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Ik addition to the machinery formerly atjbe big mill, Cabin's Biver, a new planing aiacfcine is now being ifitied up. : : . . '•;/■■■- ; The Eer: B. L. Stanford conducted service at St. John's Church, Milton, before' large eongreRations, <ro Sunday morning and evening. The D«nedif» branch of. the EtJocoiionnl Institute bas riegatired a motion : — " that bj tray of compliment, ladies •nould be admitted as members* wilhoutpaying the usual subscription ."- Ms John Waotk*, who was lately injured by a fall from his horse, went lb Dunedin yesterday to undergo an operafion, a bone hoTing to be extracted from liis cheek. . " Akotheb new hall is being built at Catlin'a Biypr at the plhce known as the landing, near the Owake Mill, but on the : opposite side of the tirer. Tlie hall is 40 feet by 18 feet, and will be completed in a few weekeThe gross proeeeda taken by fcb« Taieri Ferry bridge painters at their 'concert, ninoun(cd to £7 4s, and; the^ expense to £V 8s 6d, leaving a balabce of £5 15s 6d for the Indian Famine Belief Fund. — ...-..'.-. Is the scheme for bringing a supply of F a^ eri from the flifirer Stream into Dunedin is adopted, the GoTeriMnent will offer no obj«etion to the laying of pipes- through tiieCaVerßfeam' tunnel, proTidedthe pipes are *?eil laid co as I nob to iea^ ; The first prize,^ £1000, in one of tlie Hdlutilta ■weepsTonthe Melbourne Cup, has fallen to tw o Dunedin resident^ Mr Watgre,^ of the iPririce of tValesHotel, and Mr Telfer, jew«llpr ? of Prihces■twet, who held shares in the one ticket. Tbe County Treaenrer of Vincent has rcceirod intim'a< ion that a further «dpa pf £7580 will be placed to the credit of the- County^^j tnis jarapunt, together 1 with the money in hand, brings up the County, balance to som«tLipg Jjlte (the Bum .of -. Msjsxo^ '■ /• ; " .-■■'■■.■ i ;- -.. ;■;;/•; „". It is reported at Wolliagton that -Mr Cbnyers mnde chief over all the railways in the Colbiiy. He is undoubtedly the best railway ~ official in New Zcdland, and his abilities entitle liiin to the first position in? the railway depart ' merit. Other changes are talk«d of. " • Tii Oreti^ a handsoaie iron-screw steamship of •bout 200 tob's rVgisieri and ' built by ' sf cs>rt . - Kipcald and - 'McQueen, the order 'of 'Messrs gou|btop »ftd Cp ? vai launched pa luwky

| afternoon from the stoufcs at Pcliohet Buy*; She I -will be employed in tha trade between the Bluff »Tid Dunedin. Thb Opera, on Friday and Saturday' nights, attracted a good many from Milton, the Clutha, nnd the Taieri. :'■"..'.- , . Mb R H. Leary has been elected Mayor of Dunedin by a majority of 332 vote* over his only opponent, Mr Woodlands. . ' An exchange gives as an on dit,. "that the defunct /New Zealand Magazine' will be sue-; ceded by it ningnzine to be published in Welling- ; ton under the editorship of Mr J.. E. /Fitzgerald." The prize list of the Farmers' Club meeting, which we publish will be found full and . correct.; We hare to express our thanks to various gentlemen for information given,' and particularly to . the Secretary, Mr J. C. Gordon. . ! Three oversea vessels have lately arrived in Otago Harbour— the Marlborpugh, from Q-reen-ock, with 1100. tons of cargo and 17 passengers y the French brig Paralos, with a, cargo of 'sugar from the Mauritius, and the German barque Diamont, with a cargo of 300 tons of tea from Poo Chow. ■■':'■ '■"'", ' ..;./ Tnß Inve.rcargill Volunteers who attended the review held in Dtmedih last Friday departed home-wards yesterday morning. On reaching. Balclutha, Mr Wiiliams' coaches "were in waiting for the purpose of. conveying them to Clinton j from which place they wonld proceed by rail to I Invercargill, which tluy expected to reach at 7.30 p.m. ■,••'■•■.•.. . : ■ ■ : "- '„■■■ .•■' . Bositn, like Hy«katir», shoh'ld (says yerterdttj^s. ' News ') be proud of its' member." A private letter received to-day f > om. a well-known M.H.R. contains r flie~followmg:— Burns has gone overbody and soul te the enemy; The "rumour here is that if the Opposition succeed in turning out the Government he i* to be Commissioner ;. of- Customs. The following occurred iv» a railway carriage on the Clutha line labt week. On arriving .at Greytown, an old lady entered a carriage in which there weie two passengers, one; of whom was smoking. The other passenger began to remonstra'e with him for, so doing in the presence of the lady, who suddenly cut - short his remonstrance by saying " Aye, moiii dinna trouble yersel aboot me, I aye tak a whiff myeel." In Hansen an 3 Evan's Hokitika Sweep- on the Melbourne Cup for £3000, Mr Alexander Mackay, Native Commissioner, Nelson, drew the first horse, and the second and third hortes fell to holders of tickets on different parts of the West Coast. Howe'e first three horses fell to Hokitika and Kumara ticket-holders. The sum of £12 10s 6d has been collected by Mr Augustus Thomas, at 'GJLenore, in aid . of the Indian Belief Fund. An exceedingly creditable feature about this particular list is that the greater part has been contributed by Chinese, who gave sums from £1 downwards. ' The generosity of the sometimes despised "Asiatic deserves most honourable mention. ■; - Me Henby White brings under our notice the superior quality of the turnip seed which he has in stock this -season.-.. : Mr White has enlarged the business of Milton, by becoming agent for Camp.' bell's Halfway Bush Mills' bond-dust, a provincial industry which deserves encoui'agement at the hands of the farmers. Mr White has this season 'raised a large amount of giant rhubarb of fine quality, and for which there has been great de" iriand in the locality. ' ■ "." .'■;■■' Wb. are informed that the owner of a certain entire horse promised to meet the settlers in the Port Molyneux district a few days since to make' arrangements about travelling his horse in the distriot. On 'lie day flied, a number of settlei-B yrent to the appointed place, some of whom had to travel a number of miles/but neither horse or owner appeared. Great dissatisfacUon 4s felt at_ being so used," and it is mooted to buy a horse for tlie district, so that the settlers may not again be j so treated; '■■' ' V ■;„ | Two greyhounds belonging to Milton residents j went for a little coursing on their own account on | Sunday morning last, on Mr David Carson'sproperty, North Branch. Two bares were ; found ; j to have ; been killed by them, one •• of which was I . heavy in young arid the other nura ingi The two young fellowßfwho were alleged -to have coursed' and killed hares lately, asserted then that thedegs . were not, teken out by them, but startedicoursing for their 'own amusement.; ,-The ; above incident certainly gives a;; colour of truth to the young fellows' story. . ;... -. The Wellington GotTeepondcnt of the * 6iin ' , YTTftes -.-rSoothevncra would, be surprised to hear how members pay through, the no?e for everything they require. Houee rent is enormously high, and it is surprising how many people in good .circumstances give up their house for the session an<J ' TelifP into rookeries, in. order that they inny participate in the plunder. Jagt imagine Sir Dillon Bell paying ten. notes a week" for tlie use of three front rooms, and Mr Mont* gomery giving a like amount weekly for a hohse that* would be considered dear in Cahterbuiy at a rental of fifty 6hjllipgs. . A Good Templar concert, soifeej and ball yas held at Catliu's Biver, in the Town Halli'dn Friday, .tjie : 2nd-inßtant. There was a large attendance of Gopd Teniplars ' and others. " A number of songs and recitations were- given by ladies and gentlemen, in 'wh^ch thej local talent was very creditably displayed, after which abundance of tea and edibles were served. .The refreshments were done full justice to by all present. This part of the programme being over, the danc. jng pominpncedj an 4 was kept up with spirit' till next m.prhjtig.. A very enjoyable^ erenjng yap spent without a single liitch occurring. An inquest .was held at Canada Beef on Saturday on the body of • Joseph Higgiris, who was Jtjljgd on Thursday evening last by.a fall of quartz in the -Bruc.e , j^uaftj; .opmpi}ny'g nijning : claim: From tlie evidence, it appeared tljafc fye' mjne; not been paying of late,. and the workmen had agve.ed to take a drive for %QQ'. feet for. the gold which the stuff. would, produce. If tins *|id got realise- £1 per /,-week .a man, tlie Company were to ipakf the men's wages, u p» to. that amount,, us it wttfl: thought that wh&tt tlje fjcldjfcjonal 100 fe«t were driven payable quartz jronld be obtftined, and the men ivouid then find steady e^pplbyßi«nt from t-Jje; Company. The in'en Irere in so great a hurry to fihleh what tjje/ bad in' hand tKat they had not taken the precaution of tinjberihg the drive, and tlijis the first' fatal accir ' dent oocuvrod at tbe reef, A report' appears [n anotber cp^umu, .

Tub Dunedin City Council employs in the departments under^.the City Srnvcjor's control seventy-eight men at a daily cost of £41. The City Surreyor'u deportmenfc costs £1,600 a year •in ftalaries. ; '

: ; A iobmo meeting was held in the schoolhouse, Herriot Hundred, on Saturday evening, 20th ult.,. to consider as to which would be the m^st advantageous route for railway communication to the district. ■ About 60 persons were present, and Mr J. Edio occupied the chair. . The following motion vni proposed: by- Captain M'Kenzie : — -'\That in border to ascertain which route would benefit most- land, in the; district and afford the best outlet to oil the settlers ah the least cost in ronctmaking and maintenance, and also to avoid the riak of constructing a linn which might after- ' wardsibe superseded, this meeting desires earnestly to urge upon Government the necessity of obtaining a report from a trustworthy and!'.'competent person' on the three ; proposed routes' from the Main South Line to the Railway r<^erve^near Spylaw Station— viz., Ist, Waipahi to Tapanuij 2nd, Taylor's Creek, along boundaries' between' Runs No. 167 and 167A'hy Eels 6; 3rd, Junction, of Taylor's Creek and Waikaka; by Kelso,'' Mr J. Sim proposed as an cmendnient—^"THat the proposed railway line start from Wuipahi ,and follow up the Pomahaka Valley to Swift Grefek. 1 ' Oh being put, the motion was carried by ssevern r teen votes to eight. . • • .■„ ..',..

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Bruce Herald, Volume x, Issue 957, 13 November 1877, Page 5

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Untitled Bruce Herald, Volume x, Issue 957, 13 November 1877, Page 5

Untitled Bruce Herald, Volume x, Issue 957, 13 November 1877, Page 5