such energy, the re3ources of the <iistrl<st will not be allowed to lie dormant. At the late show, ift-jssj'a Biyce Bros. tpok. first and second prices for rams in cl.ass 4§. Messrs Johnston and "Wilson haye shown us ; .a. .card of the Club, which sets forth that a spgeial first prize was awarded 'them/ for best f»).niiei'3, jfhereas . they are ehfiered in tho book of the Club as having taWn second prize. T!)U hitgh appears to have simply arisen from first-class cards being need without proper alteration to mark second §,1)4 third prizes, thereby leaving recipients of stuiond and (.hipd class prizes under a mis:ipprehension which, when (JiseoyeredjW^s rather annoying,' - : ; :" ■ ■■'■' ■•.'■■■■-•■-■ ■.■■ -.- - ■•■ . -^ ■ D?r Satiif d&7 morning, the Bruce Eifle3 will compete again for the Tptpi and Country Prize, such" coih^i-tition to bo the flpst of #ye' for B"lecr tion of Shield repreaentatiyes. Sub-Lieut.. He£d and Prvt.Clftrk will decide: the tie for Dr Fergapsou's prize on the mma moi ningj and should the Sub-Lieutenant prove the winner^ the prize becomes bis,- and on the following Salu>"day porning fche competirjoh for a prize of "£10 (procuved for the company by Da pt; P^ttit) wijl coraaienoe. The conditions of this will be -To be/ won three .time?, twice in eucct'Siionl at ranges 200 (8-inciji J)y\y6-ef>e), 500 and 600 yards, five; >}w»t9 »t ewph range, /

Tkb Frieni'ly Societies pio-ng at luch Clutbu takes place to-day. Mr JR. W. Capstick has collected £20 in aid of the Indian Relief Fund, and remitted tinamount to the Mayor of Dunrdin. Tub committee of the ludian Relief Fund re•juest holders of subscription lists to return the junie wifcli as. little. d*l«y as possible. From all parts, of the country ooraplaints comf of the unusual dryness of the season. Where the country is good the cropß and the grass are coming tiway but slowly, and where it. is not of the best the crops are much behind. There is very little giQSSj and the consequence is that stock, especially on high countrj. is beginning to suffer." A great many of the settlers in the Akatore district are losing thVir cattle from the latter taking to tutu. The tutu, this weather, flourishes luxuriantly, and is proving destructive to the stock, which eat li jerally of the tempting foliage. LEvr, the world rer owned musician, who played the cornet, as it used to be played, better than any other player, and who hns discovered capabilities in that instrument previously undreamtof, is to pay Milton a visit. Mr Richmond Thatcher, his agenr, vi.-ifced Milton this weefc and arranged for the appearance here of the gveat instrumentalist. Levy's fame has everywhere preceded-. Jim, and the oppdrtnnity of hearing him will no. doubt be taken advantage of by every lover of music. Itevy comes nofc alone ;he is accompanied by a splendid quartette, nvniely, Mrs J. Levy (wlio Ija-j won gol.len opinions), soprano ; Signor iioanati, the w«?ll-known tenor; a first-rate biiritbue ; and' Miss Wilkins, a leading contralto; also comes Signor Giorz*', .composer as well as musician; and who is not only a great pianist, but far and away the best orgauist in the Southern Hemisphere. 'This township of Clinton has now a very busy uppi-aronce, a large number of navvies being employed in the immediate vicinity constructing the Hue of railway via Balclutha. Mr Charles Fjnlaysou has now in course of erection, immediately adjoining the Railway Station, a large twostorey Temperance Hotel, which wdl add very mnch to the appearance ol the town. Mr D. M'Luughlan, the contractor, is pushing on the work as fast as possible, but is retarded v-ry much by the delay in procuring timber, -vhicb. is brought from Southland. Some short time ago timber mills in Southland, were at a standstill, bub since the railway has been extended timber is no longer difficult to be obtained. The railway communication has, therefore, diivctly benefitted, the saw mill owners south, and the public generally. As an illustration of the still plentiful qnantifcy of rabbits in Southland, we quote the labour of an average often men for six dnys — i.e., Monday, sth November, to Saturday, 10th November, on Mr, Bell's station, Mataura. Monday, 375; Tuesday, 400 j Wednesday, 575 ; Thuradaj, 230 ; Friday, 498 ; Saturday, 415— total, 2543. The skins sell at Is 6d per lb, and run, among good ones and mixed, about five to six to the lb, but the carcases at this time of the y- ar are poor r and are therefore thrown away, otherwise the work would be very reproductive. As it is, however, the skins clear expenses. We understand that the above is not an exceptional case, but about the usual average. The 'abbits at Mr Bell's a»*e being dug out, so that their warrens are fast disappearing from them. We are told of as many as 80 and 90 rnbbits being taken from one hole. What would have been the result if .bunny had been allowed another fire years to multiply unmolested ? They would have been like sand. on the seashore.

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Bruce Herald, Volume X, Issue 958, 16 November 1877, Page 5

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Untitled Bruce Herald, Volume X, Issue 958, 16 November 1877, Page 5

Untitled Bruce Herald, Volume X, Issue 958, 16 November 1877, Page 5